Benghazi: People Died Obama Lied

29 Oct 2012 06:23 #51 by navycpo7
This is one of the stories going around right now about what happened to Commanding General of Africom and the Admiral. NOT CONFIRMED THOUGH. ... slaughter/

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29 Oct 2012 08:57 #52 by Pony Soldier

archer wrote: Again....this is why we have an investigation.....any time there is such chaos there will be conflicting reports. My issue is with the right wing media, yeah FOX and the right wing pundits, cherry picking those reports and running with those that fit their own political agenda...and sure, the left will do the same. This is all he said-she said until a full investigation is completed......let the families who lost loved ones grieve with some dignity, and leave the investigation up to the professionals. Turning this into a political football is disgusting.....and say what you will, the right is running rampant with this purely to give their candidate an advantage and bring down Obama. That is just wrong on so many levels. If Romney can't win in a fair fight then he surely doesn't deserve to be President.

Quite a convenient line to take on the situation. Let the investigation take its course and it won't be done before the election. Complain about this being a political football when Obama was out there claiming this was a response to some stupid film. He knew that was bullshit the moment he said it, but he kept on saying it. This wouldn't be a political football if such measures wouldn't have been taken to cover it up.

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29 Oct 2012 10:24 #53 by TPP
"IF the left doesn't, lie, cheat, steal, then they can't win."

3 SCREAMS (e-mails) FOR HELP! denied, Heroes disobeying a direct order (Article 92) to TRY and save others, reason IMO, oblama was busy with yet another fund raiser, as HEROES died, "he surely doesn't deserve to be President." O and he didn't want his "friends" to have they're feelings hurt.
IMO, Cover the walls of all U.S. held lands (That would be U.S. Embassies and Consulates & such, for the leftist that do NOT understand, that if an attack is made of them, it's THE SAME as attacking the Homeland) with pigs blood, then oblama wouldn't have to worry or disrupt his campaigning to make leadership choices. Or Better yet, leave them (give the land back to the home country) and stop paying for the weapons that the slimeballs use against U.S. WE could pay down the debt ALOT with those funds.
"President Obama Says ‘If Somebody Didn”t Do Their Job’ Regarding Benghazi Attack, ‘They’ll be Held Responsible’" Guess with this joker the buck stops elsewhere... Sir, YOU ARE to be "HELD RESPONISBLE", or does the title Commander-in-Chief, only apply to you if it's good for you & you're campain

And it goes on, with no response:
Indonesia Arrests 11 Muslims in Terror Attack Plot Against U.S. Embassy
Obama's weak and cowardly response to the embassy attacks in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia has made attacks on US embassies a new front for jihadists.
"Indonesia Arrests 11 People Suspected of Planning Terror Attack Against U.S. Embassy" The Blaze ( )
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s anti-terror squad arrested 11 people suspected of planning a range of attacks on domestic and foreign targets including the U.S. and Australian embassies, police said Saturday.
The suspects were arrested in raids Friday and Saturday in four provinces, national police spokesman Maj. Gen. Suhardi Aliyus said.
He said the suspects belonged to a new group called the Sunni Movement for Indonesian Society, or HASMI.
Police seized a number of bombs, explosive materials, a bomb-making manual and ammunition, Aliyus said.
He said the group had plans to target the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta and a plaza near the Australian Embassy and the local office of U.S. mining giant Freeport-McMoRan. It also planned to attack the U.S. Consulate in Surabaya and the headquarters of a police special force in Central Java, he said.
It was unclear how far the plans had advanced.

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30 Oct 2012 21:03 #54 by akilina

Raees wrote:

akilina wrote: When we have been out and about in the Hispanic communities, it has been a great talking point about what liars we have from the Pres on down and that they all should be replaced.

You must feel like a leper in a football stadium, trying to get Latinos to not vote for Obama.

The Latino vote is what will help Obama win Colorado.

lol Considering we have had some deacons with us, we lepers have been enjoying great meals and waaaaayyy too many cookies with Catholic and Evangelical Christians who see that Rumney represents their viewpoint better than Obuma.

It will be boots on the ground meeting with Latinos who will help Rumney win Colorado.


“When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex. Only whit man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.” Indian Chief Two Eagles

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30 Oct 2012 22:00 #55 by CC
Replied by CC on topic Benghazi: People Died Obama Lied
Disturbing news surfacing about CIA gun running to Syrian rebels....developing

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30 Oct 2012 22:05 #56 by CC
Replied by CC on topic Benghazi: People Died Obama Lied

akilina wrote:

Raees wrote:

akilina wrote: When we have been out and about in the Hispanic communities, it has been a great talking point about what liars we have from the Pres on down and that they all should be replaced.

You must feel like a leper in a football stadium, trying to get Latinos to not vote for Obama.

The Latino vote is what will help Obama win Colorado.

lol Considering we have had some deacons with us, we lepers have been enjoying great meals and waaaaayyy too many cookies with Catholic and Evangelical Christians who see that Rumney represents their viewpoint better than Obuma.

It will be boots on the ground meeting with Latinos who will help Rumney win Colorado.

Great Job.

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30 Oct 2012 22:20 #57 by Raees
alkilina, I'm curious how you KNOW which houses have Latinos living there?

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11 Nov 2012 11:08 #58 by Raees

akilina wrote:

Raees wrote:

akilina wrote: When we have been out and about in the Hispanic communities, it has been a great talking point about what liars we have from the Pres on down and that they all should be replaced.

You must feel like a leper in a football stadium, trying to get Latinos to not vote for Obama.

The Latino vote is what will help Obama win Colorado.

lol Considering we have had some deacons with us, we lepers have been enjoying great meals and waaaaayyy too many cookies with Catholic and Evangelical Christians who see that Rumney represents their viewpoint better than Obuma.

It will be boots on the ground meeting with Latinos who will help Rumney win Colorado.

Yeah, Latinos who are referred to as "moochers" and people who want "stuff" by the Republicans really would support that party, wouldn't they?


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11 Nov 2012 11:22 #59 by mtntrekker

Raees wrote: alkilina, I'm curious how you KNOW which houses have Latinos living there?

I can answer. It is an area or community usually focused around a Catholic Church. Deacons were quite helpful as were the headquarters for Romney campaign.

Latinos have been called many derogatory names, such as moocher, etc. So many are hard working individuals. Speaking to their moral and family values hit home. In the future we anticipate that more will identify with the party that reflects their values. Keep an eye on 2014.

While we are off topic, I would like to thank this website and posters for providing so much information to use in our canvassing in the Latino communities. Even LJ was helpful when we would run across someone who would spout what sounded like nonsense and call anyone not voting for Obama racist. We were ready.

Back on topic, so much more to learn about Benghazi. When will our Pres take full responsibility?

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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11 Nov 2012 12:18 #60 by hillfarmer
I realize that the far right echo chamber creates serious issues in understanding what is going on. Realistically, I wouldn't expect you to know the difference between truth and falsehood. Fortunately, once your posturing and attempts to spin reality penetrate outside the reflective walls of Fox News, the rest of us are not so easily swayed by demogoguery.

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