President's Executive Orders announced.

18 Jan 2013 09:58 #91 by LadyJazzer
Yeah, with all those voter-suppression laws, shorter voting days, elimination of early voting, voter-registration fraud, it must make it so much more difficult for you guys to cheat...And he still beat Mitt-Flop by 5 points. Did you get the memo?

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18 Jan 2013 10:00 #92 by FredHayek

LadyJazzer wrote: Yeah, with all those voter-suppression laws, shorter voting days, elimination of early voting, voter-registration fraud, it must make it so much more difficult for you guys to cheat...And he still beat Mitt-Flop by 5 points. Did you get the memo?

Stolen elections, like all the wards in Philly which didn't have a single vote for Mitt.

Must be Team Axelrod is just better at stealing elections.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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18 Jan 2013 10:03 #93 by LadyJazzer
If I lived in Philly I wouldn't have voted for that slime either.

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18 Jan 2013 10:14 #94 by Raees
Oh, now we're on the "stolen elections" rant. It's hard to keep up with Fred.

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18 Jan 2013 10:16 #95 by Grady

The Liberals GOP Twin wrote:

Grady wrote:

The Liberals GOP Twin wrote:

Nobody that matters wrote:

The Liberals GOP Twin wrote: Personally I think the Second Amendment needs to be repealed by the states and then all guns banned. The are far more murders with handguns than any other weapon in the United States.

How about if we compromise....

You don't like guns, so you don't have to own any.

I do like guns, so I can own the guns want.

Everyone gets what they want! Win/Win!

:biggrin: :woo hoo:

I don't like handguns in the hands of folks who are shooting up the youth of Chicago for instance. So... how do you prevent that from happening... over 500 deaths last years.

How many of those 500 were by legal firearm owners? Chicago has a gang problem, and a violence problem.

Doesn't matter... they got handguns. Because they are available. If they were not legally for sale, it would certainly cut down on the amount of illegal guns floating around. Simple. Once handguns are illegal, then ANYONE who is caught with one is a criminal. Put them in jail.

Finally a solution to Chicago's violence problem

Ald. Ed Burke wants to ban Red Bull, other energy drinks
Chicago would ban the sale and distribution of high-caffeine energy drinks — not just to minors, but to consumers of all ages — under a surprise crackdown proposed Thursday by the City Council’s most powerful alderman.

Ald. Edward M. Burke (14th), chairman of the City Council’s Finance Committee, proposed the blanket ban, citing the popularity of drinks such as Red Bull, Monster, Full Throttle and 5 Hour Energy among teenagers and young adults and the dangers those drinks can pose

Chicago SunTimes

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18 Jan 2013 10:24 #96 by FredHayek

Raees wrote: Oh, now we're on the "stolen elections" rant. It's hard to keep up with Fred.

Oh please, you have to admit that looks a little suspicious! Some people are going to make a mis-vote. It happens.

Voter fraud so blatant, they don't even bother making it look legitimate. Even Saddam Hussein would only get 97% of the vote.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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18 Jan 2013 10:48 #97 by Raees
And you have proof of the voter fraud? Have the Republicans in Philadelphia mounted any sort of investigation?

News alert: people all-black Democratic neighborhood vote for Democratic black president and not rich Republican white guy.

The unanimous support for Obama in these Philadelphia neighborhoods - clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia - fertilizes fears of fraud, despite little hard evidence.

Upon hearing the numbers, Steve Miskin, a spokesman for Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, brought up his party's voter-identification initiative - which was held off for this election - and said, "We believe we need to continue ensuring the integrity of the ballot."

The absence of a voter-ID law, however, would not stop anyone from voting for a Republican candidate. ... votes.html

I bet there were pockets in Texas where Obama got no votes in the same election. Would that be voter fraud or would it be believable to most sane people?

You just can't fathom that Obama won fair and square, or that the Republican vote-getting machine failed to deliver.

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18 Jan 2013 10:58 #98 by FredHayek
I predicted that Obama would win, but there was voter fraud going on.
(Cheating only matters if it is close enough?)

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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18 Jan 2013 11:08 #99 by Raees
And your proof or substantiation?

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18 Jan 2013 11:09 #100 by LadyJazzer

FredHayek wrote:

Raees wrote: Oh, now we're on the "stolen elections" rant. It's hard to keep up with Fred.

Oh please, you have to admit that looks a little suspicious! Some people are going to make a mis-vote. It happens.

Voter fraud so blatant, they don't even bother making it look legitimate. Even Saddam Hussein would only get 97% of the vote.


Voter Form Destruction Leads To Arrest
Virginia Voter Registration Destruction Leads To Arrest

A Pennsylvania man with ties to Virginia's Republican Party was arrested Thursday on charges of destroying voter registration forms.

Talking Points Memo reports that Colin Small, of Phoenixville, Pa., worked for a firm hired by the Republican Party of Virginia to register voters. b][color=#FF00BF]That would be [i]"Strategic Allied Consulting"[/i], if you remember...[/b][/color Small was charged with destroying voter registration forms, failing to disclose applications and obstruction of justice. Police told WHSV that additional charges may be forthcoming.

A probe into the alleged destruction began Monday, when a store manager in Harrisonburg, Va. reported seeing a man throw away eight filled-out voter registration forms hours before the state's registration deadline. Police later returned the forms to the county's registrar.

"Everybody that had not been on our records is now registered to vote,” Duck Geib, Rockingham County registrar, said.

According to WHSV, the investigation is still ongoing. ... 83384.html

And just in case you forgot who "Strategic Allied Consulting" is:

Sproul Says GOP Had Him Disguise Involvement in Voter Registration Scandal

Overlooked in the rapidly escalating charges of massive GOP voter registration illegalities is an admission by the coordinator of the scheme: the shady Republican consultant, Nathan Sproul. Having a long history of legally questionable voter registration tactics, Sproul was a known public relations disaster to a party that had trumped up charges of Democratic voter fraud at the polls that was, according to the MinnPost, "virtually non-existent."

So what have the Republicans been up to in creating national hysteria over a problem that doesn't exist? They've been up to, as Greg Palast and Brad Friedman (among others) have detailed, attempting to steal elections and succeeding at times (think Bush 2000) through a variety of strategies.

One of them, championed by the disreputable Nathan Sproul, has been to aggressively register Republicans, even it appears without their consent, while refusing to register Democrats, as legally required, or allegedly dumping the registrations of Democrats into garbage bins.

Meanwhile, the most well-known strategy the GOP has used to commit Constitutional voter fraud is by suppressing the vote of likely Democrats through onerous voter-ID and other restrictions (increasing length of residency requirements, cutting down on early voting hours, etc.). As the MinnPost noted of the highly partisan Pennsylvania voter requirements that were just judicially vacated for the presidential election, "Republican Mike Turzai, Pennsylvania’s House majority leader, spoke approvingly at a Republican State Committee meeting of the state’s new voter ID law, 'which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania — done.'"

Now, even the mainstream corporate media is taking note of how the Republican Party, from the RNC on down to state and local levels, reportedly paid Nathan Sproul's firm, Strategic Allied Consulting, millions of dollars. $3.1 million, to be exact... ... on-scandal

This all sounds sooooo familiar somehow.....

GOP Voter Fraud Accusations Suddenly Blowing Up In Their Faces
Posted 10/25/2012

Republican officials, who have used hysteria about alleged voter fraud as an excuse to support measures that disproportionately block Democratic voters, are furiously trying to distance themselves from a growing number of GOP voter registration drives that either submitted false applications or threw away authentic ones.

The incidents might have been overlooked if not for the GOP's clamorous campaign to restrict registration drives, purge voter rolls, roll back early voting, and pass voter ID laws that opponents point out have the effect of depressing the vote among minorities, the poor and other generally Democratic constituencies.

As one Southern California alt-weekly put it, it's turning into a story of "The Wolf Who Cried Wolf."

Voter registration fraud is different, way more common and considerably less threatening to democracy than actual voter fraud. Registering Mickey Mouse to vote is easy, and a far cry from actually casting a fraudulent ballot.

The Colorado video [of the Strategic Allied Consulting woman trying to register "only GOP/Romney voters"], combined with the fact that the suspicious Palm Beach applications featured so many party switches, suggest that Sproul's group might have added a new wrinkle: rewarding its canvassers for applications from Republicans or independents, but not from Democrats.

What none of that explains, however, is what might have motivated Small -- who, after all, didn't submit fraudulent applications; he's charged with throwing out legitimate ones. ... 90104.html

It just keeps coming....

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