The SS (Schutzstaffel - Protection Squad) or the IRS ?

13 May 2013 12:51 #31 by Something the Dog Said

Rick wrote:

Something the Dog Said wrote:

Rick wrote:

Something the Dog Said wrote: So the Democrats are to blame because the Republican appointed head of the IRS failed to adequately supervise the IRS? You are right, the Dems should have known that a Republican would run a politically corrupt agency.

Ah, Bush's fault :faint:

So far, I haven't seen anyone blaming Democrats, but go ahead and read our minds with those mad skills of yours. For me, this is about Obama's selective outrage (or lack of).

The Liberals GOP Twin wrote: The lines are blurring...

The Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups is outrageous. Those who did this should be fired immediately. That’s obvious.

And now they have violated one of the more sacred rules of our democracy: you do not use the tax code to punish your opponents.

Lois G. Lerner, the IRS official who oversees tax-exempt groups, said the ‘absolutely inappropriate’ actions by ‘frontline people’ were not driven by partisan motives.

Does anyone actually believe this?

Yet again, we have an example of Democrats simply not managing the government properly and with discipline.

Previous Presidents, including great ones like Roosevelt, have used the IRS against their enemies. But I don’t think Obama ever wanted to be on the same page as Richard Nixon. In this specific case, he now is. [/b][/i]

This is YOUR Democrat Party at it's finest. And this is the agency (IRS) that is going to enforce ObamaCare?

Perhaps you should work on your "mad" reading comprehension skills?

My apologies, I missed that. However, that is not the point I was trying to make. My point is the lack of leadership by the president who should have weighed in on this as soon as it happened. And even today when he was questioned about it, he said "if the allegations are true" ... really? IF? Why is an IRS apology not an admition of guilt?

And you know for a fact, that if this had happened under Bush, and progressive groups were targetted, all hell would have broken loose by the liberals here and in the media. I just think this is very ironic that Obama just made a speech to college students saying in so many words that we should trust the government and don't listen to the radicals on the right who say other wise. But he has to wait for a question on this matter before he gives his condemnation. He proves every day he is only willing to fight for the people who think like he does... that's far from presidential (but since we are "the enemy", it's understandable).

Again, as I have repeatedly explained, the President has no political sway over the IRS. The only political appointee at the IRS was appointed by the previous administration. The Commissioner of the IRS does not report to the president, and the president does not "lead" that agency. That you and the others here are trying to make political points on this issue does not work, particularly in the grotesque and offensive use of Nazi characterization of American citizens. If you truly want to blame someone, then the individual in charge of the IRS at that time was Commissioner Shulman, the Republican appointee.

The IRS has been restructured to prevent the very same manipulation that you accuse the President.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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13 May 2013 13:10 #32 by FredHayek
Dog, you sure about that? Obama announced he will hold IRS agents fully acountable for the misuse of their powers. How can he do that if he has no control over the agency?
Or knowing Obama, he will treat them just like he treated the Fast & Furious ATF agents, and the Benghazi State Department people. Fire them! Then quietly rehire them or transfer them to other bureaus.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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13 May 2013 13:13 #33 by Reverend Revelant

Something the Dog Said wrote:

The IRS has been restructured to prevent the very same manipulation that you accuse the President.

I don't give two sh*ts what the law is or the way the IRS is structured. People break the law every day.

“The scandal, McConnell said, extends up the chain. “The Obama effort to shut up opponents isn’t limited to the IRS,” he stated. “It applies to the FCC [Federal Communications Commission], SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission], FEC [Federal Elections Commission], HHS [Department of Health and Human Services] …. And you remember, the Obama campaign last year published a list of eight businessmen who it believed were enemies.”

McConnell further noted reports that the Department of Health and Human Services had been contacting businesses “skeptical about the implementation of Obamacare and asking them to contribute money to sell the program to the American people. That’s absolutely improper if not illegal. This administration will stop at nothing to get its way. It will do anything it can to silence its critics.” ... d-cameron/

In your gullible mind I guess those items above didn't happen either? So... you're saying this could have never started from the Oval office... never... impossible... not in a million years?

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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13 May 2013 13:19 #34 by deltamrey
Recall.....Sleazball Clinton (Hill I do mean----not the impeached one) was caught with IRS interference when she was last woman........she has deep experience in the toilet of WDC politics.......BUT Obama cakes can be impeached for this alone..........the murders in Bengazi and this IRS slime will keep him ineffective until 2014 for sure....that is a great achievement....

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13 May 2013 13:28 #35 by Soulshiner
It's getting pretty funny to watch you guys drool all over yourselves when you think you have a gotcha on President Obama. You get your panties all in a bunch while all the while the politicians in Washington are stealing your civil liberties and slipping in gifts to their corporate masters anonymously into big bills.

If you would spend half of the time you do here trying to nail President Obama and spent it on worrying about Congress, a lot more people here would take seriously. But when all you do is foam at the mouth over a gotcha when you think you've caught President Obama or your next enemy Hilary in some sort of nefarious cover up that you claim dwarfs all other political scandals, you are only in a conservative circle jerk that is turning off everyone to your views except the rabid base. Your selective outrage is really telling the story and that story is that your party is desperate to paint the Democrats in an evil light because the ideals held by your party are morally bankrupt and have no chance to bringing new voters to your party, which needs a lot of new voters on your side to win the next election. Keep trying to hold nominees and the faith and credit of the United States hostage to force your minority views upon the majority and we will see the death of a major political party in our time. The Tea Party and the social conservatives have already fractured the Republican party to the point of breaking. The actions of the Republicans in Congress will finish the deal.

Too bad the blow job hail mary is no longer an option for you guys. All of this impeachment talk has been shown to be hot air and that the Republicans are not interested in fixing the problem. They are only interested in their own political gain and they will ride this dog and pony show all the way into the mud that they seen to love so much.

When you plant ice you're going to harvest wind. - Robert Hunter

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13 May 2013 13:34 #36 by Reverend Revelant

Soulshiner wrote: It's getting pretty funny to watch you guys drool all over yourselves when you think you have a gotcha on President Obama. You get your panties all in a bunch while all the while the politicians in Washington are stealing your civil liberties and slipping in gifts to their corporate masters anonymously into big bills.

If you would spend half of the time you do here trying to nail President Obama and spent it on worrying about Congress, a lot more people here would take seriously. But when all you do is foam at the mouth over a gotcha when you think you've caught President Obama or your next enemy Hilary in some sort of nefarious cover up that you claim dwarfs all other political scandals, you are only in a conservative circle jerk that is turning off everyone to your views except the rabid base. Your selective outrage is really telling the story and that story is that your party is desperate to paint the Democrats in an evil light because the ideals held by your party are morally bankrupt and have no chance to bringing new voters to your party, which needs a lot of new voters on your side to win the next election. Keep trying to hold nominees and the faith and credit of the United States hostage to force your minority views upon the majority and we will see the death of a major political party in our time. The Tea Party and the social conservatives have already fractured the Republican party to the point of breaking. The actions of the Republicans in Congress will finish the deal.

Too bad the blow job hail mary is no longer an option for you guys. All of this impeachment talk has been shown to be hot air and that the Republicans are not interested in fixing the problem. They are only interested in their own political gain and they will ride this dog and pony show all the way into the mud that they seen to love so much.

Then I advise you to sit back, have a good time and enjoy the show... I know I am.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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13 May 2013 13:57 #37 by PrintSmith

Something the Dog Said wrote: So the Democrats are to blame because the Republican appointed head of the IRS failed to adequately supervise the IRS? You are right, the Dems should have known that a Republican would run a politically corrupt agency.

Appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate that was in the hands of Democrats at the time, correct? And who does that appointee answer to again? The Secretary of the Treasury you say? Who was it that nominated the boss of the Commissioner of the IRS again Dog? And who is it that the Secretary of the Treasury answers to? I thought so.

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13 May 2013 14:14 #38 by PrintSmith

Soulshiner wrote: It's getting pretty funny to watch you guys drool all over yourselves when you think you have a gotcha on President Obama. You get your panties all in a bunch while all the while the politicians in Washington are stealing your civil liberties and slipping in gifts to their corporate masters anonymously into big bills.

If you would spend half of the time you do here trying to nail President Obama and spent it on worrying about Congress, a lot more people here would take seriously. But when all you do is foam at the mouth over a gotcha when you think you've caught President Obama or your next enemy Hilary in some sort of nefarious cover up that you claim dwarfs all other political scandals, you are only in a conservative circle jerk that is turning off everyone to your views except the rabid base. Your selective outrage is really telling the story and that story is that your party is desperate to paint the Democrats in an evil light because the ideals held by your party are morally bankrupt and have no chance to bringing new voters to your party, which needs a lot of new voters on your side to win the next election. Keep trying to hold nominees and the faith and credit of the United States hostage to force your minority views upon the majority and we will see the death of a major political party in our time. The Tea Party and the social conservatives have already fractured the Republican party to the point of breaking. The actions of the Republicans in Congress will finish the deal.

Too bad the blow job hail mary is no longer an option for you guys. All of this impeachment talk has been shown to be hot air and that the Republicans are not interested in fixing the problem. They are only interested in their own political gain and they will ride this dog and pony show all the way into the mud that they seen to love so much.

Which is all a very good argument for a federal government that has strictly limited powers delegated to it, and strictly limited ability to tax to exercise those powers instead of a federal government whose powers are limited only by the imaginations of those elected to federal offices and an ability to levy taxes that is, for all intents and purposes, without any substantive limits. Gee, I wonder which group in these United States is arguing for that type of a federal government these days? Could it be the same groups that have been targeted for special attention by the IRS? That's quite the coincidence, don't you think?

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13 May 2013 14:25 #39 by Something the Dog Said

FredHayek wrote: Dog, you sure about that? Obama announced he will hold IRS agents fully acountable for the misuse of their powers. How can he do that if he has no control over the agency?
Or knowing Obama, he will treat them just like he treated the Fast & Furious ATF agents, and the Benghazi State Department people. Fire them! Then quietly rehire them or transfer them to other bureaus.

The employees at the IRS with the exception of the commissioner are covered under the civil service commission. The president has no authority to hire or fire or promote or demote them. And of course the President did not fire anyone at the BATF or the State Department, nor did he rehire or transfer them. But you knew that.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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13 May 2013 14:25 #40 by Something the Dog Said

The Liberals GOP Twin wrote:

Something the Dog Said wrote:

The IRS has been restructured to prevent the very same manipulation that you accuse the President.

I don't give two sh*ts what the law is or the way the IRS is structured. People break the law every day.

“The scandal, McConnell said, extends up the chain. “The Obama effort to shut up opponents isn’t limited to the IRS,” he stated. “It applies to the FCC [Federal Communications Commission], SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission], FEC [Federal Elections Commission], HHS [Department of Health and Human Services] …. And you remember, the Obama campaign last year published a list of eight businessmen who it believed were enemies.”

McConnell further noted reports that the Department of Health and Human Services had been contacting businesses “skeptical about the implementation of Obamacare and asking them to contribute money to sell the program to the American people. That’s absolutely improper if not illegal. This administration will stop at nothing to get its way. It will do anything it can to silence its critics.” ... d-cameron/

In your gullible mind I guess those items above didn't happen either? So... you're saying this could have never started from the Oval office... never... impossible... not in a million years?

Nope, they did not happen. McConnell is lying as usual.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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