Impeachment proceedings against Trump

16 Jul 2018 21:49 #261 by Blazer Bob
..."Russia has meddled in the United States’ interests forever. It’s what they do. Frankly, it’s what all nations with even a modicum of power do. But the US media and their swamp allies (Democrats and establishment Republicans) are pretending they just found out about Russia’s covert operations to interfere with US interests. It’s been going on forever and the only reason they’re making more noise about it now is because Trump beat them in 2016. So by pumping rhetorical steroids in to Russia’s clear but entirely inconsequential efforts to “meddle,” the media get to a) make excuses for why they/Hillary lost and b) set an impossible precedent for President Trump that unless he makes Russia stop being Russia, he’s not only a failure but probably a Russian spy, too."...

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17 Jul 2018 06:06 #262 by driver8

Blazer Bob wrote: ..."Russia has meddled in the United States’ interests forever. It’s what they do. Frankly, it’s what all nations with even a modicum of power do. But the US media and their swamp allies (Democrats and establishment Republicans) are pretending they just found out about Russia’s covert operations to interfere with US interests. It’s been going on forever and the only reason they’re making more noise about it now is because Trump beat them in 2016. So by pumping rhetorical steroids in to Russia’s clear but entirely inconsequential efforts to “meddle,” the media get to a) make excuses for why they/Hillary lost and b) set an impossible precedent for President Trump that unless he makes Russia stop being Russia, he’s not only a failure but probably a Russian spy, too."...

Do you really believe this Bob? Do 'believe' this is just another day in international relations? That this is no biggie? You have NO issue with Russians now? You are OK with this total subversion of our democratic process?

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17 Jul 2018 07:35 #263 by Brandon
Bob, if you're going to use someone else's thoughts, you should find higher quality thoughts. Meddling in elections is vastly different than meddling in interests in general.

At the very least, you seem to be admitting that Russia is our enemy. Maybe you can use that to draw some conclusions of your own about the president's shameful performance yesterday.

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17 Jul 2018 08:07 #264 by Blazer Bob

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17 Jul 2018 08:20 #265 by driver8
Yea Bob, we are that shallow... to actually care about what trump/russia is doing to our country. I bet you have no issue with russia and putin at this point. I bet you don't believe any of the indictments. I bet you think Mueller is a traitor too.

And yet you ignore everything that this man does. All for your party. You choose party over truth, facts, national security and worst of all, the USA. I bet your an NRA (National Russia Assoc) member too, amiIright?

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17 Jul 2018 08:22 - 17 Jul 2018 08:22 #266 by hillfarmer
Portraying this as media spin and left wing hysteria is nonsense and simply an attempt to ignore what Trump has done. Watch the videos of the news conference. Trump embraced Putin as a strongman who has done no wrong and denigrated both our intelligence services and our country. There is no way to sugar coat this one, as virtually all of our Colorado representatives to Congress have recognized. They have all rebuked Trump's shameful performance. Our representatives stand taller as patriots because they have been willing to speak out against this insult to our democracy.
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17 Jul 2018 08:34 #267 by parkcobound
The only source that agrees with what Trump said is Trump and the folks that follow him loyally. Even his own party members have indicated that they believe the Russians meddled in the election and that something has to be done about it.
From the news: "Brian Kilmeade, one of the hosts of Trump’s favorite morning show, Fox & Friends, addressed the president directly Tuesday morning, telling him he got it wrong when he backed Putin’s denial of Russian interference in the 2016 election over the evidence-based conclusions of his own intelligence services. Senior Republicans have been among those saying Trump got it badly wrong at the summit in Helsinki. Addressing Trump directly, Kilmeade said: “When Newt Gingrich, when Gen. Jack Keane, when Matt Schlapp say the president fell short and made our intelligence apparatus look bad"

I can see some value in not being completely confrontational with Russia, but to show doubt in our system, our intelligence community, and to say that we have been foolish and were wrong just seems wrong and I think it makes us look weak and totally un-American.

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17 Jul 2018 09:04 #268 by driver8

parkcobound wrote: The only source that agrees with what Trump said is Trump and the folks that follow him loyally. Even his own party members have indicated that they believe the Russians meddled in the election and that something has to be done about it.
From the news: "Brian Kilmeade, one of the hosts of Trump’s favorite morning show, Fox & Friends, addressed the president directly Tuesday morning, telling him he got it wrong when he backed Putin’s denial of Russian interference in the 2016 election over the evidence-based conclusions of his own intelligence services. Senior Republicans have been among those saying Trump got it badly wrong at the summit in Helsinki. Addressing Trump directly, Kilmeade said: “When Newt Gingrich, when Gen. Jack Keane, when Matt Schlapp say the president fell short and made our intelligence apparatus look bad"

I can see some value in not being completely confrontational with Russia, but to show doubt in our system, our intelligence community, and to say that we have been foolish and were wrong just seems wrong and I think it makes us look weak and totally un-American.

I agree completely parkcobound, well said. I think those who want to minimize this at this point are, as you described above, un-American. The republican party is no longer the party of Reagan, which ideologically I did not agree with, but at least had some modicum of respect for. The current version of the republican party are treasonous and have placed their high dollar contributors and foreign interests above the interests of OUR country. Those who refuse to see that are a part of the problem.
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17 Jul 2018 09:37 #269 by parkcobound
As the months have passed I have been trying to withhold an overall opinion of this entire situation with Trump and the way he does things. Just because I find him personally objectionable did not mean he would do a bad job running the company. However, over and over I see him insult World leaders, US allies, lie, contradict himself, make rash decisions and then try to lie his way out of it. The Republican party, up until now has covered for him, glossed over it, or totally ignored it. Ryan and Sanders issuing statements after Mr.P says something he shouldn't have has become the norm. I have a friend living in France for 6 months as a lecturer at one of the colleges there - and it seems that quite a few folks he talks to are very concerned about what is happening in America. I have not talked to him since the news broke yesterday but even European news agencies are saying we look weak, I would imagine the feedback he gets from the students there will be similar, based on past assessments.
I can appreciate that Mr.Ps leadership style differs from prior Presidents, I can also appreciate that just because I personally do not like the way someone acts does not mean they do not know what they are doing. What I cannot support is making this country look like a target. It seems to me that by constantly second guessing congress, the intelligence community, his cabinet members, all of our news media (save Fox, who may now join his list of fake news since they also indicated he was wrong yesterday) publicly the way he does, the White House having to constantly "clarify" what he really meant...even when what they say he meant directly contradicts what he said, simply makes the US look like a chaotic joke. Like we do not have our S--T together. Like no one knows what anyone else is doing, or cares for that matter, like no one is THINKING about what they say or do before they do it. like we are a total train wreck.
I understand some folks believe that we should support our leader regardless of what he does. I for one believe that as an American, I have a duty to support this country and my fellow Americans. Obama made mistakes, many of his policies were crap. I voted for him, and I can say he made mistakes. Bush did not do everything spot on either, nor any of his predecessors. What I feel like I can say about most of the former presidents is that while we may or may not agree with the policies they pushed through, they believed what they were doing was right (whether it was or not often debatable, but it was something they believed in.) The difference I see here is that I have no idea what Mr.P really believes in. He frequently contradicts himself, changes his mind, backtracks, says he did not say that, that's not what he meant, etc. and that is where the weakness comes from, and while I can accept that everyone makes mistakes, what I cannot accept is that I have to follow someone regardless of those mistakes, just because he was elected president. When my kids do something wrong I call them out for it. When my local congressman does something wrong I call him out for it.
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17 Jul 2018 14:39 #270 by ScienceChic
Putin’s Attack on the U.S. Is Our Pearl Harbor
Make no mistake: Hacking the 2016 election was an act of war. It’s time we responded accordingly.
July 16, 2018

Many think of Pearl Harbor and September 11th in terms of the overwhelming devastation the attacks caused rather than the critical transformation they sparked. Yet both attacks were earth-shaking events that forced a forward leap in our strategic thinking about the defense of the American homeland and the projection of American power. As the smoke still rose over the wreckage of our fleet, and as the dust settled over Manhattan and the Pentagon, we went to war. We acted because Japan and Al Qaeda had underestimated us. We went to war knowing we must fight back, but uncertain how we would win. We acted because we had renewed political will, a newfound clarity toward an enemy and its objectives, and because we understood the cost of failing to rise to the challenge. We were tested in ways we never expected, and the cost was unthinkably high, but we acted because we had to.

In 2016, our country was targeted by an attack that had different operational objectives and a different overarching strategy, but its aim was every bit as much to devastate the American homeland as Pearl Harbor or 9/11. The destruction may not send pillars of smoke into the sky or come with an 11-digit price tag, and there’s no body count or casualty statistics—but the damage done has ravaged our institutions and shaken our belief in our immovability. But two years on, we still haven’t put any boats or men in the proverbial water. We still have not yet acted—just today, President Donald Trump, a beneficiary of this attack, exonerated the man who ordered it: Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

A man who would defend our enemy and attack his own countrymen, especially one who has been under a cloud of investigation for having benefited from their interference, is either the biggest damn fool or has such horribly incriminating evidence held against him that again that he should not lead because he is compromised and subject to manipulation against our national security by that enemy. He was told during his campaign that Russian operatives were attempting to contact him, he was told again this week before going overseas that indictments were being handed down against Russian government intelligence officers for multiple crimes against citizens of the United States, and urged not to meet with the man responsible for ordering those attacks, and yet he went AND sided with our enemy over his fellow citizens.

By defending Russia's actions, and not calling out their transgressions forcibly, he indirectly admitted he is an agent of influence. And quite possibly a traitor, it depends on how deep into this he is.

His son and members of his campaign team met with Russians at Trump Tower to get damaging info on his opponent.

A recently indicted alleged Russian agent, Maria Butina, has been photographed in the Oval Office with him, and had previously asked him publicly if he'd roll back sanctions on Russia if elected to which he implied he would.

Trump rolled back sanctions that Obama had put in place against Russia, giving them back embassies they'd been removed from, and stalled on signing new bipartisan, overwhelmingly passed legislation sanctioning them after previous Special Counsel indictments came out.

Multiple members of his campaign team have been indicted and pleaded guilty to various charges, including acting as unregistered foreign agents. Foreign agents have been indicted who've committed crimes detailed in lengthy indictments approved by a grand jury of our fellow citizens.

Russian government intelligence agents essentially committed a Watergate type operation on a digital scale, have actively stolen data of American citizens and campaign data from our political parties, stolen money from U.S. citizens, paid for influencing online advertisements, conducted disinformation campaigns on a massive scale, and done this all from right here in the United States. Every law enforcement agency - the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, confirms that they meddled in our elections and committed crimes, and yet our president attacks them because they are investigating him after he fired the man who was initially investigating Russian interference in our elections. What does that sound like to you?

Those are not the actions of an innocent man who has this country's best interests at heart. This is not about Democrats trying to find revenge for losing the election, this is about our country being under attack by an enemy and us needing to come together as Americans to defend ourselves.

Reactions by Democratic, Republican Congressmen, allies, and others to Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill
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