Personal Insults

23 Nov 2010 14:11 - 23 Nov 2010 14:13 #21 by archer
Replied by archer on topic Personal Insults

Nmysys wrote: Now to the question itself. It seems to be okay for those on the left side of the aisle to throw insults out, but if it comes from the right side, it is wrong. This is a two way street. Don't condemn Palin or Bush and expect a pass for Obama, who IMO is the worst of them all. Plain and simple!!!

I believe you have that reversed, it is the constant attacks on Obama and liberals that have brought us to the point of discussing insults.

But hey, if that is the only way the conservativs know how to get their point across, so be it. yes we know you hate all liberals, liberal thought, Obama, the senate democrats, the house democrats, anyone who voted for them, anyone who can spell liberal, and anyone else who does not conform to conservative group think. We get it, but that doesn't give you all a free pass to insult half of this nation without a fight from those of us who still value the diversity of this great country, who think having two sides is better than one, and who value discussion over hurling insults, making up stupid names for people, wishing death on those who disagree with you, or generally acting like 13 yr olds. Before you pull out the pot/kettle/black standard line, keep in mind that no liberal is going to continue to just "take it" without responding in kind. In our defense, I've never seen a liberal on here wish to exterminate a conservative, continually harrass another poster with hateful statements, wish disease upon the poster and their family....both of which have happened to me from one poster here. So yeah, I will fight back.

I seriously doubt anything here will change because of this thread, acting like juvenile delinquents seems to appeal to many here. The ring was designed to be a free-for-all....but with freedom comes responsibility.......which I see little of here.

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23 Nov 2010 14:13 #22 by Scruffy
Replied by Scruffy on topic Personal Insults
I agree to a point, Nmysys. This does appear to be a better forum for political discussions than the other place, but it is also a less friendly forum because of the personal insults. I'll bet there are some rather smart people that would love to come on here and comment, but won't because of the caustic atmosphere created by a few.

Concerning insults, if a person is a public figure, like Obama or Palin or Bush, they are fair game. They put themselves out there and it's fine to dish on them. What this thread is about is slamming fellow 285 members - that's not right.

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23 Nov 2010 14:26 #23 by Grady
Replied by Grady on topic Personal Insults
I am no expert, but I've found that if you don't react to a personal insult, the insult will just die like carp thrown up on the shore. Yes it will flap around for a while making a mess, then it’s stink for a while and eventually just go away.

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23 Nov 2010 14:40 #24 by Travelingirl
Replied by Travelingirl on topic Personal Insults
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I would like to say I am thankful for this forum and the freedom to have fun. On the other hand, I want to apologize to anyone who I may have offended, politicians excluded. Happy Thanksgiving ya'll!!

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23 Nov 2010 14:48 #25 by Achmed
Replied by Achmed on topic Personal Insults
Thank you miss travelingirl. Apology accepted.

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23 Nov 2010 14:50 #26 by Travelingirl
Replied by Travelingirl on topic Personal Insults
Haha! Nice try!! May the goats STILL be with you!

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23 Nov 2010 15:19 #27 by JusSayin
Replied by JusSayin on topic Personal Insults

Scruffy wrote: Concerning insults, if a person is a public figure, like Obama or Palin or Bush, they are fair game. They put themselves out there and it's fine to dish on them.

Just to be clear that Sruffy and me don't agree on EVERYTHING...

When someone posts on 285bound, they (or their persona) become public figures. So, by Scruff's own definition, they are fair game.

And let's be real. Some of the personalities here almost DEMAND that they be insulted. It's part of the game. A major element of the entertainment we all come here for. (And if anyone says they come here strictly for the 'intellectual discourse', they're as dishonest as Scruffy claiming to open ZERO-G JUGGS for the articles.)

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23 Nov 2010 15:25 #28 by Scruffy
Replied by Scruffy on topic Personal Insults

JusSayin wrote:

Scruffy wrote: Concerning insults, if a person is a public figure, like Obama or Palin or Bush, they are fair game. They put themselves out there and it's fine to dish on them.

Just to be clear that Sruffy and me don't agree on EVERYTHING...

When someone posts on 285bound, they (or their persona) become public figures. So, by Scruff's own definition, they are fair game.

And let's be real. Some of the personalities here almost DEMAND that they be insulted. It's part of the game. A major element of the entertainment we all come here for. (And if anyone says they come here strictly for the 'intellectual discourse', they're as dishonest as Scruffy claiming to open ZERO-G JUGGS for the articles.)

Hey! I still can't figure out how they make those juggs float!

Yes, some people here are fishing (trolling) for insults, hoping for their world view to be validated. What I'm talking about is things like questioning someone's sexual orientation, making crude comments about their bodily (and sexual) functions, crap like that. Say what you want about Pelosi hiding Obama in her
(as crude and unclassy as it may be), but don't say that about a poster here on the board. It just inflames the discussion.

That's my opinion.

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23 Nov 2010 15:30 #29 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic Personal Insults

travelingirl wrote: Haha! Nice try!! May the goats STILL be with you!

rofllol :rofl

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23 Nov 2010 16:02 #30 by 2wlady
Replied by 2wlady on topic Personal Insults
I think these personal insults are like Teddy saying, in the GOP 9 topic,

Stop taking at face value the ramblings of a chlamydia infected brain

referring to LadyJazzer.

I, of course, do not respond, but think of Teddy, "What a syphilitic fool."

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