ORTLAND, Ore. - Authorities have arrested two men after a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a 4-foot by 8-foot campaign sign for Republican presidential candidate John McCain in a southeast Portland yard.
Karen Scrutton said she was asleep inside her home at 7956 S.E. 17th Ave. in the Sellwood neighborhood when she saw her sign go up in flames after 1 a.m.
LadyJazzer wrote: You keep running that play book....
Isn't copy-and-paste fun?!?!
Copy and Paste. So that's what the Obama administration is doing with this event? I little copy and paste with talking points. Let's make it into Obama's Oklahoma City.
And say, we don't want to forget those left wing mob haters, you know those campus, anti-war radicals, ACORN, eco-extremists & unions the lefties are so fond of:
Flashback — Torch-wielding leftists at UC Berkeley attack chancellor’s home
Flashback — Campus chaos: Social justice mobsters attack police, smash windows over tuition hikes; Update: “Who’s (sic) schools?”
Flashback — The left-wing bullies in Robert Reich’s backyard
Flashback — Big Labor’s legacy of violence
And mix them in with those peace-loving border control haters and you've got a real nice combo!
Flashback — August 2010…An open-borders activist smacks a man with a camera covering the Arizona state capitol protest over SB 1070…
The slogan on the back of a protesting Puerto Rican singer from the band Calle 13 says “Luz verde para invadir Arizona.” Translation: “Green light to invade Arizona:”
Flashback — The May Day angry mob you won’t see…
Escalating violence in the name of mass illegal alien amnesty…
They came, they saw, they threatened or committed violence in the name of open borders and workers’ rights. But alas, Frank Rich and Paul Krugman’s columns decrying the insane rage and hate of the May Day angry mob got lost in the mail.
In Santa Cruz, they carried torches and vandalized at least 18 businesses.
Flashback — The American flag comes second hanging upsidedown beneath the Mexican flag.
Then top it off with a layer of anti-military hate:
January 20, 2005. At Seattle Central Community College, Army recruiter Sgt. Jeff Due and his colleague, Sgt. 1st Class Douglas Washington were surrounded by an angry mob of 500 anti-war students. The recruiters’ table was destroyed; their handouts torn apart. The protesters threw water bottles and newspapers at the soldiers, shouted profanities, and wielded their fists. The far Left Students Against War had been agitating to kick the recruiters off campus. The college administration refused to punish the mobsters.
And in Lufkin, TX, , Army and Navy recruiters were the targets of vandals who keyed their cars, smashed their windows, and shot at their vehicles with “with what appeared to be a high-powered pellet gun.”…
Jan. 2007. Anti-war radicals lay siege to the US Capitol and smash windows at the recruitment center on 14th and L.
Pittsburgh anti-recruiter organizers shut down a military recruitment station for a whole day
October 2007. Code Pink defaces the Berkeley recruitment center, branding our troops as assassins
LJ...just in case this is over your head and you need a visual of the hate I've posted above, feel free to hop over to Michelle's website...she's added pictures and video to back up her "spin".
http://michellemalkin.com/2011/01/10/th ... 2000-2010/
By the way...it looks like you're out of material...you seem to be repeating yourself yourself yourself yourself yourself...