The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer

10 Jan 2011 10:19 #21 by Residenttroll returns
TG, she's a parrot for the libtard left. She's eating crackers and will be back shortly. Can I say cracker? Does Target Stores need to change their logos and name?

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10 Jan 2011 10:26 #22 by archer
thanks all for proving what I have been posting for two days.....this nation is gripped in a climate of hate, and it will have it's consequences. I don't see any righties complaining about this climate of hate, only saying you do it too, like that makes it ok. Why is it that only liberals lament the loss of civility in our nation, but the conservatives don't seem to give a damn? I am as angry with left wing hate as I am with the same from the right, but apparently I am in the minority all seem to revel in pointing out the hate from liberals to justify your own.....I just want it all to stop, for people to take responsibility for their words and actions, no matter which side of the aisle they walk.

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10 Jan 2011 10:27 #23 by Travelingirl
Opps...almost forgot Major Nidal Hasan.

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10 Jan 2011 10:31 #24 by Travelingirl

archer wrote: thanks all for proving what I have been posting for two days.....this nation is gripped in a climate of hate, and it will have it's consequences. I don't see any righties complaining about this climate of hate, only saying you do it too, like that makes it ok. Why is it that only liberals lament the loss of civility in our nation, but the conservatives don't seem to give a damn? I am as angry with left wing hate as I am with the same from the right, but apparently I am in the minority all seem to revel in pointing out the hate from liberals to justify your own.....I just want it all to stop, for people to take responsibility for their words and actions, no matter which side of the aisle they walk.

What? You don't see 'righties' complaining about the climate of hate?? That's the whole point of my thread!

You are not in the minority, we share in the disappointment of the events of the day and how the media and others are using this tragedy to accelerate their hate.

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10 Jan 2011 10:34 #25 by Scruffy

travelingirl wrote:

archer wrote: thanks all for proving what I have been posting for two days.....this nation is gripped in a climate of hate, and it will have it's consequences. I don't see any righties complaining about this climate of hate, only saying you do it too, like that makes it ok. Why is it that only liberals lament the loss of civility in our nation, but the conservatives don't seem to give a damn? I am as angry with left wing hate as I am with the same from the right, but apparently I am in the minority all seem to revel in pointing out the hate from liberals to justify your own.....I just want it all to stop, for people to take responsibility for their words and actions, no matter which side of the aisle they walk.

What? You don't see 'righties' complaining about the climate of hate?? That's the whole point of my thread!

You are not in the minority, we share in the disappointment of the events of the day and how the media and others are using this tragedy to accelerate their hate.

I see your thread as trying to prove that "the left has more hate than the right." If you thought otherwise, you might try to show more balance.

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10 Jan 2011 10:35 #26 by Travelingirl

Whatevergreen wrote: Flashback- Palin putting crosshairs on Giffords' District and telling followers "it is time to reload".

FYI: Metaphor is the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphor is a figure of speech that constructs an analogy between two things or ideas; the analogy is conveyed by the use of a metaphorical word in place of some other word.

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10 Jan 2011 10:43 #27 by Scruffy

travelingirl wrote:

Whatevergreen wrote: Flashback- Palin putting crosshairs on Giffords' District and telling followers "it is time to reload".

FYI: Metaphor is the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphor is a figure of speech that constructs an analogy between two things or ideas; the analogy is conveyed by the use of a metaphorical word in place of some other word.

Do you think that the "crosshairs" that Palin had placed over the sites of several Congressional Districts were scope crosshairs or - as she backpedaled - surveyors markers?

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10 Jan 2011 10:44 #28 by Residenttroll returns
My point (can I say point now?) is that left has been pouncing on the right. They started the finger pointing on the day of the event, continues today, and it's pissing off people. It's one thing to debate a political thought, but it's another thing to suggest you are guilty by association for a crime because your belief in that political thought. To allow the left to continue blame the right without "consequences" is totally unacceptable. I have yet to see anyone blast the leftist media for the blame game. I have yet to see a single person denounce the Looney Jerk for her inflammatory remarks that she made on the day of the event.

I refuse to be a doormat in the "market place of ideas" by the compassionate left.

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10 Jan 2011 10:44 #29 by Travelingirl

I see your thread as trying to prove that "the left has more hate than the right." If you thought otherwise, you might try to show more balance.

Thanks for your post Scruffy. There's been nothing but imbalance in left-wing reporting and (and and certain posters on this site) trying to tie this lunatic to the Tea Party and conservatives. This is the balance to all of that.

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10 Jan 2011 10:49 #30 by outdoor338
actually LJ, your cheering on a shooter that almost took the life of a congress woman, and that killed 6 people, you seem to be enjoying the shooting more then anyone on 285, all you're doing is pimping the shooting on your behalf so you can spout your hate speech..your just as bad as the shooter.

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