The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer

10 Jan 2011 18:11 #81 by major bean
May we see a link to support that very hateful statement?

Major Bean

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10 Jan 2011 18:12 #82 by LadyJazzer
Already posted the link....

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10 Jan 2011 18:13 #83 by Residenttroll returns
demonbaby Come on 2009! There's time for one more!! RT @BreakingNews: Rush Limbaugh rushed to hospital in Honolulu after suffering chest pains. 31 Dec 2009 from TweetDeck

BlackCanseco I wonder what Rush Limbaugh will think of healthcare reform come Monday. Hmmm... 31 Dec 2009 from web

WatchJ Rush Limbaugh is in the hospital with severe chest pains...God if u can read this tweet please give him a black doctor. Thanks 31 Dec 2009 from TwitBird iPhone

BigFatWhale I hope Rush Limbaugh isn't exaggerating his symptoms like Michael J Fox did. 31 Dec 2009 from TweetDeck

billpalmer come on God, I don't ask you for much, and I very rarely ask you to smite anyone. but please kill Rush Limbaugh tonight. 31 Dec 2009 from web

djstangl Breaking news - Rush Limbaugh has a heart! 31 Dec 2009 from Tweetie

plan9production Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital. I told him Oxycontin and bacon cheeseburgers were a dangerous mix. 31 Dec 2009 from web

Ashley_Stephens So...if Rush Limbaugh dies in Hawaii, will his listeners believe the death certificate? 31 Dec 2009 from web

ItzTrizz617 so rush limbaugh did go to the same hawaiian hospital obama was born in #ironysabitch 31 Dec 2009 from mobile web

guitarbassfire RT @JoeMyGod @JamesAkersJr: I hope Rush Limbaugh is saved by a black homosexual doctor with a questionable immigration status. #fb 31 Dec 2009 from web

Read more: ... z1AgWAalTY

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10 Jan 2011 18:14 #84 by major bean

Scruffy wrote:

major bean wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Have either of you condemned LJ for this B.S. Pimping of Hatred?????????????????????????????????

The answer is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And apparently you won't so we take that to mean you agree!! It is that simple.

Your logic is that by not doing a particular action, I am promoting another action? Interesting, but faulty logic. Guilt by association is not a logical deduction. If it was, then I could ask why you support the spousal abuse by your neighbors? Do you go over and physically intervene? No? Then you must be condoning it.

At what point have you challenged LJ for her accusations of Republicans and Conservatives? That is your lack of balance that is being challenged.

Using that faulty logic, then I must conclude that you must totally agree with the Westboro Baptist Church, since you did not post in the thread about that Church's plans to picket the young girls funeral.

OK, now I see. That is the subject of another thread of which I have not as yet read.

Major Bean

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10 Jan 2011 18:41 #85 by Scruffy
The point is, Major Bean, that using the "guilt by association" logic is that I can accuse you of bring in agreement with anything you have not specifically condemned.

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10 Jan 2011 18:45 #86 by archer

Scruffy wrote: The point is, Major Bean, that using the "guilt by association" logic is that I can accuse you of bring in agreement with anything you have not specifically condemned.

we're getting a lot of that around here didn't say no so you must mean yes. Think I'll just stop playing that game.

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10 Jan 2011 19:17 #87 by major bean

Scruffy wrote: The point is, Major Bean, that using the "guilt by association" logic is that I can accuse you of bring in agreement with anything you have not specifically condemned.

Scruffy, many times I have posted that this nut in the church that you mention is WAY out in left field and I will state so again. To see the world sanely means that a person must not cling to dogma and defend others just because he/she is a liberal or conservative and that we must stick together despite whatever nonsense is spouted. That only shows that a person is not thinking at all.

Blaming conservatives for a crazy fellow's actions is stupid and you should acknowledge as much. You have nothing to gain by defending LJ by attacking those who disagree with her.

Major Bean

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10 Jan 2011 19:26 #88 by Scruffy

major bean wrote:

Scruffy wrote: The point is, Major Bean, that using the "guilt by association" logic is that I can accuse you of bring in agreement with anything you have not specifically condemned.

Scruffy, many times I have posted that this nut in the church that you mention is WAY out in left field and I will state so again. To see the world sanely means that a person must not cling to dogma and defend others just because he/she is a liberal or conservative and that we must stick together despite whatever nonsense is spouted. That only shows that a person is not thinking at all.

Blaming conservatives for a crazy fellow's actions is stupid and you should acknowledge as much. You have nothing to gain by defending LJ by attacking those who disagree with her.

I know that you don't align your beliefs with the WBC. I used it as an illustration only. The point is that we cannot use the faulty logic of guilt by association to condemn people or condone actions. I am no more responsible for LJ's post than you are for the actions of WBC.

BTW - I don't believe I've defended her allegations today. She is quite able to defend herself.

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10 Jan 2011 19:32 #89 by major bean
Then why throw obstacles in the path of those who would call her to task?

Major Bean

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10 Jan 2011 19:32 #90 by navycpo7
There is and has been as much bs from the left and the democrats as there has been from the right, the republicans, and the tea party. No one is exempt. What gets me, is how you LJ condemn a group for the actions on one or two. Same goes for others on here. The actions of an individual or statements made by individuals does not in anyway mean the group or party supports that. I am also amazed how many on here blame the Right for what happened in AZ. They did this without even doing some simple research on the guy that did it. Then we have folks on here talking about the hate talk and other crap within the political realm in this country. STOP AND READ WHAT YOU ARE POSTING ON HERE there is a word for it, spelling be my poor suite, I believe the word is Hypocrisy

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