The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer

11 Jan 2011 10:09 - 11 Jan 2011 10:13 #121 by Residenttroll returns

LadyJazzer wrote:
Oooo... Another chance to use 'his' in a sentence... If you can get "libtard" and "socialist" in the same sentence you get a triple-word score!! (or a free toaster-oven!)

Can she say the code word Toaster Ovens? That's offensive, bitter, and acidic speech. Conservatives know that libtards, like Looney Knee Jerk, want to bake (exterminate) us to fulfill their utopia of Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto.

TOS Violation: LJ used the code word Toaster Ovens.

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11 Jan 2011 10:12 #122 by Residenttroll returns

Nmysys wrote: Or you sucking back up all the bile!

She's too busy riding the broom of despair. Isn't ironic that her initials are the same as JL? I wonder what kind of alter she has in her back yard?

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11 Jan 2011 10:47 #123 by Something the Dog Said

LadyJazzer wrote:

Something the Dog Said wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: dog, what about LJ, you condone his remarks?

I am not aware that LadyJazzer has advocated murder and violence against those who don't share her viewpoints. So outdoor, do you support BearMtHIB remarks advocating murder and violence against those who don't supporter her political viewpoints?

Oooo... Another chance to use 'his' in a sentence... If you can get "libtard" and "socialist" in the same sentence you get a triple-word score!! (or a free toaster-oven!)

It seems that outdoors338 gets her panties in a twist about this time of month.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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11 Jan 2011 10:52 #124 by Travelingirl

LadyJazzer wrote: From the same article:

*** Palin’s silence: By the way, the silence from Sarah Palin -- besides her offer of condolences on Saturday and her email to Glenn Beck -- has been deafening. As Republican David Frum said in Andrea Mitchell’s “TODAY” piece this morning, “You can hunker down, and you say, ‘It’s not my fault.” And, of course, she’s right -- it’s not her fault. Or you can be bigger than that. You can go out and … you can be the leader that Americans want to see.” In many ways, this moment is a presidential test, and she's chosen to ignore it so far. And don’t miss this comment about Palin by Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty via the New York Times: “‘There’s no indication at present that those cross hairs, Fox News, any particular commentator or show or set of remarks or person was a motivating factor in his thoughts,’ Mr. Pawlenty said of Mr. Loughner. When asked if he would have produced a similar map, Mr. Pawlenty said, ‘I wouldn’t have done it.’”

To quote Ross Perot, "that giant sucking sound" you hear is Palin's presidential aspirations going down the toilet....

I guess no one, except the Kool-Aid drinkers, is buying that "surveyor-symbol" C.Y.A. revisionism...

Palin isn't saying much because she, unlike YOU, has chosen NOT to pimp (exploit - for Archer) the tragedy.

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11 Jan 2011 10:55 #125 by archer
nice spin travelingirl.

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11 Jan 2011 10:57 #126 by LadyJazzer
I'm getting dizzy this morning just watching it...

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11 Jan 2011 10:58 #127 by Travelingirl
...from your padded little cell??

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11 Jan 2011 10:59 #128 by LadyJazzer
I'm not the one that thinks that "cross-hairs" are "map symbols"...

Which one of us is the more delusional?

rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol:

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11 Jan 2011 11:00 #129 by Nmysys

It is apparent that you have been Dizzy for a very long time!!

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11 Jan 2011 11:03 #130 by Residenttroll returns

LadyJazzer wrote: I'm not the one that thinks that "cross-hairs" are "map symbols"...

Which one of us is the more delusional?

rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol:

Looney Knee Jerk is the expert on hair....pubic hair, nose hair, butt hair, back hair and cross hair.

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