The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer

11 Jan 2011 09:20 #111 by Something the Dog Said

CriticalBill wrote:

archer wrote:

travelingirl wrote: No Archer - each and everyone of us has NOT exploited this tragedy. Your friend LJ has. I called her out on it. I did yesterday and again today. She hasn't denied it and yet you defend her and try to lump me and my conservative friends in with her. Disgusting.


they love everybody......but they still want to kill us.....

Can you be more specific about who "they" are?

BearMtHIB and those who condone his views.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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11 Jan 2011 09:23 #112 by outdoor338
dog, what about LJ, you condone his remarks?

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11 Jan 2011 09:52 #113 by LadyJazzer

First Thoughts: The right pushes back

*** Playing the victim card when you’re not really the victim: What was particularly striking to us is how activists, especially on the right, were playing the victim when there are so many actual victims -- the deceased, the wounded, the grieving -- in Arizona. And here’s our point from yesterday: Although it appears that Jared Lee Loughner had nothing to do with mainstream conservatism or liberalism, can’t we all agree to condemn violent, de-humanizing, or de-legitimizing rhetoric -- “2nd Amendment remedies,” “Don’t retreat, instead reload,” “Gather your armies” "facism/socialism," etc. -- aimed at our politicians and government institutions? In today’s political climate, as we pointed out, opponents just don’t disagree, they de-humanize each other; they just don’t question those in power, they de-legitimize them; and we in the media just play along, giving attention to the extremes and the shiny metal objects. It’s time for all of us to act more responsibly. But what's happening in the land of opinion is cringe-worthy. There are so many folks in search of a high horse to mount. Those poor horses.

Wow... Kind of sounds familiar...somehow....

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11 Jan 2011 09:54 #114 by Nmysys
Like you have cared for the last three days. Talk about being on a High Horse. You are despicable!

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11 Jan 2011 09:56 #115 by LadyJazzer

Nmysys wrote: Like you have cared for the last three days. Talk about being on a High Horse. You are despicable!

Thank you! I guess it's the same reason that vampires don't like mirrors.... Holding up a mirror to the hate on the Right really sends you guys over the edge.

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11 Jan 2011 10:00 #116 by Residenttroll returns

LadyJazzer wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Like you have cared for the last three days. Talk about being on a High Horse. You are despicable!

Thank you! I guess it's the same reason that vampires don't like mirrors.... Holding up a mirror to the hate on the Right really sends you guys over the edge.

Excuse me, vampires don't exist... Boo! ...but you prove witches do.

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11 Jan 2011 10:01 #117 by Something the Dog Said

outdoor338 wrote: dog, what about LJ, you condone his remarks?

I am not aware that LadyJazzer has advocated murder and violence against those who don't share her viewpoints. So outdoor, do you support BearMtHIB remarks advocating murder and violence against those who don't supporter her political viewpoints?

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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11 Jan 2011 10:04 #118 by LadyJazzer

Something the Dog Said wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: dog, what about LJ, you condone his remarks?

I am not aware that LadyJazzer has advocated murder and violence against those who don't share her viewpoints. So outdoor, do you support BearMtHIB remarks advocating murder and violence against those who don't supporter her political viewpoints?

Oooo... Another chance to use 'his' in a sentence... If you can get "libtard" and "socialist" in the same sentence you get a triple-word score!! (or a free toaster-oven!)

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11 Jan 2011 10:07 - 11 Jan 2011 10:10 #119 by LadyJazzer
From the same article:

*** Palin’s silence: By the way, the silence from Sarah Palin -- besides her offer of condolences on Saturday and her email to Glenn Beck -- has been deafening. As Republican David Frum said in Andrea Mitchell’s “TODAY” piece this morning, “You can hunker down, and you say, ‘It’s not my fault.” And, of course, she’s right -- it’s not her fault. Or you can be bigger than that. You can go out and … you can be the leader that Americans want to see.” In many ways, this moment is a presidential test, and she's chosen to ignore it so far. And don’t miss this comment about Palin by Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty via the New York Times: “‘There’s no indication at present that those cross hairs, Fox News, any particular commentator or show or set of remarks or person was a motivating factor in his thoughts,’ Mr. Pawlenty said of Mr. Loughner. When asked if he would have produced a similar map, Mr. Pawlenty said, ‘I wouldn’t have done it.’”

To quote Ross Perot, "that giant sucking sound" you hear is Palin's presidential aspirations going down the toilet....

I guess no one, except the Kool-Aid drinkers, is buying that "surveyor-symbol" C.Y.A. revisionism...

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11 Jan 2011 10:09 #120 by Nmysys
Or you sucking back up all the bile!

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