Many of our members were wondering if would tape the IMHS meeting on Thursday evening, we will not. has posted several public service meetings so that people unable to travel could see an unedited version of the event.
We requested to be allowed to tape the IMHS meeting this Thursday and were told they would not give us permission.. IMHS also declined to put on their email list for press releases. We encourage everyone that is concerned to attend the meeting on Thursday and not depend on second hand accounts.
We know that IMHS has very important issues going on and we are not (rightfully) their priority. Communicating with the community is a priority and we will assist them in any way possible to help make that happen. Even though they refused, at this time, to send us their press releases we will monitor IMHS's site to make sure our members and guests see the latest communications.
We will also attend the board meeting and provide our input to those that are unable to attend. Please continue to support the animals in need in our community however you can.
pound dog mom wrote: I just found out I cannot get back for the IMHS open board meeting tomorrow. By any chance does anyone know if this is going to be one of the community meetings that is video taped and posted so those of us who can't get out there can see what the meeting was all about. I would love to be able to be there and know how I can support them but I just can't get back in time.
The IMHS board turned down our request to video tape the meeting for the community.
I am so sorry to hear that. I have been able to take advantage of the video taping for other community meetings and was sure hoping to do the same. I will see if they are going to post the meeting minutes on IMHS. Thanks.
RockyMtnHigh wrote: Wendy and Steve-O: Have you thought of being the shelter manager again?
No. The one outcome I'm attached to with this situation is getting that euthanasia policy revised so that everyone who is willing and able to help the next time this or something similar happens will be allowed to.
You may have received something from me about the policy change, but I signed my email personally so you would know who wrote it. If it's coming from
, I can check into it for you (you'll have to let me know if you don't want to receive those as the list should only contain addresses of people who asked to be added). If it's coming from another address, I can't help
The IMHS Board of Directors will meet in open session on Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. at the Elk Creek Fire Station off Richmond Hill Road. The meeting is open to the public, however, if you wish to be put on the agenda, please provide your name and the topic you wish to discuss in advance. Guest speakers are allowed up to five minutes' presentation time each; a maximum of ten guest speakers will be included on the agenda. All requests to be included on the agenda must be received by IMHS no later than Monday, January 17, 2011 by 5 pm. Please click here
to email your name and presentation topic.
I am deeply saddened by IMHS's decision to not allow video taping of the board meeting tonight.
I just don't understand what appears to be a desire to have less information out there rather than more.