New Users

23 May 2010 20:49 #81 by RY
Replied by RY on topic New Users

The Viking wrote:

JMC wrote:

The Viking wrote: And I just have to point this out. I am amazed at how oblivious some of the Mods on other sites were to how despised they are for their actions. And it is not because of who they were or just because they were Mods, as I did have a great deal of respect for many of the Mods throughout the years. It was because of how unfairly they treated people, and how they treated grown adults like children on certains sites. And it because so obvious to most of us that it became almost a power trip high to be able to control people instead of work with them. I think I know the people who started this site well enough to know that they will not allow themselves or whoever helps with the site to go down that path. They won't allow the Mods to overrun and control the organizers of this site and damage thier reputation beyond repair like other sites have.

I, for one, am thrilled that a mod decided to accept the invitation to check out 285bound. We need as many perspectives as we can get. None of us has all the answers and even if some of us had disagreements in the past,the openness from Robin should be embraced and applauded. I welcome any and all input. It took courage for her to come and join knowing that some may be less than welcoming. I once asked PC to provide an amnesty to banned posters, they said no, we need to be better than that!

And I have heard that from a few people. Most of the Mods and Admin over there would not give a second chance to anyone they banned for no good reason. They had no intention of forgiving anyone for just voicing their opinions, and trying to bring this community back together rather than divide it. They really didn't care what others thought of them. :Whatever: That is why it is difficult but I will try and rise above their behavior and give them a chance to be a part of this great site that you all created. Maybe this will be a good wake up call for them to see what real neighbors and a real community are suppose to function like. Welcome Robin and any other Mods who decide to join this site. :peace: ........... I just threw up in my mouth a little .......

I am all for forgiveness, but also for caution. As long as everyone knows who they are I am fine with it, but I didn't like that they all were anonymous at PC which gave them all the freedom to do whatever they wanted. You are right, hopefully a good example will show them that there is a better way.

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23 May 2010 20:53 #82 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic New Users

CinnamonGirl wrote: This is an inclusive site. Everyone is welcome. In my mind, no worries. You have a place to go either way. Where ever you feel comfortable. I think that it was great to see Robin. And she has a great name on top of it. LOL

“I've learned that no matter how good a friend someone is, they're going to hurt you every once in awhile and you must forgive them for that.” And I have been forgiven myself by the friends that love me.

I will try and make everyone feel welcome. I won't treat them the way they treated myself and others on here. After being cut off from friends and neighbors for 5 months on a site that was suppose to be for the community, I will admit I have some bitterness towards those who treated a lot of us as though we were beneath them, but it is fading and I will work on it. :thumbsup:

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23 May 2010 20:59 #83 by CC
Replied by CC on topic New Users
woohoo...285bound is 3 away from 100 registered users.....Awesome!

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23 May 2010 21:01 #84 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic New Users

WayneHarrison wrote: There are many of us here who were part of the old Pinecam. If we can't do it, nobody can.

But Wayne you may have disagreed with some of the posters including myself on many issues but you never treated us as though we were not worthy of your site and that you were too good to be associated with people with whom you disagreed. It changed so much for the worse the last year. And I don't think you will find many who wil disagree with that. And I think there is a great core group here at the start to make this different and all inclusive. Not like some sort of elitist wanna be country club. it is nice that we have a place where we can actually talk openly like this and know we won't be banned from the site tomorrow for freedom of speech and just posting our opinions.

Am I sounding bitter? :biggrin:

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23 May 2010 21:04 #85 by PhoneGeek
Replied by PhoneGeek on topic New Users
Hi everyone :newhere:

It's great to see the old crowd. :wave:

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23 May 2010 21:14 #86 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic New Users
Great to have you here. :Welcome

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23 May 2010 21:20 #87 by Sunshine Girl
Replied by Sunshine Girl on topic New Users
Welcome to all the new posters today!

" I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure. " Mae West

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23 May 2010 21:28 #88 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic New Users

Sunshine Girl wrote: Welcome to all the new posters today!

Too many to welcome all by name so......Ditto from me. :thumbsup:

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23 May 2010 21:44 #89 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic New Users
Interesting to see some of the new members. Ones who really liked nothing more than to cause trouble on other sites, be confrontational and contribute nothing to conversations. And no I am not talking about you LJ. I know we butted heads but truth be told, I am actually gald to see you here. But others who, I feel really have unhappy lives and constantly feel the need to try and make others unhappy. Well, I learned my lesson on the last site. I will use the ignore button and will not allow certain people to constantly pull myself and hopefully not others down to their level. But overall, we have a fantastic group of people to start this site. I am very exicted about it's future.

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23 May 2010 21:48 #90 by Sunshine Girl
Replied by Sunshine Girl on topic New Users

The Viking wrote: Interesting to see some of the new members. Ones who really liked nothing more than to cause trouble on other sites, be confrontational and contribute nothing to conversations. And no I am not talking about you LJ. I know we butted heads but truth be told, I am actually gald to see you here. But others who, I feel really have unhappy lives and constantly feel the need to try and make others unhappy. Well, I learned my lesson on the last site. I will use the ignore button and will not allow certain people to constantly pull myself and hopefully not others down to their level. But overall, we have a fantastic group of people to start this site. I am very exicted about it's future.

You know Viking sometimes people just need a fresh start. Maybe they'll find it here. I vote to give people the benefit of the doubt and let's see how it goes. Fresh air, fresh ideas, fresh start! :heart:

" I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure. " Mae West

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