8 Years Ago -- The Hayman Wildfire

27 Jun 2010 15:09 #31 by CC
DSV has some great tips on how to prepare for an emergency in the mountains.
[url=http://www.disastersupportvolunteers.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;]www.disastersupportvolunteers.com[/url]

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27 Jun 2010 15:56 #32 by JRSK
I remember all of this... The High Meadow fire was scarier to me... I was pregnant with my daughter and the Dr's were ordering me to get out of the area due to the smoke.. I stayed and got ready to evacuate. We live on Choctaw St then (Pine Junction)
In 2002; pregnant again; it was the snaking fire that burned our 40 acres; we were the first private property to start burning.. I'm still pissed about losing that land!! Then the hayman fire! Crazy times!! need less to say.. I haven't been pregnant since!!! LOL....

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27 Jun 2010 16:11 #33 by CC
We were even able to keep our sense of humor......Thx EV Hills.

Jun 09 14:21:44 <Meadow> anyone know how far a fire can travel in a day with 35mph winds?
Jun 09 14:21:47 --> Guest89405 (quickchat@=nswybvcndnaf37zythq721.dnvr.uswest.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 14:21:50 --> dakota_rexx (quickchat@=E9vvdksg-924.245.2.177.Dial1.Denver1.Level3.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 14:21:58 <Meadow> oh sorry...was thinking :Lost Park Road
Jun 09 14:22:02 <carpetgal> as far as it wants
Jun 09 14:22:04 <EVHills> how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood......

Jun 09 14:22:18 <kwille> Kincade Springs on Elk Creek Road ...Looks closer than it is. Very scary sight!
Jun 09 14:22:20 <Soozee1> Kilo Watt are you there?
Jun 09 14:22:22 <Meadow> EV I hate that
Jun 09 14:22:28 * pinecone will be in the hot tub if anyone needs him.
Jun 09 14:22:33 <tomkingsvalley> I don'y see Lost Valley on my map, anyone know where it is located?
Jun 09 14:22:39 <carpetgal> fire also in Douglas county......

Jun 09 14:23:17 <walt> By my map and the info that has been passed around here, has already gone @ 6 miles today if it is now in Jeffco
Jun 09 14:23:18 <lsquared> So did it bypass
Jun 09 14:23:25 <Meadow> anyone else thinking of moving? lol :-(
Jun 09 14:23:25 <pinecone> ROFL
Jun 09 14:23:26 <lsquared> So did it bypass Teller County altogether?
Jun 09 14:23:34 <Meadow> wow wait......

Jun 09 14:23:46 <Guest73902> lost valley is an actual resort/ranch and the address is sedalia.
Jun 09 14:23:56 <Soozee1> Walt - I am thinking that it has gone between 6 and 10 10 miles this morning and afternoon.....

Jun 09 14:24:13 <Meadow> that's a lot Sooz
Jun 09 14:24:15 <walt> Sounds right to me Sooz
Jun 09 14:24:16 <-- cabinbev has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 14:24:20 <EVHills> Meadow, don't hate the poor little woodchucks
Jun 09 14:24:28 <Meadow> EV lol
Jun 09 14:24:28 <pinecone> ;-)
Jun 09 14:24:42 <gamera> wonder if it is heading into the Schoonover Gultch burn.....

Jun 09 14:26:05 <Meadow> I got a bad feeling about this one you guys.....

Jun 09 14:29:58 <Soozee1> fire is going over the ridge towards Lost Valley Ranch and is crowning about 100 feet......

Jun 09 14:30:15 <shoeshineboy> just moved to B.C. 2 days before hi-meadow, ended up hangin hat at Reggies.....

Jun 09 14:30:52 <tomkingsvalley> and then Reggies burned.
Jun 09 14:31:00 <Meadow> someone tell me what Lost Valley Ranch is near? Cheeseman? Deckers?
Jun 09 14:31:00 <shoeshineboy> Yep
Jun 09 14:31:07 <EVHills> CG, us guys are all hams......

Jun 09 14:32:56 <kwille> It definetley looks closer than it is. Very nasty.
Jun 09 14:33:04 <tomkingsvalley> I live near Longs as well. Huge plume of smoke heading north-northeast......

Jun 09 14:33:12 <peakwolf> I've been watching from S side of Conifer Mtn, looks like a nuke went off!.....

Jun 09 14:33:43 * pinecone is picking lint out of his navel.....

Jun 09 14:34:05 <EVHills> GS website reporting 7300 acres burned......

Jun 09 14:42:21 <Soozee1> Heavy smoke coming up the ridge line - not sure if it has jumped river but assuming it has
Jun 09 14:42:21 <-- Guest28512 has quit (Timed Out)
Jun 09 14:42:24 <Meadow> hi Kurt
Jun 09 14:42:38 <ankhie> ash is falling from the sky here in denver
Jun 09 14:42:38 * pinecone looks up.
Jun 09 14:42:40 <Soozee1> Smoke drifting north towards Decker
Jun 09 14:42:40 <Meadow> windy here
Jun 09 14:43:00 <KurtBoyer> smoke running N, NE
Jun 09 14:43:07 <peakwolf> how far is fire from Deckers and in what direction?
Jun 09 14:43:15 <Meadow> anyone got a scanner going?......

Jun 09 14:43:51 <Soozee1> Moss Valley Park? Fire is approaching - anyone know where that is
Jun 09 14:43:58 <EVHills> steve, where are you? I'm in Evergeen Hills
Jun 09 14:44:04 <Meadow> can you guys see if they ever put that campground behind us? down passed Shaffer's Crossing?.....

Jun 09 14:44:10 <Soozee1> Fire has missed the majority of Lost Valley Ranch
Jun 09 14:44:11 <derjasdp> not sure how accurate, or if this address will work, but the address on the internet appears to be 29555 Goose Creek Rd. Sedalia.......
Jun 09 14:44:21 <carpetgal> fire look to be be making a run for 211 and Cheeseman
Jun 09 14:44:30 <derjasdp> Sorry, that's for Lost valley ranch
Jun 09 14:44:53 <EVHills> link didn't work derjasdp ("could not decode map")
Jun 09 14:44:59 <-- Guest79517 has quit (Ping Timeout)
Jun 09 14:45:02 <Soozee1> Appearing as if fire is heading to Cheesman - fire crew said the way this year is going - fire will burn straight across the water and come ou on the other side!.....

Jun 09 14:45:55 <KurtBoyer> PCG should be coming online soon
Jun 09 14:45:58 <Meadow> I think we should throw our firefighters a major party at the endof the season this year.....

Jun 09 14:48:53 <carpetgal> anyone got a handle where Flying G ranch is......

Jun 09 14:50:04 <rockymtnhi> fires down to cheeseman
Jun 09 14:50:29 <roxborough> CG, Flying G is NW of Deckers
Jun 09 14:50:48 <EVHills> gonna have to rename it...
Jun 09 14:50:51 <EVHills> frying G
Jun 09 14:50:59 <carpetgal> really. They are dfending the edges of the ranch
Jun 09 14:51:06 <chocolove> lol.......

Jun 09 14:51:38 <roxborough> Has it reached Flying G?
Jun 09 14:51:47 --> mupsmd (quickchat@=Wtcl1381898.direcpc.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 14:51:48 <carpetgal> not quite
Jun 09 14:51:57 --> lanora8 (quickchat@=lLvmla-mrr-hd55-hzjuz060.dnvr.uswest.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 14:52:00 <carpetgal> Kurt where is Wayne
Jun 09 14:52:04 <roxborough> My daughter is suposed to attend GS camp there in 2 weeks!......

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27 Jun 2010 17:07 #34 by kentucky jan

JRSK wrote: I remember all of this... The High Meadow fire was scarier to me... I was pregnant with my daughter and the Dr's were ordering me to get out of the area due to the smoke.. I stayed and got ready to evacuate. We live on Choctaw St then (Pine Junction)
In 2002; pregnant again; it was the snaking fire that burned our 40 acres; we were the first private property to start burning.. I'm still pissed about losing that land!! Then the hayman fire! Crazy times!! need less to say.. I haven't been pregnant since!!! LOL....

You remember it all better than I did! Snaking Fire-came really close to a friend's house. I called her on the first day to tell her what I'd seen on the news & make sure she was okay. She told me she'd been watching Jerry Springer (of all things!) and hadn't really been paying attention. She got busy taking care of her wood pile etc, after I called, and her house got bypassed and was safe. The next weekend, after they'd gotten Snaking contained, we'd gone to the store, and as we came back on 43, fire trucks came screaming up past us. We got up the hill past the Y, saw where the smoke was coming from, and I said, "That's our house!" Well, it wasn't, it was the house next to ours, which burned to the ground. I thank the dear Lord for our neighbors, who quickly dug a fireline to keep that fire from coming onto our yards! And then Hayman! Jersk, you are so right about that being crazy times!

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27 Jun 2010 17:34 #35 by pinedust
A few pictures from June 9, 2002 taken from our place in Bailey. Sort of a time sequence, you can really see how it blew up.










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27 Jun 2010 17:35 #36 by CC
That is just scary to look at. Thx Dusty for sharing those.

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27 Jun 2010 18:20 #37 by Gringa
Wow, that is hard to read.... bringing back bad memories....... that was the scariest time I have ever known living in the mountains. I haven't used the nick Soozee in a while, funny to see me there.

I remember standing on the back deck at the new log building in Pine Jct, next to the Woodside, and watching the propane tanks blow up in Pine Valley Estates.... at the rate it was moving we weren't sure if it would come all the way up the valley and cross the highway or not. I had 3 very close friends lose their houses in this fire.

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27 Jun 2010 18:34 #38 by CC
Gringa....Hold on to someone close because this is going to be even harder.....

This section took me a while to post because reading through it was almost as hard tonight as it was 8 years ago to live through it. Get a hanky....this is hard to read!

Jun 09 14:53:07 <chocolove> smoke has laid down a bit on the crow hill side.....

Jun 09 15:03:22 <KurtBoyer> From the SCANCOLO newsgroup: "A fire has broken out at the base of Storm King mountain, 20 houses destroyed, 2000 people evacuated. May have started in a trailer park."
Jun 09 15:03:31 <rockymtnhi> lost valley guest ranch is being evacuated

Jun 09 15:08:54 <carpetgal> Fire is in Lost Valley Dude ranch.....

Jun 09 15:12:09 --> pinecamguy (pinecam@=81nzyvbr- has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 15:12:10 --- ChanServ gives channel operator status to pinecamguy
Jun 09 15:12:10 <pinecamguy> Welcome to Pinechat!
Jun 09 15:12:26 <carpetgal> AC did we ever get an exact Location for Lost Valley
Jun 09 15:12:26 <chocolove> Hi PCG!.....

Jun 09 15:16:42 <pinecamguy> We went in a cave on the flattops NE of Glenwood Springs at noon yesterday and came out to a raging forest fire.. had to run the mile to our cars......

Jun 09 15:51:37 <carpetgal> Fire is making a heck of a run......

Jun 09 15:51:38 <Soozee> I think it is weird that Trumbal is asking for help but they haven't evac Deckers? What's up with that?
Jun 09 15:51:54 <carpetgal> they evaced Deckers earlier today sooz
Jun 09 15:52:03 <derjasdp> yeah, this a.m.
Jun 09 15:52:12 <Soozee> It was voluntary, I thought........

Jun 09 16:23:41 <carpetgal> manure piles in corals at lost valley are on fire
Jun 09 16:23:57 <pinksbuddy> Grab your nose and pray
Jun 09 16:24:09 <Soozee> hope donkey is running
Jun 09 16:24:13 <-- Guest65559 has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 16:24:13 <carpetgal> that is a hell of a plume
Jun 09 16:24:21 <Soozee> yep - it is BAD........

Jun 09 16:25:13 <Soozee> smoke is very black down low - can you see that CG......

Jun 09 16:26:10 <carpetgal> yes sooz i can see it. It is really bad.....

Jun 09 16:29:29 <carpetgal> firefighters have now been cut off from escape route....
Jun 09 16:29:36 <carpetgal> Everyone say a praYER FOR THEM
Jun 09 16:29:37 <KurtBoyer> "fire all the way into the ranch"
Jun 09 16:30:12 <pinksbuddy> Send them love and hope and a way out......

Jun 09 16:30:14 <EVHills> channel 4, 20 homes threatened
Jun 09 16:30:20 <EVHills> cause: illegal camp fire
Jun 09 16:30:26 --> Meadow (quickchat@=sDOYW45712.ipt.aol.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 16:30:27 <markb> Is it elk falls ranch meadow?
Jun 09 16:30:45 <derjasdp> Guess that makes at least two asses involved in this fire.
Jun 09 16:30:46 <Meadow> carpet...I got booted...did you say that cloud behind KV is smoke?
Jun 09 16:30:46 <EVHills> folks driving S on I-25 are using headlights, smoke that dark
Jun 09 16:30:48 <KurtBoyer> Hi meadow, found out what you cant say...
Jun 09 16:30:51 <mileupsmd> Just heard from a friend in Highlands Ranch. Ash is falling all over the place. They are (they have to) driving with their headlights on as it is so dark!
Jun 09 16:30:55 <carpetgal> Had to ask a biker chick to put her cig out at Beths market yesterday
Jun 09 16:31:04 <EVHills> fire exploded around 2pm
Jun 09 16:31:06 <Meadow> sorry I swore
Jun 09 16:31:13 <JoynHR> I'm in Highlands Ranch and yes it is really bad!!
Jun 09 16:31:15 <KurtBoyer> pinecone doesn't like that. :)
Jun 09 16:31:15 <pinecone> eh?
Jun 09 16:31:16 <EVHills> growing 500 acres per hour
Jun 09 16:31:21 <Meadow> anyone know if there's a fire behind KV???
Jun 09 16:31:21 <Soozee> Channel four said it is exploding and averaging 400 acres a hour
Jun 09 16:31:23 <EVHills> smoke plume just short of 20,000 feet.....
Jun 09 16:33:54 <EVHills> forest worker saw campfire when fire area was only 20x20.....
Jun 09 16:34:10 <EVHills> evacuations just starting to kick in, 175 home so far....
Jun 09 16:34:18 <EVHills> part of Hwy 67 to be closed.....
Jun 09 16:34:49 <EVHills> forest service PIO, trying to secure the base of the fire and make progress on flanks.....
Jun 09 16:35:10 <EVHills> crown (front) of fire "is going to do what it want to do right now" - PIO....
Jun 09 16:35:24 <EVHills> 35-40 homes threatened at this time...
Jun 09 16:36:04 <EVHills> you guys are right, time to ban camping (at least near populated areas)......
Jun 09 16:36:26 <EVHills> Type I overhead team taking over at 18:00....
Jun 09 16:36:36 <EVHills> additional crews rolling in this evening and tomorrow
Jun 09 16:36:43 <EVHills> 200 - 300 addl firefighters on way......
Jun 09 16:37:14 <EVHills> slurry bombers were down for a while due to erratic winds, but now back on scene.....
Jun 09 16:37:55 <EVHills> Over 5000 acres so far, it could be an "extremely large" fire due to wind conditions and weather
Jun 09 16:38:13 <EVHills> in last couple of hours have had addition fires starting in the state......

Jun 09 16:48:00 <KurtBoyer> just abandoned a bulldozer, because the fire is too close. operator is ok......

Jun 09 16:51:35 <Jellomold> evacuating lost valley. Where's lost valley??
Jun 09 16:51:49 <carpetgal> 7 miles from Cheesman res.....

Jun 09 16:53:23 <carpetgal> Jeffco is asking that all personel from area of fire
Jun 09 16:53:37 <carpetgal> be romoved from area
Jun 09 16:53:53 <carpetgal> it will slow down at night
Jun 09 16:54:39 <carpetgal> All Jeffco personel are being evaced from Fire area

Jun 09 16:54:49 <Soozee> Firefighters somewhere are not leaving
Jun 09 16:54:55 <KurtBoyer> some firefighters can not evacuate as they are in a safe zone around some structures. code 4
Jun 09 16:55:07 <Soozee> feel they are in a safety zone and fire has surrounded them......

Jun 09 16:56:06 <pinksbuddy> Send them your thoughts for safety.
Jun 09 16:56:09 <Soozee> to dangerous
Jun 09 16:56:09 <KurtBoyer> Soozee, I think the safety zone is in the Flying G ranch.......

Jun 09 16:57:10 <carpetgal> I assume it is at Lost valley
Jun 09 16:57:31 <carpetgal> They are saying that 1 structure may have been lost at Lost Valley......

Jun 09 16:58:31 <carpetgal> no confirmation yet on that structure
Jun 09 16:58:42 <carpetgal> sounds really ugly at that ranch.....

Jun 09 17:00:43 <Soozee> fire crwoning - they want all ppl back to safety zone
Jun 09 17:00:53 <KurtBoyer> "lets get everyone out, lets get everyone back to the safety zone, you have crowns below you"......

Jun 09 17:01:05 <carpetgal> sounds like firefighters are in danger. they are retrieting and giving up on some structures on the ranch
Jun 09 17:01:15 <Soozee> they are stressed - huh KB?
Jun 09 17:01:19 <markb> yeah
Jun 09 17:01:31 <KurtBoyer> very stressed, I can hear the fire roaring in the background
Jun 09 17:01:37 --> mtnvicky (quickchat@=J5gin11.mm.den.viawest.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 17:01:40 <carpetgal> this is so scary
Jun 09 17:01:53 <Soozee> pray - everyone - pray for our firefighters
Jun 09 17:02:00 <carpetgal> look at that plume now.......

Jun 09 17:02:55 <Soozee> man - I may have to log off - having a hard time listening...

Jun 09 17:12:12 <KurtBoyer> There are firefighters trapped in (lost valley ranch?)
Jun 09 17:12:23 <carpetgal> it is scary quiet Kurt
Jun 09 17:12:26 <Soozee> I think so - not sure where they are at
Jun 09 17:12:35 <Soozee> very quiet
Jun 09 17:12:43 <carpetgal> 7 new has air tracker up
Jun 09 17:12:43 <pinksbuddy> Thought they were in Flying G
Jun 09 17:12:54 <carpetgal> talking about trapped firefighters
Jun 09 17:12:59 <KurtBoyer> My wife is all teary upstairs. She is starting volunteer fire fighter training next January.
Jun 09 17:13:00 <pinecone> that dog don't hunt.
Jun 09 17:13:21 <pinksbuddy> huh?
Jun 09 17:13:22 <Meadow> <--watching news
Jun 09 17:13:29 <Soozee> I had a hard time, too when I heard their voices
Jun 09 17:13:32 <KurtBoyer> pinsbuddy, not clear where they are
Jun 09 17:13:36 <carpetgal> nope Lost Valley. Sounds like they are going to try and rescue by helicopter......

This is where all of our hearts broke.

Jun 09 17:16:53 <RFoster> Anyone know what the lastest on Lost Valley Ranch is?.....

Jun 09 17:19:56 <KurtBoyer> calling in GPS coordinates...possibly for rescue?

Jun 09 17:20:59 <RFoster> Kurt: What about rescue? My dad's out there....
Jun 09 17:21:31 <KurtBoyer> RFoster, they say they are OK right now
Jun 09 17:22:49 <carpetgal> helicopter is circling firefighters
Jun 09 17:22:51 <KurtBoyer> Helicopter ready

Jun 09 17:27:34 <crumps> Those coordinates are just south of BC, should be a ways from the fire.....

Jun 09 17:28:16 <RFoster>

> Any word on what happend to the people in the command center at Lost Valley? Anyone hear anything on the scanners?....
Jun 09 17:28:38 <carpetgal> so far they are OK. Helicopter is nearby to rescyue....

Jun 09 17:31:03 <Soozee> CP - did I hear that it is too smokey for the copter?
Jun 09 17:31:09 <derjasdp> thx
Jun 09 17:31:22 <Soozee> It is very staticy here
Jun 09 17:31:22 --> creekdude ( . 74=) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 17:31:22 <Soozee> CG? I mean
Jun 09 17:31:38 <carpetgal> they said it was to smoky to do water drops right now.....

Jun 09 17:45:06 <pinecamguy> The Forest Service has already evacuated about 175 homes in the West Creek, Lutheran Valley, Trout Creek Farm, Rainbow Falls and Wild Horn subdivisions, Pine Creek Estates, the Molly Gulch and Goose Creek campgrounds, and the Flying G Girl Scout Ranch. A dude ranch called Lost Valley Guest Ranch is about 1/4 mile away, directly in the path of the fire, 7NEWS reported......

Jun 09 17:45:27 <RFoster> =( Lost Valley Ranch is my family's Ranch. Looks like it's toast now. =(
Jun 09 17:45:32 <Soozee> some firefighters are trapped Linda

Jun 09 17:45:51 <Soozee> RF - where is the ranch exactly
Jun 09 17:47:08 <RFoster> Just west of Cheeseman (sp?) res
Jun 09 17:47:14 <Soozee> There is someone on the ranch who wants to stay and protect the structures
Jun 09 17:47:30 <RFoster> God damn, thats probably my dad
Jun 09 17:47:39 <Soozee> Sounds young
Jun 09 17:47:49 <Soozee> Where are you at RFoster?
Jun 09 17:47:51 <RicardoGigante> escape road is burned over, can't get out so he is going to do the best he can with the structures
Jun 09 17:48:03 <RicardoGigante> It is a firefighter
Jun 09 17:48:11 <Soozee> I am getting it from the scanner
Jun 09 17:48:15 <mtnmaiden> oh
Jun 09 17:48:22 <pinecamguy> 153.8750
Jun 09 17:48:27 <RFoster> I'm in woodland park right now
Jun 09 17:48:35 <Soozee> IS your dad there?
Jun 09 17:48:41 <Soozee> have you heard from him?
Jun 09 17:48:43 <mtnmaiden> rfoster, are you ok?
Jun 09 17:48:47 <RFoster> Last I hear yes, he was there with the FD
Jun 09 17:48:48 <-- Guest58555 has quit (Ping Timeout)
Jun 09 17:48:48 <AC44> Heard on TV, someone on ground trapped...sending or tyring to helo in
Jun 09 17:49:06 <RFoster> I'm fine for now, I just need to know if he go out or not.
Jun 09 17:49:22 <Soozee> firefighters are very active on the scanner at your ranch
Jun 09 17:49:25 <RFoster> communication is crazy here. We've had to evac 50 staff and about 100 guests
Jun 09 17:49:35 <pinecamguy> where are you foster?
Jun 09 17:49:36 <RFoster> they're here in WP at the safeway
Jun 09 17:49:37 <derjasdp> 25K?
Jun 09 17:49:44 <Soozee> They are estimating fire at 25k?
Jun 09 17:50:19 <AC44> We heard Bob Foster being interviewed on Channel 7
Jun 09 17:50:58 <AC44> Is that your Dad, or is that you?
Jun 09 17:51:08 <Soozee> RFoster maybe you can help us with the locations......
Jun 09 17:51:43 <RFoster> AC44 what time was that interview?
Jun 09 17:52:08 <RFoster> That was my dad, I havn't been near the ranch in a while
Jun 09 17:52:09 <AC44> Fkor RFoster
Jun 09 17:52:17 <Kilowatt> hiker drove truck into the smoke,, hasnt been seen since
Jun 09 17:52:28 <RFoster> Thanks. AC.
Jun 09 17:52:30 <AC44> Your're welcome
Jun 09 17:52:34 <Soozee> fire is still actively burning at the ranch
Jun 09 17:52:47 <RFoster> What was that about a young guy at the Ranch? Was his name Jeb?
Jun 09 17:53:04 <Mtn_Mom> 8 people accounted for (hikers) saw two others, one as Kilowatt mentioned above.
Jun 09 17:53:04 <Soozee> no name - but I believe he is a firefighter
Jun 09 17:53:28 <RFoster> That's still not good, but at least it'sa FF, he knows what he's doing.
Jun 09 17:53:56 <RFoster> Jesus, we've had that Ranch for 50 Years. =(
Jun 09 17:53:59 <Soozee> So, it ithis a dude ranch?
Jun 09 17:54:02 <AC44> Are they the ones they are Trying to get in to helo out?
Jun 09 17:54:06 <RFoster> Yes, its a dude ranch.
Jun 09 17:54:14 <mtnmaiden> so foster, your dad is ok right?
Jun 09 17:54:56 <pinecamguy> RFoster was the evac numnber you gave from the Lost Valley Guest Ranch?

Jun 09 17:55:49 <Mtn_Mom> <RFoster> communication is crazy here. We've had to evac 50 staff and about 100 guests
Jun 09 17:55:50 <RFoster> Jesus, it's confirmed, he's still there.
Jun 09 17:56:06 <RFoster> My house is on fire.
Jun 09 17:56:09 <Soozee> oh, god....
Jun 09 17:56:22 <Soozee> how are you talking to him?
Jun 09 17:56:29 <mtnmaiden> oh god......
Jun 09 17:56:58 <carpetgal> Rfoster where are you
Jun 09 17:57:06 <pinecamguy> Rob, how do you know your house is on fire?
Jun 09 17:57:06 <pinksbuddy> Can't believe this. How do you know for sure RFoster?
Jun 09 17:57:07 <Soozee> he is in Woodland Park
Jun 09 17:57:26 <RFoster> I'm talking to my mom on the phone who's talking to a firefighter
Jun 09 17:57:43 <siloxane> rfoster, praying for you and yours.
Jun 09 17:57:45 <RFoster> Could be mixed up tho, it's crazy here.
Jun 09 17:58:00 <Soozee> Corals where on fire earlier
Jun 09 17:58:01 <pinksbuddy> Rob, we're with you
Jun 09 17:58:05 <RFoster> Thanks
Jun 09 17:58:07 <Soozee> Corrals
Jun 09 17:58:09 <dancinbbear> oh i am sorry RFoster
Jun 09 17:58:24 * Soozee is praying for your dad and all of the men there
Jun 09 17:58:25 <nylinda> sorry Foster
Jun 09 17:58:31 <AC44> Us too...
Jun 09 17:58:57 <RFoster> What can I do? The roads are closed. Im in woodland Park right now.
Jun 09 17:59:03 <Soozee> he can do no good at the ranch
Jun 09 17:59:05 <pinecamguy> Our prayers are with you
Jun 09 17:59:13 * lazierfan has rfoster and his family and employees in his prayers.
Jun 09 17:59:18 <nylinda> my son lives in Cascade...if u need anything
Jun 09 17:59:22 <AC44> Prayers with you here too
Jun 09 17:59:35 <woodsidewillie> ours too rob
Jun 09 17:59:36 <Soozee> how many acres is the ranch?
Jun 09 17:59:43 <RFoster> Anyone hear anything about evacuations?
Jun 09 17:59:48 <derjasdp> me too
Jun 09 18:00:01 <mlp> RFoster, We were at Lost Valley in the fall - what a gorgeous place. You and your family are all in our prayers.
Jun 09 18:00:25 <pinecamguy> Kilo, please save this chat log
Jun 09 18:00:42 <RFoster> I couldn't care less about the ranch now. I just need my dad to get out of there.
Jun 09 18:00:43 <mtnmaiden> thoughts and prayers
Jun 09 18:00:51 <Soozee> Rob - how big is the ranch?
Jun 09 18:00:56 <pinksbuddy> He'll make it out!!
Jun 09 18:01:03 <Soozee> yes, he will
Jun 09 18:01:10 <RFoster> Pretty big, I don't know the specific acres
Jun 09 18:01:37 <RFoster> <---- AFK Checking the news.
Jun 09 18:01:40 <Soozee> copters are standing by to do evacs
Jun 09 18:02:33 <Soozee> because he is in Woodland Park
Jun 09 18:02:33 <-- smtaw has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 18:02:38 <Soozee> and dad is at the ranch
Jun 09 18:02:47 <Soozee> came here looking for news
Jun 09 18:02:52 <hipk> how big is the ranch?
Jun 09 18:03:10 <Soozee> they are thinking that they can do a backburn
Jun 09 18:05:01 <mlp> RFoster - we are hopeful that the wide meadow at Lost Valley will help save the people and animals still there.
Jun 09 18:05:18 <carpetgal> scanner is not reporting that anyone has been hurt rfoster.
Jun 09 18:05:33 <derjasdp> website says 40,000 acres for lost valley ranch
Jun 09 18:05:34 <carpetgal> firefighters are still communictin g with base
Jun 09 18:06:04 <carpetgal> they are communicating right now
Jun 09 18:06:15 <Soozee> they are sounding fairly calm now, too
Jun 09 18:06:27 <carpetgal> yes, they sound much better
Jun 09 18:06:51 <siloxane> I bet you can get a lot from their voice inflections. Thanks for that post.
Jun 09 18:07:06 <RFoster> Anyone familier with FD practices? would they give breathers for the smoke?
Jun 09 18:07:09 <Soozee> oh yeah - they were very upset a hour ago
Jun 09 18:07:24 <carpetgal> what do you mean foster
Jun 09 18:07:35 <Soozee> they may have some
Jun 09 18:07:44 <Soozee> depends if they have trucks in there
Jun 09 18:07:48 <RFoster> I'm just looking at the smoke and wondering that it may be more lethal than the fire for the people there.
Jun 09 18:07:59 <woodsidewillie> they carry air tanks on some of the trucks
Jun 09 18:08:14 <Soozee> I am sure they have masks on but...oxygen I am not sure
Jun 09 18:08:28 <carpetgal> It was my understanding earlier that there were large open areas on your ranch. The FD was confident they would be safe there
Jun 09 18:08:31 <woodsidewillie> sooze, air not oxygen
Jun 09 18:08:34 <Soozee> I don't know if they have any trucks in there or not
Jun 09 18:08:35 <pinecamguy> Oxygen bottles in a fire situation would be deadly
Jun 09 18:08:38 <woodsidewillie> fire risk with oxygen
Jun 09 18:08:46 <siloxane> Some portable re-breathers don't supply oxygen- just hepa filters
Jun 09 18:08:46 <RFoster> There was some contact with my dad about 30 minutes ago I'm hearing.
Jun 09 18:08:48 <pinecamguy> he said the escape road had burned over...
Jun 09 18:08:57 <siloxane> Good RFoster
Jun 09 18:09:17 <carpetgal> I really think that all people on the ranch are safe according to the scanner
Jun 09 18:09:22 <hipk> wheres lost valley ranch?
Jun 09 18:09:31 <RFoster> West of the resivour
Jun 09 18:09:36 <nylinda> near cheesman
Jun 09 18:09:42 <RFoster> afk
Jun 09 18:09:47 <lazierfan> http://www.ranchweb.com/lost

Jun 09 18:10:39 <carpetgal> sooz look outside
Jun 09 18:10:58 <carpetgal> another run
Jun 09 18:11:02 <pinecamguy> OMG

Jun 09 18:11:20 <pinksbuddy> Can see it from Brook Forest. This one looks bigger than others
Jun 09 18:11:28 <hipk> its ugly outside. earry feeling
Jun 09 18:11:32 <carpetgal> this one is big
Jun 09 18:11:44 <Soozee> HOW CAN 25k acres burn and no houses be lost ?

Jun 09 18:11:51 <carpetgal> firefighters at ranch are still communicating
Jun 09 18:11:59 <pinksbuddy> good

Jun 09 18:19:24 <carpetgal> firefighters say fire is irratic still blowing to the North North east but shifting much higher up
Jun 09 18:19:57 <Soozee> They have a good block on the other structure at Lost Valley

Jun 09 18:23:34 <RFoster> Okay what was that about a block on one of the structures at lost valley?
Jun 09 18:24:37 <RFoster> My only info, from my dad, who's still there is that he's okay for now, there's been some explosions, my hous has burned, my uncles house has burned along with about 5-6 six of the cabins there.....

Jun 09 18:24:49 <carpetgal> fire is running down 211
Jun 09 18:25:04 <siloxane> soooo sorry RFoster.
Jun 09 18:25:07 <Soozee> fire is making a big run now
Jun 09 18:25:11 <RFoster> Soozee where is that picture?
Jun 09 18:25:25 <AC44> I am so sorry....RF, not words adequate...glad your Dad is ok now
Jun 09 18:25:25 <mtnmed> sorry RFoster..
Jun 09 18:25:31 <Soozee> We are posting it soon - 'RG will post the url
Jun 09 18:25:33 <mtnmed> yes.. glad you dad is ok
Jun 09 18:25:40 <RFoster> Thankyou.[/color]

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27 Jun 2010 18:45 #39 by JRSK

Gringa wrote: Wow, that is hard to read.... bringing back bad memories....... that was the scariest time I have ever known living in the mountains. I haven't used the nick Soozee in a while, funny to see me there.

I remember standing on the back deck at the new log building in Pine Jct, next to the Woodside, and watching the propane tanks blow up in Pine Valley Estates.... at the rate it was moving we weren't sure if it would come all the way up the valley and cross the highway or not. I had 3 very close friends lose their houses in this fire.

Gringa, that log building in PJ; Parkview Business Center; is where I watched the Hi Meadow fire. Dennis Ebersbach (SP?), Steve Klein and I watched with worry.... from the upper back deck!! how funny...

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27 Jun 2010 18:47 #40 by Wayne Harrison
Here's the photo from Lost Valley Ranch (I think) to go with the chat transcript above:

Taken by a North Fork firefighter.

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