8 Years Ago -- The Hayman Wildfire

27 Jun 2010 12:50 #21 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic 8 Years Ago -- The Hayman Wildfire
I am speechless.

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27 Jun 2010 13:01 #22 by jf1acai
LOL, I wanted to forget about accessing chat through my cell phone, 4800 baud on a good day! :lol:

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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27 Jun 2010 13:05 #23 by Sunshine Girl
Thank you for sharing this info. Those pictures are horrifying!

" I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure. " Mae West

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27 Jun 2010 13:14 #24 by CC
It was the scariest 2 weeks of our lives. You stayed packed and ready to go.
Trying to decide what you could replace and what you should take.
The air was thick with smoke.
As i sit here typing...I can hear on the scanner someone else talking about a plume of smoke they can see.
(Wayne, are the fires up north blowing up right now?)

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27 Jun 2010 13:55 #25 by CC

Jun 09 13:11:17 <Raptr> smoke moving more east in the last hour
Jun 09 13:11:21 <Soozee_AFK> moving east
Jun 09 13:11:30 <jeff_m> The plume over denver is huge. It's obscruing just about the entire southern sky……

Jun 09 13:11:37 <jeff_m> Just got back from there.
Jun 09 13:11:42 <Raptr> i imagine so
Jun 09 13:11:54 <tolford> carpetgal, do you have the latest on size?
Jun 09 13:11:58 <Soozee_AFK> wow...jf1 how's is look from your end?
Jun 09 13:12:14 <Soozee_AFK> 1500 acres - but unconfirmed
Jun 09 13:12:16 --> howrad (quickchat@=pARQJ957M2.ipt.aol.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 13:12:20 <KurtBoyer> lost valley ranch says fire to the east of "sheet rock" headed towards south edge of Cheesman
Jun 09 13:12:42 <Raptr> latest size update as of 10:30 AM .. 1500+ acres
Jun 09 13:12:48 <tolford> thx…..

Jun 09 13:13:24 <carpetgal> called 9 news and they are still saying 1500 acres as of an hour ago. That can't be right
Jun 09 13:13:27 <Soozee_AFK> with ice, please?
Jun 09 13:13:42 --- Soozee_AFK is now known as Soozee
Jun 09 13:13:45 <carpetgal> It is making a huge run right now…..

Jun 09 13:14:18 <Raptr> Information contact number for all who want it is 719-553-1640
Jun 09 13:14:18 <jf1acai_cell> I used to have to go outside to see it, now see it clearly over the house next door……

Jun 09 13:15:52 <ankhie> in central denver, you can now smell smoke in the air…..

Jun 09 13:16:16 <AC44> Raptr mentioned evas of Molly gulch - that is 10-11 miles from Hayman site - it that is where it started…..

Jun 09 13:16:40 <AC44> Goose Creek is approx 8 - 9 1/2 miles from Hayman site
Jun 09 13: Jun 09 13:16:26 <carpetgal> yes
16:50 <carpetgal> If it keeps moving in this direction Won't it roll into the schoonover area
Jun 09 13:16:56 <Raptr> all info i have is coming from the USFS site at http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/psicc/fire/hayman/index.htm
Jun 09 13:17:05 <AC44> MrAC been checking maps...
Jun 09 13:17:10 <AC44> Thank you Raptr
Jun 09 13:17:37 <Soozee> That is what I am thinking, CG
Jun 09 13:17:44 <AC44> Mr AC did pretty good getting mileage on Schoonover Fire...so think this is pretty accurate……

Jun 09 13:18:05 <carpetgal> that is good news for deckers then
Jun 09 13:18:07 <Soozee> But, if it just a mile to the south or so - who knows.
Jun 09 13:18:36 <Soozee> Sorry AC - are you saying it is moving right to the Schoonocer fire?
Jun 09 13:18:38 <carpetgal> Mr. Ac have a handle on where this is and where going yet Mrs ac…..

Jun 09 13:23:22 <Guest93050> the smoke/ash are unbelievable in the northern Highlands Ranch area……
Jun 09 13:24:07 <AC44> KKurt...just sent you an email for Polly White - latest updates, says she thinks Pinecam is doing a great service……

Jun 09 13:26:14 <jf1acai_cell> Smoke now obscures my view of downtown Denver, and we can smell it……

Jun 09 13:36:36 <KurtBoyer> fire 1 mile away from lost valley ranch
Jun 09 13:36:44 <carpetgal> that is massive…..

Jun 09 13:38:44 <nylinda> went on roof doesnt look good
Jun 09 13:39:17 <Guest93050> can someone please give the location of Fly G ranch.
Jun 09 13:39:18 <Soozee> CG - I am not picking up anything but static
Jun 09 13:39:19 <chocolove> HI All, couldn't see the smoke until a bit ago but now it is quite big! I am on crow hill
Jun 09 13:39:31 <KurtBoyer> 153.875 very active……

Jun 09 13:42:08 <carpetgal> flying G is near southern tip of Cheeseman res I believe
Jun 09 13:42:14 <Soozee> not hearing anything, but it looks like structure smoke tome!
Jun 09 13:42:19 --> JoynHR (quickchat@=LEuwq584-997-693.den1.dsl.speakeasy.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 13:42:27 <ankhie> the smoke has come down to ground level in denver now, so much smoke in the air the house half a block away is hazy
Jun 09 13:42:29 <ConiferMtn> Hey all. It's the neurotic, stressed-out, nut-job Commie from Conifer. How's it goin'?
Jun 09 13:42:33 <AC44> looks like a bomb went off from here ....looks like not is…..

Jun 09 13:46:27 <rockymtnhi> it's move acrros to cheeseman
Jun 09 13:46:48 <Raptr> http://planetmodz.cheatman.net/images/Fire%20001.jpg and http://planetmodz.cheatman.net/images/Fire%20002.jpg new smoke pics
Jun 09 13:46:48 <Soozee> LINDA - fire started near Tarryall and has moved to Cheesmans
Jun 09 13:46:56 <nylinda> all i can say is...God help us all!
Jun 09 13:47:16 <ConiferMtn> I should evacuate the Hayman--not 'cause of the fire, but because of the SMOKE--I'll get lung cancer :-)
Jun 09 13:47:29 <Raptr> pictures are big. please give them time to load for all who lookj at it
Jun 09 13:47:33 <nylinda> well i guess we can all move to Denver
Jun 09 13:47:51 <rockymtnhi> i'm gonna buy a sailboat
Jun 09 13:48:01 <ConiferMtn> Not me. I'm staying in the mountains if it kills me. (which it might, this year!)…..

Jun 09 13:53:48 <walt> ?Is it me, or has the smoke gotten much worse in the past ten minutes or so? Sure looks that way from PJ
Jun 09 13:53:53 <Soozee> yeah
Jun 09 13:53:54 <AC44> Also another site from Polly: think we have this one, but for new people coming in go to http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/psicc/fire/hayman/
Jun 09 13:54:06 <shoeshineboy> bomber flew over my house in Buffalo Creek 5 min. before big blow up
Jun 09 13:54:07 <Soozee> I am in Woodside
Jun 09 13:54:10 <AC44> So, new people another place to go...
Jun 09 13:54:15 <ConiferMtn> It was eerie. I was swimming today, and we had Hayman towering over us. The water was actually orange (reflecting smoke)
Jun 09 13:54:27 <AC44> Ty Polly!
Jun 09 13:54:27 <Raptr> ewww
Jun 09 13:54:28 <rockymtnhi> i'm near hi meadow and it looks real bad

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27 Jun 2010 14:32 #26 by Residenttroll returns
The worst wildlife in Colorado history and it was started by a BIG GOVERNMENT employee. Has turn a good portion of the forest into looking like the moon. Imagine all the burnt up wildlife that the national media was never able to photograph or videotape because they wouldnt' dare hike into the forest looking for the photo ops.

Good thing Obama wasn't in office. All the National Forests and Park in the US would have been closed.

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27 Jun 2010 14:39 #27 by kentucky jan
That was such a scary time. We lived in Elk Creek Highlands. While we were never in immediate danger, just knowing how quickly it grew kept us on edge. My husband traveled all the time for work, so I was home alone without a vehicle a lot of the time, but thankfully we had wonderful neighbors who would take me to safety if need be. I learned the arts of packing for evacuation, inventorying the household goods, and how to leave the house (doors unlocked, curtains closed, a note saying there was no one inside, bathtubs full, propane off, hose hooked up-what am I forgetting?)

One of my big memories was driving down I-25 one weekend on the way to Pueblo, and seeing some idiot toss a lit cig butt out of their car, right by a firefighter staging area. I was livid! No cell phone back then, or they would have been turned in!

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27 Jun 2010 14:44 #28 by Sunshine Girl
inventorying the household goods, and how to leave the house (doors unlocked, curtains closed, a note saying there was no one inside, bathtubs full, propane off, hose hooked up

great tips kj!

" I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure. " Mae West

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27 Jun 2010 14:46 #29 by Wayne Harrison
You always seem to get things wrong, RT. The media wasn't allowed into the AO during the fire, which is standard procedure during incident management. It had nothing with not daring to hike in. The area was closed to all but firefighters, as it should have been.

A fire ban was in place when the Hayman Fire broke out. It was a part-time National Forecast Service worker who was supposed to be watching for violators that actually started the fire.

When I hear someone in the newsroom say, "Oh, it's only a 1-acre fire," I remind them the Hayman started from two pieces of paper. Was she burning a love letter or was she starting a fire to be the hero in reporting it? Only she knows the answer.

In the book "Living With Wildfire" the Evergreen author recommends TWO go bags. One, when you have only minutes to evac and another for when you have more time and can take more stuff.

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27 Jun 2010 15:04 #30 by CC
It is great getting to hear some of those personal stories. Keep them coming. It just adds to the history of all of this. It is something that bonds us all together.

Jun 09 13:54:40 <carpetgal> Fire is approaching Sheeprock and ash is in the area of 211/560.....

Jun 09 13:54:55 <cabinbev> I'm in Bailey and it looks bad here
Jun 09 13:54:57 <steve_w> Is this getting bigger and bigger"
Jun 09 13:55:02 <Soozee> Smoke is WAY WORSE than 5 minutes ago!
Jun 09 13:55:09 <ConiferMtn> How big is Hayman now?
Jun 09 13:55:11 --- Goldie is now known as Guest34635
Jun 09 13:55:15 <cabinbev> what was the blow up
Jun 09 13:55:15 <pinecone> not much, I'm just watching the traffic on 285.
Jun 09 13:55:16 <carpetgal> don't knowq
Jun 09 13:55:26 <Soozee> LINDA _ I didn't move - still in my house
Jun 09 13:55:31 <ConiferMtn> Anyone know?.......

Jun 09 13:56:26 <walt> Soozee - I'm in Woodside too, and from here, it appears to really be blowing up
Jun 09 13:56:27 <-- Guest34635 has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 13:56:32 <rockymtnhi> always been back here in burland
Jun 09 13:56:39 <Raptr> channel 4 is doing banners but not often
Jun 09 13:56:41 <Soozee> Yep! It is bad, bad, bad, Walt
Jun 09 13:56:45 <nylinda> climbed on my roof looks bad.....

Jun 09 13:57:43 <Guest73902> I am in Littleton @ C470/Wads and I can't even see across Chatfield Res, the smoke is so thick. now ash is beginning to fall here.
Jun 09 13:57:44 <steve_w> Any tv stations have up to date?
Jun 09 13:57:54 <rockymtnhi> linda ...from my house conifer mtn looks like it's in smoke
Jun 09 13:58:00 <Jellomold> There's a smoke report in the Elk Meadows area of Evergreen. They're looking into it but nothing found yet.
Jun 09 13:58:01 <Soozee> No, of course not, no TV
Jun 09 13:58:02 <AC44> Hey, my first was Hi Meadows, no picnic....and no computer either...no pinecam.....

Jun 09 13:58:43 <AC44> Hope that isn't another one JelloMold
Jun 09 13:58:44 <carpetgal> jello what freq did you here that.....

Jun 09 14:01:15 <Jellomold> Heard it on the Evergreen FD dispatch off of Kurts list I think. They didn't find anything and stood down a minute ago...
Jun 09 14:01:29 <nylinda> thk God jiloi.....

Jun 09 14:05:21 <AC44> Hey, Conifer librarians, you have any good maps - could help us out!
Jun 09 14:05:32 <jf1acai_cell> 7 News reporting 7,000+ acres burned at Glenwood......

Jun 09 14:05:54 <AC44> Holy toledo...that's really bad
Jun 09 14:05:59 <carpetgal> They are now watching Northrup Gulch
Jun 09 14:06:04 <derjasdp> Soozee / Walt - I'm in woodside too, what units you in?
Jun 09 14:06:10 <Soozee> 3
Jun 09 14:06:16 <jf1acai_cell> 100 National Guard troops called in to help.......

Jun 09 14:06:18 <steve_w> That's 7,000 acres, 40 structures and a trailer park according to KUNC
Jun 09 14:06:22 <carpetgal> AC where is Northrip Gulch.....

Jun 09 14:07:18 <Meadow> boy, that smoke plume has really exploded
Jun 09 14:07:27 <rockymtnhi> yes it has
Jun 09 14:07:30 <coniferlibrarians> yes, we have maps.....tell me what you need & I can fax to you or show you how to get to the online topos.....

Jun 09 14:08:00 <carpetgal> just post web sites for maps here in chat
Jun 09 14:08:06 <Meadow> wow...lotsa people in here today
Jun 09 14:08:06 <Soozee> yes, he is posting a photo from the deck now
Jun 09 14:08:14 <RicardoGigante> Pictures from the back deck at the Woodside taken a few mins. ago. http://www.hwy285.com/from_woodside_2pm.jpg and http://www.hwy285.com/from_woodside_2pm2.jpg
Jun 09 14:08:15 <AC44> Conifer LIbrarians thank you !!!
Jun 09 14:08:27 <AC44> Just a sec Conifer Lib
Jun 09 14:08:32 <AC44> Librarians, sorry
Jun 09 14:08:45 <AC44> Northrup Gulch ....is south of Cheeseman.......

Jun 09 14:08:49 --> eddei6string ( . 307=) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 14:08:50 * pinecone will be in the hot tub if anyone needs him.
Jun 09 14:08:53 <nylinda> nice pic sue
Jun 09 14:08:59 <carpetgal> thnaks AC
Jun 09 14:08:59 <Meadow> how's the traffic on 285? anyone know?
Jun 09 14:09:00 <AC44> and fairly close to the S . Platte
Jun 09 14:09:05 <Meadow> hot tub? lol
Jun 09 14:09:05 <pinecone> |-)
Jun 09 14:09:25 <steve_w> Thanks to John
Jun 09 14:09:26 <Soozee> traffic is lite.....

Jun 09 14:13:31 <AC44> Ladies and gentlemen -PCG would now announce that 61 users on Pinecam....

Jun 09 14:15:39 <derjasdp> Hayman fire now in Jeff Co.
Jun 09 14:15:40 <rockymtnhi> we all neighbors
Jun 09 14:15:46 <AC44> Jeffco?
Jun 09 14:15:48 <Guest18025> some stupid locals and some stupid visitors
Jun 09 14:15:49 <Meadow> I say we all call the Governor's office tomorrow morning and say "we want camping bans".....

Jun 09 14:15:57 <Meadow> :-) at Guest
Jun 09 14:16:02 <kitchendesigner> Amen on the camping bans!
Jun 09 14:16:06 <nylinda> must be deckers thats jeffco
Jun 09 14:16:08 <Guest18025> and local bans, then, too
Jun 09 14:16:15 <AC44> Derjasdp - where did you get that info?.....

Jun 09 14:21:17 <Meadow> Lost Valley is in Park County...I believe
Jun 09 14:21:27 <shoeshineboy> been bad all day
Jun 09 14:21:33 <Soozee1> no lost valley is ion Jeffco
Jun 09 14:21:35 <tomkingsvalley> just heard on the scanner a possible fire south of Lost Valley Ranch.
Jun 09 14:21:36 <carpetgal> Fire must be moving on several fronts
Jun 09 14:21:38 <EVHills> was listening to KOA, but they didn't even seem to break into Rockies coverage
Jun 09 14:21:44 <Meadow> anyone know how far a fire can travel in a day with 35mph winds?

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