8 Years Ago -- The Hayman Wildfire

07 Jul 2010 07:21 #91 by jf1acai
More from the DSV archives:

"We have no power in Trumbull! " by Nick

Hi Susan and John,

Everything went well last night at the firehouse. We (Scott and I) met Don Eberhart and Bob Gullett. We picked up 2 bad generators which I'll evaluate and get back to you on parts costs. I'll be glad to do the repair work myself. We also dropped off the shoes, laces, etc and my generator. They still had one other functioning generator, so with a bit of "junkyard wars" technology we connected my generator up to the firehouse breaker box. They now have water and basic lighting. Scott and I are planning to return tonight to refine the generator installation and drop off some spare tools we've got laying around. Everyone was tired but seemed in good spirits. They fed us bbq and told us the latest on the fire. Everything is quiet in their area, so they expected to be called up to the active side of the fire.

On the way in, we didn't see much in the way of fire activity, just lots of "moonscape". Scorched trees and grass. On the way out, after dark, we did see a few burning trees. They were few and far between, but it was very clear that with the right conditions things could get very ugly very quickly.

I'll keep you posted. Give me a call later if you have any questions.


Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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08 Jul 2010 06:52 #92 by jf1acai
A final article from the DSV archives:

Everyone Can Contribute - Jack Frank

The fire season of 2002 was a big learning experience for me. I live in Golden, so my property was not directly affected, and I had no relatives or close friends living in the areas directly involved in any of the early fires. However, I have a mountain background, and a love of the forests, so had a keen interest in what was going on throughout the state, and particularly ‘close’ to home.I had watched the discussion forums on local web sites in prior years, so went back to those sources again.

When one site started a chat room, I went there and ‘lurked’ (watching but not saying anything). Because I do not live in the area, I did not feel I had anything to contribute. After a few days of this, I saw an area that I could contribute in.

There were many questions asked relating to where the fires really were, where evacuation boundaries were, and so on. I was able to find maps on the Internet to answer these questions, and could post links to those maps. I had found a way that I could help, and the assistance seemed to be appreciated by all. I also found that I could find additional information sources on the Internet to assist in answering questions. I was able to contribute something useful, and it felt really good!

Gradually I became more familiar with the area through the maps and remembering the answers to questions that had been previously asked. I became one of the ‘regulars’ in the chat room, met with several of the others, and some great friendships were established.

Through the experience of last fire season, I learned that the contribution of any one individual does not have to be ‘large’, it is the sum of ALL contributions that gets the job done. Look around you a bit, and I am sure you can find a way to help, and it will be MUCH appreciated!  

Jack (jf1acai)

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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08 Jul 2010 08:07 #93 by CC

Jun 09 20:11:18 <carpetgal> this is scary this late in the day
Jun 09 20:11:20 <RicardoGigante> oh my, how nasty looking. Doesn't look like it could be smoke
Jun 09 20:11:26 <Meadow> yep carpet...should be slowing down now
Jun 09 20:11:27 <chocolove> I know how you feel meadow
Jun 09 20:11:31 <AC44> Earlier, Kurt said Red Card firefighers tomorrow - is that retired?
Jun 09 20:11:35 <dancinbbear> yes it is..any new updates?
Jun 09 20:11:40 <siloxane> I just looked out window too. Amazing.
Jun 09 20:11:42 <tjet500> Tjet back, typing may suffer due to influence of JD. You folks are right, this looks worse. The DARK smoke is coming from an apparently much larger area of land, the volume of dark smoke is bigger and the plumes are much more "defined" making me think not only is it burning MORE vigeraously but with more "velocity" of air flow through the combustables....
Jun 09 20:11:48 <Meadow> I justwant ot hug each one of those amazing people
Jun 09 20:12:03 <Meadow> glowing orange here...on the bottom of the plume
Jun 09 20:12:06 <KurtBoyer> I was thinking red cards were volunteer firefighters, but no confirmation......

Jun 09 20:12:18 <AC44> Ok.. just wondered
Jun 09 20:12:26 <Meadow> red cards?
Jun 09 20:12:26 <siloxane> You spell very well with the JD!
Jun 09 20:12:44 <AC44> Do they have a Type I team in on Hayman yet?
Jun 09 20:12:48 <carpetgal> they are firefighters with special training Kurt
Jun 09 20:12:49 <pinecone> it's not possible.
Jun 09 20:12:52 <Meadow> anyone gonna sleep tonight?
Jun 09 20:12:53 <Kilo_logging> yes ac
Jun 09 20:13:00 <KurtBoyer> There was a call by the platte canyon FD for all "red cards" to call in by the morning to report.
Jun 09 20:13:05 <Meadow> AC haven't seen that
Jun 09 20:13:07 --> kelmar (quickchat@=CU52-802-284-03.client.attbi.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 20:13:07 <carpetgal> They Are on their way AC
Jun 09 20:13:09 <AC44> Ty kilo
Jun 09 20:13:13 <Meadow> they called in the National Guard though
Jun 09 20:13:25 <AC44> That is good
Jun 09 20:13:30 <AC44> Yes heard of N Guard.
Jun 09 20:13:37 <KurtBoyer> sleeping with windows open so we know if the wind changes.
Jun 09 20:13:40 <tjet500> Red cards are wildland fire training, our area team is the 2856 wildcats. Woithout a redcard you cannot fight one of these things, you also need to be a certified "sawyer" to lop trees to cut a breaki
Jun 09 20:13:40 <pinecone> of course.
Jun 09 20:13:51 <JRairdon> Was the National Guard just for Glenwood Springs?
Jun 09 20:13:54 <Meadow> I think weshould all drop by our local fire department stations tomorrow and either make a donation, offer help or just shake their hands
Jun 09 20:14:04 <AC44> Just take care Kurt
Jun 09 20:14:12 <KurtBoyer> will do AC44.........

Jun 09 20:15:44 <dancinbbear> has Elk Creek fire dept. been called?
Jun 09 20:15:53 <tjet500> I hung at Platte canyon for Snaking till 1 am several nites and could not even help load a tanker.....bring em food and water. Sign up for the fire compamies, Platte canyon next training september. I am sending wayne at Pinecam 25 scoots tonight, who;'s with me here???!!!
Jun 09 20:15:53 <pinecone> it's pretty likely.
Jun 09 20:15:57 * pinecone is lurking.
Jun 09 20:15:58 <AC44> I have not heard dancin....
Jun 09 20:16:14 <pinecamguy> I'm going to log out so my daughter can log in..
Jun 09 20:16:19 <-- pinecamguy........

Jun 09 20:17:37 <pinecamkid> HI
Jun 09 20:17:37 <pinecone> Welcome!
Jun 09 20:17:49 <-- broomfield has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 20:17:52 --> Polly (quickchat@=1c51-696-338-69.client.attbi.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 20:17:56 --- KurtBoyer gives channel operator status to pinecamkid
Jun 09 20:17:58 <carpetgal> Hi there Pinecam kid
Jun 09 20:17:58 <Meadow> <--coughing from being outside :-(
Jun 09 20:18:05 <Meadow> it looks so bad
Jun 09 20:18:06 <Kilo_logging> was trying to decode the symbols,, i think you can see the fire perimeter on it,,
Jun 09 20:18:07 <AC44> Hi Pinecam kid!
Jun 09 20:18:07 <pinecamkid> Hello
Jun 09 20:18:08 <pinecone> Welcome to the chat room, N!
Jun 09 20:18:10 <Meadow> plume is big and orange now
Jun 09 20:18:19 <siloxane> Meadow, where are you?
Jun 09 20:18:22 <carpetgal> blowing way up again
Jun 09 20:18:31 <AC44> How you doing over there Pcamkid?
Jun 09 20:18:35 <siloxane> Carpetgal, is that why the plume looks orange?......

Jun 09 20:21:27 <KurtBoyer> "fire may have jumped 126 in the last 5 minutes"
Jun 09 20:21:28 <carpetgal> fire is approaching 126
Jun 09 20:21:35 <tolford> thx kurt
Jun 09 20:21:38 <Meadow> carpet :-).....

Jun 09 20:21:46 <Soozee> Firing is explosive - asking Elk Creek for help
Jun 09 20:21:46 <chocolove> no!
Jun 09 20:21:47 * pinecone couldn't agree more
Jun 09 20:21:53 <carpetgal> They are asking for Elk Creek now for Structure protection in Spring Creek
Jun 09 20:21:56 <KurtBoyer> elk creek being called in for structure protection.......

Jun 09 20:22:28 <KurtBoyer> fire is 3 miles north of 211, winds are eratic and the fire behaviour is intense.
Jun 09 20:22:29 <Soozee> 2 miles from WigWam and fire looks like it will jump 126 there
Jun 09 20:22:33 <jen_B> went up on the roof and took some digital pictures - awesome......

Jun 09 20:30:05 <carpetgal> all of Northfork fire has been called up to provide structure protection to Spring Creek
Jun 09 20:30:14 <Soozee> They want 285 teams to respond to Spring Creek for structure prote ction - they are concerned that the fire may move that way tonight........

Jun 09 20:32:36 <pinecamkid> The smoke is beautious!
Jun 09 20:32:50 <Soozee> off our deck, jf
Jun 09 20:32:57 <AC44> Yes, it is PCkid
Jun 09 20:32:59 --> roobee1 ([url=mailto:..L]..L[/url]3930=) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 20:33:10 <Soozee> With sun going down itis turning very orange
Jun 09 20:33:12 <Raptr> wow .. it looks real good in pink
Jun 09 20:33:15 <jf1acai_cell> Scary, too!......

Jun 09 20:33:41 <roobee1> hi all
Jun 09 20:33:49 <pinecamkid> It is pretty if you ask me.
Jun 09 20:33:50 <Kilo_logging> hi roobee
Jun 09 20:33:58 <roobee1> hey kilo
Jun 09 20:34:04 <pinecamkid> Hello, robbee
Jun 09 20:34:05 <pinecone> Come in and take a load off.
Jun 09 20:34:05 <Soozee> smoke is going more northerly than east no
Jun 09 20:34:08 <Soozee> now
Jun 09 20:34:08 * pinecone believes Soozee is correct
Jun 09 20:34:21 <roobee1> hi pinecamkid
Jun 09 20:34:27 <chocolove> Raptr I think that is working Thanks a million!!!
Jun 09 20:34:31 <Soozee> hi roobee
Jun 09 20:34:37 <roobee1> hi sooz
Jun 09 20:34:44 <roobee1> pretty awesome sight huh
Jun 09 20:34:46 --> ridge (quickchat@=KA5Iges25.tnt1.denver.co.da.uu.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 20:35:04 <chocolove> roobee that is awesome and scary at the same time!
Jun 09 20:35:05 <TD_biker> We are starting to get some smoke in Colo Springs.
Jun 09 20:35:14 <pinecamkid> It is definitely something
Jun 09 20:35:15 <RicardoGigante> Another pic http://www.hwy285.com/830_hayman.jpg
Jun 09 20:35:17 <roobee1> i agree choco
Jun 09 20:35:28 <siloxane> You can smell it in the springs?
Jun 09 20:35:39 <chocolove> That could be good as it could be going back on itself or is that wishful thinking?
Jun 09 20:35:48 --- ridge is now known as Guest53524
Jun 09 20:35:49 <TD_biker> No smell yet..
Jun 09 20:36:09 * pinecone trying to get the wax out of his ears.
Jun 09 20:36:17 <pinecamkid> I do not smell anything, either
Jun 09 20:36:18 <roobee1> just got back from southwest denver area-had a helluva headache
Jun 09 20:36:22 --> dmblnd (quickchat@=VyJWCL7546.ipt.aol.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 20:36:29 <RicardoGigante> thanx
Jun 09 20:36:32 <TD_biker> We could just be getting some winds aloft that are bring some smoke this way.
Jun 09 20:36:52 <siloxane> I feel for anyone downwind of that.
Jun 09 20:36:57 <chuffman> or you are getting Ft. Carson smoke
Jun 09 20:37:11 <siloxane> There's a fire at Ft. Carson Chuffman?
Jun 09 20:37:12 <TD_biker> I read that the are considering closure of Pike NF. any word on this?
Jun 09 20:37:27 <pinecamkid> It turned gray all of the sudden
Jun 09 20:37:30 <TD_biker> Are they going to Level 3?
Jun 09 20:37:49 <Kilo_logging> incredible pic RG
Jun 09 20:37:50 <chuffman> I think Ft. Carson is on the fire list with Trinidad, Durango, Glenwood, etc.
Jun 09 20:38:10 <TD_biker> Fort Carson is out of Pueblo also.
Jun 09 20:38:18 <siloxane> Would that be on the base?........

Jun 09 20:38:36 <bruce_in_WP> We've watched it move from west of us to north of us (sorry no digital cam) all day from 7 miles N of Woodland Park and have smelled no smoke. The S to N profile makes it look like the upper plume is circulating back S while the lower smoke is still going NE.
Jun 09 20:38:43 <TD_biker> 3000 + on the base near turkey creek.
Jun 09 20:38:47 <chuffman> dunno, big base though with the range out south
Jun 09 20:38:57 <roobee1> siloxane, yes on the base
Jun 09 20:39:11 <siloxane> Yeah, it is a huge base.
Jun 09 20:39:11 <-- walt has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 20:39:22 <TD_biker> Any word on how GWSprings is doing?
Jun 09 20:39:26 <-- dakota_rexx has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 20:39:30 <-- spk1 has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 20:39:37 <-- dillykat has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 20:39:40 <robertz> how's everyone doing in WP?
Jun 09 20:39:46 <siloxane> Bruce, you're pretty close?
Jun 09 20:40:02 <jf1acai_cell> Last I heard @ 5:00 Glenwood was 7,000 acres...
Jun 09 20:40:16 <carpetgal> they are toning for Elk Creek for Mutual aide to Northfork Fire
Jun 09 20:40:16 <pinecamkid> That is what I heard
Jun 09 20:40:47 <chuffman> GS website hasn't been updated since 4 pm. Still saying 7,300 acres and 23 "primary structures"
Jun 09 20:40:49 <-- dmblnd has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 20:40:52 <mlp> Ft Carson fire started about 3 days ago - doing Live Fire Exercises, can you believe it!? Last I heard had burned 3000 acres on post.
Jun 09 20:41:23 <carpetgal> Scary to here that they nneed structure protection in Pine
Jun 09 20:41:24 <jf1acai_cell> Maybe they needed training putting out fires...
Jun 09 20:41:24 <pinecone> I'm not so sure.
Jun 09 20:41:32 <TD_biker> Where is Northfork?........

Jun 09 20:43:12 <arnie> I justed received a phone call saying the Devil's Head Fire Lookout Tower is being evacuated. Anybody know if that's true?
Jun 09 20:43:16 <Soozee> I think it is precauctonary at this point
Jun 09 20:43:25 <Soozee> no
Jun 09 20:43:25 <pinecone> sorry. Sometimes I get overenthusiastic.
Jun 09 20:43:31 <carpetgal> scanner is quiet again for the guys already on the fire lines. Makes me nervous.........

Jun 09 20:57:45 <pinecamkid> It jumped 126
Jun 09 20:57:45 <Raptr> yep
Jun 09 20:57:48 <RicardoGigante> fast too!
Jun 09 20:57:49 <chocolove> so we are going west now?
Jun 09 20:57:53 <RicardoGigante> and moving up 126
Jun 09 20:57:54 <pinecamkid> It is going up 126
Jun 09 20:57:55 <carpetgal> fie has jumped 126 and is moving rapidly
Jun 09 20:57:57 <Raptr> at least that i can tell from what just came across scanner
Jun 09 20:58:09 <RicardoGigante> :(
Jun 09 20:58:14 <robertz> still south of buffalo creek?
Jun 09 20:58:17 <pinecamkid> ThaT IS WHAT CAME FROM OUR SCANNER
Jun 09 20:58:20 <RicardoGigante> prolly won't sleep well tonight
Jun 09 20:58:25 <-- kavyboy has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 20:58:26 <Q_n_Lav> is there a pinecam website?
Jun 09 20:58:27 <dancinbbear> oh man...
Jun 09 20:58:28 <-- shoeshineboy has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 20:58:30 <RicardoGigante> 6 mile hill?
Jun 09 20:58:33 <chocolove> scanner is staying on all night here
Jun 09 20:58:33 <pinecone> Last Scanner Update: (06/09/2002 20:58) Status as of 5 PM 06/09 -> 06/09/2002 5 PM
Jun 09 20:58:40 <siloxane> news on.. goodnight neighbors
Jun 09 20:58:40 <pinecone> I hope you'll come back again real soon. (did that sound sincere?) haha
Jun 09 20:58:45 <-- dillykat has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 20:58:46 <TD_biker> What is 126?
Jun 09 20:58:53 <pinecamkid> [url=http://www.pinecam.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;]www.pinecam.com[/url]
Jun 09 20:58:53 <chocolove> Q [url=http://www.pinecam.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;]www.pinecam.com[/url]
Jun 09 20:58:59 <Raptr> Highway 126.........

Jun 09 21:01:51 <EVHills> PIO "this fire is burning like hell"
Jun 09 21:01:51 <-- cabinbev has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jun 09 21:01:57 <Guest26486> Who's reporting the fire jumper 126?
Jun 09 21:01:59 <Meadow> do we know the acreage on this puppy yet?
Jun 09 21:02:07 <carpetgal> sSpring Creek is being ordered to evac
Jun 09 21:02:07 <pinecamkid> Hi, Meadow
Jun 09 21:02:11 --> gggcal (quickchat@=MHUU17U6A1.ipt.aol.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:02:16 <Meadow> hi pcg
Jun 09 21:02:19 <EVHills> still saying around 20,000
Jun 09 21:02:24 <MtnMary> awsome pic, thanks
Jun 09 21:02:25 <Meadow> went down to Long Bros.
Jun 09 21:02:37 <Meadow> 20,000? holy moly
Jun 09 21:02:48 <-- caddismon has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:02:57 <Soozee> I have many friends in Spring Creek - oh God
Jun 09 21:03:05 <Q_n_Lav> we are off to bed and will keep you all in our thoughts... please keep you and yours safe,,, will check in soon
Jun 09 21:03:11 <roobee1> meeb lives in spring creek
Jun 09 21:03:11 <EVHills> nite
Jun 09 21:03:11 <pinecone> ya'll come back now, ya hear?
Jun 09 21:03:14 <Meadow> if 500 acres equals 1 square mile (according to Ch. 7) then that means this thing has travelled.........

Jun 09 21:03:25 <EVHills> her spouse is my boss
Jun 09 21:03:29 <Soozee> They went through this in the Buffalo Creek fire
Jun 09 21:03:31 <carpetgal> sooz call them and let them know to get out
Jun 09 21:03:34 <Q_n_Lav> we shall Meadow
Jun 09 21:03:48 <pinecamkid> I will pray
Jun 09 21:03:49 <EVHills> soozee, it was high meadow
Jun 09 21:03:50 <-- meeb has quit (Ping Timeout)
Jun 09 21:03:50 <Q_n_Lav> 640 acres = 1 mi
Jun 09 21:03:52 <Meadow> meeb is in here
Jun 09 21:04:02 <Meadow> just left
Jun 09 21:04:08 <-- Guest26486 has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:04:10 <EVHills> oh
Jun 09 21:04:13 <Meadow> someone help me do the math
Jun 09 21:04:22 --> woodsidewillie (beisrb@=Akzqjcpw-455.245.3.155.Dial1.Denver1.Level3.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:04:23 <pinecamkid> The hot spots are huge now.
Jun 09 21:04:25 <Meadow> so how far has this thing travelled in one day?
Jun 09 21:04:26 <roobee1> not right now, he was last pm
Jun 09 21:04:30 <pinecamkid> I'm scareedd..........

Jun 09 21:04:47 <carpetgal> it is OK pinecam kid you are a long ways away
Jun 09 21:04:52 <-- bruce_in_WP has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:04:53 <Meadow> pinecamkid are you related to pinecamguy?
Jun 09 21:04:56 <woodsidewillie> anybody been listening to the scanner?
Jun 09 21:04:56 <Soozee> ok - lines are all busy - I imagine that they know but I will keep trying
Jun 09 21:05:02 * pinecone is grilling rice.
Jun 09 21:05:03 <carpetgal> yes
Jun 09 21:05:03 <pinecone> I'm positive you're correct.
Jun 09 21:05:08 <EVHills> i'll try his cell
Jun 09 21:05:10 <pinecamkid> Over Greewn Mtn,
Jun 09 21:05:16 <Soozee> It is a very close nit subdivision down there
Jun 09 21:05:23 <woodsidewillie> are they exavuating Spring Creek or thinking about it?
Jun 09 21:05:26 <Meadow> has this jump 126?
Jun 09 21:05:33 <Meadow> evacuating wood
Jun 09 21:05:37 <carpetgal> they are evacing Spring Creek
Jun 09 21:05:38 <-- mtnvicky has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:05:39 <pinecamkid> Thay are evacuating
Jun 09 21:05:44 <woodsidewillie> ok thanks
Jun 09 21:05:48 <carpetgal> yes meadow
Jun 09 21:05:59 <Meadow> omg
Jun 09 21:06:09 <Meadow> I am so upset... :-(........

Jun 09 21:07:28 <RFoster> Has anyone heard any new information on Lost Valley Ranch?
Jun 09 21:07:31 <woodsidewillie> thanks, just called down to offer help to a couple friends in Spring Creek
Jun 09 21:07:35 <jf1acai_cell> Haven't heard any change yet..
Jun 09 21:07:41 <EVHills> i-70 is supposed to have been reopened this afternoon
Jun 09 21:07:58 <Meadow> robert Spring Creek is...down aways fromPine...sorry I'm not being very helpful
Jun 09 21:08:01 <EVHills> meeb's husband's cell went to voice mail
Jun 09 21:08:01 <RFoster> Okay, thanks.
Jun 09 21:08:04 <carpetgal> Lost valley is in good shape
Jun 09 21:08:05 <pinecamkid> I am worried
Jun 09 21:08:10 <Meadow> EV they're probably packing
Jun 09 21:08:25 <Meadow> hi carpet :-) did I miss you at Long Bros?
Jun 09 21:08:26 <RFoster> Has the fire progressed north of Lost Valley (Past it) ?
Jun 09 21:08:27 <EVHills> prob right
Jun 09 21:08:28 <Soozee> pk - reach them - they didn't know but are all packed up and ready to go....
Jun 09 21:08:36 <Qwest_Cyber> meadow, you hear those sirens?
Jun 09 21:08:37 <carpetgal> they are stil lighting back fires and all is fine.
Jun 09 21:08:40 <Meadow> no
Jun 09 21:08:40 <pinecone> okay, hope I didn't make you mad.
Jun 09 21:08:44 <Meadow> <--listening
Jun 09 21:08:44 <EVHills> when did the evac notice go out for Spring Creek
Jun 09 21:08:48 <carpetgal> They are talking about a back road out
Jun 09 21:09:13 <Qwest_Cyber> i have my windows open, heard it fade off in the distance..........

Jun 09 21:09:24 <RFoster> 211? Last I heard 211 was blocked
Jun 09 21:09:25 <-- mtnvicky has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:09:28 <jf1acai_cell> Glenwood 4,000 evac'd {Ch 2}
Jun 09 21:09:30 <carpetgal> It has crossed 126 RFoster and they are now evacing Spring Creek
Jun 09 21:09:38 <Meadow> Qwest honestly I have wondered why I haven't heard any all day
Jun 09 21:09:59 <roobee1> brb
Jun 09 21:10:00 <pinecone> we'll be here when you get back.
Jun 09 21:10:03 <Qwest_Cyber> me too
Jun 09 21:10:05 <Meadow> has the wind died down over there at all?
Jun 09 21:10:23 <carpetgal> 200 ft fire hieghth at 126
Jun 09 21:10:23 <Meadow> and did they get those trapped firefighters out?
Jun 09 21:10:25 <pinecamkid> 200 foot flame length
Jun 09 21:10:31 <Qwest_Cyber> meadow you live in KV right?
Jun 09 21:10:35 <Meadow> yes
Jun 09 21:10:35 <pinecone> that's hard for me to believe.
Jun 09 21:10:42 <carpetgal> they are still there but fine
Jun 09 21:10:50 <Meadow> they are still there?
Jun 09 21:10:54 <Qwest_Cyber> no need to pack, fires cant reach us here
Jun 09 21:11:01 <Meadow> they haven't rescued em yet?
Jun 09 21:11:11 <Meadow> Qwest no I am packed just in case
Jun 09 21:11:15 <Meadow> we ever get one
Jun 09 21:11:18 <carpetgal> they don't need to rescue them
Jun 09 21:11:31 <Meadow> carpet oh..okay, sorry Ithought I heard they were trapped
Jun 09 21:11:37 <Qwest_Cyber> true, the elk ranch fire was a little scare
Jun 09 21:11:43 <Meadow> Qwest yep
Jun 09 21:11:50 <carpetgal> they were earlier meadow but all is safe for now
Jun 09 21:11:52 <pinecamkid> This is Wayne. I would advise anyone in Pine/Buffalo Creek area to start gathering stuff just in case
Jun 09 21:11:58 <chocolove> qwest can't reach us where?
Jun 09 21:11:59 <Meadow> carpet thank God.........

Jun 09 21:12:55 <EVHills> meeb, you guys being evac'd?
Jun 09 21:13:10 <chocolove> qwest why do you think it can't blow to us
Jun 09 21:13:19 <meeb> not yet.
Jun 09 21:13:19 <Qwest_Cyber> to far away
Jun 09 21:13:28 <Meadow> meeb are you all packed and ready to go?
Jun 09 21:13:35 <EVHills> you're not in Spring Creek?
Jun 09 21:13:37 <Meadow> we're safe with this one choc
Jun 09 21:13:38 <Qwest_Cyber> the fire would burn it self out by the time it reached here
Jun 09 21:13:47 <pinecamkid> What is kv?
Jun 09 21:13:48 <Meadow> Qwest maybe...
Jun 09 21:13:54 <Meadow> depends on conditions, but probably
Jun 09 21:13:58 <Qwest_Cyber> kings valley
Jun 09 21:14:00 <Meadow> Kings Valley
Jun 09 21:14:08 <-- ERS has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:14:13 <Qwest_Cyber> it would burn thru buffalo creek and hi meadow
Jun 09 21:14:14 <Guest50556> Any news on West Creek area........

Jun 09 21:15:33 <EVHills> Soozee, what time was the notice for Spring Creek? What was the source?
Jun 09 21:15:40 <Meadow> <---on Country Club
Jun 09 21:15:42 <Soozee> Just heard it
Jun 09 21:15:42 <Qwest_Cyber> close by i suspect?
Jun 09 21:15:48 <ERS> yea red :)
Jun 09 21:15:52 <KurtBoyer> EVHills: they just announced it on the scanner
Jun 09 21:15:53 <carpetgal> It is being ordered now and the source is Northfork Fire
Jun 09 21:15:58 <pinecamkid> Goodbye
Jun 09 21:15:58 <pinecone> Thanks for stopping by.
Jun 09 21:15:59 <EVHills> thx, Kurt
Jun 09 21:16:02 <AC44> Back...thank you for the good location of fire PinecamKid and PCG
Jun 09 21:16:03 <Soozee> Meeb - Time to go.....
Jun 09 21:16:05 <carpetgal> bye
Jun 09 21:16:06 <pinecone> Okay, ya'll come back now, ya hear?
Jun 09 21:16:24 <AC44> That is same area Mr.AC hunted last year.
Jun 09 21:16:30 <Meadow> bye pinecamkid.........

Jun 09 21:16:41 <shoeshineboy> what is status in buffalo creek
Jun 09 21:16:45 <carpetgal> this is really bad guys.
Jun 09 21:16:50 <-- Ahab has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:16:52 <-- pinecamkid (pinecamkid@=ihrfvamo- has left #pinechat
Jun 09 21:16:56 <Meadow> carpet got new info?
Jun 09 21:17:02 <carpetgal> BC should be alert and rready to go
Jun 09 21:17:03 <Soozee> scanner very quiet again.......

Jun 09 21:17:15 <Meadow> poor BC...like they haven't had enough
Jun 09 21:17:42 <shoeshineboy> Bye all must go pack it up
Jun 09 21:17:42 <pinecone> I enjoyed talking with you!
Jun 09 21:17:47 <AC44> Yes, it doesn't look good....if the wind would just die or change direction...
Jun 09 21:17:49 <-- shoeshineboy has quit.......

Jun 09 21:18:05 <carpetgal> Kurt you here
Jun 09 21:18:12 <KurtBoyer> yes
Jun 09 21:18:21 <AC44> Thanks you for the information PCG....
Jun 09 21:18:28 <carpetgal> you might want to have a liuttle heads up where you are too
Jun 09 21:18:29 <AC44> Thank you...can't type
Jun 09 21:18:41 <KurtBoyer> what do you mean heads up?
Jun 09 21:18:54 <KurtBoyer> you mean evac?
Jun 09 21:18:55 <carpetgal> just wathc this and where it is going
Jun 09 21:18:58 <AC44> It's cloer Kurt.....
Jun 09 21:19:03 <AC44> closer
Jun 09 21:19:11 <KurtBoyer> yeah, on the deck filming with my video
Jun 09 21:19:12 <pinecamguy> I just re-signed back on.. my daughter was doing the updating..
Jun 09 21:19:15 <carpetgal> no but this fire is moving quick and not slowing tonight
Jun 09 21:19:23 <AC44> She did a great job!
Jun 09 21:19:32 <carpetgal> she was doing a great job PCG
Jun 09 21:19:35 <RFoster> The fire's jumped 126 west of Deckers, correct?
Jun 09 21:19:38 <Soozee> yes, she did
Jun 09 21:19:46 <KurtBoyer> Anyone know if the fire has hit Green mtn yet?
Jun 09 21:19:50 <KurtBoyer> saw some flames
Jun 09 21:19:51 <Soozee> Yes, it jumped 126
Jun 09 21:19:52 <Daa_> still running about 5mph?
Jun 09 21:19:55 <pinecamguy> 126 about 4 miles south of 550
Jun 09 21:19:58 <carpetgal> RFoster 4 mle south of 550
Jun 09 21:20:09 <carpetgal> moving up 6 mile hill
Jun 09 21:20:36 <RFoster> Oh man.....
Jun 09 21:20:57 <AC44> About a mile and a half from Green mountain - if PCG is right
Jun 09 21:21:01 <KurtBoyer> "running in a perfect NE direction"
Jun 09 21:21:02 --> wsw2 (beisrb@=R1uqwgbl- has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:21:14 <Soozee> Fire running in a perfect NE diredtion and has slowed going up 126.........

Jun 09 21:21:53 <RFoster> Is Oxyoke evaced?
Jun 09 21:21:55 <KurtBoyer> EVHills: i dont think so
Jun 09 21:21:55 <meeb> talk to me accurately guys
Jun 09 21:22:07 <meeb> im in spring creek
Jun 09 21:22:11 <carpetgal> haven't hear that foster
Jun 09 21:22:13 <Soozee> Spring Creek is being evacuated
Jun 09 21:22:15 <-- woodsidewillie has quit (Ping Timeout)
Jun 09 21:22:18 <TD_biker> They have not posted a new map.
Jun 09 21:22:21 <meeb> and have not got an official evac word
Jun 09 21:22:28 --- wsw2 is now known as woodsidewillie
Jun 09 21:22:35 <KurtBoyer> "evacs going to elk creek elementary school"
Jun 09 21:22:36 <Soozee> On scanner 5 minutes ago
Jun 09 21:22:40 <carpetgal> Spring Creek evacs are to go to Elk Creek Elem
Jun 09 21:22:42 <EVHills> Soozee, what agency?
Jun 09 21:22:44 --> yennw (~.=) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:22:44 <meeb> who am i supposed to hear it from?
Jun 09 21:22:44 <-- yennw (~.=) has left #pinechat
Jun 09 21:22:49 <TD_biker> They will most likely do an infared survey and get a new map up after that.
Jun 09 21:22:50 <-- lanora8 has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jun 09 21:22:57 <-- flyer74 has quit (Ping Timeout)
Jun 09 21:22:59 <Soozee> I don't know
Jun 09 21:23:12 <KurtBoyer> Mandatory evacuation of Spring Creek
Jun 09 21:23:16 <carpetgal> meeb you are to evac please go so you can be safe
Jun 09 21:23:17 <Soozee> Spring Creek to Elk Creek Elementary
Jun 09 21:23:24 <KurtBoyer> confirmed on 2 frequencies
Jun 09 21:23:26 <EVHills> Kurt, what sources?
Jun 09 21:23:32 <Soozee> Please go, meeb
Jun 09 21:23:35 <KurtBoyer> 153.875
Jun 09 21:23:36 <woodsidewillie> north fork
Jun 09 21:23:44 <carpetgal> North fork fire and Jeffco dispatch
Jun 09 21:23:48 --> don (quickchat@=rchtgttr9-93-661.wcomnet.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:23:49 <derjasdp> yes meeb, official
Jun 09 21:24:08 <Daa_> are they R911ing the evacs ?
Jun 09 21:24:19 <Daa_> or is it door-door
Jun 09 21:24:21 <Soozee> door to door, I think....
Jun 09 21:24:21 <carpetgal> EV we are gonna get you a scanner for xmas
Jun 09 21:24:33 <EVHills> maybe Father's Day...
Jun 09 21:24:40 <carpetgal> don't know how they are doing it
Jun 09 21:25:00 <Soozee> not sure if Spring Creek has R 911
Jun 09 21:25:09 <carpetgal> lines are busy in Spring Creek so maybe reverse911
Jun 09 21:25:14 * pinecone is over here in the corner.
Jun 09 21:25:19 --> DKOColo (quickchat@=wxkchl-07cpp5c.dialup.mindspring.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:25:27 <-- cabinbev has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:25:31 <KurtBoyer> MEEB: got a place to go?
Jun 09 21:25:31 <AC44> Last we heard - don't know - R911 doesn't work up here - at least in Bailey office (from MrAC)
Jun 09 21:25:31 <Soozee> I reached my friends and they haven't heard anything for 2 hours
Jun 09 21:25:41 <AC44> Qwest has office in Bailey
Jun 09 21:25:47 <AC44> Sorry, PJ
Jun 09 21:25:54 <Soozee> The sherif came by and told them to pack and get ready
Jun 09 21:26:09 <Soozee> But, he didn't seem to want to believe that he had to go
Jun 09 21:26:09 <meeb> got a place to go and scraping stuff together now
Jun 09 21:26:14 <-- tolford has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:26:19 <meeb> i won't push it
Jun 09 21:26:34 <Soozee> please don't, it isn't worth it
Jun 09 21:26:39 <carpetgal> Meeb you have an opportunity here to get an early start. Take it. If you need a place to stay, I have plenty of room
Jun 09 21:26:39 <robertz> is spring creek south of forest road off of 126
Jun 09 21:26:40 <meeb> did hi meadow in 20 minutes
Jun 09 21:26:41 <AC44> Right - sometimes rushing you can get hurt....
Jun 09 21:26:45 <EVHills> meeb, I called BDM this evening
Jun 09 21:27:01 <-- roobee1 has quit (Ping Timeout)
Jun 09 21:27:06 --> caddismon (quickchat@=XHbiogzeiitm32zobye277.dnvr.uswest.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:27:17 <Soozee> IT is at the top of the hill past Buffalo Creek
Jun 09 21:27:17 <carpetgal> who is BDM
Jun 09 21:27:24 <EVHills> co-worker
Jun 09 21:27:31 <Soozee> about 2 miles past...BC
Jun 09 21:27:43 <derjasdp> robert - spring creek is east of 126, top of hill out of Buffalo Creek - South
Jun 09 21:27:43 <meeb> folks - im letting this run, but i gotta do some stuff - keep me up to date
Jun 09 21:27:44 <-- dillykat has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:27:47 --> eddie6string (quickchat@=Sohouirp- has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:27:52 <AC44> they just said on Channel 4 - consumed more than 25,000 acres - wonder if they got their info here..
Jun 09 21:27:59 <EVHills> he and I work for Meeb's spouse (big project @ work, of course)
Jun 09 21:28:22 --> joey ( . 9=) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:28:23 <reetz> has the fire made it to buffalo creek yet? sorry i'm confused
Jun 09 21:28:23 <pinecone> that makes two of us, reetz.
Jun 09 21:28:34 <AC44> no
Jun 09 21:28:34 <pinecone> sorry. Sometimes I get overenthusiastic.
Jun 09 21:28:38 <Soozee> no, it has not made it to BC
Jun 09 21:28:46 <-- joey has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:29:02 <AC44> PCG is advising to be ready to move in the event....nothing confirmed
Jun 09 21:29:13 <derjasdp> probably about 6-7 miles to the south of BC
Jun 09 21:29:20 <carpetgal> scanner
Jun 09 21:29:20 <pinecone> Last Scanner Update: (06/09/2002 23:16) Hayman Fire -> Spring Creek Ranch is now being evacuated. Fire has jumped Hwy126 about 4 miles south of forest rd 550. Flames are 200 ft in height and fire behavoir is intense and irratic. Any one in the area is advised to potentially be ready to evacuate. [view full post] http://www.pinecam.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=651#651
Jun 09 21:29:22 <reetz> I have good friends that just missed losing their home in high meadow. They are on the north side of buffalo creek. They don't need to worry yet. Near swiss village
Jun 09 21:29:45 <Soozee> not yet
Jun 09 21:29:54 <reetz> thanks!!!
Jun 09 21:30:04 <Soozee> KurtBoyer is in Swiss Village
Jun 09 21:30:09 <KurtBoyer> yes I am
Jun 09 21:30:30 <KurtBoyer> sure don't want green mountain destroyed.
Jun 09 21:30:36 <reetz> Scanner just said fire has not laid down yet. Still raging out of control. We need a cooler evening!
Jun 09 21:30:36 <pinecone> Last Scanner Update: (06/09/2002 23:16) Hayman Fire -> Spring Creek Ranch is now being evacuated. Fire has jumped Hwy126 about 4 miles south of forest rd 550. Flames are 200 ft in height and fire behavoir is intense and irratic. Any one in the area is advised to potentially be ready to evacuate. [view full post] http://www.pinecam.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=651#651
Jun 09 21:30:37 <AC44> Still 5 1/2 miles from you Kurt - about.
Jun 09 21:30:54 <KurtBoyer> thx
Jun 09 21:31:05 <carpetgal> Kurt that is close
Jun 09 21:31:09 <AC44> You meant that fire travelled 15miles justtoday?
Jun 09 21:31:16 <Soozee> yep
Jun 09 21:31:19 <carpetgal> yes it has
Jun 09 21:31:32 <reetz> well, better go for now. Please all keep safe, and I will be praying tonight!!
Jun 09 21:31:33 <AC44> That is worse than HiMeadows - distance wise
Jun 09 21:31:33 --> scsmiles (quickchat@=a632-151-584-358.client.attbi.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:31:41 <Daa_> it was moving 5 miles/hour this afternoon
Jun 09 21:31:44 <AC44> thanks soozee and Cg
Jun 09 21:31:44 <carpetgal> I can see a glow on the horizomn from Bailey
Jun 09 21:31:46 <-- reetz has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:31:53 <Daa_> and adding over 500acres/hour
Jun 09 21:32:03 <pinecamguy> I'll leave the camera on 10 minutes updates with infrared all night..
Jun 09 21:32:11 <scsmiles> hi all....
Jun 09 21:32:16 <AC44> Seriously, if it travelled that fast today....might it reach PJ tomorrow?
Jun 09 21:32:21 --> Ahab (quickchat@=kFubjaqu- has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:32:22 <robertz> thanks pinecamguy
Jun 09 21:32:23 <carpetgal> Couldn't see tnat during the Snaking, Black Mtn, or Hi Meadow. This is huge
Jun 09 21:32:29 <pinecamguy> If it traveled that fast it would reach pj overnight
Jun 09 21:32:29 <ERS> cool pcg
Jun 09 21:32:30 <AC44> Thank you for leaving it up
Jun 09 21:32:45 <-- k_k has quit (Ping Timeout)
Jun 09 21:32:55 <pinecamguy> I can't see the area of 126 that it jumped.. am aimed at Green Mountain, Stoney Pass.
Jun 09 21:32:57 <-- mlp has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jun 09 21:33:00 <Daa_> pcg you expect any mapps from the incident team tonight?
Jun 09 21:33:01 --> phantom (tkeenon@=P2swsk-87-008-986.bhm.bellsouth.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:33:04 <robertz> anyone got a lat/long on where hayman fire is now?
Jun 09 21:33:06 --> Tami (quickchat@=0mZVL717C5.ipt.aol.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:33:18 <meeb> can see flames fron spring creek ranch
Jun 09 21:33:22 <Meadow> <--was sending an email...what'd I miss?
Jun 09 21:33:26 --> foomette (quickchat@=lrvmdd-84-000-960-71.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:33:27 <Meadow> <--scrolling back to read
Jun 09 21:33:33 <AC44> Hard to take in...
Jun 09 21:33:39 --> shoeshineboy (quickchat@=6fGSA7G8AY.ipt.aol.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:33:43 <Meadow> carpet I noticed that too...this one is bigger than those fires
Jun 09 21:33:48 --> FlowerLady (quickchat@=xzLXF7U0QJ.ipt.aol.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:33:52 <carpetgal> Fire is heading towards Stoney Pass and wellington Lake
Jun 09 21:33:54 <AC44> Can give you that justa sec
Jun 09 21:33:56 <Qwest_Cyber> i dont think the fire can reach pj
Jun 09 21:33:58 --- Tami is now known as tkrmtn
Jun 09 21:34:02 --- phantom is now known as Guest59360
Jun 09 21:34:04 <Meadow> meeb you're still here????
Jun 09 21:34:16 <shoeshineboy> back,guns undies and beer loaded up
Jun 09 21:34:16 <carpetgal> Webster Park is in path
Jun 09 21:34:26 <EVHills> said she was leaving it running, while they prepared
Jun 09 21:34:27 <AC44> latitude 10515
Jun 09 21:34:27 --> mlp (quickchat@=Boxuo-65-1-716-610.co.sprintbbd.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:34:31 <derjasdp> qwest - have you seen 200 foot flames?
Jun 09 21:34:31 <Meadow> lol shoe
Jun 09 21:34:35 <carpetgal> Evac recomendation for Stoney pass and east of that
Jun 09 21:34:38 <AC44> by 392230
Jun 09 21:34:41 <AC44> Roughly
Jun 09 21:34:41 <scsmiles> please don't forget the cats:) I LOVE YOUI!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 09 21:34:50 <Meadow> geez, is this thing still moving fast?
Jun 09 21:35:01 <Qwest_Cyber> i know what you mean meadow
Jun 09 21:35:04 <Meadow> meeb I pray you will be safe
Jun 09 21:35:14 <AC44> In Pike National Forest map - at H3 Grid 11
Jun 09 21:35:18 <-- jf1acai_cell has quit (Ping Timeout)
Jun 09 21:35:19 <shoeshineboy> cats is gonna be rough to deal with,luv u too
Jun 09 21:35:24 <scsmiles> i know....
Jun 09 21:35:26 --> k_k (quickchat@=kdmzrjdynsur15wzdhp411.dnvr.uswest.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:35:29 --> jf1acai_cell (quickchat@=kcsqkosafyhd04foozy138.dnvr.uswest.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:35:34 <-- Guest50556 has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:35:48 <derjasdp> qwest - no, you, you keep saying that KV is safe, PJ is safe - I don't care what equipment you got, you just don't stop a 200 foot wall of flame.
Jun 09 21:35:54 <Meadow> do we have to worry about this fire/? over here in PJ, KV?
Jun 09 21:36:08 <AC44> Mr AC find it hard to believe it has gone that far so fast.....if right it's a mile and a half from Green Mountain... that sound right?
Jun 09 21:36:16 <Qwest_Cyber> the fire is about 30 miles by car from us
Jun 09 21:36:30 <Soozee> but not as the crow flies
Jun 09 21:36:37 <AC44> It does'nt go by car!
Jun 09 21:36:38 <Qwest_Cyber> the winds have settled down
Jun 09 21:36:41 <Meadow> Qwest by how bout as the crow flies?
Jun 09 21:36:41 <Meadow> cause that's how the fire spreads
Jun 09 21:36:43 --> CollinMulvaney (quickchat@=j0MHM8WV68.ipt.aol.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:36:58 <CollinMulvaney> hey guys
Jun 09 21:37:04 <Meadow> is thisthing closer to Bufflao Creek...know several people over there
Jun 09 21:37:04 <Qwest_Cyber> straight line? probably about 20 miles
Jun 09 21:37:12 <AC44> As the crow or ember flies about 13 1/2 miles
Jun 09 21:37:16 <Soozee> probably about 15 miles from PJ
Jun 09 21:37:16 <Meadow> Qwest shoot..that's close
Jun 09 21:37:17 <AC44> Measured it
Jun 09 21:37:22 <woodsidewillie> look at a map, 13-15 depending on exactly where the point is
Jun 09 21:37:22 <Meadow> AC to KV?
Jun 09 21:37:23 <derjasdp> and it's gone about 15 miles today.
Jun 09 21:37:23 <-- foomette has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:37:24 <pinecamguy> is the official name Spring Creek Ranch?
Jun 09 21:37:27 <LitlBro> It more like 10 mile to PJ as the crow flies
Jun 09 21:37:28 <woodsidewillie> to PJ
Jun 09 21:37:29 <shoeshineboy> ain't leavin till the man with a badge tells me too..........

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08 Jul 2010 11:03 #94 by mtnmaiden
Wow, amazing to re-live this. cant believe you still have that. Although I dont see my name, Im sure I was in there chatting. That was a real tough time. and the pinebot, forgot about him.

Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation.

08 Jul 2010 11:20 #95 by CC
yep You were there. Your name is mentioned.
All of that chat so far is just one day.
Good to see you here Mtnmaiden.

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08 Jul 2010 11:31 #96 by CC

Jun 09 21:34:41 <scsmiles> please don't forget the cats:) I LOVE YOUI!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 09 21:34:50 <Meadow> geez, is this thing still moving fast?
Jun 09 21:35:01 <Qwest_Cyber> i know what you mean meadow
Jun 09 21:35:04 <Meadow> meeb I pray you will be safe
Jun 09 21:35:14 <AC44> In Pike National Forest map - at H3 Grid 11
Jun 09 21:35:18 <-- jf1acai_cell has quit (Ping Timeout)
Jun 09 21:35:19 <shoeshineboy> cats is gonna be rough to deal with,luv u too
Jun 09 21:35:24 <scsmiles> i know....
Jun 09 21:35:26 --> k_k .......

Jun 09 21:35:48 <derjasdp> qwest - no, you, you keep saying that KV is safe, PJ is safe - I don't care what equipment you got, you just don't stop a 200 foot wall of flame.
Jun 09 21:35:54 <Meadow> do we have to worry about this fire/? over here in PJ, KV?
Jun 09 21:36:08 <AC44> Mr AC find it hard to believe it has gone that far so fast.....if right it's a mile and a half from Green Mountain... that sound right?
Jun 09 21:36:16 <Qwest_Cyber> the fire is about 30 miles by car from us
Jun 09 21:36:30 <Soozee> but not as the crow flies
Jun 09 21:36:37 <AC44> It does'nt go by car!
Jun 09 21:36:38 <Qwest_Cyber> the winds have settled down
Jun 09 21:36:41 <Meadow> Qwest by how bout as the crow flies?
Jun 09 21:36:41 <Meadow> cause that's how the fire spreads
Jun 09 21:36:43 --> CollinMulvaney (quickchat@=j0MHM8WV68.ipt.aol.com) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:36:58 <CollinMulvaney> hey guys
Jun 09 21:37:04 <Meadow> is thisthing closer to Bufflao Creek...know several people over there
Jun 09 21:37:04 <Qwest_Cyber> straight line? probably about 20 miles
Jun 09 21:37:12 <AC44> As the crow or ember flies about 13 1/2 miles
Jun 09 21:37:16 <Soozee> probably about 15 miles from PJ
Jun 09 21:37:16 <Meadow> Qwest shoot..that's close
Jun 09 21:37:17 <AC44> Measured it
Jun 09 21:37:22 <woodsidewillie> look at a map, 13-15 depending on exactly where the point is
Jun 09 21:37:22 <Meadow> AC to KV?
Jun 09 21:37:23 <derjasdp> and it's gone about 15 miles today.
Jun 09 21:37:23 <-- foomette has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:37:24 <pinecamguy> is the official name Spring Creek Ranch?
Jun 09 21:37:27 <LitlBro> It more like 10 mile to PJ as the crow flies
Jun 09 21:37:28 <woodsidewillie> to PJ
Jun 09 21:37:29 <shoeshineboy> ain't leavin till the man with a badge tells me too
Jun 09 21:37:35 <Qwest_Cyber> no, it has to get by bc and by the hi meadow fire area first
Jun 09 21:37:40 <Meadow> <--gonna make some phone calls
Jun 09 21:37:44 <AC44> AC saw Gulch not ranch
Jun 09 21:37:46 <AC44> on map........

Jun 09 21:37:49 <Qwest_Cyber> unless it crossed foxton road and into reynolds park
Jun 09 21:37:55 <tkrmtn> The fire is has settle prior to night fall because it isn't feel ike it climbing over to the bottom of Hilldale Pines
Jun 09 21:37:59 <Meadow> not much left of the Hi Meadow fire to burn
Jun 09 21:38:03 <Soozee> YEs- it is Spring Creek Ranch
Jun 09 21:38:07 <CollinMulvaney> just a bunch of dry wood
Jun 09 21:38:11 <-- Meadow has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:38:13 <MtnMary> on the channel 9 web site, it said it was 300 acres this morning. By noon it was 1400 acres and by 5:30 it was 10,000 acres
Jun 09 21:38:17 <Guest59360> howdy
Jun 09 21:38:21 --- Guest59360 is now known as treyk
Jun 09 21:38:27 <CollinMulvaney> now its like what, 15,000 acres?
Jun 09 21:38:27 <tkrmtn> no, it says it 20000 acres
Jun 09 21:38:34 <AC44> Buffalo Creek and Hi Meadow areas should slow it down - it's going over burned territory.....they could stop it there
Jun 09 21:38:35 <CollinMulvaney> holy crap
Jun 09 21:38:39 <pinecamguy> CHAN 9 website is way behind
Jun 09 21:38:42 <Qwest_Cyber> it has a long way to go to get to kv or pj
Jun 09 21:38:49 <AC44> I believe that....Wane
Jun 09 21:38:51 <Qwest_Cyber> even think of the bailey fire
Jun 09 21:38:53 <AC44> Wayne
Jun 09 21:39:01 <CollinMulvaney> they arent even going to try to put it out, they are just going to save homes
Jun 09 21:39:02 <MtnMary> I know, that was just up to 5:30
Jun 09 21:39:10 <Qwest_Cyber> we were all lucky on that one
Jun 09 21:39:11 <pinecamguy> i am updating story now on http://www.thedenverchannel.com/......... .

Jun 09 21:40:07 <carpetgal> Evac orders for areas _ast of Wellington Lake Stoney Pass and webster Creek are now being ordered to evac
Jun 09 21:40:07 <-- treyk has quit (QUIT: User exited)
Jun 09 21:40:08 <Soozee> by Buffalo Creek Fire
Jun 09 21:40:10 --> flyer74 (quickchat@=gw05.denver-04rh16rt.co.dial-access.att.net) has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:40:12 <AC44> they could fight it over the burn area.
Jun 09 21:40:17 <AC44> Burns slower over burn area
Jun 09 21:40:25 <CollinMulvaney> they need to get the military out on this one
Jun 09 21:40:32 <Qwest_Cyber> big time, that might be our luck
Jun 09 21:40:35 --> dillykat (quickchat@=yuhbotil- has joined #pinechat
Jun 09 21:40:37 <CollinMulvaney> get a few thousand guys with buckets.......

Jun 09 21:40:47 <Soozee> maybe not slower - there are a million half burned trees still standing
Jun 09 21:40:50 <pinecamguy> reverse 911 for Stoney pass area..
Jun 09 21:40:54 <carpetgal> East of Wellington Lake. Stoney Pass, Webster Creek reverse 911 is being prepared
Jun 09 21:40:55 <meeb> i'm outa here - pray for us
Jun 09 21:40:55 <pinecamguy> that's where my camera is pointed
Jun 09 21:40:59 <-- meeb has quit (QUIT: User exited)........

Jun 09 21:41:00 <AC44> They are too busy at Glenwood....
Jun 09 21:41:05 <Qwest_Cyber> everybody realizes that this fire is bigger than ft carson, trinidad and glenwood springs put together?
Jun 09 21:41:06 <carpetgal> prayin meeb'
Jun 09 21:41:07 <CollinMulvaney> crap........
Jun 09 21:41:13 <chocolove> qwest I am northwest of Wellington (I Think but I get turned around) on Crow Hill (south side) in Bailey. That is why I am concerned. If it starts going west in that valley uhoh!
Jun 09 21:41:17 <Qwest_Cyber> but the national news doesn't cover this one
Jun 09 21:41:24 <CollinMulvaney> god, look over the hill, it looks like hell is breaking loose.........

Jun 09 21:41:32 <EVHills> will do, meeb!
Jun 09 21:41:35 <AC44> Where are you Colin?
Jun 09 21:41:42 <carpetgal> yes national news is covering
Jun 09 21:41:42 <AC44> Colllin?
Jun 09 21:41:48 <CollinMulvaney> my house is 1 mile from PJ
Jun 09 21:41:52 <dillykat> for your reference, I have posted a detailed map of the Deckers area at http://www.geocities.com/dillykat/untitled.jpg
Jun 09 21:41:55 <Soozee> Choco - you are ok for now
Jun 09 21:41:56 <CollinMulvaney> right now i am on shadow mountain
Jun 09 21:41:57 <Qwest_Cyber> yea choc, i realize the jitters
Jun 09 21:42:00 <AC44> North - we are north one mile
Jun 09 21:42:13 <AC44> Off 285........

Jun 09 21:42:45 <shoeshineboy> any more word on buffalo creek evac
Jun 09 21:43:05 <carpetgal> we are fine for now AC but as fast as this thing is going with no weather help
Jun 09 21:43:08 <Soozee> heavy fire on 126 running NE - rate is 1/4 + mile per hour
Jun 09 21:43:22 <CollinMulvaney> this is it, i think that we are f*cked, this is the big one i predicted...........
Jun 09 21:43:23 --- pinecone sets ban on *!*quickchat@=j0mhm8wv68.ipt.aol.com
Jun 09 21:43:23 <Soozee> going up 126
Jun 09 21:43:23 <-- pinecone has kicked CollinMulvaney from #pinechat ( You're out of here!)
Jun 09 21:43:25 <carpetgal> 1/4 mile per hour is rate of fire
Jun 09 21:43:26 <AC44> Ok CG, Iknow for now we are
Jun 09 21:43:43 <carpetgal> 3 miles North of Wigwam. Fire activity is heavy
Jun 09 21:43:45 <chocolove> thanks soozee I know I am ok for now just not sure what to do in the morning
Jun 09 21:43:54 <AC44> Not heading toward you is it CG?
Jun 09 21:43:57 <Soozee> PRAY!

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08 Jul 2010 11:35 #97 by CC
That last section sent chills down my back.
It is almost 10 pm and that fire was still a raging inferno.
Never seen anything like that.
I hope I never do again.

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09 Jul 2010 07:27 #98 by Wayne Harrison
I had forgotten my daughter joined in the chat (pinecamkid) and was monitoring the scanner. She would have been 12 then. Interesting from that perspective that she found the smoke plume strangely "beautiful." I always thought she was terrified of the fire.

I remember thinking, when it got its closest to our area and was going full bore, that "this is what a volcano looks like."

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09 Jul 2010 07:31 #99 by LopingAlong
I kept thinkin of valcanoes back then too, Wayne.

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09 Jul 2010 07:36 #100 by CC
What was the word she used....Bueatious
I do recall her being scared though. She mentions it a couple of times.

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