18 Sep 2011 12:46 #31 by CC
TSAC does wonderful work and has done so for a very long time. I have donated to TSAC over the years and will continue to do so in the years to come.
This shouldn't be about individuals or what website you affiliate yourself with but about those fine young men and women who have shown enough personal integrity to raise that right hand and serve this amazing country we ALL love so much.
Today I watched several groups come together for the common good of our troops. TSAC, The Ladies VFW Auxiliary and all sitting together and talking about what is really important. The troops.
What I do know is "inclusion" is a two way street. There are many many folks at this website who would like very much to support whomever might be supporting our troops at any given moment.
Pacamom made a very valid statement. Communication is key to doing what is best for our community.
There are some incredibly decent people involved with TSAC. A couple of those people have identified themselves here and have offered to be a contact for those who might be having an issue with communication. Use them.
We all want the same thing and where TSAC and troop support are concerned, there should be no walls.
If you want to donate to TSAC, great. The VFW Ladies Auxiliary, great. for the 1-41 Infantry, (navycpo7's sons unit).....great. Soldiers Angels, great. The list of ways you can help is long and distinguished. stepped up to help a local service member because many of us just wanted to get involved. We are not in competition with anyone......we just want to do something.
These packages mean the world to those kids who are so far away from home.
and Justin......I don't recall anyone here really slamming anyone.
It also appears to me that TSAC has been posting here. I hope that continues so that they get the widest audience they can possibly have. Good job guys.
and with this post......I am off to spend the day with my daughter and await the arrival of our 6th grandchild tomorrow morning. Have a great day is a glorious fall day in CO.
By the way, I am available for packing parties or whatever you guys need.
A PROUD Military Mom

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18 Sep 2011 13:05 #32 by HappyCamper
Becky, I know I speak for the other TSAC members over here that we will do our best to take care of any existing issues and we look forward to letting folks know about our events. I know coming up before we know it will be the Xmas cookie event which has always gotten a positive response from those we are sponsoring.

Nothing like a yummy cookie when you are so far from home. Ours are truly made with love and community support which can only make them extra special.

Becky congrats on the new grandbaby and you to are a gem and if I was there I would give you a big hug!!!

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18 Sep 2011 13:22 #33 by freebird
Becky, keep us posted on whether it is light hair or dark!

I just wanted to add that pacamom and I are friends (and both very busy volunteering with IMHS these days). I do respect her opinions and know she isn't one to harp on something that has no merit. I realize my earlier post in response to her's might not appear that way to someone who doesn't know us so apologies for any misunderstandings that post contributed to.

I agree with Kim. There may have been a recent lapse of communication on our/TSAC's behalf (I've now been clued in on what pacamom was probably referring too). I don't think it was intentional and I do know there are already plans to have this proposed idea discussed (w/ science chic) to see how we all can serve the community and the service men and women to the best of our abilities. Becky was right, we had a good conversation at the breakfast this morning and I think everything will work out fine.

Thanks for supporting our troops in whatever way you choose. We'll be sure to post when we have TSAC volunteer opportunities and welcome you to participate. I will also invite you to stop by and see us at Sunday's Emily's Parade. Pebblszzz and I will both be there so stop by and say hello. The sight of all of the riders pulling into the school's parking lots (it takes several to hold all of the bikes) at the end of their ride from Columbine is both emotional and memorable. Regarding our next packing party, I think the date has now been set for Saturday, October 29th. Just let us know if you can make it and we promise to keep you very busy!


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18 Sep 2011 13:34 #34 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic CONIFER VFW BREAKFAST AUGUST 21 TO HELP TSAC
If you guys don't want this to be political then talk to your member that refused to work with 285bound. This site just wanted to work together for the community members and is that going to happen or not? simple question. I think TSAC is a great organization but it was sort of said that they would not work with both sites. If TSAC is a PC only organization, just let this site know and they can start their own thing. This is way more complicated than it has to be. This site before SC and after has tried to work with the other site to make it easier for everyone for pets, TSAC, and other community causes. The people who have been locked out of their community by being banned so they cannot even contribute. The other site refused. Simple is simple.

Either way this site is going to do the right thing and there are many members that are very interested in doing something. TSAC just needs to let 285bound know if they need to start their own thing or work with this site. Simple as that. There was a member on the other site that refused to work with 285b. Jeez, there it is.

Congrats Becky on the new baby. And the TSAC thing is great. Just decide if you will work with this site or not, if not then they will start their own thing.

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18 Sep 2011 14:08 #35 by CC
CG speaks the truth. A very small group of individuals have done some hateful things that in the final result has left the community a bit divided. Though I don't really wish to continue down that seems to me that the majority of the board ( I could be wrong) would like to stand alone as an organization and utilize both sites for the benefit of the community. A good business or non profit realize that they MUST stay above the petty politics that divide communities and organizations. Their mission is to serve a greater good.
Much has gone on behind the scenes that was hurtful....(not by a group as a whole but as individuals who believed they were speaking for the group as a whole. I honestly believe that TSAC as a group wants to do the right thing. I applaud them for that.
I have to agree with CG though....decide how broad you want your scope to be. You have lots of people here who stand ready to help. Pinecam has a neighbor now and no matter how people come to this site.....they are still our neighbors and they have a real desire to make a difference.
My beef with Pinecam is personal. It is in no way connected to the fine work TSAC does.
TSAC is an independent non profit and my personal opinion is that I would think that they would welcome any source of donation, support and community involvement no matter where that comes from.
I hope to see a TSAC forum here one day soon. It would be a great way to communicate with an wider audience.

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18 Sep 2011 14:11 #36 by freebird

CinnamonGirl wrote: If you guys don't want this to be political then talk to your member that refused to work with 285bound. This site just wanted to work together for the community members and is that going to happen or not? simple question. I think TSAC is a great organization but it was sort of said that they would not work with both sites. If TSAC is a PC only organization, just let this site know and they can start their own thing. This is way more complicated than it has to be. This site before SC and after has tried to work with the other site to make it easier for everyone for pets, TSAC, and other community causes. The people who have been locked out of their community by being banned so they cannot even contribute. The other site refused. Simple is simple.

Either way this site is going to do the right thing and there are many members that are very interested in doing something. TSAC just needs to let 285bound know if they need to start their own thing or work with this site. Simple as that. There was a member on the other site that refused to work with 285b. Jeez, there it is.

Congrats Becky on the new baby. And the TSAC thing is great. Just decide if you will work with this site or not, if not then they will start their own thing.

CG, I understand what you are saying. This time I don't have to be long-winded in a reply. :biggrin:

I can't speak for the other site, nor do I see that as an issue, today. As they say, the only constant is change and all I care about is today and the future. I'm confident things are being worked out behind the scenes and with SC. I believe a win:win result will be achieved.

Now I'm going to log off and play with my dogs...they are still learning how to play with our very small foster dog. Enjoy your afternoon, too.


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18 Sep 2011 14:14 #37 by CC
freebird also speaks the truth. I watched some amazing stuff today. I believe positive winds are in the air.
Have fun with your pups. All mine want to do is lay on the couch and watch football.

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18 Sep 2011 19:18 #38 by Pony Soldier

otisptoadwater wrote: Regardless of anyone's political leanings, anything that supports the troops in a meaningful way is always going to be in the forefront of the causes I will always support. If you haven't been there and done that, I ask you to consider what it takes everyday (all day, 24 hours of everyday) to be a service man or woman. These people work their butts off many risking their lives in the process everyday, all day long, to ensure we continue to enjoy the lifestyle and freedoms many just assume they are entitled to as citizens of the United States of America.

It's a shame that there is a rift between members of 285bound and PC but that is the reality, in this case I'm more than willing to cross the picket lines and do the right thing for the benefit of all service members who will benefit from our combined contributions. Anyone who wants to take me to task for that is welcome to address me personally.

I was a member of TSAC at one point and brought a troop forward to sponsor - a local teacher's troop. They decided against supporting that troop because they were in Iraq and they thought, at the time, that that was just too unpopular. Screw TSAC.

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18 Sep 2011 19:22 - 18 Sep 2011 19:32 #39 by Blazer Bob

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18 Sep 2011 19:27 #40 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic CONIFER VFW BREAKFAST AUGUST 21 TO HELP TSAC

It's a shame that there is a rift between members of 285bound and PC but that is the reality, in this case I'm more than willing to cross the picket lines and do the right thing for the benefit of all service members who will benefit from our combined contributions. Anyone who wants to take me to task for that is welcome to address me personally.

PC would love for you to think there is a rift between us but it is all on their side. I myself am tired of watching them play victim. These site wars and complaining is all on them. I am sorry but I am tired of standing back and watching all this and the misinformation flying around. If they are really doing this for the troops then act like it and work together. This is so simple and why is it taking so long to figure it out is beyond me. The answer is yes or no. It is not that hard. And if the answer is no, then 285b will do what it always has when PC has declined and do it themselves. This is getting ridiculous. Be real people.

They could have avoided even having a 285b had they contacted us the first 3 times we emailed them.

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