18 Sep 2011 19:31 #41 by Pony Soldier

neptunechimney wrote:

towermonkey wrote:

otisptoadwater wrote: Regardless of anyone's political leanings, anything that supports the troops in a meaningful way is always going to be in the forefront of the causes I will always support. If you haven't been there and done that, I ask you to consider what it takes everyday (all day, 24 hours of everyday) to be a service man or woman. These people work their butts off many risking their lives in the process everyday, all day long, to ensure we continue to enjoy the lifestyle and freedoms many just assume they are entitled to as citizens of the United States of America.

It's a shame that there is a rift between members of 285bound and PC but that is the reality, in this case I'm more than willing to cross the picket lines and do the right thing for the benefit of all service members who will benefit from our combined contributions. Anyone who wants to take me to task for that is welcome to address me personally.

I was a member of TSAC at one point and brought a troop forward to sponsor - a local teacher's troop. They decided against supporting that troop because they were in Iraq and they thought, at the time, that that was just too unpopular. Screw TSAC.

Got a link for that. Retard.

Hmmmm, well, that would be difficult seeing as how the TSAC forum was private on Pinecam and I have been banned from Pinecam. No thanks, I'll support the troops in other ways, but will not support TSAC.

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18 Sep 2011 19:34 #42 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic CONIFER VFW BREAKFAST AUGUST 21 TO HELP TSAC
Soldier's angels is a wonderful organization. I had two soldiers I was sending care packages to. One of them was killed in action. That was pretty tough I felt so bad for his family. We had emailed a few times. But if you really want to help, that is a great way to do it too.

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18 Sep 2011 19:37 #43 by Pony Soldier
I've not dealt with them before, but have heard and read really good things about them. I'll give that a try. Thanks!

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18 Sep 2011 20:31 #44 by pacamom

justin wrote:

pacamom wrote: What is unfortunate is that members of TSAC don't bother to respond to messages sent to them asking a question and offering a donation. If they can't respond, why bother?

So what?
did it ever occur to you they may have lives?
If you want to support the troops-
You don't need to go through Pinecam-
but obviously you do need to make everything an anti-Pinecam issue.

Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.
If you want to support the troops then do it. Don't blame your lack of involvement on other people.

Our neighbors son was serving in Iraq a few years ago. The wife would watch for sales and get things to send to him. We'd stuff it in a box and mail it.
Big deal.
What it meant to Joey and his fellow soldiers was priceless.
Then we found out TSAC was supporting them and have been donating ever since.

Dimplszzz and freebird-
thank you for the work you and tsac does and for being brave enough to post here.
I think it's pathetic that you have to take the chance of being slammed here because of your association
with pc.
You are trying to keep it about the troops but some people just won't let you.
Screw them- your work is much more valuable than their criticisms.

Where did I say this was an anti-Pinecam issue? I sent a message to a TSAC member that was never responded to. I do support the troops and actually was one of the first members of TSAC when it was formed. As for any organization, it is important to respond to questions that are asked so that the public knows what is going on and will continue to support such organizations.

Sorry I didn't make it to breakfast today, I do love it when people cook for me. I have been to these breakfasts in the past and will go to them in the future, today just didn't work out.

Hey, Freebird, I will see you at the shelter. I did not take your previous comments the wrong way. But just to clarify, I haven't proposed anything that involves SC, so I am not sure what you are referring to, but we will get it all straightened out.

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18 Sep 2011 20:49 #45 by freebird

CinnamonGirl wrote:

It's a shame that there is a rift between members of 285bound and PC but that is the reality, in this case I'm more than willing to cross the picket lines and do the right thing for the benefit of all service members who will benefit from our combined contributions. Anyone who wants to take me to task for that is welcome to address me personally.

PC would love for you to think there is a rift between us but it is all on their side. I myself am tired of watching them play victim. These site wars and complaining is all on them. I am sorry but I am tired of standing back and watching all this and the misinformation flying around. If they are really doing this for the troops then act like it and work together. This is so simple and why is it taking so long to figure it out is beyond me. The answer is yes or no. It is not that hard. And if the answer is no, then 285b will do what it always has when PC has declined and do it themselves. This is getting ridiculous. Be real people.They could have avoided even having a 285b had they contacted us the first 3 times we emailed them.

I couldn't agree more. This does seem to be bordering on ridiculous. Be real? That's what I'm trying to be. What I really can't understand is why some think the members of this site that are also TSAC members even think of our efforts as being tied into pinecam. We don't. It sounds like some are upset because some answer hasn't been provided. Heck, I didn't even know there had been an inquiry or request until late this week. I've been in contact with SC and know she'll be talking more about it this coming week. I don't think she's upset with anything regarding this idea and in fact she continues to make progress on involving 285bound in many of our community efforts. I'm proud of her and all that she is doing.

I do have a question about your last sentence, CG. Are you talking about 3 e-mails regarding a joint effort with TSAC or is this specific to pinecam and 285Bound? I think it is the latter, and if so, I have been totally out of the loop on that. I'm just happy that 285Bound exists and is doing so well.

Towermonkey, it does sound odd that a former group of TSAC members would decline to support a troop because they were located in Iraq. I'll ask about it on Sunday. What year did that occur? Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post it here.

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18 Sep 2011 20:56 #46 by freebird

pacamom wrote: Sorry I didn't make it to breakfast today, I do love it when people cook for me. I have been to these breakfasts in the past and will go to them in the future, today just didn't work out.

Hey, Freebird, I will see you at the shelter. I did not take your previous comments the wrong way. But just to clarify, I haven't proposed anything that involves SC, so I am not sure what you are referring to, but we will get it all straightened out.

:lol: UNCLE! Now you really have me confused. I'm going to stop trying to figure out what happened but will definitely touch base with you when I see you next. Lordy, just don't tell me I'm the person you sent an e-mail to.

The bacon and the biscuits were exceptional today. Sorry you missed it. And it was so nice to catch up with everyone from here.

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18 Sep 2011 21:03 #47 by CC
I once asked them to support my son in Iraq and was turned down. Basically, a couple of people didn't like me or what I had to say and they used my son to exact a punishment. I am painfully aware that it was just a couple of people who had a grudge but they pulled a lot of weight so I was hurt by their actions but more importantly, they hurt my son and that is just not cool..
I WILL NOT let those couple of people dictate the community standard here anymore. That is what this website has stood for since the very beginning.
We all collectively decide what our community standard it should be.
It is not dictated here by a small group of rigid, insecure people who think we should all talk alike and walk alike and look alike.
Thank you 285bound for that.
CG is right....this isn't a hard decision. Put your animosity and ego aside and do what is right for this community. Those same couple of people also call the shots at PC. We have all seen the outcome of their thought process and how it has affected hundreds of people. us support Navycpo7's sons unit for now. It is my understanding that the first shipment to that unit will be independent of any organization. Just love from I hate all this feuding and CG is right.....the bad feelings are initiated on their side not ours. The responses you see in that 155 page thread in the ring are exactly that.....responses to various hateful acts perpetuated by a handful of people in control over there.
I hope TSAC does find their own identity separate from PC. I think it is important for them in order to grow and serve a whole community...not just part of it. There is no reason why organizations like TSAC, IMHS, MRC and other fine non profits should not benefit from both sites. There can be healthy competition when it comes to content and advertising dollars but where the "community" is concerned....there should be no walls.
This feud is petty and childish. Grown ups find common ground.
Many really good people are affiliated with TSAC. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Give them a chance to grow serve this community.
Perhaps the old saying.....fool me once, shame on me....fool me twice, shame on you could apply.


What I really can't understand is why some think the members of this site that are also TSAC members even think of our efforts as being tied into pinecam.

I think I can answer that question for you.
Your efforts began as a PC group and later evolved into a non profit.
From your facebook page...... your email addy suggests that you are part of PC


I am not trying to be confrontational....just simply answering your question.
I remember the days when TSAC was part of Pinecam and Towermonkey speaks the truth. There was a time when the politics of a few there dictated that they would only support the conflict in Afghanistan and not in Iraq. I recall the dialogues well as they were very hurtful to someone like me who had lost a loved one in Iraq. I remember being shocked the first time they supported a unit in Iraq.
Those issues are in the past. Things have been done that were hurtful. Things have been said that are hurtful. This is a really hard thing for some to deal with and I think their concerns should be approached with compassion.

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18 Sep 2011 21:10 #48 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic CONIFER VFW BREAKFAST AUGUST 21 TO HELP TSAC
Freebird, I think all the volunteers are wonderful. All I know is 285b and SC asked a question on working together and I don't know what has to be worked out. I thought maybe it was because they were trying to figure out if TSAC was PC only. If it is not a PC organization then why would you have to decide to work with 285b. I am not getting it. I can understand if TSAC decides that it is only PC but why can't they let 285b know so they can stop with the delays and work on this themselves?

The 3 emails had nothing to do with TSAC, I was referencing the emails JMC and I sent them asking to talk to us about partnering before we even started Communities Bound. Sorry for the confusion.

I know I sound annoyed but this has been going on for so long and we went through the same thing with IMHS and Pets. PC said no, we don't want to work with them. That is fine, however then to act like 285b is starting a site war is wrong. It is all on their end. JMC and I are completely banned. However any member over there can visit this site and read all links at any time. How is that so awful?

I have no issue with the members of TSAC and other wonderful community volunteers. I applaud all that they do. I just got tired of watching PC do this over and over and no one says a word. PC has banned members from their own community and that is almost the only reason 285b is here. The whole time I was working on this site before it went live I was thinking of those members and could not wait to give them back their voice. Please understand I am frustrated with the misinformation over there. And this is another example of PC getting in the way. Unless there is something I am not getting. To me it is simple, is TSAC PC only? If so, 285b starts their own stuff and if not, why would you not work with 285b? So the the PC banned members have a place to help their community. The pets already suffered until recently let's not do the same to the vets.

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19 Sep 2011 13:24 #49 by ScienceChic
Hey Everyone!

Sorry I haven't jumped in earlier - today is the last day that my parents and brother are here visiting from Ohio, and I'm half an hour late right now getting to my son's school to watch him do Fall Field Day, so this will be hurried; but, I feel must be said:

Thank you freebird and Becky especially for the awesome posts! I don't want to say too much, and possibly jinx things, but I have been conversing back and forth with officers from TSAC for the last week, working out the logistics of us partnering and am beyond hopeful that all will work out for the best for the 285 corridor community in the end. What started as a suggestion to support one troop should, and I believe will, blossom into us all being able to support even more local troops now and in the future, and include groups that I wasn't even aware provided additional support as well!

I, too, would like to see an end to past hardship and feelings. Not having been on the receiving end in this instance, but in non-PC-related issues in my life, I understand the need for venting and closure - it's evident right there in the Ring and encouraged to allow healing and moving on. But in terms of TSAC, they are a separate entity from Pinecam, and granted though populated with those who are involved in Pinecam, many of those who serve TSAC are people whom I respect immensely and am proud and honored to call friend. I do not discount the pain that anyone has suffered due to past actions, but am hopeful that we can use that to build better and stronger relationships moving forward (my friends with whom I've had the ugliest fights, and managed to work through even years of not speaking, have the strongest bonds of trust, respect, love, and admiration because we now know that we can overcome disagreements).

Because in this instance, it is not about us: this is about serving those in our community who have a need. And that's all that matters to me, honestly and sincerely. And as CG said, the hardships definitely do not extend from our side - I personally have never even had any issues with anyone at Pinecam, or TSAC, or any other group associated with Pinecam, and will only continue work to find ways for 285Bound to better serve our community - whether through partnering with others, or by providing services on our own. Ask and ye shall receive! :)

Ok, I've really gotta run before I miss my son rolling a potato with a hockey stick through an obstacle course, or he'll hold it against me. If anyone has any questions, suggestions, or comments, you know we're always open to listening - PM or email me/285Bound/. if you would rather do it privately, or put it out here on the forum! Thanks for your time!

Warmest regards,

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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19 Sep 2011 16:53 #50 by Pony Soldier

Becky Sue wrote: Towermonkey, us support Navycpo7's sons unit for now. It is my understanding that the first shipment to that unit will be independent of any organization. Just love from

Gladly. Let me know what on the list comes up a bit short and I'll make it good.

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