Joe Biden: Romney Will Bring Back Slavery.

16 Aug 2012 13:10 #91 by Something the Dog Said
So Fred, when Romney was campaigning in Ohio Tuesday, his campaign partner Josh Mandel spoke as well at a rally. Tell me, when he decided to use a "southern" accent (why in Ohio, I have no idea), was it "southern white", "southern black" or maybe "southern chinese". Also was this an African American crowd?

"In Beallsville, Romney briefly yielded the stage to U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel, who gave an odd minute-and-a-half speech where he started with a southern accent unheard before. Mandel lives in Lyndhurst near Cleveland." ... y=nav|head
Here is a video link for your analysis: ... r_embedded

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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16 Aug 2012 13:27 #92 by The 500 Foundation

Something the Dog Said wrote:

The 500 Foundation wrote:

archer wrote:

The 500 Foundation wrote: it is hilarious seeing so many here try to defend beloved dummy Joe
I realize you cannot see it for yourselves butt,
even though I am sure you are not, it does makes you sound even stupider than he is...

no, does

ya'll crack my independant ass up


Not nearly as hilarious as it is to watch so many here twist themselves into a pretzel trying to justify their lies about Joe. If you lied, you lied, no amount of spin will change that fact.......the title of the thread alone is a lie, Joe did not say Romney would bring back's really as simple as that.

Please stay focused...
I never said that he did say slavery though anyone with an IQ high enough to
operate lungs knows damn well what he meant.

what I did say is that Joe Biden is an IDIOT
and that's no lie
and that far to many here sound like BIGGER idiots trying
to defend the things he says
that's no lie either.
just face it...your boy is an endless source of dumass.


At least he can spell. "dumass"
I wonder why conservatives are so panicked about VP Biden. Perhaps when you compare his record of accomplishments against their preferred VP candidate (as posted from other threads):
Drove the weinermobile
Passed two bills in 13 years (while collecting over one million dollars in taxpayer funds), one renaming a post office, the other lowering the excise taxes slightly on arrows. The last legislation that he passed was in 2006.


public defender
private attorney
property manager
Raised two young sons as a single parent after the death of his wife
passed 456 bills, including anti-terrorist, crime preventiion, authored almost every federal crime bill in the last 15 years, anti-steriods act, Violence against Women Act, crimes against children, bill to protect veterans assistance funding, bills to protect military personnel benefits, and on and on.

Biden has been a leader of the congressional effort to end genocide in Darfur.
In the late 1990s, Biden led the effort in the Senate to bring Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic into NATO and to pass the Chemical Weapons Treaty.
Biden has been instrumental in crafting almost every major piece of crime legislation over the past two decades. His Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 put more than 100,000 police officers on America's streets and has been credited with bringing crime rates down to the lowest point in a generation.
In 1996, Biden authored legislation to create a national registry of sex offenders, which tracks people convicted of sex crimes involving violence or committed against minors.
Biden authored and passed the landmark Violence Against Women Act, the strongest legislation to date that criminalizes domestic violence and holds batterers accountable.
Biden was a strong supporter of the Family and Medical Leave Act, cracked down on deadbeat dads, and has been a consistent champion for equal pay.
Biden was one of the first to introduce legislation to address global warming and he co-sponsored the most aggressive pieces of climate change legislation in the U.S. Senate.
Biden is a champion on the issue of making college more affordable by using the tax code to reduce costs.
Biden was successful in passing a provision that prevents budget cuts to military facilities while the nation is at war, an effort that shored up one of his key priorities -- top-notch medical treatment for all veterans in a fully-funded VA health care system. His son is served a tour of duty in Iraq as a member of the Delaware National Guard.

As chairman of the Senate Foreign relations committee he has worked on every piece of foreign legislation in the past decade, has visited every major country, met most major leaders.

Ryan's foreign relations experience - well he drove the weinermobile.

wrong assumption dog (imagine that)
I've no use for Romney/Ryan either so try again

and I doubt he can spell dumass butt at least he can see one in the mirror

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16 Aug 2012 13:31 #93 by FredHayek
So Dog, are you so cut off from society that you can't tell the difference between a white and a black southern accent? I suppose you can't tell the difference between a Texas drawl and the Old South. I just heard a black comic last night on TV declare that Biden did a pretty good representation of a southern black accent. Maybe Dog you just need to get out in the world a bit and listen a bit better?

And all polticians try to take on the accent and dialect of where they speak, but it can be a mistake at times, sometimes it will work and people will identify with you. But often it looks forced and/or feels like they are talking down to your audience.

Hillary Clinton in 2008, was speaking at African-American churches in the South trying to win the nomination from Barack and she did a good job of imitating the local dialect but still lost the primary for the state.

Watch Obama the next time he speaks in front of a predominately African-American audience and see how his accent changes. My African-American niece does it too. We will be talking and then one of her black friends calls her on the phone and she totally changes the way she speaks.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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16 Aug 2012 13:43 #94 by Something the Dog Said
Why does it matter that your African American niece changes her tone when talking to one of her "black" friends than when she is talking to her uncle? Why is that relevant? I am just curious as why when Biden says "Y'all" you consider it to be a "southern black" accent? And I am sure that you did hear the comment by a "black" comic. Which comic was it by the way?

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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16 Aug 2012 14:11 #95 by The 500 Foundation

archer wrote: Biden may be everything the conservatives here say (though I disagree with their assessment), what is most likely bugging them is that "uncle Joe" is very popular across the nation, and very smart, in a folksy way that plays well to down-to-earth Americans.

very smart?
come on dont let your despite for all things not liberal rob you of your logic
Are you really comfortable with good ol Joe taking that all important 3 am phone call?


don't lie now....

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16 Aug 2012 14:20 #96 by FredHayek
It was more than just saying "y'all". It was all in the way he said it.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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16 Aug 2012 14:21 #97 by Grady

archer wrote: Biden may be everything the conservatives here say (though I disagree with their assessment), what is most likely bugging them is that "uncle Joe" is very popular across the nation, and very smart, in a folksy way that plays well to down-to-earth Americans.

Wrong again.

Conducted by YouGov from 08/11/2012 to 08/13/2012.
Unfavorable 44.0
Favorable 41.0

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16 Aug 2012 14:24 #98 by Grady

archer wrote: Biden may be everything the conservatives here say (though I disagree with their assessment), what is most likely bugging them is that "uncle Joe" is very popular across the nation, and very smart, in a folksy way that plays well to down-to-earth Americans.

Wrong again.

Conducted by YouGov from 08/11/2012 to 08/13/2012.
Unfavorable 44.0
Favorable 41.0

Edit to add Double post :dislike: :angry:

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16 Aug 2012 14:32 - 16 Aug 2012 14:36 #99 by archer
Joe has got to be disappointed by that, his favorability rating is about the same as Romney's.......

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16 Aug 2012 14:35 - 16 Aug 2012 14:36 #100 by archer
I think I'll wait and see if the conservatives claim Romney should be replaced on the GOP ticket because his approval/favorability is as bad as Biden (within 1 point).


psssssst....Obama beats them both

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