In case anyone cares...

23 Jul 2013 08:19 #31 by jf1acai
Replied by jf1acai on topic In case anyone cares...
Unfortunately, all the verbiage used to entice an individual into becoming an "owner" of a Communities Bound site indicates that the owner will be allowed to manage the site as they see fit. It is only after one becomes an owner that the truth becomes evident - you will be micromanaged to death and not given access to much of the site, thus becoming a crippled puppet with the Communities Bound owner pulling the strings and refusing to allow you to make changes that she does not understand.

I admire and applaud SC for working so hard to improve the site while remaining associated with Communities Bound. I hope that the owner of Communities Bound will realize that what she is doing to SC is totally counterproductive for Communities Bound, SC, the advertisers, and the community.

As a former part owner of a Communities Bound site, I will stand behind SC and the other frustrated owners of Communities Bound sites.

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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23 Jul 2013 08:28 #32 by Rick
Replied by Rick on topic In case anyone cares...

frogger wrote: SC has provided you with some of the facts.

I am curious about what kind of facts people need.
The correspondence showing that people have been banned has been provide.
The evidence that an attempt to censor information has been provided.
The evidence of people being placed in Q has been provided.
SC has stated that she has been locked out of a site that she bought and paid for.
Does anyone have any reason to not trust SC?

I have no reason not to trust SC or anyone else unless I find out I've been lied to. If this was an actual courthouse and I was a juror, there's no way I could make a decision without hearing both sides. I don't know what was said in the deleted posts, or who deleted them.

It would have been helpful if there was a little more disclosure about why the split happened, before it happened. Now it's just interesting to watch it all unfold.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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23 Jul 2013 08:44 #33 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic In case anyone cares...
Unfortunately...I suspect that both sides are restricted from saying to much at the moment.
I do know this. There is only one individual administering the old 2b right now.
The PM I received ordering me to remove links to this website from my post and sig line came from C*******G***. If only one person is an admin at this point....who do you think that is?
I have printed the posts that were deleted. They simply acknowledged that people were being placed in Q. People had been banned and posts were deleted.

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23 Jul 2013 09:28 #34 by Nobody that matters
Screw it. I don't have the time or patience to watch another "They dun me wrong" website drama.

Logging out.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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23 Jul 2013 09:54 #35 by archer
Replied by archer on topic In case anyone cares...

Rick wrote: If I knew ALL the facts I would give an opinion here, but I don't, so I won't.

Only SC and CommunitiesBound know all the facts.......All I know is I have seen what SC has done for this site and for the community, no one could have worked harder or been more creative in her approach to building a community message board. The more successful she makes this board, the better it looks for CommunitiesBound, and I would assume the more money they make. I'm having a hard time understanding why they aren't supporting her 100%.....maybe someone will fill us in.

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23 Jul 2013 11:16 #36 by Grady
Replied by Grady on topic In case anyone cares...

jf1acai wrote: Unfortunately, all the verbiage used to entice an individual into becoming an "owner" of a Communities Bound site indicates that the owner will be allowed to manage the site as they see fit. It is only after one becomes an owner that the truth becomes evident - you will be micromanaged to death and not given access to much of the site, thus becoming a crippled puppet with the Communities Bound owner pulling the strings and refusing to allow you to make changes that she does not understand.

I disagree whole heartily.

I do applaud SC and her efforts in building 285bound, I hope this is sorted out sooner rather than later both for SC and Communities Bound. Both deserve to be successful.
All the speculation by some who think they have the "facts" but may be driven by their own agendas, is meaningless. Right now only Communities Bound and SC, and I would assume by now their legal folks have the facts.

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23 Jul 2013 12:00 #37 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic In case anyone cares...
I don't want to drag out any drama, as I know how frustrating it is to all of you, and it was never my intention to un-necessarily burden you. I've tried to handle this all privately as it should've been, but I will state the facts for the record: I am still in compliance with my contract and 285Bound was NEVER a franchise. That fact was made very clear to me by the owners of Communities Bound when I bought 285Bound because parent companies and franchisees are bound by a ton of other legal requirements if that designation is made, and they wished to avoid that for a start-up company. All CB affiliates are Independent Affiliates, and yes BOTH WE AND COMMUNITIES BOUND have contractual obligations to follow.

The long and short of it is that I have followed all of my contractual obligations. should have been pointed to MyMountainTown so that this was a smooth transition - anyone typing in or clicking a bookmark would be automatically brought here, and it could be done that way because I am still a paying Communities Bound affiliate and was told more than once that I could create a new website, host it elsewhere, and still remain an affiliate. When it came time to actually transfer the site, Communities Bound refused to cooperate. I honestly don't know why, and it baffles me that they would treat their most successful affiliate and members of the site this way. The things that I have been accused of, which I cannot discuss due to confidentiality, I will just have to ask you to trust me that they are absolutely without merit (none were made with any evidence) and I have evidence refuting each and every charge - and the charges are way-over-the-top, out-of-bounds serious. I hope that sometime soon Communities Bound is willing to sit down and talk so we can resolve this situation and end the confusion for everyone involved.

The 285Bound website that is up now is not run by its rightful owner, it has been hijacked unlawfully, and completely against my will, and is now competing with the rightful 285Bound business. I have had my admin abilities removed, my 285Bound email blocked, and even had my IP address blocked - something the owner of Communities Bound swore would never be done to its members. Just notice the difference between how we are handling this situation, and that should tell you a lot.

I offer to anyone who'd like to decide for themselves to book an appointment to meet me at my office and review the evidence for themselves. I have nothing to hide. Email me at . or call me 720-608-0285 - it rings through to my cell phone and if I don't answer it's only because I'm in a meeting, on the phone, or doing something with my kids, and I will call you right back.

In the meantime, I just want you all to explore the new site! Check out your Profile pages - you can enter your real name should you so choose(you can hide it, or not enter it at all too), upload photos and write a blog on your very own wall that people can comment on (and you can moderate yourself)! You can submit articles, make Connections with friends, write on other people's walls (kinda like Facebook) and even start Groups for people with similar interests (I'll be starting a Football Fanatics one shortly!). And that's not even the tip of the iceberg in terms of the new features this system has - we're going to have a fun year ahead trying new things! And all of it will hopefully better serve you when you are trying to find information, and better serve our businesses, as it's more search-friendly now. This website was designed to be more user-friendly, if you see anything that doesn't work, or there's a feature that you'd like to see installed, let us know and we'll do our best. We've got some brilliant additions already in the works that we think you're going to love - stick around! :)

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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23 Jul 2013 12:10 #38 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic In case anyone cares...
Let me be clear Grady that I have NO agenda other than to see SC's website returned to her. With all due respect Grady, I was privy to many of the issues that surrounded It was a mess. Interesting take on it.
I am more than a little tired of having my motives misunderstood or misrepresented.
I have butted heads more than a few times with SC. I will call you out when I believe you are wrong. SC is no exception. This situation is wrong on so many levels.
These bound sites are affiliates.....not franchises. They were suppose to be set up to be flexible to meet the needs of each individual community they serve. The problem is....that the parent never cuts the cord and interferes and micro-manages to such a degree that many owners have just thrown their hands in the air and walked away. That Sir, is a fact that cannot be disputed.

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23 Jul 2013 13:50 #39 by jf1acai
Replied by jf1acai on topic In case anyone cares...
AHWBound is a dead subject. The reason I brought it up was to point out that SC is not the only Communities Bound owner who has had problems with the micromanagement and control issues.

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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23 Jul 2013 15:32 #40 by Grady
Replied by Grady on topic In case anyone cares...

jf1acai wrote: AHWBound is a dead subject. The reason I brought it up was to point out that SC is not the only Communities Bound owner who has had problems with the micromanagement and control issues.

Ahwbound was doomed to fail from the very beginning: it was miss named,the skill set to run it was not present, and there was no SC type person local to put in the work necessary to make it a success. A failed experiment, despite a lot of effort on some including Communities Bound.

But as Jf1acl said it is a dead subject.

Or as My friend VL would say "End of Subject."


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