Vote no on 4A

08 Oct 2013 19:05 #201 by GO UNION
Replied by GO UNION on topic Vote no on 4A
Double Play, if you want to poor mouth Dolan why don't you start a separate forum for that? Most of the folks are debating the here and now, not years ago! Looks like you have a vendetta of your own. Maybe you should try and post in the present as well, besides that's what this forum is about.
Where is the current Budget posted at now?

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08 Oct 2013 20:07 #202 by GO UNION
Replied by GO UNION on topic Vote no on 4A
The allegations of the past have nothing to do with the irresponsible leadership of today! The tax payers did not ask the new chief and the current board to mislead, lie and falsify documents that were caught by former associates of the Dept.
If Dolan did the things that he was only accused of he still ran the Dept within budget, what does that say about the new era of leadership ? One has to wonder what the real agenda is?

I don't know anybody that does'nt like their local Fire Dept to not have shiny new and functioning equipment, but people hesitate in conifer because of the poor fiscal responsibility, and poor mouthing. Every time someone slanders dolan they make ECFD look bad, even if he's not apart of the organization today. Negativity is a disease that the current group seems to breed more and more of.

The FRIENDS and ECFD probably would have more success if they preached that things are going well and they want to keep it that way to keep everyone safe by adding modest increases to equipment, buildings and even staff. But they don't, they spread fear to scare citizens that have heard that line several times and possibly slander old members. So anyone that wants this to pass and talks poorly of anyone that has associated with the dept in the past is doing a disservice to themselves and what they think is right. But many of these folks have proven they are not mature enough to understand that concept. When will ECFD stop playing the blame game and be responsible for their own actions? If the sky is really falling on ECFD it is because they lowered it themselves!

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08 Oct 2013 20:55 #203 by Twister
Replied by Twister on topic Vote no on 4A
Oh boy double play , start your own thread. Do You have something to add that is about 4a?
And if you are all about the big reveal, what is your real name?

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09 Oct 2013 02:18 #204 by Jekyll
Replied by Jekyll on topic Vote no on 4A
I say the fire dept's all should close up shop. Let citizens fend for themselves. I'm being completely serious here. The time for coddling everyone should come to an abrupt end. Let nature take its course and burn some people out. Especially the entitled, nose up in the air types. Use a garden hose or run. Those should be the options on the table.

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09 Oct 2013 10:15 #205 by Venturer
Replied by Venturer on topic Vote no on 4A
Great. Jekyll, get a petition going and get it on the ballot. If there is any merit then maybe you will see it happen. In the meantime the issue is the question on 4A.

So far the Chief and B/D have not demonstrated any fiscal responsibility. Their solution is to get more money for shiny new fire trucks when purchasing replacement parts would be just as effective. The taxpayers have said no in the past to their fiscal abuse and should vote NO now based on the blank check freedom granted in the current question. Vote NO on 4A.

Jekyll wrote: I say the fire dept's all should close up shop. Let citizens fend for themselves. I'm being completely serious here. The time for coddling everyone should come to an abrupt end. Let nature take its course and burn some people out. Especially the entitled, nose up in the air types. Use a garden hose or run. Those should be the options on the table.

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09 Oct 2013 13:26 #206 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Vote no on 4A
To Grady, WindPeak, and others:

I stated upfront and honestly with my very first post in this thread that I was part of the Friends of Elk Creek Fire group. Yes, I absolutely will support worthy causes - I do not sit by as a neutral party if there's something that I know and believe to be for the good of the community, just like with helping the Save Intermountain Animals group oust an inept board that allowed animals to be killed needlessly and money stolen from the community.

If you want to judge my honesty and integrity, notice that despite being for 4A, all posts by the opposition are still here, and moderation has been conducted removing potentially personal identifiable information that was absolutely appropriate to do. No threads are locked, no posts or entire threads deleted , unlike other community forums who claim to serve the community, and the opposition not silenced here. I have NOT insulted, called names, or treated anyone with anything less than respectful dialog.

Note also that I've videotaped many ECFPD BOD meetings at my own time and expense, made them all publicly available and you can tell they are not edited to "hide information" - they are the full meetings, as they happened.

To date, only myself and MountainGirl44 have identified ourselves as FOECF members - all other posters who've weighed in are doing so with their own opinions and I'd appreciate if you don't assign others' personal agendas with what the Friends of Elk Creek Fire are posting. Go back and read mine, FOECF, and MountainGirl 44's posts and see how we've responded to you.

As for the other "crap" that I am involved in - that has nothing to do with this situation, but I would say does demonstrate that I fight for what's right. Nothing more, nothing less. Notice that I haven't posted in that thread in forever (since Page 27 of 45), yet notice who has - I'm not the one continuing to make public what should be a private lawsuit.

And if you want to threaten those businesses that advertise with My Mountain Town, due to my actions, that's your right but I find it disgusting and cowardly on your part to even threaten that. If you don't want to vote for it, fine - THAT'S YOUR RIGHT. That's WHY it's put to the district VOTERS to decide. Agree to disagree, but threatening to harm unrelated businesses over this is petty, vindictive, and makes me lose all respect for your position.

Attacking me, calling me a bad business woman, tells me you've got nothin'. Get back to the facts, as Kincaid Springs has said - that's all I've posted here and that's all that matters for this issue. I could give a rats' ass as to who any posters are - I am here strictly to deal with information, answer questions, explain my side, and ask people to become informed themselves so they can vote for what they want for their community.

GO UNION wrote: SC, So watching the chief say that Soviet Russia altered the books to meet the budget is ok for ECFPD to alter them? I looked at the map and ECFPD IS STILL IN THE USA! Can the chief prove that is what Russia did? Or is he trying to cover up a lie with another? Making jokes on illegally blowing the budget says volumes on his character and the current board. That comment about an auditor making a mistake was sent out over a week ago and when the State was contacted they said NO ONE FROM ELK CREEK FIRE HAS CONTACTED THEM !

I hope the public knows that they are paying top dollar for the lawyer to help cover this up!

It's upsetting to watch the videos of the ECFPD AND ITS CHIEF lie non stop to the taxpayers

Go Union, please watch the video again. The Chief made exactly the OPPOSITE point - that he thinks that those who amend budgets after the fact, to make them look "okay" is WRONG and he DOESN'T believe in doing that.

Here's the answer to your previous question about which CO statute says that you don't have to amend budgets:
Here is the text of the entire state statute - TITLE 29 GOVERNMENT - LOCAL/GENERAL PROVISIONS/ARTICLE 1 BUDGET AND SERVICES:

29-1-110. Expenditures not to exceed appropriation
(1) During the fiscal year, no officer, employee, or other spending agency shall expend or contract to expend any money, or incur any liability, or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditures of money in excess of the amounts appropriated. Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation of this section shall be void, and no moneys belonging to a local government shall be paid on such contract.

(2) Multiple-year contracts may be entered into where allowed by law or if subject to annual appropriation.

Please note there is no language in the statute referring to budgeted amounts, only to appropriated amounts. Nor is there any language in the statute referring to any need to amend the budget.

From the ECFPD budget (the following numbers sent by Chief McLaughlin):

The district appropriated the following amounts by resolution on December 13, 2011:

General fund - $1,806,216
TABOR reserves $55,965
Capital projects and contingency - $362,297
Pension - $178,500

The district spent:

General fund - $1,726,771
TABOR reserves - $0 (money only spent in emergencies)
Capital projects - $139,726
Pension fund - $50,667

The state auditor has verified that our interpretation of this law is correct, and that the interpretation by the CPA was incorrect. It has been corrected and resubmitted to the state.

WindPeak, here's the answer to your other question: Where in the Conifer Chamber Public Affairs Meeting does the Chief say he won't campaign for or against? It's at time stamp 3:25.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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09 Oct 2013 14:11 #207 by DoublePlay
Replied by DoublePlay on topic Vote no on 4A

Twister wrote: Oh boy double play , start your own thread. Do You have something to add that is about 4a?

No....... Twister why don't you start your own thread. You could call it "only my opinion welcome."

No. I'm gonna stick around and be that small voice in the back of your head. The one that's always right and that you never listen to.

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09 Oct 2013 14:20 #208 by ZenTree
Replied by ZenTree on topic Vote no on 4A

DoublePlay wrote:

KINCAIDSPRINGS wrote: I would further challenge you to GET BACK ON TOPIC! This thread about the mill levy not about HTT article dredging.

Forgive me chief, but listening to what someone says is just one step in the process of understanding. In order to truly understand a statement, it is important to understand the motivation of the speaker. I'm sorry if all this, "why did he say that," is getting in the way of all your, "just listen to what I say and don't ask why."

Gheeeesh........... Listen to all of you ganging up on this Doubleplay.
It's supposed to be an open debate, right?

I don't know who's right or who's wrong, but I can see his point. Who says something and why they say it are as important (if not more so) than what is said.

If a sweet middle school teacher says, "I just love 12 year olds," you think of fresh baked pie and goodness. If a trench coat wearing pervert says, "I just love 12 year olds," you think where's my gun!

So I can understand why if he believes some of the people who are the most vocal opponents of this issue have their own, darker agenda, then yea, that's an issue.

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09 Oct 2013 14:25 #209 by ForestFellow
Replied by ForestFellow on topic Vote no on 4A

Jekyll wrote: I say the fire dept's all should close up shop. Let citizens fend for themselves. I'm being completely serious here. The time for coddling everyone should come to an abrupt end. Let nature take its course and burn some people out. Especially the entitled, nose up in the air types. Use a garden hose or run. Those should be the options on the table.

Ok........ I hope you're kidding.

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09 Oct 2013 14:33 #210 by ForestFellow
Replied by ForestFellow on topic Vote no on 4A
I think this really comes down to a simple question: Do you want the local fire department to have the tools and people they need to help you if you need them?

I've read all about over spending, and I've seen that question answered, repeatedly.

I read all about a lack of transparency, and I've seen that question addressed, repeatedly.

It seems that the opposition just keeps saying the same stuff over and over and they never bother to read the answers they're given.

Maybe we need to all just divide up: On one side we'll have the folks who want a strong fire department and on the other, we'll have that guy who said "grab a garden hose or run," and all the No on 4A people.

Then if we get a big fire, like Waldo Canyon, like Black Forest, like Lower North Fork they can all run and we'll all call 911.

Works for me. ... 6&t=29109#

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