Vote no on 4A

20 Oct 2013 13:14 #321 by Kassk20
Replied by Kassk20 on topic Vote no on 4A

PrintSmith wrote: How about this for an idea Kaask. Pay people to man the station for the first shift and then have volunteers cover shifts 2 and 3 on a scheduled basis as part of their duties as a volunteer firefighter. There's what, 60 or so current volunteers? 2 per shift, 2 shifts per day, 7 days a week, comes to 28 shifts to cover. Means each volunteer would need to cover 1 shift every other week. That would save at least 3 full time positions, salary and benefits, going forward. That savings should allow for the purchase of some new bunker gear, right?

I have said it multiple times on here but will say it again since you guys don't seem to hear what I m saying. Until you fill the boots we fill and see the time commitment we already invest, please stop suggesting that the volunteers need to do more. There are weeks I have put in over 40 hours to this dept between calls, training, meetings etc, this is on top of my full time job, family and heaven for bid any other activities I can find time to enjoy. So, NO it is not feasible to ask the volunteers to staff the station 24/7 or 3/4 of the time or whatever amount of time to get rid of the paid staff. The second part of that is the paid staff consists of a paramedic and an EMT, do you realize how expensive paramedic school is? We have a couple of volunteer paramedics but not enough to cover the station 24/7. You can't also expect the volunteers to now also go pay $10,000 plus and spend a year plus of their time in paramedic school so the level of service can remain the same?? If the paid staff go away, the volunteers will be responding from home which equals a longer response time and you better hope a volunteer with the right level of training is in district when that call comes in, many of us work down the hill, or you will be waiting for mutual aid, if they are not on a call in their own district. SO, it is the voters choice, do you want the quickest response time possible or are you ok waiting an extra 5, 10, 20 minutes depending on the circumstances, where the volunteer lives and where you live. There are areas in this district that take me over 20 minutes to get to from my house. 20 minutes can easily mean life or death. The chief has numerous times laid out what the mill levy will be used for and there have even been videos of his speeches placed on this forum, ECFD and its supporters have given the public all the info, and continue to re-answer questions over and over. It really comes down to what kid of response time do you want, what kind of equipment do you want and what level of training to you want to see continue at ECFD. The facts have been presented numerous times, its your decision.

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20 Oct 2013 18:51 #322 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

GO UNION wrote: TWISTER, UMM NO. All of my friends that reported criminal behavior, fraud, sexual harassment, falsifying records or was considered a threat to the union agenda were fired and the chief sent the Sheriff's office to their homes to collect their gear after decades of service without one prior reprimand. some were state and nationally recognized emts and paramedics. the Chief fired one by email stating that having him on the department would cost chief mcglaughlin political capital! And some get accused of being a spy quite often. it's a sad place


Sir, I have no idea what you are talking about. Elk Creek Fire Department is the happiest, sharpest, most focused I've ever seen it. The moral of the volunteers is at its highest level. We train, we respond, and we work seamlessly together. Honest to God, you must be talking about some other department, because it certainly isn't us.

And if there is a firefighter at Elk Creek who doesn't support 4A, I don't know them. We debated the donation to Friends of Elk Creek, then we waited a month before we voted on it to give everyone time to think it over, and it passed without a single opposing vote, or even an abstention.

We are 100% behind 4A because we know the department, we know the equipment, and we know what is needed to keep our community safe.

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20 Oct 2013 18:54 #323 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Vote no on 4A
Oh darn... I got my ballot on Saturday and already marked it 'YES" on 4A... I guess that means that if enough of us do that, all of the anti-tax zealots will end up paying a few more dollars...

My bad.... :biggrin:

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20 Oct 2013 19:08 #324 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

Kassk20 wrote:

PrintSmith wrote: [ If they hadn't kicked the can down the road to crisis point, they could have purchased used equipment when the now uncountable equipment reached 20 years old 5 years ago, saving not only the difference between new and used, but also the purchase price 5 years ago versus today.

And as has been pointed out time and time again: The people who are now the most vocal opponents of this measure where running the department 5-years ago, and are the ones who left us with this mess.

What's more, they keep portraying this as a 50% property tax increase, and it isn't.

If you own a home valued by the County at $300,000, this mill levy increase will cost you less than $5 a month......... What is that? One Double Latte a StarBucks? A Cheeseburger and Fries at Wendy's?

Home Value Annual Cost Cost Per Month
$200,000 $39.80 $3.32
$300,000 $59.70 $4.98
$400,000 $79.60 $6.64
$500,000 $99.50 $8.29

And even with the increase, the folks who live within the Elk Creek Fire Protection District will still pay the lowest tax rate for fire protection and emergency medical services in all of Jefferson and Park Counties!

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20 Oct 2013 19:38 #325 by GO UNION
Replied by GO UNION on topic Vote no on 4A
Earth calling Mike Davis !! Hello!

All of the previous Boards tried for a mil increase to replace equipment ! But the voters said NO

Seamless ? Really? Maybe I should post your rude, harassing and demoralizing email to the support group volunteer lady that you tried to tuff talk and embarrass in front of the whole dept.. a pregnant lady too add !!!

Know the equipment ? REALLY? Have you yourself ever had your Fire Truck driving rights suspended until you were retrained? Do you understand the difference between high and low range and how much that costs the tax payers if you don't? The chief said most of the overtime was to fleet maintenance, how many fire trucks have been destroyed due to careless and improper driving ?
Elk Creek Firefighters have damaged fire trucks due to neglect that cost tens of thousands in the last 2 years and not one drug test has been ordered as required by dept rules.

Mike stick too the facts!

Also where is the permit number for all the banners on the businesses ?

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20 Oct 2013 20:01 - 20 Oct 2013 20:13 #326 by LOL
Replied by LOL on topic Vote no on 4A

LadyJazzer wrote: Well, I was going to vote 'No'...But after watching all of the usual anti-tax zealots complaining about "oversight" and "misuse of funds", and screeching about $100/month pensions (after 10-years of service) as "wanting more money for their own benefits".... I'm convinced...

I'm voting 'Yes".....

LadyJazzer wrote: Oh darn... I got my ballot on Saturday and already marked it 'YES" on 4A... I guess that means that if enough of us do that, all of the anti-tax zealots will end up paying a few more dollars...

My bad.... :biggrin:

Sure sounds like a logical, non-emotional thought process to me. Those SOBs "anti-tax zealots" complaining as usual about oversight and misuse of funds, Geez Who cares about that?. LOL Carry on!

P.S. I don't live in this district and I do support volunteer firefighters, I actually was one for many years. I also support rational thinking and budget analysis over spontaneous knee-jerk emotions.

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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20 Oct 2013 20:13 - 20 Oct 2013 20:45 #327 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
Speaking as someone who listens to Elk Creek calls on a scanner frequently. I have to agree that the department is running much smoother in the last couple of years. There was a time when I could not say that. Before Chief McLaughlin arrived, there was, for a time, what seemed like confusion and a lack of professionalism. That is not the case these days.
I realize that I am merely listening to scanner traffic but from my seat here.....other than auto aide which I am not clear I fully understand....things appear to be running smoothly.
Calls are responded to quickly. The conversations are professional. People are not driving around aimlessly looking for addresses as much I have heard in the past.
Micheal and Kassk20. I have supported your need for additional funds.
My only beef has been how you have chosen to handle the dialog here. When you respond in such a manner, it makes those whom you are asking for money angry.
Elk Creek has needed money for a very long time.
They are a pivotal fire dept in our area.
I just want the facts and the truth out for all to see.
Someone asked earlier about the website pictures and specifically one fire fighter in particular holding a sign. Is it possible to provide some answers to those questions?
Who owns the snow making equipment.
Is the person in the picture with the sign and Elk Creek FF.
Why was Bunker gear used while tubing in a recreational manner.
I assume a good many of those pics have perfectly good explanations but I would like to here those from all of you.
As I said when I posted the link.....I placed no stock in the website until I could here some reasonable explanations.
I also understand that the website I provided a link to is owned by kinkaidsprings

search results for: TRUTHATECFD.COM (Registered)
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2013-09-05 10:26:07
Creation Date: 2013-09-05 10:26:07
Registrar Expiration Date: 2014-09-05 10:26:07
Registrar:, LLC
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
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Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Admin Email: kincaidspring@*.com

I am curious as to why kinkaid spring has failed to mention this. Perhaps he could enlighten us.

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20 Oct 2013 20:45 #328 by jf1acai
Replied by jf1acai on topic Vote no on 4A

If they hadn't kicked the can down the road to crisis point, they could have purchased used equipment when the now uncountable equipment reached 20 years old 5 years ago, saving not only the difference between new and used, but also the purchase price 5 years ago versus today.

If the dog hadn't stopped to defecate he would have caught the rabbit too. But now all he can do is try to find another rabbit, or go hungry.

What is past is past, it cannot be changed. The question now as I see it, is do you want the district to go hungry, or be able to recover and grow to be able to better support a growing district, with growing needs for fire/rescue abilities?

I would like to see more information from the fire district on several points that have been brought up in this thread, such as snow making equipment and use of PPE for recreation.

I would also like to see more information (transparency) provided by the fire district regarding meeting minutes, budgets, audits, etc. on their own website.

Perhaps someone from the fire district could address these items here?

Better information from the fire district would be useful, I think.

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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20 Oct 2013 22:15 #329 by GO UNION
Replied by GO UNION on topic Vote no on 4A
A Question to Elk Creek

where does the numbers come from for fire trucks that will be purchased if this mil passes? what company gave them that specific quote to present it to the voters?

How many manufacturers have they contacted for specs ?

Other than the Elk Creek Firefighter and Friends of elk creek supporter/promoter that sells E one fire trucks for a living? Isn't that a suspicious conflict of interest ? Should'nt that person be used a professional reference and not promoter especially if they don't pay taxes in this district?

Where can i find the specific cost of all the gear? is there specs on that to get the best price? what company or rep do they buy from?

Is there transparency with these huge budget items and will elk creek post them?

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20 Oct 2013 22:19 #330 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Vote no on 4A
You don't have to have permits to hang banners on businesses, or put signs out, just the permission of the business, building, or property owner.

PrintSmith, Kassk20 is right - they didn't try to kick the can down the road or have poor planning, ECFPD has put this to the voters twice in the last 6 years alone. It was voted down both times for various reasons, which at this point don't really matter. The point now is that the ISO rating is coming next year, they have equipment that is past rating criteria, they have a department that is united and being run competently and honestly by good men from every indication that I can personally find, they've cut spending as much as they can without closing stations or laying off personnel, and have spelled out their minimum needs to the voters yet again.

As I mentioned before, if they buy 15 year old equipment (which they cannot do without a mill levy passing, by the way), in 10 years when this mill levy expires, they'd be coming back and asking for another mill levy to be passed again. You cite that housing prices will increase by 10% over the next 10 years so perhaps they will be able to put more into reserves than they are projecting now, but how do you know that? For next year they plan to put in $27,000 to reserves if the mill passes, not even a tenth of the interface engine they are looking at, but after next year they won't have the one-time cost to add new gear to increase the # of volunteers, which is estimated at $75,000. After that they can put that amount into reserves as well. With as bad as our economy is and has been, are there any economists out there that you can provide as examples saying that the real estate and the housing market will rebound that much in that time frame? I don't see my house worth going up that much considering the country's debt we have to contend with, as a matter of fact, it's lower than when we bought 5 years ago and Lakewood hasn't suffered the downturn that other areas around Denver have - fewer of our storefronts closed, and I believe we had a lower foreclosure rate too.

So, if prices/home values stay stagnant, at best, AND the mill does not pass, the department is looking at having to cut another $75,000 from the budget, and will need to use over $28,000 from their current reserves. They've already cut 2.5 paid positions out of 12 - all that's left are 6 EMT/paramedics who work 2 at a time over 3 rotations, 48 hours on, 96 hours off, the Chief, the mechanic, and half time admin. So it's cut EMT/paramedics or close stations. They didn't try to get to this point but this is where it's at - what is acceptable to everyone for service in time of emergency? Do you want a volunteer coming if you are having a medical emergency or have been in a car wreck on 285, or a Paramedic who's licensed to administer drugs that even RN's can't? This isn't an attempt to use "scare tactics" to get people to vote for the measure, it's merely spelling out what they will have to do so they stay in compliance with TABOR laws and other laws considering spending public revenue.

For a reminder, the proposed 2014 Budget is posted with the Oct 2013 BOD meeting in this thread: ... ions/28224

As far as the snow making equipment, I haven't seen it on budgets anywhere so I can't claim with 100% certainty but I would bet my next paycheck that they never bought (just rented or borrowed) snow making equipment - it would have to be a board approved expenditure and its completely useless for a fire department to need or justify.

As for wearing gear while doing the Barrel Stave Ski Race and Mt Lugo Luge (which all the other departments did as well), this was a complaint that Mike Bartlett brought up at one of the meetings I videotaped, along with a complaint that firefighters who got hurt while doing such an activity would be able to claim workers comp. I find that quite far-fetched, not impossible but unlikely, that firefighters would damage gear skiing 400 ft down Meyer Ranch, and that obviously off-duty personnel would be able to claim workers comp for an injury on personal time. Mr. Bartlett also complained about the department having contests in which parents could win an opportunity for their kids to be taken to school on the fire engine was an improper use of equipment, saying that it added to wear and tear/miles, and wasted gas.

To all this I would reply, it's immeasurable and critical the effect that fostering a good relationship with the citizens in their community that these kinds of activities, as well as SantaLand at the Conifer Christmas Parade, meeting with HOAs to discuss mitigation, attending Trunk or Treat at local schools with dept trucks, and having Open Houses, helps the community feel trust and familiarity with the members of the dept. I think this is an essential public relations effort, with little cost for big ROI, to develop, considering the number of people who refuse to evacuate when asked to during an emergency, placing themselves and first responders unnecessarily in harms way. When I was a kid, the local firefighters and police officers came to school, or had Open Houses and it was so we could get used to a stranger in that uniform, would feel safe and comfortable going to them if something had happened to our parents, and would make their job easier helping us scared and confused kids - it's a no-brainer in my mind. Imagine if you recognized the person knocking on your door telling you there's a fire or flood coming, you know they come from a well-run and respected local dept (not some random deputy from down the hill who knows nothing about our area), and they recommend you move to safety - you are more likely to listen and follow instructions if this is the case, and this can help save lives. To say that it's a waste of time and resources, and to claim that the taxpayers will bear the burden, for the dept to make these efforts seems to me to be un-verified and short-sighted so as to miss the big picture of all the good it can do.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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