Vote no on 4A

19 Oct 2013 13:29 #291 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

KINCAIDSPRINGS wrote: Mr. Davis were you compensated by Elk Creek Fire for a mapping project after the Lower North Fork Fire?


I am a volunteer. Yes I did put in over 130 hours of my own time on a project to improve the quality of the maps that Elk Creek Fire was using in their apparatus.

Yes I did drive extensively throughout the district to confirm road locations in my own vehicle, using my own gas.

Yes I did print off reams of information from my home computer - printer to use in the project.

Yes I did make trips to Jeffco and Park County offices to gather information, but I did it all for free.

You see sir, I care about the people of this community and I do my part.

Perhaps instead of sitting in your shuttered room all day and night, thinking up negative things to say about the volunteers at Elk Creek Fire, you could get off your behind and find a way to contribute as well.

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19 Oct 2013 13:32 #292 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

KINCAIDSPRINGS wrote: Mr. Davis you need to understand that this issue is about money and the appropriate use there of. This issue is about honesty, and budgeting. I am seeing failures across the board here ( no pun intended). You are so focused on calling me Mr. Dolan that you can't answer the questions at hand.

Sir, I think you are the last person in the world who should be giving advice on honesty or budgeting.

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19 Oct 2013 14:24 #293 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

KINCAIDSPRINGS wrote: ROTFLMAO..... He called me Chief!

Mr. Davis you need to understand that this issue is about money and the appropriate use there of. This issue is about honesty, and budgeting. I am seeing failures across the board here ( no pun intended). You are so focused on calling me Mr. Dolan that you can't answer the questions at hand.

Yes, I call everyoneone chief. It's meant as a sign of respect, but it has gotten me in trouble with some of my friends who are of Native American decent.

And No sir. I did not call you Mr. Dolan. That came from you.

I'd advise you to tread carefully sir. If people knew that the self proclaimed voice of the opposition was none other than disgraced ex-Chief Dolan. A man who was fired for embezzling from Elk Creek Fire, only to return and be caught and convicted of stealing tens of thousands of dollars in a bogus disability scheme. A man who has on going legal trouble with the department. The man who single handedly did more to sully the reputation of Elk Creek Fire than any other individual in history.

Well...... they might look at all these posts of yours about "honesty," and "transparency," in a different light.

But then that's why you couldn't come forward when the writer from the Flume (repeatedly) offered you a chance to air your grievances publicly. You'd of had to come out from behind the curtain, and if everyone knew where all this great advice was coming from.......

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19 Oct 2013 14:37 #294 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A
File Attachment:

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19 Oct 2013 16:50 - 19 Oct 2013 17:14 #295 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
And now.....if I lived in your district.....I would vote no.
I do work extensively in your district and perhaps I can provide a few folks some information about what happens when you give some folks a little authority and money and how it goes to their head and is abused.
Do you think because you are a volunteer firefighter and you do things on your own time with your own money that you are somehow different or better than others who serve in a different capacity?
I would beg to differ with you. You did insinuate that KS was Chief Dolan. Several of you have played this game and I can't speak for anyone else......but I am tired of the dirty little games.
I watched Platte Canyon play them and now I am seeing that if ANYONE disagrees with them or you guys there will be hell to pay.
Quite a little tirade there from the POI of Elk Creek Fire.
Does your chief read MyMountainTown?
Maybe he should.

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19 Oct 2013 17:01 #296 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A

Kassk20 wrote: Kincaid, the volunteers work full time jobs, you are sure asking a lot to have them increase the amount of time they already volunteer to protect your community. That is if you want to keep the current level of service, which obviously you don't. By having paid staff you have 2 members (a paramedic and an EMT) already at station 1 ready to respond in an apparatus as soon as the tones drop. Either you are ok with the increased response time of a volunteer having to leave their house and drive to a station and then respond to the emergency, wait for mutual aid when there are not any volunteers available (and with the appropriate medical level of training if its a medical call, which is the highest percent of calls) or you are totally unrealistic expecting them to staff the station 24/7 for FREE. I'm pretty sure if it was you or your loved one experiencing the emergency you would want the best level of service and quickest response time to you/them. None, of us were trying to change your mind on this issue, it was obvious you were set in your way, but we are sick of the BS you guys are spreading, ECFD constantly helps this community, in more ways then just responding to 911 calls. And heaven for bid do we have fun occasionally after we have worked hard, that's called brotherhood, and yes that is something ECFD has and it is strong, and yes it includes paid, volunteer, male female, black and white firefighters. It is totally uncalled for the crap you guys are saying and the way you have all acted. Until you willing to put your own time into your community as ECFD does, shut your mouth, until you are in our shoes shut your mouth, quit sitting behind your computer as "Kincaid" running your mouth. Either get out there and help or shut up.

Do you believe that the only way to serve your community is to become a fire fighter?
How the heck do you know what any of us do for our community?
I am rapidly coming to a conclusion that fire fighters may be some of the most arrogant cocky people I have met. That comes from my own personal observation and personal experience.
If we have a different perspective from you we are dumb assholes?
Perhaps if you can't keep your emotions in check and your anger under control, you should just fade back to serving your community instead of harassing the very idiots you are asking for all this money from.

edited to add....
my respect level for fire fighters in general is heading south with each post.

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19 Oct 2013 17:30 #297 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Vote no on 4A
Not trying to justify anything, or make excuses, just provide a different perspective, but...I think if I were under attack, and felt that the time and effort I'd given to an organization that I loved and sacrificed for wasn't supported by my community, I'd take it as personally as they are too, and be even more upset. I'm guessing this because I know how I'd feel if I saw everyone abandon me after moving 285Bound to MMT, and I would've given up long ago had I not had the support, encouragement, and affirmation I've had from the businesses, nonprofits, and community-at-large.

Keep in mind that those firefighters who have been posting here aren't used to talking with us here on the boards, and likely are uncomfortable not being able to speak in person, and seeing us being as bluntly open and straightforward as you and I are used to being frogger. :) Us regulars know each other and are used to how each other post, and have toughened our skins. It can be a steep and difficult learning curve, especially on a contentious issue of which they don't really want to dredge up private dept crap that really should have no bearing on this election issue.

Please let me make clear, I'm not saying that no one's accountable for their words or actions, and that the community doesn't have a right to know the history of what's happened and how that's influenced where the dept stands today because they absolutely do, I'm just hoping that it means that anyone reading here is more understanding before judging and takes it upon themselves to go get the story in person from those directly affected, not second-hand, and gets more involved in this department. A strong community, and nation, is directly related to the level of activity of its citizens (sorry if I sound like I'm on the soap box again, it's just important to me).

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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19 Oct 2013 17:53 #298 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
As much as I respect your opinion SC, I also believe that the PIO of a Fire District should know better than to come armed with a double barreled shotgun.
As a rule, I hold anyone who "selflessly" serves their community in high regard but when you play dirty and use innuendo and assumptions directed at those who have to stand ready to accept what comes with that.
How many times have you said that to me?
I am in sales and I usually don't walk in the door telling a customer they suck. :biggrin:

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19 Oct 2013 18:11 #299 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Vote no on 4A

frogger wrote: I am in sales and I usually don't walk in the door telling a customer they suck. :biggrin:

So that's what I've been doing wrong. :smackshead: lol

As much as I respect your opinion SC, I also believe that the POI of a Fire District should know better than to come armed with a double barreled shotgun.
As a rule, I hold anyone who "selflessly" serves their community in high regard but when you play dirty and use innuendo and assumptions directed at those who have to stand ready to accept what comes with that.
How many times have you said that to me?

Probably as many as you've said it to me, :) and I am grateful for the education and betterment that I've undergone as a result of your honesty, thank you. And I agree - the facts are what matter, how the leaders of an organization run that organization, and what the organization needs to continue serving the community, not who anyone is or what happened before.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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19 Oct 2013 18:31 #300 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
I also know that leadership trickles downward to subordinates. This is true of governments, schools, businesses and even families.
Can I assume that Elk Creek also falls into that analogy?
The buck (no pun intended) stops at the top.
Though I understand you should not throw the baby out with the bath water, I also believe that the department as a whole is being damaged by a few and unfortunately, my contact with Elk Creek is through the pages here. Not looking good from my vantage point right now. (JMO)

Edited to add.....I believe that mymountaintown is a great venue to get their positive message out......that is not what is happening. I would like to hear directly from the source.

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