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15 Oct 2013 12:38 #251 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Vote no on 4A
There you go again, SC... Confusing the anti-taxers with FACTS.... How dare you...

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15 Oct 2013 13:17 #252 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Vote no on 4A
I like facts. :graduate: Though they do tend to ruin a good argument and have the opposite intended effect.

The Backfire Effect shows why you can't use facts to win an argument
Esther Inglis-Arkell
October 14, 2013

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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15 Oct 2013 13:54 #253 by Twister
Replied by Twister on topic Vote no on 4A
My most humble apologies for confusing you with the other person.

So you think volunteers don't cost tax payers a thing? You should probably investigate a bit further. There is a cost attached. It is certainly more economical than full time employees, but they aren't free.

You don't think they were "hired" Elk Creek uses the numbers of volunteers to qualify for FSLA leave for the paid staff, they are insured by workers compensation and the BOD and the CURRENT leadership has used the "at will" status of Colorado law to "fire" volunteers.

What is Elk Creeks annual attrition rate? If they started with 20 and graduated 16 before completing a full year, what is the attrition rate at 1 year and 2 year?

And don't get me wrong, I would rather see Volunteers there all day everyday especially if they are form OUR community. Better buy in, better knowledge of the area, better community over all. However I would still ask for fiscal responsibility when budgeting and managing this community business. It is that fiscal responsibility that I just can't find in any of the reasoning, or justifications.

When the leadership of this government based business starts threatening to shut down stations, it is the same localized version of what our national leadership is doing right now. and it all comes back to poor planning and poor fiscal management. We want our national leaders to come together and find a way to work with what they have. I want the same from these guys.

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15 Oct 2013 14:07 #254 by KINCAIDSPRINGS
Replied by KINCAIDSPRINGS on topic Vote no on 4A
SC if you are liking the facts, would you mind reposting the chart that shows the area mill levy rates ( because the company line is Elk Creek is the lowest) and then show the chart with the tax valuations. I think it is important for people to see that while Elk Creek has a low mill levy, they have a very high valuation. So they actually get significantly more tax funding than places like Inter canyon, North fork and so on.

Might also be interesting to show the cost per call for those departments ( using average call volume of course)

There is another line out there about how much call volume has gone up. In statistical values, last years numbers would be considered an anomaly as we had SO MANY large fires, it institutes a community panic. This type of panic also heightens the individual alert status and more good intent calls ( smoke check calls) are placed. Check with all the area departments see if the call volume was up. I bet it was.

Just some additional thoughts.

PS LOVIN' that the New Elk Creek Tax Thread STILL thinks I am Mr. Dolan. It makes me smile. Probably makes his lawyers smile too!

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15 Oct 2013 15:01 #255 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Vote no on 4A

Twister wrote: My most humble apologies for confusing you with the other person.

So you think volunteers don't cost tax payers a thing? You should probably investigate a bit further. There is a cost attached. It is certainly more economical than full time employees, but they aren't free.

You don't think they were "hired" Elk Creek uses the numbers of volunteers to qualify for FSLA leave for the paid staff, they are insured by workers compensation and the BOD and the CURRENT leadership has used the "at will" status of Colorado law to "fire" volunteers.

What is Elk Creeks annual attrition rate? If they started with 20 and graduated 16 before completing a full year, what is the attrition rate at 1 year and 2 year?

And don't get me wrong, I would rather see Volunteers there all day everyday especially if they are form OUR community. Better buy in, better knowledge of the area, better community over all. However I would still ask for fiscal responsibility when budgeting and managing this community business. It is that fiscal responsibility that I just can't find in any of the reasoning, or justifications.

When the leadership of this government based business starts threatening to shut down stations, it is the same localized version of what our national leadership is doing right now. and it all comes back to poor planning and poor fiscal management. We want our national leaders to come together and find a way to work with what they have. I want the same from these guys.

No worries, I'd be glad to be confused with Jennifer any day - she's smart, beautiful, funny, and feisty (although she runs a little more conservative than I care for, but hey, no one's perfect)! :wink:
No, they are not free - workers comp, training costs, gear, etc means that there is a financial burden for each volunteer, but not the salary cost so they are more economical, as you said. It's all spelled out in the financial reports what is budgeted for each. I have no idea about whether they qualify for FSLA (I assume you mean Fair Labor Standards Act?) or not by counting volunteers, but I'll ask. At will is nothing surprising, almost everyone is. How and why should it be different for firefighters, I'm curious? And what does it have to do with the mill levy?

The current firefighters are welcome to correct me if I'm wrong about this, but it was said at the Public Affairs Meeting when this question was asked that the attrition rate is about 2-3 ff's/year. That's why they continue to bring in new recruits to replenish those who leave for whatever reason they do. They've suspended having a recruit academy for this year, but that's obviously not permanent. Again, how does this relate to the mill levy?

Ok, so on to fiscal responsibility. I've looked over the proposed budget, both with and without the mill levy passing. If it doesn't pass, and they have to cut an additional $100K from the budget, where do you propose they do so? The budget shortfalls that this board is dealing with have been coming down the pike for a while, and it's not because of current mismanagement that they are in this bind. They already are not hiring back the training officer/fire marshall, not buying any new equipment, not outfitting any new ff's, and delaying maintenance on facilities if the mill is not passed. They have sold some vehicles and have at least a couple more to sell. What else would you propose that they cut, or how can they try to make up that money (aside from going out of district to help on other fires, a fact of which seems to irk opponents and be used against the dept, even though every time they do so it brings net profit to the dept and costs the district taxpayers nothing while they are gone - it's how they've made budget shortfalls up in previous years). If not by closing a station, or laying off the paid EMT/Paramedics and over-burdening the volunteers on long medical runs, plus sending volunteers who aren't trained on medical procedures to emergency medical situations, how do you propose they save money? Look at the proposed 2014 budget and toss some ideas out - let's figure it out!

KincaidSprings, all you have to do is quote one of my previous posts and it puts the graphic back in your post. The cost/call is on that spreadsheet already, and it shows that ECFPD is the best return on investment with the lowest cost per call. Yes, the number of smoke check calls are up and they are required to go to each and every one and investigate. So are the number of medical calls in which transport is refused after medical care is provided on site, so that they essentially offer services that are not paid for by the caller, but by the taxpayer. It still means taking a crew and a truck out, using gas, putting miles on the vehicle, and having a team gone from the station while they check it out. It doesn't mean that there isn't a need for enough personnel available when there is a real fire, or to cover the multitude of medical calls they go on each month justifying the 6 EMT/Paramedics they have on staff. Look at the Chief's Report for last month, watch the videos for his previous month's reports, and you'll see what they actually did.

It matters not at all to me who people think you are or aren't, I frankly could care less about the history of shit that has gone down at ECFPD. All that matters is the quality/content of the arguments you bring up, how this department is run now, and what this community needs going forward. So far, I've not seen a quality objection to this mill levy, the competency or integrity of this departments' leaders, or any good ideas for how to bring enough money to purchase outdated equipment and keep the department running at the same level of service that it is providing. A level of service that personally I'd like to see improved - they should have response times that are comparable to Evergreen Fire Rescue's and for that, they need more volunteers from each of the pockets of neighborhoods, more stations spread throughout the district, and more equipment to man those stations. But that's for future planning...

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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15 Oct 2013 15:31 #256 by Reverend Revelant
Replied by Reverend Revelant on topic Vote no on 4A

Science Chic who runs a little more liberal than I care for wrote:
[snipped a whole short story :) ]

So far, I've not seen a quality objection to this mill levy, the competency or integrity of this departments' leaders, or any good ideas for how to bring enough money to purchase outdated equipment and keep the department running at the same level of service that it is providing.


And for the record I asked Kincaid both privately and publicly to go on the record for my Flume article and was refused.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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15 Oct 2013 15:48 #257 by deltamrey
Replied by deltamrey on topic Vote no on 4A
Hiding in the weeds......just as in Hillary these days......can be an effective strategy.....

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15 Oct 2013 17:18 #258 by PrintSmith
Replied by PrintSmith on topic Vote no on 4A

Science Chic wrote: PrintSmith, the recent vehicle purchases that the department has made were used vehicles. You are right, they certainly can provide a lot of value for less cost, especially if they are vehicles that aren't counted for the ISO rating (like the Command SUV). However, depending upon how old they are, they also can already be out of warranty.

It was not a question of using the mill levy to purchase used equipment SC, it was one of whether or not the mill levy would be necessary, or as large as is being sought, if a less costly approach was taken for the immediate need given the current low assessments.

It would appear to an outsider as if the district has chosen the lowest point in the revenue chain to justify their request. A 2.5 mill increase today would be a much higher effective mill levy when the assessments catch up to valuations of the homes today. They run 2 years in arrears in Jeffco, right? So two years from now when the assessments reflect the rise in property values seen recently, even at the current mill levy the department will have more revenue from the current rate, correct? So why not explore a less costly path while revenues are low from the low assessments or request a lessor increase knowing that in two years that the assessments based on the 2013 values will be providing additional revenues for the department?

A large increase request in the mill levy seems, I don't know, just a bit disingenuous at this point in time knowing that home values have increased by more than 10% recently compared to the assessment levels. That 10%+ increase in value is going to result in an automatic 10%+ increase to the revenue from the current mill levy two years from now, isn't it? I just can't shake the feeling that the timing of this request for such a large increase to the mill levy was timed to coincide with the lowest revenue that the department is going to be receiving in the immediate future.

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15 Oct 2013 17:48 #259 by jf1acai
Replied by jf1acai on topic Vote no on 4A

I just can't shake the feeling that the timing of this request for such a large increase to the mill levy was timed to coincide with the lowest revenue that the department is going to be receiving in the immediate future.

I think the timing is based more on a real need for $$ to attempt to maintain the current level of service.

I don't think anyone knows if property values are going to rise or fall. We all hope they will rise. In this 'worst case', where property values do rise, what is wrong with the fire department being able to build reserves a bit, or actually improve service to the community?

Would that really be a bad thing?

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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15 Oct 2013 20:54 #260 by Kassk20
Replied by Kassk20 on topic Vote no on 4A

Twister wrote: My most humble apologies for confusing you with the other person.

So you think volunteers don't cost tax payers a thing? You should probably investigate a bit further. There is a cost attached. It is certainly more economical than full time employees, but they aren't free.

You don't think they were "hired" Elk Creek uses the numbers of volunteers to qualify for FSLA leave for the paid staff, they are insured by workers compensation and the BOD and the CURRENT leadership has used the "at will" status of Colorado law to "fire" volunteers.

What is Elk Creeks annual attrition rate? If they started with 20 and graduated 16 before completing a full year, what is the attrition rate at 1 year and 2 year?

And don't get me wrong, I would rather see Volunteers there all day everyday especially if they are form OUR community. Better buy in, better knowledge of the area, better community over all. However I would still ask for fiscal responsibility when budgeting and managing this community business. It is that fiscal responsibility that I just can't find in any of the reasoning, or justifications.

When the leadership of this government based business starts threatening to shut down stations, it is the same localized version of what our national leadership is doing right now. and it all comes back to poor planning and poor fiscal management. We want our national leaders to come together and find a way to work with what they have. I want the same from these guys.

So you are against having paid staff up here but also don't want to pay the small fee for the FREE volunteers??? Yes, the training, gear, and insurance coverage costs money but the people themselves are 100% FREE. But apparently trying to increase the amount of volunteers (yes they need training and gear) is not fiscally responsible in your book either so basically anything that will cost you a tax payer any money is fiscally irresponsible? So, no matter what ECFD does this group of people are going to complain that it is not fiscally responsible, is that because you are not the ones in charge at ECFD?

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