Vote no on 4A

15 Oct 2013 22:59 #261 by KINCAIDSPRINGS
Replied by KINCAIDSPRINGS on topic Vote no on 4A

And for the record I asked Kincaid both privately and publicly to go on the record for my Flume article and was refused.[/quote]

And for the record, Walter, I don't read your paper, I don't trust any of the reporters in this area to accurately report what is spoken, and I have no moral, legal or other obligation to speak with reporters or anyone else that I choose about this or anything. WELCOME TO AMERICA!

Walter it is pretty disappointing that you tell me you respect my choice but then go for the bully tactic. Further enforcing why I wouldn't talk to you.

I do have the right to have an opinion about this issue or any other. Every story has two sides or more and those sides should be shared. All of the items that I have stated or asked questions about is available via public records or through DORA.

I know the Elk Creepers are upset that someone could possible think differently than they do, or how someone could possible not give the local hero's more money. But the reality is, everyone is wanting more and more and more and at some point in time there has to be a line. I do not work everyday to pay for everyone else. I have my own bills and my own obligations and my own budget to live within.
When my car needs replaced, or I need new work clothes who do I get to go to when all of my money is going to Elk Creek, and the 66er's, and the wildland task force, and the new fees on my license plates, and and and.

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15 Oct 2013 23:07 #262 by Twister
Replied by Twister on topic Vote no on 4A

Kassk20 wrote:

Twister wrote: My most humble apologies for confusing you with the other person.

So you think volunteers don't cost tax payers a thing? You should probably investigate a bit further. There is a cost attached. It is certainly more economical than full time employees, but they aren't free.

You don't think they were "hired" Elk Creek uses the numbers of volunteers to qualify for FSLA leave for the paid staff, they are insured by workers compensation and the BOD and the CURRENT leadership has used the "at will" status of Colorado law to "fire" volunteers.

What is Elk Creeks annual attrition rate? If they started with 20 and graduated 16 before completing a full year, what is the attrition rate at 1 year and 2 year?

And don't get me wrong, I would rather see Volunteers there all day everyday especially if they are form OUR community. Better buy in, better knowledge of the area, better community over all. However I would still ask for fiscal responsibility when budgeting and managing this community business. It is that fiscal responsibility that I just can't find in any of the reasoning, or justifications.

When the leadership of this government based business starts threatening to shut down stations, it is the same localized version of what our national leadership is doing right now. and it all comes back to poor planning and poor fiscal management. We want our national leaders to come together and find a way to work with what they have. I want the same from these guys.

So you are against having paid staff up here but also don't want to pay the small fee for the FREE volunteers??? Yes, the training, gear, and insurance coverage costs money but the people themselves are 100% FREE. But apparently trying to increase the amount of volunteers (yes they need training and gear) is not fiscally responsible in your book either so basically anything that will cost you a tax payer any money is fiscally irresponsible? So, no matter what ECFD does this group of people are going to complain that it is not fiscally responsible, is that because you are not the ones in charge at ECFD?

KASSK will soon be changing their screen name to Stretch.

I currently pay the "small fee" for the volunteer department that mill was written to support. I haven't questioned that. I question the 50% pay raise and the budgeting and spending plan associated with it.
You read A LOT into my last post.

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16 Oct 2013 06:18 #263 by Reverend Revelant
Replied by Reverend Revelant on topic Vote no on 4A


Walter L Newton wrote:
And for the record I asked Kincaid both privately and publicly to go on the record for my Flume article and was refused.

And for the record, Walter, I don't read your paper, I don't trust any of the reporters in this area to accurately report what is spoken, and I have no moral, legal or other obligation to speak with reporters or anyone else that I choose about this or anything. WELCOME TO AMERICA!

Walter it is pretty disappointing that you tell me you respect my choice but then go for the bully tactic. Further enforcing why I wouldn't talk to you.

I do have the right to have an opinion about this issue or any other. Every story has two sides or more and those sides should be shared. All of the items that I have stated or asked questions about is available via public records or through DORA.

I know the Elk Creepers are upset that someone could possible think differently than they do, or how someone could possible not give the local hero's more money. But the reality is, everyone is wanting more and more and more and at some point in time there has to be a line. I do not work everyday to pay for everyone else. I have my own bills and my own obligations and my own budget to live within.

When my car needs replaced, or I need new work clothes who do I get to go to when all of my money is going to Elk Creek, and the 66er's, and the wildland task force, and the new fees on my license plates, and and and.

There was no bullying tactics. You were simply asked publicly on this forum if you wanted to go on the record. You had already placed yourself in a public position of being opposed to 4A on this forum.

And you decline publicly, on this forum which is certainly your right and I never indicated otherwise.

I had full access to all the major players on the Elk Creek side of the issue.

I contacted a total of 6 people that were publicly opposed to 4A. Four declined to be interviewed, 1 made an appointment to speak to me at one of the public meetings and didn't show up (and subsequently in a follow up phone call explained to me nothing they said would influence the issue anyway) and Mike Bartlett was the only person who was willing to speak to me.

And Bartlett did speak to me, for almost 4 hours in a meeting at Aspen Perk and in numerous phone calls with my follow up questions.

And you are correct. All issues have two sides to the story. And my article was an issues based report, not intended as a "gotcha" piece or designed to slander either side with undocumented opinions.

Where I could I placed counterpoint information in the article drawn from outside sources that were neither 4A opponents or supporters.

All quotes I published were verified by the quoted person and approved by them way before the article went to press. And when I started to get a good picture of both sides of the story I followed up more with phone calls to make sure the quotes were correct, especially when they seemed to be directly in contrast to something else I had discovered.

And after the article was published I asked all parties involved to look over the article and submit to me any modifications or corrections which I would have printed in the next issue of the Flume.

You may not read the Flume but there are many residents in our corner of Jefferson County who do and even though the Flume is primarily a Park Country newspaper 4A does effect a small part of eastern Park County property owners.

My job is not to be an apologist for crappy journalism. Nor is it my job to coddle those folks who have averse opinions about journalist. My job is to give a coherent accounting of the pros and cons of an issue.

Elk Creek is now on my radar (this is the first article I've written about Elk Creek). I now have a foundation, I now have direction in wish to pursue the effects of a 4A defeat or win, I now know how the community views Elk Creek, positive and negative.

I know what my job is going down the road.

(for those who have not read the article or want to review the material you will find the online version at ... f6878.html )

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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16 Oct 2013 18:58 - 17 Oct 2013 05:55 #264 by Grady
Replied by Grady on topic Vote no on 4A
Look who is putting up the $$$$$ for Elk Creek's tax increase request.

9/12/2013 Monetary (Itemized) SHARON TRILK
General Business - SHE RUNS A COMMUNITY WEBSITE $138.65 $138.65
8/14/2013 Monetary (Itemized) ELK CREEK FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATOIN LOCAL 4710 PO BOX 4710
$1,500.00 $1,500.00

Sorry about the formatting, I copied and pasted from the SOS Tracer site

So we have 2 unions and non property owner pushing at tax increase. :smackshead:

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16 Oct 2013 19:11 #265 by Reverend Revelant
Replied by Reverend Revelant on topic Vote no on 4A

Grady wrote: Look who is putting up the $$$$$ for Elk Creek's tax increase request.

9/12/2013 Monetary (Itemized) SHARON TRILK *** ********** **
General Business - SHE RUNS A COMMUNITY WEBSITE $138.65 $138.65
8/14/2013 Monetary (Itemized) ELK CREEK FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATOIN LOCAL 4710 PO BOX 4710
$1,500.00 $1,500.00

Sorry about the formatting, I copied and pasted from the SOS Tracer site

So we have 2 unions and non property owner pushing at tax increase. :smackshead:

And who financed the opposition? (I really don't know the answer).

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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16 Oct 2013 19:13 #266 by jf1acai
Replied by jf1acai on topic Vote no on 4A
Kudos to SC for putting her $ where her mouth is.


Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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16 Oct 2013 21:33 #267 by Grady
Replied by Grady on topic Vote no on 4A

Walter L Newton wrote:

Grady wrote: Look who is putting up the $$$$$ for Elk Creek's tax increase request.

9/12/2013 Monetary (Itemized) SHARON TRILK *** *********** **
General Business - SHE RUNS A COMMUNITY WEBSITE $138.65 $138.65
8/14/2013 Monetary (Itemized) ELK CREEK FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATOIN LOCAL 4710 PO BOX 4710
$1,500.00 $1,500.00

Sorry about the formatting, I copied and pasted from the SOS Tracer site

So we have 2 unions and non property owner pushing at tax increase. :smackshead:

And who financed the opposition? (I really don't know the answer).

Is there an organized opposition? Have they spent any money?

Keep in mind Unions have only one purpose, and it's not fighting for the good of the community.

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16 Oct 2013 22:32 #268 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Vote no on 4A
Dude, I understand that my address is easily found through public records, but posting it on the forums? Seriously? Would you like to post pictures of my kids here too, so they're more easily identified? WTF?

Yes, I gave money and many, many hours to FOECF...and I've donated to the fire department itself as well, because even though I don't live in the district anymore, I have an office there, I work there, many of my friends and fellow business owners live and work there, AND IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

You know why the firefighters donated? Because they could really use new gear, and not-outdated trucks. They'd love to have the extra 20 recruits who were turned away from last year's academy class join them so they are covering the district better. They'd love to have EMT training costs covered by the department (can you imagine volunteering for an organization and paying thousands of dollars out of pocket for additional training?).

You wanna know how the opposition rolls?

File Attachment:

Oh look, guaranteed lack of transparency! <thumbs up> But, hey, for a mere $50 (or what the owner of a $250,000 house would pay more per year for fire and medical services from this department), you can send your money to this group to help keep this from passing and your department being able to better serve you. And watching your insurance rates go up by 4-5X that amount as well. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. :smackshead:

And the rest, lies or misrepresentations.

No, the department doesn't have a "spending" problem and it did not violate state law by overspending its appropriated funds - that was an error on the auditors part and it has been re-submitted to the state. Failure to anticipate revenue and expenditures - look at the Budget Comparison Chart posted in the Elk Creek Fire BOD Meeting Videos thread - it's all there and you can see what they've been told they can expect in revenue, and can figure pretty accurately based on past performances what they'll have to spend, barring any unusually large and/or above-normal frequency in-district fires. Just another good reason to have a little extra to put in reserves for that exact situation.

Yes, commercial property owners pay more, but guess how many buildings in ECFPD's district are new enough to actually have been built to "stringent fire codes"?
"Fire codes are so stringent that fire suppression is rarely needed?" Ummm, they do realize that this is the mountains we are talking about, where wildfires have been known to burn 94 sq miles in just over half a day. And how much good do you think "building codes" or even internal sprinklers are gonna do when a fire is moving 50mph and blasting off 2,000˚F ahead of it because the departments couldn't contain it when it was small? Did you see the video of Andy Hoover's all-concrete house with fire suppression systems going up in flames and melting to nothing during the LNFF?

Insurance premiums will go up if the department loses its ISO PC5 rating - that has been confirmed with multiple insurance companies. People are already losing their insurance - even those who've been with the same company for 40 years. Insurance companies are just itching to find reasons to not cover homeowners in our area - voting down this mill and preventing the department from replacing out outdated equipment and bringing in more personnel is the excuse they need to jack rates up more, or decline coverage altogether.

No, the Elk Creek Board President is not the President of the Colorado Firefighters Labor Union. What doe that have to do with this mill levy because as has been stated, the one position that will be hired in the next 3 years is not a union position, the board and Chief hope to grow the volunteer numbers, do not plan on turning it into an all-paid union dept, and the current union has no bargaining rights. See the Public Affairs Meeting video for a more detailed explanation, 14:10 minute mark.

"The existing 4.915 mills are 'enough' for a volunteer dept with a few paid people." What's enough, exactly? You betcha that a paid dept will cost more, good thing that's not what's planned. Scare tactics.

Grady wrote: Is there an organized opposition who has spent any money?

Have you picked up a copy of this week's HTT? There's a postcard insert in all 8,000 from CUT, right next to our 2nd insert. They mailed letters to Conifer PO Boxes/businesses in district a month ago. Yes, they are spending money too.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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17 Oct 2013 05:47 #269 by Kassk20
Replied by Kassk20 on topic Vote no on 4A

Grady wrote: Look who is putting up the $$$$$ for Elk Creek's tax increase request.

9/12/2013 Monetary (Itemized) SHARON TRILK *** *********** **
General Business - SHE RUNS A COMMUNITY WEBSITE $138.65 $138.65
8/14/2013 Monetary (Itemized) ELK CREEK FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATOIN LOCAL 4710 PO BOX 4710
$1,500.00 $1,500.00

Sorry about the formatting, I copied and pasted from the SOS Tracer site

So we have 2 unions and non property owner pushing at tax increase. :smackshead:

2 unions really? I see one, the Elk Creek fire and emergency services association is not a union. It is the membership that makes up this dept. Who cares where the money came from, obviously the opoositon doesn't since they are begging the public for money when their big argument is to not ask anymore of the tax payers...humm that doesn't seem right. So, obviously you don't care about the tax payers hard earned money you just care about your agenda. Pretty messed up!!!

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17 Oct 2013 06:14 #270 by Grady
Replied by Grady on topic Vote no on 4A
I should not have posted SC's address, it was a copy and paste. I publicly apologize to SC for my in-attention. I have asked her to please edit the quoted portions to remove her address.

Sharon I apologize.

To Kassk20
your post makes absolutely no sense. OK so there isn't 2 ECFD unions. there is only 1 union and 1 PAC supported by the same folks.

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