Vote no on 4A

18 Oct 2013 05:31 #281 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A
The Volunteer Firefighters who make up the Elk Creek Firefighter and Emergency Services Association proudly support the Friends of Elk Creek, because the Friends of Elk Creek are working to insure that we have the tools, equipment and funding we need to protect our community.

Michael Davis,
Homeowner, Volunteer Firefighter, and President of the Elk Creek Firefighter and Emergency Services Association

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18 Oct 2013 10:43 #282 by KINCAIDSPRINGS
Replied by KINCAIDSPRINGS on topic Vote no on 4A
So Mr. Davis, perhaps you can tell us; When people donate to the "Volunteers" is that kept in a separate line item? Can community members be assured that the money they sent the "Volunteers" is being spent on what they say?

If you passed the "hat" at a meeting for campaign donations, did anyone donate more than 19.99? If they did did you register them as a supporter?

Did you use your Big Chili money to support this ballot issue?

With recent events, I think the public should be even more on the mark with restricting public funds to be used willy nilly without proper controls and reporting. I mean seriously you send out gimme gimme letters that say you need equipment and meals for training and such and then I find out $3500.00 was spent on sending me gloss fliers to beg for more money more consistently. I don't think so.

4A NO!

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18 Oct 2013 12:13 #283 by MountainGirl44
Replied by MountainGirl44 on topic Vote no on 4A
Kincaid Springs....where are you getting your $19.99 threshold from? I do the financial reporting for the Friends of Elk Creek Fire issue committee and we are only obligated to report a contribution from a person if the contribution is $100 or more. This comes directly from the Campaign Finance section of the Colorado Secretary of State Website. What I find curious is that the Colorado Union of Taxpayers, who sponsored the opposition piece that was mailed recently has not filed their expenditure on the website per state law. The last expenditures I see reported from them was from 2011 where they gave money and then in 2012 where they received some money back on this issue. Nothing this year. We are being transparent and abiding by the laws of the state.

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18 Oct 2013 12:17 #284 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

KINCAIDSPRINGS wrote: I mean seriously you send out gimme gimme letters that say you need equipment and meals for training and such and then I find out $3500.00 was spent on sending me gloss fliers to beg for more money more consistently.

I don't believe the department or membership has sent out a "gimme gimme" letter since you were Chief.

And as you know: Membership raises funds in a number of ways, not just through donations.

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18 Oct 2013 12:32 #285 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
I am getting a little tired of this nic expose' game.
Micheal....perhaps you should read the TOS of this site.
If you have good information on why folks should vote yes.....bring it but leave the other BS out of it. Its interesting that when one of you tries this tactic......the numbers change in the poll.
(Not necessarily in your favor.)

edited to add.....
This very behavior resulted in a locked thread at another local website. Where is your learning curve?

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18 Oct 2013 13:07 #286 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
Mr Davis.....are you also the PIO for Elk Creek Fire?

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18 Oct 2013 13:49 #287 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

frogger wrote: Mr Davis.....are you also the PIO for Elk Creek Fire?

Yes. I joined Elk Creek Fire in 2010. I am a Volunteer Firefighter, 1st Responder, Public Information Officer, Adjunct Academy Instructor and Membership President. And while I am technically the PIO, I am rarely called on to speak for the department, as our Chief is highly competent public speaker.

Just to be clear: I am a volunteer. I do not receive any sort of compensation for any of the work I do for the department, and I am not a member of any union.

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18 Oct 2013 14:20 #288 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
Thank you for your response.
I appreciate all you do as a issue is how some of you attempt to circumvent the argument with attempts to shoot the messenger with innuendo and assumption.
Stick with the facts. If the need is there keep the message positive.
I have supported the tax increase up until the point that some of you started posting and lost site of the real message in an effort to expose who you "thought" someone might be.
If the facts are on your side...stick to them. Don't lower yourself to dirty little games.
The truth always has a way of floating to the surface.

I once ran for my local fire board. There were issues that needed some transparency and I felt the public had a right to know things. I was not part of the good ole boy network and was treated pretty badly by my local fire fighters. Accused of saying things I had not said. Was confused with other individuals and had my character assassinated publicly because I simply disagreed with how tissues were being handled within my own district. In America, we are supposed to speak out and attempt to get involved. We are supposed to question and challenge those who have taken a position to lead. They lead at our pleasure and by our vote.
I am beginning to see an uncomfortable pattern here.
If you believe that certain facts presented here are wrong....counter them with the true facts.
I can tell you this.....I don't care who KS is. If he has facts which are credible so be it. If he is wrong, prove it with facts. Give all of us a little credit here.

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19 Oct 2013 09:44 #289 by KINCAIDSPRINGS
Replied by KINCAIDSPRINGS on topic Vote no on 4A
ROTFLMAO..... He called me Chief! You know Michael Davis, perhaps you should start looking at other avenues. Perhaps you should start looking a lot closer to home. Perhaps there is 100% chance that not everyone within Elk Creek Fire supports this measure, and perhaps there is 100% chance that not everyone within Elk Creek Fire supports You! Hmmmm now you are looking around and wondering aren't you.

While we were on the topic of transparency, and disclosure and fiscal responsibility. Mr. Davis were you compensated by Elk Creek Fire for a mapping project after the Lower North Fork Fire?

Mr Davis, the current leadership stated that there were issues knowledge of water storage, locations of water storage and so on. Doesn't Elk Creek Fire own a program that has ALL water sources GPS'd? A program that has the size notated? A program that has all available Helizones GPS'd, A program that has all homes and driveways GPS'd and so on? If this program exists, why was more money expended to create another map project that doesn't contain all of these things?

Mr. Davis didn't current leadership use the lack of upkeep and knowledge of cistern condition and size as an excuse for why a fire destroyed a residence. Mr. Davis Elk Creek had an employee that his collateral duty was cistern maintenance and insuring they were full. ( Elk Creek forced him out) Who's collateral duty is that now? Who failed the department, and the local homeowners?

Mr. Davis you need to understand that this issue is about money and the appropriate use there of. This issue is about honesty, and budgeting. I am seeing failures across the board here ( no pun intended). You are so focused on calling me Mr. Dolan that you can't answer the questions at hand.

You say you need to replace two tankers, how many times a year do those tankers leave the garage? Is it cost effect for the limited use to replace them with brand new?

Did Elk Creek Fire buy snow making equipment? Was Elk Creek Fire engaged in the use of the extremely expensive personal protective equipment to participate in sledding, skiing and tubing at Meyers ranch? What was wrong with snow pants and a coat like everyone else? Oh that's right no one would know you were firefighters, and how can you bee cool if know one know who you are?

Why didn't Elk Creek set up the plan for an enterprise fund until it was pointed out that the department had unexplained over extensions with un-budgeted funds,

Why did some of the union based employees receive 9-10% raises during this "budgetary crisis"

The current purchase plan is to replace our engines and brush trucks with "interface engines" Is this so they can send more equipment out of district to fight fires for other areas/states. If I am giving you more money for protection when I call 911; if you are all out of state, who protects me? Why am I paying for you to go somewhere else to do the job?

Last summer it was proven that the ambulance could be covered with volunteers. Why not make that happen with some permanence? That seems to be a significant cost saving measure?

Let's stick with those questions for the day. BTW all the ballots from my home have already been sent back. All four with "NO" checked. And not only on your issue but all three issues. This tax thing is getting out of control.

PS I don't have any affiliation with CUT nor do I do their paperwork. But if you want to throw a distracting stone, you know Michael Rogers the Elk Creek Board President never filed his paper work for contributors during his campaign. $50.00 a day fine x 600+ days... WOW that is some huge fine!

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19 Oct 2013 12:06 #290 by Kassk20
Replied by Kassk20 on topic Vote no on 4A
Kincaid, the volunteers work full time jobs, you are sure asking a lot to have them increase the amount of time they already volunteer to protect your community. That is if you want to keep the current level of service, which obviously you don't. By having paid staff you have 2 members (a paramedic and an EMT) already at station 1 ready to respond in an apparatus as soon as the tones drop. Either you are ok with the increased response time of a volunteer having to leave their house and drive to a station and then respond to the emergency, wait for mutual aid when there are not any volunteers available (and with the appropriate medical level of training if its a medical call, which is the highest percent of calls) or you are totally unrealistic expecting them to staff the station 24/7 for FREE. I'm pretty sure if it was you or your loved one experiencing the emergency you would want the best level of service and quickest response time to you/them. None, of us were trying to change your mind on this issue, it was obvious you were set in your way, but we are sick of the BS you guys are spreading, ECFD constantly helps this community, in more ways then just responding to 911 calls. And heaven for bid do we have fun occasionally after we have worked hard, that's called brotherhood, and yes that is something ECFD has and it is strong, and yes it includes paid, volunteer, male female, black and white firefighters. It is totally uncalled for the crap you guys are saying and the way you have all acted. Until you willing to put your own time into your community as ECFD does, shut your mouth, until you are in our shoes shut your mouth, quit sitting behind your computer as "Kincaid" running your mouth. Either get out there and help or shut up.

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