Vote no on 4A

22 Sep 2013 23:43 #51 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Vote no on 4A

Brandon wrote:

WindPeak wrote: FNP I was not a volunteer as by weight I wasn't eligible, I weighed too little.

You still are too small, and you always will be.

:like: :yeahthat:

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22 Sep 2013 23:47 #52 by KINCAIDSPRINGS
Replied by KINCAIDSPRINGS on topic Vote no on 4A

FNP wrote:

Grady wrote: Keep in mind that while property values have dropped, they are now on the rise. Assessments are slow to follow true property values, but they will follow, naturally increasing the FD coffers.

Its difficult for me to trust any prediction involving real-estate, especially if safety of life issues are involved. The Great Recession was caused by complex real-estate speculation. It was not predicted by any of the experts. Now the same folks predict that real-estate will recover and not cause another recession ...

But you will trust the prediction that your insurance rates are going to go up if you don't vote yes. TAXES and INSURANCE RATES are not not linked.

PLEASE read the AUDIT results that were linked by the Friends. They over spent by 250K + buying a fire engine to fight fires out of state and the who know what else. but didn't buy an engine to replace the one that "Needs" replaced. Guess it wasn't such an emergency.

If they "reduce" service because they don't get more money, it would appear to be a union slow down, which in emergency services is against the law.

If you go to the DOLA website and look at the past budgets, you will see in 2008 they had the same funding they had this year. In 2008, they had more personnel, more vehicles, didn't cut contributions to the pension plans and they certainly didn't give 9% raises to the union personnel.

KEEP DIGGING! The answers are there. REAL Answers. Not accusations, not leaning on libelous statements to turn your focus from the issue at hand. Real Answers.

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23 Sep 2013 00:08 #53 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
I can assure you that insurance rates will go up irregardless of taxes.
I had to change insurance companies this year because my premiums doubled.
If I lived in Elk Creek...I would give them the money. I live in Platte Canyons District and will fight them every step of the way to get more money.

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23 Sep 2013 05:07 #54 by HEARTLESS
Replied by HEARTLESS on topic Vote no on 4A
Our insurance went up over double due to fires in Colorado, changed companies, increase less than 40%.
And frogger is right, if your cost hasn't risen yet, it will.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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23 Sep 2013 08:48 #55 by Venturer
Replied by Venturer on topic Vote no on 4A

Jekyll wrote:

WindPeak wrote: You prey on people by reciting the fires that have occurred and yes more will occur but guess what other rural mountainous districts manage w/o all the glitz. You damage your community and the people in it who are barely making ends meet now by asking them to give more. Go to Vail or Aspen and peddle your spill where the money is.

You puke propaganda and have gotten answers from other posters but continue your tirade. Your "glitz" is in the so called pensions. People aren't talking about Aspen or Vail, they're talking about THIS district. Those other places are funded and people like you keep ours FROM being funded. Oh, and the comment that you won't ever call the FD or utilize their services? Yea, that's a bald faced lie. Like a person with their hair on fire refusing a bucket of water. You also knew all kinds of different firefighters and chiefs long before 1979? As far as I'm concerned I'm done even TRYING to give any of your previous argument any credit or believe a word you say, and I'm pretty strict on what tax increases I vote for, and one of them ISN'T the Public Schools. The community I know and the people I trust don't involve pathological liars and people that b*tch about penny's for pensions and phantom financial delinquency.

Ahhh my niece told me I would meet up with a few who were less than admirable, not quite the words she used but you get the idea. Looks like I hit a few nerves. Were you here in 1948 when ECFD was born? I bet not. And you didn't and still don't have to be a firefighter to contribute to ECFD over all the decades.

Is it too much to ask that an old lady be spared having to give up her home because ECFD wants state of the art equipment and a blank check to do whatever they want? I gave in the true spirit of volunteering. I didn't get a nickel for any of it and gave money and time willingly because this is my community. I don't go to Starbucks or out to eat dinner. The few pennies a month you keep talking about will take food out of my mouth. And I am not the only one on fixed income or trying to make ends meet.

Vote NO on 4A and make your fire department accountable, again.

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23 Sep 2013 10:32 #56 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Vote no on 4A
Sorry, you've already convinced me.... I WAS going to vote 'no', but with all the lame attacks, whining, and kvetching about a lousy $100/month pension (after 10 years of service), I'm voting YES... If you "lose your home" over a "few pennies", then you apparently did a pretty lousy job of retirement-planning.

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23 Sep 2013 10:40 #57 by Venturer
Replied by Venturer on topic Vote no on 4A

LadyJazzer wrote: Sorry, you've already convinced me.... I WAS going to vote 'no', but with all the lame attacks, whining, and kvetching about a lousy $100/month pension (after 10 years of service), I'm voting YES... If you "lose your home" over a "few pennies", then you apparently did a pretty lousy job of retirement-planning.

How about major medical problems that aren't covered. We planned carefully. I am living with my niece out of county while I recuperate so not to worry I won't be contacting ECFD for any my needs. Nor will I ever contribute to them again. Thanks LJ for helping me understand the clueless younger generation.

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23 Sep 2013 12:48 #58 by GO UNION
Replied by GO UNION on topic Vote no on 4A
I disagree with Kinkaid Springs, Elk Creek Fire has proven that they need these increases to maintain high level of service. It should be a done deal with new leadership and true professionals at the wheel. I'm afraid some may hesitate to vote yes like myself based on the past, who was convicted of fraud ? who allowed this ? I think the voters need to know that this illegal activity is in the past before they vote YES. If this is the case I will vote yes without question!

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23 Sep 2013 14:40 - 23 Sep 2013 14:49 #59 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Vote no on 4A

WindPeak wrote:

LadyJazzer wrote: Sorry, you've already convinced me.... I WAS going to vote 'no', but with all the lame attacks, whining, and kvetching about a lousy $100/month pension (after 10 years of service), I'm voting YES... If you "lose your home" over a "few pennies", then you apparently did a pretty lousy job of retirement-planning.

How about major medical problems that aren't covered. We planned carefully. I am living with my niece out of county while I recuperate so not to worry I won't be contacting ECFD for any my needs. Nor will I ever contribute to them again. Thanks LJ for helping me understand the clueless younger generation.

Interesting how that "major medical expenses that aren't covered" is your excuse. I remember just a very short time ago how the AynRandroid's here said that everyone who was defaulting on their mortgages in the last 5 years was "guilty of buying more than they could afford", or "should have planned better."...Even people who had paid down a 30-year mortgage to the last 5-10 years, and then either lost their job, (perhaps due to some corporate vultures like Bain Capital outsourcing -- or offshoring...I can never remember which :violin: ), or because of a "catastrophic medical emergency." When I argued that you can't plan for that 20 years in advance, it was met with the same uncaring, inhumane war-whoops that it was "their own fault--they should have planned ahead."

Guess what?... The ACA/ObamaCare is going to help millions out of that situation too. You won't be able to be denied coverage because of a "pre-existing condition"; there won't be any "lifetime caps", etc....In short, you won't be looking at default and homelessness because of a "major medical expense that isn't covered."....And STILL, the Randroid knuckle-draggers would rather see you on the street than covered by insurance that can't be cancelled or denied. Remind me again of the definition of "compassionate conservative"??? lol If EVER there was an oxymoron...

I've got a flash for you...I'm NOT "the younger generation". What I AM, is frickin' fed up with angry old white-folks that have bitched for the last 60-75 years that they shouldn't be taxed for ANYTHING, and fight it every step of the way--until it bites them personally, and then all of a sudden they are OUTRAGED when the bridge near THEIR home is washed out; when THEIR home burns down because the fire department is stretched too thin to get there in time to save it; when THEIR particular ox is gored... Conservative hypocrisy goes nowhere with me. If I've helped you think about your lifelong obsession with "I've got mine...Sorry you don't...screw you", then perhaps we're even...

You helped me see that voting YES on 4A is a vote for the good of my community, and even if it costs me a few bucks more OUT OF MY 'FIXED-INCOME', then it's worth it. Look at it as MY DONATION FROM MY FIXED-INCOME to help cover for the dead-beats who would rather vote no, and keep a few more pennies in their pockets, and as usual, rely on every one else to pay their way.

I'm not clueless...I'm fed up with conservative hypocrites, and knee-jerk anti-tax zealots.

(And before someone strains themselves going back to search for my "VOTE-NO" position on a Conifer Parks & Rec District, ...FIRE PROTECTION is a necessity... Providing a voluntary "recreational experience" for everyone else is not.)

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23 Sep 2013 14:48 #60 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Vote no on 4A

WindPeak wrote: You prey on people by reciting the fires that have occurred and yes more will occur but guess what other rural mountainous districts manage w/o all the glitz. You damage your community and the people in it who are barely making ends meet now by asking them to give more. Go to Vail or Aspen and peddle your spill where the money is.

The other rural mountainous districts around here manage by helping each other out - it's called mutual aid and they do it every day. So a decrease in the ability of one department to provide the same level of service that it has been providing if the voters choose not to fund this mill levy means that ALL area fire departments will feel the effects. Not exactly a good argument for voting against this measure, whether you live in-district or not.

WindPeak wrote: Ahhh my niece told me I would meet up with a few who were less than admirable, not quite the words she used but you get the idea. Looks like I hit a few nerves. Were you here in 1948 when ECFD was born? I bet not. And you didn't and still don't have to be a firefighter to contribute to ECFD over all the decades.

Is it too much to ask that an old lady be spared having to give up her home because ECFD wants state of the art equipment and a blank check to do whatever they want? I gave in the true spirit of volunteering. I didn't get a nickel for any of it and gave money and time willingly because this is my community. I don't go to Starbucks or out to eat dinner. The few pennies a month you keep talking about will take food out of my mouth. And I am not the only one on fixed income or trying to make ends meet.

Vote NO on 4A and make your fire department accountable, again.

And this fire department hasn't had a change in the mill levy rate since at least 1972. Yes, property values have gone up, but so has the price of equipment, building maintenance, fuel, and, significantly, the number of structures they are required to protect, etc - all the things that fire departments have to pay for because they don't have the option to refuse to go out on a call once they've hit their budget expenditures for the year. And when property values go down, like they have in the past 4 years and aren't expected to rise all that much in the coming years, and reimbursements for their ambulance service decrease, what other options do they have? You started out saying they were paying exorbitant pensions and benefits:

Don't buy it SC. Change the way volunteers and others are given outrageous pensions for 10 years of volunteering and you have bookoo bucks to cover all the things they need.

and when that was debunked as being an insignificant portion of their budget, you moved on to other arguments also not based on factual evidence. They don't have lavish buildings. They have used and/or older equipment.

They are not asking for "state of the art extravagant equipment" and a blank check. They are asking for funds to replace 3 well-past their useful lifetime pieces of expensive equipment, and gear for their volunteers, to replace 1 out of 2.5 positions cut, and maintenance on their facilities that's well past due - after they've made drastic cuts, sold off extra vehicles, eliminated jobs, held staff pay at 2012 levels, and done everything they can to streamline their budget as much as possible. They've done as much as they can, just as we would for our own households during tough times, and are now asking for the very people they serve to help support them - and if you choose not to, you are going to be paying a whole lot more in insurance rates - and have a decrease in the level of service. Do you really think you can afford that? What's preferable for those on tight budgets, paying $60 more per year to your local firefighters or $236 per year more to your insurance company?

The mill levy has to be spent as it says. Think it's going to be spent frivolously? Or fraudulently like with past leaders at ECFPD? I get that, it WAS an issue. Not now. The Chief is an honorable man - don't believe me, go in and talk to him. Ask anyone in the community about him. He volunteers for the Conifer Rotary, he organized a relay team for the Relay for Life last year, he taught kids how to ski for free last season. They had their largest volunteering recruiting class ever last year and almost all of those firefighters, along with the veterans, (56 of the 59) signed a statement that was read at the February 2013 BOD meeting in support of their Chief and Board of Directors. It starts at minute 18:59: [youtube:g3yb0eqj]

WindPeak wrote: People have to be nuts to give the f.d. an open ticket to not only buy the specified two fire tankers and one fire engine “and for the ongoing operation and maintenance of fire protection services”. You are giving them a free ticket to do anything they want. That means conferences in other states, dental plans, ANYTHING they chose so long as they can justify the ongoing operation and maintenance of fire protection services. You are potentially committing yourself to lavish buildings, like Evergreen, bigger pensions and benefits and others items with this sloppy open ended language. And they will come back and tell you that they have a group or someone who is very responsible and will only do what is necessary. Yep they can tell you anything but you just gave them a blank check.

And where is your proof that they've gone to "conferences in other states", are planning on building lavish buildings like in Evergreen, plan on instituting bigger pensions and benefits, or done ANYTHING they chose? Have you watched any of the ECFPD BOD meeting videos or seen for yourself how they operate?

The Chief presented the 2013 budget to the public - have you watched it?
@14:56 Suspend Normal Business, Conduct Public Hearing on 2013 Budget - Chief McLaughlin to present
@52:00 Close Special 2013 Budget Discussion Hearing, Re-open regular board meeting
Here's the 21 page budget, posted back in December: ... get%20cuts

WindPeak wrote: And if that isn’t enough, the last clause “all without limiting in any year the amount of other revenues that may be collected, retained and spent by the district”. That means you are telling them it is ok to come ask for another increase at any time during the duration. Are you nuts?

So if they ask for another revenue increase, then don't vote for it, simple as that - they aren't forcing this upon you, they are asking the voters to approve it, as they should.

FYI, by "other revenues", they mean the additional money they collect when they go outside of district and work other fires, like departments from many other states come here and help us during a bad fire, like LNFF. Every time they do that, they get paid per ff and piece of equipment for each day it is on duty elsewhere and no money comes from us in-district for those ff's or equipment costs. Them volunteering their time, sometimes weeks, away from their homes, families, and jobs, has brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars and kept the department operating.

Grady wrote: Keep in mind that while property values have dropped, they are now on the rise. Assessments are slow to follow true property values, but they will follow, naturally increasing the FD coffers.

Projected tax revenue just given to the dept by Jeffco and Park Co says an additional 4% decline. And that assessment is what they get for the next 2 years because property tax revenue lags 2 years behind actual values. So this statement is currently not what the counties are seeing, and while it's hoped that we are at the bottom of this recession, no one knows for sure and the department won't see any rise in revenue as a result for at least another 3 years regardless - they have one engine and 2 tankers that are already past their useful lifespan and won't be accredited by ISO. How would you recommend that they pay for those?

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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