The Obama administration secretly arranged a plane delivery of $400 million in cash on the same day Iran released four American prisoners and formally implemented the nuclear deal, US officials confirmed Wednesday.
President Barack Obama approved the $400 million transfer, which he had announced in January as part of the Iran nuclear deal. The money was flown into Iran on wooden pallets stacked with Swiss francs, euros and other currencies as the first installment of a $1.7 billion settlement resolving claims at an international tribunal at The Hague over a failed arms deal under the time of the Shah.
Either Obama ignored his Vice-President or Senile Joe was complicit.
95 billion dollar aid bill passes providing aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and Palestine. Yes, you heard that right. Taxpayers supporting both sides.
Border aid? Not part of the bill.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
FredHayek wrote: Keep up. In the new, uniparty bill just passed by House, money was dedicated to the Palestinians for aid, this money then gets diverted to Hamas.
Just like earlier this month when Hamas seized food aid to the Palestinians, and then sold it to the needy. Such a nice gesture!
I see, so we should just let people in Gaza starve rather than risk Hamas getting some aid. What a humanitarian you are, Fred.
Probably one of the dumbest memes I’ve seen in a long time. Putin attacked because of weak leadership in our country. It’s the same reason Hamas and Iran attacked Israel. Weakness will get us all killed eventually.
A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.
Rick wrote: Probably one of the dumbest memes I’ve seen in a long time. Putin attacked because of weak leadership in our country. It’s the same reason Hamas and Iran attacked Israel. Weakness will get us all killed eventually.
Prove it. Prove that Putin attacked because "we are weak." Show me where Vlad has admitted that.
Oh, here's a bit of proof that Republicans in Congress are now the Putin wing.
Trump is no Reagan in ways great and small. Trump defended Putin in the face of proof that Russian-linked operations meddled in the 2016 election; as he departed the Oval Office, highly classified documents related to that investigation went missing. While President, Trump shared sensitive intelligence documents with a Russian ambassador widely believed to be a spy. Where Reagan sought to spread democracy far and wide, Trump tried to hold onto power by subverting it at a rally that turned violent on Jan. 6, 2021.
And Republicans have gone along with all of it. They looked the other way on intelligence breaches, and failed to convict Trump during a record two impeachment trials. And, even in the face of evidence that their impeachment payback of Biden is based on an FBI informant now indicted for telling lies that he alleges started in Russia to hurt Biden, House Republicans say they’ll plow forward regardless. The fact that the cornerstone of their case against Biden originated with Russian spooks and bogus claims of checks sent to Biden family members from Ukraine is inconsequential in their march to help Trump’s chances of returning to Washington. And as Ukraine struggles in its fight against Russia, it seems those Republicans are ready to abandon the former Soviet republic because Trump has a grudge.
You're on the wrong side of history, Rick. I can't understand why so many here on this board are Putin apologists. Why do you want Putin to win, Rick?