A huge difference between the Tea Party and the Dems today

17 Sep 2010 17:32 #71 by The Viking

Scruffy wrote:
Seriously, I think we've been on this recession path for longer than just since 2006 and I think it's going to take longer than two years to pull out of it. Lucky for the Republicans that voters have really short memories.

And why do you keep saying 2 years? The democrats have been writing the bills and controlling all of congress for 4 years now saying they would fix things. Even before the recession started. Since they took over, we fell into a deep recession, and a larger deficit created in their 4 years in control than the previous 230+ combined. Did Bush screw up by signing those crappy bills? Yes. But they had enough big Spending Republicans with the bills to to override any veto Bush would have done anyway. That is why we are voting out the big spending Republicans while the Dems keep voting the same players right back in. we voted out Specter, Crist, the dipship fromt he northwest, can't remember his name who we voted out, and now Castle we wouldn't vote in a guy who wants to vote for and spend more of our money on cap and trade. The Dems stick with the big spenders and give no alternatives as long as they think they can win, they don't care. They just want to keep spending us to bankruptcy with no results.

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17 Sep 2010 17:52 #72 by The Viking
So here is a question for all you Liberals who are upset that a group like the Tea party stepped up to do what you wanted your Dems to do. You keep saying they are a Republican offshoot. I don't agree. They represent all the Americans who are upset with the big out of control spending government. You Libs keep saying like you did under Bush that you want smaller government, less spending, smaller deficit, less government control. Now a party comes out that does that and you hate them.

So my question is this. Other than all of your whining about the way things are, what have you or the Democratic party done to change things? You elect the same people over and over who are creating the problems. Where is your 'Tea Party' type people who are actually doing something to change things? All you do is whine and complain but you don't have the courage to vote out the problem. You keep voting in the same problems. Like Bennet. You will vote for him just because he has a 'D' behind his name even though he voted for all this spending that didn't work and helped create the problem and our huge deficit. You dont really want change, you just want power and control.

Look in Nevada. You have Reid, the leader of this mess who has a approval rating under 20% yet almost 50% are thinking of voting for him. Really? So 30% of the Dems and whoever else votes for him is not happy with him and whines about change but yet they are going to vote him back in for 6 more years? That is pathetic. That is why the Democratic party has become pathetic! They whine but don't have the balls or backbone to change anything. At least we will vote out a piece of crap like Castle in DE even if it means we might not win that seat. I would rather have 35 solid fiscally responsible Republicans as a base and build from there rather than having 50 big spending Democrat looking Republicans.

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17 Sep 2010 18:00 #73 by Nmysys

Good points Viking.

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17 Sep 2010 18:36 #74 by Something the Dog Said

The Viking wrote: So here is a question for all you Liberals who are upset that a group like the Tea party stepped up to do what you wanted your Dems to do. You keep saying they are a Republican offshoot. I don't agree. They represent all the Americans who are upset with the big out of control spending government. You Libs keep saying like you did under Bush that you want smaller government, less spending, smaller deficit, less government control. Now a party comes out that does that and you hate them.

So my question is this. Other than all of your whining about the way things are, what have you or the Democratic party done to change things? You elect the same people over and over who are creating the problems. Where is your 'Tea Party' type people who are actually doing something to change things? All you do is whine and complain but you don't have the courage to vote out the problem. You keep voting in the same problems. Like Bennet. You will vote for him just because he has a 'D' behind his name even though he voted for all this spending that didn't work and helped create the problem and our huge deficit. You dont really want change, you just want power and control.

Look in Nevada. You have Reid, the leader of this mess who has a approval rating under 20% yet almost 50% are thinking of voting for him. Really? So 30% of the Dems and whoever else votes for him is not happy with him and whines about change but yet they are going to vote him back in for 6 more years? That is pathetic. That is why the Democratic party has become pathetic! They whine but don't have the balls or backbone to change anything. At least we will vote out a piece of crap like Castle in DE even if it means we might not win that seat. I would rather have 35 solid fiscally responsible Republicans as a base and build from there rather than having 50 big spending Democrat looking Republicans.

How many Tea Party candidates ran in the Democratic primaries? I am thrilled with the Tea Party. They provide the best chance for the Democrats to win.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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17 Sep 2010 18:41 #75 by outdoor338
Good point something! How many dems are running away from obama and don't want his help in this election? How about bennet? He doesn't want obama near Colorado! The Tea party is doing something you dems or the republicans can't do, that is to unite the masses who are frustrated with the way things are being run. I know many dems who are upset with obama and his liberal pals, you will see that at the polls this november, many will cross-over and vote against the dems..people are sick and tired of big government, we have no more money, we can't afford to keep spending..it has to stop.

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17 Sep 2010 18:47 #76 by The Viking

Something the Dog Said wrote:

The Viking wrote: So here is a question for all you Liberals who are upset that a group like the Tea party stepped up to do what you wanted your Dems to do. You keep saying they are a Republican offshoot. I don't agree. They represent all the Americans who are upset with the big out of control spending government. You Libs keep saying like you did under Bush that you want smaller government, less spending, smaller deficit, less government control. Now a party comes out that does that and you hate them.

So my question is this. Other than all of your whining about the way things are, what have you or the Democratic party done to change things? You elect the same people over and over who are creating the problems. Where is your 'Tea Party' type people who are actually doing something to change things? All you do is whine and complain but you don't have the courage to vote out the problem. You keep voting in the same problems. Like Bennet. You will vote for him just because he has a 'D' behind his name even though he voted for all this spending that didn't work and helped create the problem and our huge deficit. You dont really want change, you just want power and control.

Look in Nevada. You have Reid, the leader of this mess who has a approval rating under 20% yet almost 50% are thinking of voting for him. Really? So 30% of the Dems and whoever else votes for him is not happy with him and whines about change but yet they are going to vote him back in for 6 more years? That is pathetic. That is why the Democratic party has become pathetic! They whine but don't have the balls or backbone to change anything. At least we will vote out a piece of crap like Castle in DE even if it means we might not win that seat. I would rather have 35 solid fiscally responsible Republicans as a base and build from there rather than having 50 big spending Democrat looking Republicans.

How many Tea Party candidates ran in the Democratic primaries? I am thrilled with the Tea Party. They provide the best chance for the Democrats to win.

Thank you for making my point. That line just proves that you are one who just wants to keep voting in the same people with no change. So I guess we won't take you serious anymore when you complain about things in this country. You don't have the courage to vote for people who want to change it. You just want to complain about things then revote in the same idiots who are driving us to bankruptcy.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.........Albert Einstein

You could change the word Insanity for Stupidity and it would work too. You Dems just keep up the whining and by Albert Einstein's defenition, 'The Insanity'. As for me and many of Americans, most of whom are supporting the Tea party, we are not just talk. We are doing something about it and voting in the change that most all of America wants including most of the Dems although they are too far brainwashed to know it or admit it. But don't worry, we are working on fixing things for you. You just keep voting in the Reids and Pelosis of the world and see how that works out for you. :bash

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17 Sep 2010 18:49 #77 by The Viking

outdoor338 wrote: Good point something! How many dems are running away from obama and don't want his help in this election? How about bennet? He doesn't want obama near Colorado! The Tea party is doing something you dems or the republicans can't do, that is to unite the masses who are frustrated with the way things are being run. I know many dems who are upset with obama and his liberal pals, you will see that at the polls this november, many will cross-over and vote against the dems..people are sick and tired of big government, we have no more money, we can't afford to keep spending..it has to stop.

They don't get economics! They are brainwashed with the welfare mentality. They don't care where it comes from or who pays for it. As long as they get it and they don't have to pay for it they are fine. They are the party of borrow and spend until you have to tax and raise 'fees' on everyone and then hope Repblicans are in office an have to take the heat for it. They have become the most irresponsible party I have ever seen. The old Dems of 30 or 40 years ago were never like that. It is sad how they have changed.

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17 Sep 2010 19:49 #78 by Wayne Harrison

outdoor338 wrote: Good point something! How many dems are running away from obama and don't want his help in this election? How about bennet? He doesn't want obama near Colorado!

Actually, Bennett asked for, and received, Obama's endorsement in the primary. Obama even came to Colorado to campaign for him. Clinton endorsed Romanoff.

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17 Sep 2010 21:28 - 18 Sep 2010 05:31 #79 by outdoor338

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17 Sep 2010 22:38 #80 by Blazer Bob

outdoor338 wrote: wayne, bennet made it very clear he didn't want obama near him...obama is toxic..

Bennett is trying to run as a fiscally conservative outsider. Too funny.

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