A huge difference between the Tea Party and the Dems today

17 Sep 2010 15:05 #61 by Scruffy

Nmysys wrote: Actually I look forward to the fact that neither one of you have anything constructive to ever say, couldn't survive without the drama Queen and her court jester!

Thank you! And when you decide to post something constructive, I will respond in kind. Deal?

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17 Sep 2010 16:01 #62 by The Viking

Scruffy wrote: Yes, by all means, let's return to the party that brought us into this recession.

And why haven't those damn Democrats fixed everything yet? Why won't they hurry up and get us out of the Bush recession?

Ummm........... look at your dates again. The Dems took over total control of both houses in Jan 2007 and the recession started the next year with their policies. So we aren't going back to the party that brought us this recession. That would be the Dems. We have had that party for the last 4 years and look what they did. Time to go back to the party where we had a pretty strong economy for several years, and 5 consecutive years of job growth every month, even after 9/11 and supporting 2 wars. Then the Dems got voted in, in 2006 and look where we are now.

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17 Sep 2010 16:06 #63 by Scruffy

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote: Yes, by all means, let's return to the party that brought us into this recession.

And why haven't those damn Democrats fixed everything yet? Why won't they hurry up and get us out of the Bush recession?

Ummm........... look at your dates again. The Dems took over total control of both houses in Jan 2007 and the recession started the next year with their policies. So we aren't going back to the party that brought us this recession. That would be the Dems. We have had that party for the last 4 years and look what they did. Time to go back to the party where we had a pretty strong economy for several years, and 5 consecutive years of job growth every month, even after 9/11 and supporting 2 wars. Then the Dems got voted in, in 2006 and look where we are now.

Ummm..... look at who signed that budget. The Republicans were in control of Congress for 6 of Bush's 8 years and led to the current Great Bush Recession. Oh, if only we could go back to the 90's when all we had to worry about was whether the President was cheating on his wife. Times were good then, the economy was roaring, my 401k wasn't negative, the country was at peace......

Seriously, I think we've been on this recession path for longer than just since 2006 and I think it's going to take longer than two years to pull out of it. Lucky for the Republicans that voters have really short memories.

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17 Sep 2010 16:22 #64 by Nmysys
Your memory is pretty short and ( rumors have it
). I remember Clinton firing off all of our Cruise Missiles at Iraq, and at an Aspirin factory in Sudan. How many other conflicts did we get involved in,in that great time of Peace, when your 401K was prospering under Reaganomics?

Remember the topic already has shown to be true, their is a great big difference.

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17 Sep 2010 16:28 #65 by Scruffy

Nmysys wrote: Your memory is pretty short and ( rumors have it


Oh Ho! I see what you did there! You made a joke at my expense! It's funny because it's true!

Nmysys wrote: I remember Clinton firing off all of our Cruise Missiles at Iraq, and at an Aspirin factory in Sudan. How many other conflicts did we get involved in,in that great time of Peace, when your 401K was prospering under Reaganomics?

Yeah, I remember a few skirmishes, but I don't remember billions and billions of dollars being spent on two fronts. Reagonomics? Really? Voodoo economics? Trickle down? I'm still waiting for the trickle. (That's a softball there - go ahead and hit it out of the park.)

Nmysys wrote: Remember the topic already has shown to be true, their is a great big difference.


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17 Sep 2010 16:57 #66 by Nmysys
Thank you for pointing out my spelling mistake. I failed to hit my spell check. See, I admit it when I am wrong. Sorry for the low blow, you left yourself open for that one.

I choose to see the result of Reaganomics as being positive. You already stated that it was working on your behalf, can't take that one back just because now you don't want it to fit. You were bragging about your overflowing 401k in those days.

Come on Scruffy, keep your responses logical.

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17 Sep 2010 17:01 #67 by Scruffy

Nmysys wrote: Thank you for pointing out my spelling mistake. I failed to hit my spell check. See, I admit it when I am wrong. Sorry for the low blow, you left yourself open for that one.

Like I care! HA! Sticks and stones may break my bones.....

Nmysys wrote: I choose to see the result of Reaganomics as being positive. You already stated that it was working on your behalf, can't take that one back just because now you don't want it to fit. You were bragging about your overflowing 401k in those days.

Hey, you can't argue with a motivational poster. They are always correct, and besides, I found it on the internetz, which never lies. Plus, my 401k was overflowing when Mr. Blue Dress Stain guy was running the country, not Mr. Tacky Plaid Suit guy.

Nmysys wrote: Come on Scruffy, keep your responses logical.


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17 Sep 2010 17:22 #68 by The Viking

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote: Yes, by all means, let's return to the party that brought us into this recession.

And why haven't those damn Democrats fixed everything yet? Why won't they hurry up and get us out of the Bush recession?

Ummm........... look at your dates again. The Dems took over total control of both houses in Jan 2007 and the recession started the next year with their policies. So we aren't going back to the party that brought us this recession. That would be the Dems. We have had that party for the last 4 years and look what they did. Time to go back to the party where we had a pretty strong economy for several years, and 5 consecutive years of job growth every month, even after 9/11 and supporting 2 wars. Then the Dems got voted in, in 2006 and look where we are now.

Ummm..... look at who signed that budget. The Republicans were in control of Congress for 6 of Bush's 8 years and led to the current Great Bush Recession. Oh, if only we could go back to the 90's when all we had to worry about was whether the President was cheating on his wife. Times were good then, the economy was roaring, my 401k wasn't negative, the country was at peace......

Seriously, I think we've been on this recession path for longer than just since 2006 and I think it's going to take longer than two years to pull out of it. Lucky for the Republicans that voters have really short memories.

Oh if only another dot com boom could fall into a President's lap who did nothing else but got credit for a great economy. Then everything would be great again. Instead all that fell into Bush's lap that Clinton did was Osama becuase Clinton thought a hummer was more important than taking him out. And then the housing crisis which was signed by Clinton before he left. So to recap. Clinton did nothing. The dot com boom lands in his term and the economy goes through the roof. Naive people believe it is all becuase of him and give him credit when he did nothing. Then as he is leaving he ignores Osama to leave him for the next President and so the next President gets 9/11 and has to clean up that Clinton mess. Also he deicides to sign a deregulation bill so everyone loves him. Which allows practically homeless people to buy houses who can't afford it, know that he won't have to worry about it and it will fall on the next President. So Bush inherits that too and gets the blame for the housing crash. How can people be so clueless and blind?

So were we on a recession path since before 2006? Sure, it started in 1999 with Clinton signing that bill and there was a recession when he left which Bush fixed with tax cuts. And even with that recession, 9/11, 2 wars, fixing the Enron, Worldcom mess that Clinton also ignored, Bush gave us an economy that grew jobs for 5 years straight without a dot come boom landing in his lap. Then the Dems took over the house and Senate in 2006 and Bush signed some crappy Dem introduced bills which he shouldn't have, and then in 2007 the chickens came home to roost with Cliinton's deregulation bill and we had the second bubble burst due to Clinton. First in 2000 the dot com bubble burst because he did nothing, then in 2007-2008 the housing bubble burst which he created. And the Dems ever since have been digging the hole deeper than ever in history. So yes it is time for change to the time back when the Reapublicans were in control.

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17 Sep 2010 17:24 #69 by The Viking

Nmysys wrote: Your memory is pretty short and ( rumors have it

). I remember Clinton firing off all of our Cruise Missiles at Iraq, and at an Aspirin factory in Sudan. How many other conflicts did we get involved in,in that great time of Peace, when your 401K was prospering under Reaganomics?

Remember the topic already has shown to be true, their is a great big difference.

Exactly, and it has been proven that all those 401K's were inflated with money that didn't even exist. The dot com boom created billionaires with no products and it had to burst and did under Clinton.

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17 Sep 2010 17:28 #70 by outdoor338
The Tea Party represents the right in our political spectrum. Make no mistake about it, the people in "fly-over" country have seen and heard enought from the folks on the left. For the right, America is "God, Mom, and apple pie." Sounds corny to the intellectual elites, but the elites have ignored the common folk forever. You see, the left believes that they know "what's best for everyone." They want to ban McDonalds because the food makes people obese. Yet they will support the food stamp program where folks on public assistance make "just enought" to by junk food--as it is cheaper than fresh produce and good meat. (Have you priced beef lately). The left wants to tell you what kind of health insurance you need and will fine you if you don't purchase it. The left wants to censor dissent by pushing the "fairness doctrine" and having spokesmen like Gibbs decry the criticism of their President. The left wants to associate any Conservative with Haliburton (which to the left represents perhaps something as evil as Dick Cheney.) The left believes that illegal Mexicans should have more rights than unborn babies, (who by no fault of their own were created by people acting irresponsibly--oh, yeah, I know rape and incest, yada yada yada). The left believes in big government, government hand outs, government employment and pensions for their own; nutrition lables on everything, including this bottle of water I'm drinking (for the love of God, it's freaking water); and they believe in an America that vaguely resembles the current Venezuela. Well, the fly-overs, like the original Tea Party participants are saying, "Not here, not now." We may lose in the elections, but we won't go away. We want our country back. We want a better future for our kids. We want to stop sending jobs to other countries. We want to put Americans back to work, close our border, provide for protection for our people, and live our lives free from the tyrranny and the fascism from the left.

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