Maes is handing the race to Hickenlooper

08 Oct 2010 17:45 #81 by Travelingirl

The Viking wrote:

Nmysys wrote: What ideas did you Libs put forth? Oh yeah " Teabaggers", that was nothing but an attack, wasn't it?

Yeah, you're right, when we run out of ideas!!! We haven't run out of ideas at all, we are no longer being silent! Election Day will show whether of not we have run out of ideas!!

They have no ideas. We let the Liberals have thier little experiment and it has almost ruinedo ur country. This country voted them into power in 2006 when the economy was still creating a few hundred thousand jobs every month and unemployment was at or below 5%. Then the Dems took over both houses with no ideas other than growing the government faster and larger than ever in history and taking over or trying to take over evey area in our lives, from banks, to healthcare, to stimulus to two Tarps, to Wall Street, to energy, to the internet, to cell phones, to the auto industry, and many many other things.

And what did we get with this 4 year experiment with the Democrats in total control of congress and writing all the bills and policies? 14 straight months with over 9.5% unemployment. The longest since the 30's. And now back to losing more jobs every month after they promised that if we spent trillions that our kids and grandkids will never even be able to pay for, that we would have less than 8% unemployment and job growth. Also they have made the value of our dollar lower than it has been in decades.

Since they took over, they have helped to create one of the longest and worst recessions in history. They have take us to more foreclosures than ever in history, and since they took control 4 years ago, they have made us a total welfare nation with more people on welfare than ever in history. Also in the first 6 years when the Republicans were in control of congress under Bush, we created over 8 million jobs even with 9/11 and a recession that started under Clinton. Then the Dems took over in 2007 and since then we have lost over 8 million jobs. They take us from 5% to 10% unemployment, then spend us into bankruptcy promising to take us back to much worse than when we let them take over. And now they say ooops, that didn't work, give us more money and power and control.

And they wonder why they are going to lose control the House and maybe the Senate too? We gave the Dems 4 years of control and those will go down as the worst 4 years in history. It is time for the failed experiment to end and for the Republicans to take over again and fix things. It is amazing to me how slow some people are and still try and blame the Republicans for this mess. Don't they know anything about politics? Our economy was not great but still doing well and creating between 300,000 and 600,000 jobs per month till we put the Dems in control in 2006. It went straight downhill after that. It is congress who has all the control and writes the bills. The President just signs things. So now once again, it is proven that we can't leave the Dems in control of anything imortatn as they will destroy it.

:yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat:

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08 Oct 2010 20:39 #82 by The Viking

neptunechimney wrote:

Ronbo wrote: What the hell is a "Tea Bagger meeting"?

You do not know what a tea bagger is, or you do not know what a meeting is? Ether way you must me one of those low information voters who even though you may have voted for Obama in 08 have discovered your inner racism and have turned into a bitter clinger. :Whistle

If they are a clinger, doesn't that make them a dingleberry? So if they are going to call us tea baggers, we can call them dingelberries!


A smallish, semi-dry, extraordinarily tenacious remnant of fecal matter which, when unwittingly rolled into a mixture with toilet paper lint by the action of wiping, becomes almost irremovably entangled among ones anal hair, a situationality exacerbated by the vigorous chafing and friction between the buttocks and most commonly remedied by the sad and almost entirely unavoidable remedy of plucking out at its root the individual hair to which each dingleberry is conjoined. Of related interest, dingleberries are often noted as having the vague odor of undigested corn or peanuts.


1. a small piece of feces stuck in the hairs around the anus after defacation

rofllol rofllol :lol: rofllol rofllol :lol:

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09 Oct 2010 07:00 #83 by Nmysys

What a sh**ty posting!!!!!!!!!!! rofllol rofllol

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09 Oct 2010 12:31 #84 by Scruffy
This thread needs more of these rofllol rofllol rofllol rofllol rofllol rofllol

and some more of these :bash :bash :bash :bash

Please make a note of this for future outrages.

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09 Oct 2010 15:37 #85 by Nmysys

Do you have anything of value to contribute to the topic? Apparently not since you are for Hickenlooper. We, the concerned citizens of Colorado, are worried that Hick will turn this state into a sanctuary state for Illegals. Except for those who always vote for the party line and will thus vote for Maes even though he has proven to be a fraud, a great number of Conservatives have turned to Tancredo for Governor.

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09 Oct 2010 16:44 #86 by Scruffy
No, i really don't have anything to contribute to this thread other than a few more

rofllol rofllol rofllol rofllol :bash :woo hoo: :woo hoo: rofllol :bash :Koolaid: :Koolaid: :Koolaid: :popcorn:

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09 Oct 2010 16:51 #87 by Nmysys

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09 Oct 2010 17:04 #88 by archer
I think you underestimate Hickenlooper nmysis, I seriously doubt he has any intention of turning Colorado into a sanctuary state, to me that is just hype from the right because most of what Hickenlooper stands for is right out of the conservative handbook, only done with more compassion than one usually sees from a successful business man.....he is hardly a far left candidate. I see Tancredo still as a one issue candidate, not because he doesn't have a stance on the other important issues in Colorado, I am sure he does, but he lets illegal immigration take precidence over everything else, and it seems to dictate his efforts my opinion. Colorado needs a governor who will pay attention to all the issues that effect this state, not let one issue drive policy.

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09 Oct 2010 17:17 #89 by Nmysys

You are entitled to your opinion but I totally disagree with you, evidenced by how he has run the city of Denver, and the fact that he is so aggressive, leaves me no choice but to think Hickenlooper will turn this state exactly as I have stated. You can say he is Conservative, but that doesn't make it so.

We have been very lucky while Ritter has been Governor, because he seems to be lazy in his agenda, but I doubt that Hickenlooper will be.

He is very popular with the Democratic base here in Colorado because they see him exactly the way I see him. Sorry, but no agreement here.

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09 Oct 2010 17:27 #90 by archer

Nmysys wrote: Ma'am:

You are entitled to your opinion but I totally disagree with you, evidenced by how he has run the city of Denver, and the fact that he is so aggressive, leaves me no choice but to think Hickenlooper will turn this state exactly as I have stated. You can say he is Conservative, but that doesn't make it so.

We have been very lucky while Ritter has been Governor, because he seems to be lazy in his agenda, but I doubt that Hickenlooper will be.

He is very popular with the Democratic base here in Colorado because they see him exactly the way I see him. Sorry, but no agreement here.

Didn't expect any agreement.....but I still hold that if hickenlooper put a "R" after his name he would be just as popular with conservatives as he is now with liberals.....not perhaps because of his politics, but because he genuinely cares about Colorado and what is best for her.

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