I think I'm Gay

27 Oct 2010 22:11 #81 by DaffyDick
Replied by DaffyDick on topic I think I'm Gay

The Viking wrote:

major bean wrote: The operative word here is "consciously". Do we (men) "consciously" choose to lust after women? I think not. That is ludicrous.
There are many types of choices and not all choices have to be conscious.

No the environment we were raised in groomed us to think that way. So the environment including family, friends, magazines, internet, and television which objectifies women and makes boobs and butts such a sexual thing on women, it is what teaches most men to look at women that way. It is not genetic in my opinion.

Speaking from experience, your logic makes no sense. Even though I was married and have two sons, I was never sexually attracted to females. I had male friends who were envious over my wife’s rather large breasts, but I was not impressed.

Although I dated females all through high school and college, I had never done anything sexually with any of them, until my wedding night. That’s not to say that I wasn’t sexually active. In high school, in college, and in the Navy, I never found a lack of willing male partners.

Like they say, Women need an excuse for sex, Men just need a place.

By the way Viking, I’ve never watched Will & Grace—not my style.

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27 Oct 2010 22:17 #82 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic I think I'm Gay

DaffyDick wrote:

The Viking wrote:

major bean wrote: The operative word here is "consciously". Do we (men) "consciously" choose to lust after women? I think not. That is ludicrous.
There are many types of choices and not all choices have to be conscious.

No the environment we were raised in groomed us to think that way. So the environment including family, friends, magazines, internet, and television which objectifies women and makes boobs and butts such a sexual thing on women, it is what teaches most men to look at women that way. It is not genetic in my opinion.

Speaking from experience, your logic makes no sense. Even though I was married and have two sons, I was never sexually attracted to females. I had male friends who were envious over my wife’s rather large breasts, but I was not impressed.

Although I dated females all through high school and college, I had never done anything sexually with any of them, until my wedding night. That’s not to say that I wasn’t sexually active. In high school, in college, and in the Navy, I never found a lack of willing male partners.

Like they say, Women need an excuse for sex, Men just need a place.

By the way Viking, I’ve never watched Will & Grace—not my style.

Really? I love that show. It was hilarious! I even own a couple seasons. I am far from a homophobe. Will have to take up the rest of your post tomorrow.

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27 Oct 2010 22:54 - 27 Oct 2010 22:57 #83 by Residenttroll returns
I think DaffyDick explains homosexuality in a way many can understand. They have a urge and will put their thing into any hole that's warm and wet - preferably of age and human. That's why recruitment is so important.

DaffyDick, if women need an excuse for sex ...explain lesbians. Why, in many cases, does one of the lesbians always look like a man? I don't get it?

Perversion has been apart of human life since the beginning - certainly one doesn't expect it to change. I guess what's so egregious is they are flamboyant with the perversion.

Viking, Will and Grace is/was part of the Hollywood homosexual agenda to do exactly what you remember about it. The homosexual agenda knows that Americans love to laugh with TV shows and if they break down homosexual characters into funny humorous persons, adults would watch and in many cases with their children. See honey, those gay people are really happy and funny.....

...it's a lie.

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27 Oct 2010 22:56 #84 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic I think I'm Gay

residenttroll wrote:

Science Chic wrote: Sorry rt, it's only been 2 days, and I didn't realize that I was leaving you desperately hanging - I would've dropped my son's orthodontist appointment, and everything else, if so! :) (Thanks for sticking up for me Nmysys!)
I haven't done any research on pedophilia and bestiality, but if I had to guess, I'd say that they result from abnormalities in brain chemistry that reduce inhibitions on morality. I cannot think of an instance, unlike homosexuality, where those two conditions would improve survivability of a species.

Yes, absolutely! You should have reschedule that orthodontist appointment (I hope you know I am kiddin' around, the only reason I was poking fun with the crickets was because I peeked at the thread on 285FT you warned me not to open). :wave:

And you're still talking to me! Amazing! :) Glad I didn't piss you off that much (it was posted all in fun, and I'm sure you've got some good Obama ones for retaliation!).

Now back to topic.

How do homosexual humans survive as a specie? They can't reproduce. They can only recruit. If homosexual humans can survive as specie, why isn't there any homosexual nations that have risen up to declared the taking back of their stolen ancestor lands from the straight heterosexuals?

I appreciate your guess on the abnormalities on pehophila and bestiality; however, how did you come to that conclusion? Couldn't that be argued for all morals: Lying, cheating, stealing, and even homosexuality? I think we can circle back and say that all of us are created equally until something triggers us to "reduce inhibitions on morality." Right? Don't we all have the ability to "reduce inhibitions on morality?"

Here's where I based my reasoning (copied and modified a bit from a previous thread)
Teddy wrote: Homosexuality is a deviance from the norm.

SC wrote: No, it's not.

Now, the researcher they interviewed for this article is definitely NOT mainstream, and there are not a lot of examples to cite (and I think that's due to a lack of understanding about this topic, and applying traditional biases to research design and analysis, but I've copied a few below) but I think her ideas make a lot of sense. If homosexuality in animals is one more method of increasing positive social interactions, benefiting the colony or species as a whole, and improving reproductive fitness through cooperative breeding and caring for young, then it's a logical progression to say that homosexuality is not a deviance in behavior, but an integral piece of survival and adaptability (so there wouldn't be any populations of all homosexuals or all heterosexuals, because neither has the optimal collection of both traits to increase likelihood of survival). Pedophilia and bestiality, on the other hand, serve only one selfish individual and does not benefit a group the same way. It's entirely possible that I am not considering all of the ramifications of those behaviors so feel free to disagree with me, but do say why - I'd like to ponder other points of view and consider them thoughtfully as well! Lying, cheating, and stealing have all been considered in sociology theories, trying to explain why they exist in a population, how prevalent they can become before becoming detrimental to the survival of a species, etc (to answer your question: no, we are not all created equally - some people trend faster to immoral behaviors than others, and yes, we all have the conscious choice to "lower our inhibitions on morality", but at some point there is a constraint on how many members of a population can act selfishly before that population starts to suffer and self-destruct). I've only read those kinds of studies briefly (I'm more concrete, detail-oriented, and sociology is too "squishy" for my usual tastes), but they do provide fascinating possible insights as to how individuals affect population as a whole and vice versa. As I'm sorely lacking in that area, I'll leave it be for now (but if you find anything interesting, please post it - I love suggestions for reading!).
http://seedmagazine.com/content/article ... l_kingdom/
The effeminate sheep and other problems with Darwinian sexual selection.
Evolution / by Jonah Lehrer / June 7, 2006

“The more complex and sophisticated a social system is,” she writes, “the more likely it is to have homosexuality intermixed with heterosexuality.”

Japanese macaques, an old world primate, illustrate this principle perfectly. Macaque society revolves around females, who form intricate dominance hierarchies within a given group. Males are transient. To help maintain the necessary social networks, female macaques engage in rampant lesbianism. These friendly copulations, which can last up to four days, form the bedrock of macaque society, preventing unnecessary violence and aggression. Females that sleep together will even defend each other from the unwanted advances of male macaques. In fact, behavioral scientist Paul Vasey has found that females will choose to mate with another female, as opposed to a horny male, 92.5% of the time. While this lesbianism probably decreases reproductive success for macaques in the short term, in the long run it is clearly beneficial for the species, since it fosters social stability. “Same-sex sexuality is just another way of maintaining physical intimacy,” Roughgarden says.

Consider the Eurasian oystercatcher, a shore bird that enjoys feasting on shellfish. A consistent minority of oystercatcher families are polygynous, in which a lucky male mates with two different females simultaneously. These threesomes come in two different flavors: aggressive and cooperative. In an aggressive threesome, the females are at war; they attack each other frequently, and try to disrupt the egg-laying process of their fellow spouse. So far, so Darwinian: Life is nasty, brutish and short. However, the cooperative threesome is everything Darwin didn’t expect. These females share a nest, mate with each other several times a day, and preen their feathers together. It’s domestic bliss.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/scie ... study.html

in the latest study the authors claim the phenomenon is not only widespread but part of a necessary biological adaptation for the survival of the species. They found that on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, almost a third of the Laysan albatross population is raised by pairs of two females because of the shortage of males. Through these 'lesbian' unions, Laysan albatross are flourishing. Their existence had been dwindling before the adaptation was noticed.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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28 Oct 2010 07:53 #85 by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Replied by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa on topic I think I'm Gay
The gay mafia of the the western hemisphere have been on a mission post WWII to force society to accept their deviance as normal. They are well funded and are forever marching out some whore from the world of science who is willing to take their money and their preconceived conclusions and create a study to prove it. If people who were adrenalin junkies as they are known had money to pay out they could find a quack who would create a study to justify their abnormal behavior. But the reality is, it is just a choice on their part. Because it makes them feel good and they usually aren't hurting anyone except in a few cases themselves. But now with the advent of obama care's risk/value panels, get ready to see people who want to engage in activities such as free jumping, bungee jumping, free climbing etc etc being fined for doing so.

We look at this guy and figure he has lost his marbles


And obviously for anyone to do this to themselves, they not firing on all 8. But it was a choice. Just like people who practice coprophagia. The mind is a terrible thing, as UNCF like to tell us. Like I have said before, to deny that people with weird ideas, thoughts and behaviors exist is naive. But to accept certain abnormal behaviors as normal based purely on the resources of the practitioners and the sophistication of their snake oil presentation is equally naive hypocritical and discriminatory to other deviants.

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28 Oct 2010 08:24 #86 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic I think I'm Gay
Wow! Great post and very well stated!

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28 Oct 2010 16:48 #87 by DaffyDick
Replied by DaffyDick on topic I think I'm Gay

residenttroll wrote: I think DaffyDick explains homosexuality in a way many can understand. They have a urge and will put their thing into any hole that's warm and wet - preferably of age and human. That's why recruitment is so important.

DaffyDick, if women need an excuse for sex ...explain lesbians. Why, in many cases, does one of the lesbians always look like a man? I don't get it?

Perversion has been apart of human life since the beginning - certainly one doesn't expect it to change. I guess what's so egregious is they are flamboyant with the perversion.

Viking, Will and Grace is/was part of the Hollywood homosexual agenda to do exactly what you remember about it. The homosexual agenda knows that Americans love to laugh with TV shows and if they break down homosexual characters into funny humorous persons, adults would watch and in many cases with their children. See honey, those gay people are really happy and funny.....

...it's a lie.

You are entitled to your beliefs, no matter how twisted.

The only agenda I’m aware of is that which is conducted by right wing extremists who somehow think they have a right to demand that everyone live by their standards and that anyone who doesn’t is a deviant.

Since some people are so critical of others who have found happiness, love, and contentment, it makes one wonder if these vital emotions are lacking in the critic’s own life.

If you are so secure in your own sexuality, why do you feel threatened by mine?

If you care to see lies and deceit, and lack of happiness, look within.

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28 Oct 2010 16:59 #88 by Residenttroll returns

DaffyDick wrote: The only agenda I’m aware of is that which is conducted by right wing extremists who somehow think they have a right to demand that everyone live by their standards and that anyone who doesn’t is a deviant.

Since some people are so critical of others who have found happiness, love, and contentment, it makes one wonder if these vital emotions are lacking in the critic’s own life.

If you are so secure in your own sexuality, why do you feel threatened by mine?

If you care to see lies and deceit, and lack of happiness, look within.

You don't need any further than Colorado's own Gay/Lesbian Fund...financed by Gang of Four gangster Tim Gill.

This Fund is nothing more than a recruitment drive for the brains, heart, sexual organs of young children. The Gay Lesbian Fund puts most of its money into sponsoring children programs around the state.

Yea, it's no agenda - it's a recruitment drive.

DaffyDick, I have no concern about your perversions. You're bragging about your lifestyle. I am not threatened by you or your sexual lifestyle - just keep doing your thing - and keep the ear ring in your left ear - I don't care.

Just don't expect me to accept your perversion....don't ask for special rights.....live your life....and quit trying to win over the hearts and minds of children.

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28 Oct 2010 17:26 #89 by JMC
Replied by JMC on topic I think I'm Gay
RT your an ass and so wrong. Not worth my time. Love the Foe button.

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28 Oct 2010 17:28 #90 by Residenttroll returns

JMC wrote: an ass.

You're talking dirty to the wrong poster.

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