Tune Your Heart In
Today's Scripture
O LORD, do good to those who are good, whose hearts are in tune with you. Psalm 125:4, NLT
Notice in today’s Scripture that you can be in tune or out of tune with God. If you go around thinking, “I’ll never get well, I can’t get the promotion, things just go from bad to worse,” you’re not in tune with God. In the Scripture, He says, “I am all-powerful. I am healing. I am provision. I am abundance. I am protection. I am favor.” If you’re going to get in tune with Him, you can’t think weak, defeated, get-by, hope-this-works-out thoughts.
The way to get in tune with God is to think what He says about you—not what you feel, not what it looks like, not what the experts say, and not what the economy says. You have to say what the Most High God has spoken about you in His Word. The Scripture says, “Whose report will you believe?” The way you get in tune with God is by thinking victorious, overcoming, faith-filled thoughts. Think favor thoughts, abundance thoughts, healing thoughts, and the Creator of the universe goes to work.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that I can tune myself into the way You see me as blessed, prosperous, healthy, strong, talented, and successful. Help me to tune out all the negative, limiting thoughts that hold me back. I declare that I believe Your report over what I feel and hear around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer and he'll gladly lift your requests up to the Lord and with your permission pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at
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Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer needs you can call Mike 303.880.9878