Delmar answers, “come on in boys, the waters fine!"

11 Jul 2024 07:03 - 11 Jul 2024 07:04 #3271 by DrMike
Take Possession

Today's Scripture

“But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth.” Jeremiah 9:24, ESV

When you know your God and understand what He’s done, that He’s already defeated the enemy, that He’s taken away his power, you’ll be strong. You won’t be moved by opposition, you won’t fall apart when trouble comes, you won’t give up because somebody did you wrong. You know it can’t stop your purpose. You’ll not only have a supernatural strength, but you’ll do great exploits. You’ll take your family to a new level, break addictions that have held you back, and accomplish dreams that are bigger than you’ve imagined. Have the right perspective: Whatever enemies you face—enemies of fear, depression, sickness, or insecurity—have already been defeated.

Now, do what the Father requires. Move forward. Believe for your healing, speak victory over your children, stir up your gifts, pray some bold prayers, take steps of faith. What’s trying to stop you is defeated. The people who were holding you back have lost their influence. The power of the sickness, the addiction, or the trouble at work has been broken. It’s time to take possession of what God promised you.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that whatever has tried to stop my purpose in the past has lost its grip because Your Son defeated the enemy on the cross and has brought me into freedom. Thank You that I can move forward. I declare that I will take possession of all that You have promised me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878

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12 Jul 2024 06:41 #3272 by DrMike
The Winds and the Waves

Today's Scripture

The men were afraid that the ship would hit the sandbanks of Syrtis, so they lowered the sail and let the wind carry the ship. Acts 27:17, NCV

In Acts 27, God promised Paul that he would stand trial before Caesar in Rome, but the ship he was on was caught for fourteen days in a huge storm with hurricane-force winds. When all hope had been given up of being saved, the captain decided to stop fighting the storm, lowered the sails, and let the wind blow them. But when they shipwrecked on the island of Malta, Paul shared the good news with the islanders, and many were healed and became believers. What looked like a setback in God’s plan for Paul was actually a divine detour to move him to people in need.

While we stand against sickness, addictions, and abusive situations, there are some storms and troubles that are leading to where God wants you to go. You have to quit trying to make it work out your way. It’s a divine detour. If you fight it, you’re not going to win. What you can’t see is that trouble is transportation, moving you into your purpose, perhaps into a position to make a difference in someone else’s life.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that the winds and waves that I face today cannot stop Your plan for my life. Thank You that my purpose is firmly and securely anchored in You. I believe and declare that the storms and detours cannot defeat me and are pushing me into my destiny. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878

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17 Jul 2024 09:02 #3273 by DrMike

Today's Scripture

So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep. 1 Samuel 30:4, NIV

First Samuel 30 records the greatest defeat David had ever suffered. He and his six hundred men returned from a mission only to find their city burned, their wives and children kidnapped by Amalekite bandits, and all their possessions stolen. Then David’s men started blaming him and talked about stoning him. It wasn’t fair that the wrong thing happened when David was doing the right thing. But God doesn’t promise that life will always be fair. It’s what we do in these unfair times that determines whether we get stuck and let it sour the rest of our lives or whether we move forward and see God expand us.

What made David a champion is that he shook off the defeated mind-set and went forward to recover all that had been taken plus spoils from the bandits. He understood the principle that you have to get up when you’ve been knocked down and not use it as an excuse to stop. On the other side of the excuse is expansion, a new level of our destiny.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that Your power to strengthen me in times of unfairness is greater than any force that comes against me. Thank You that I can put discouragement behind me and push forward in faith. I believe that expansion is coming—something greater, something better. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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18 Jul 2024 06:48 #3274 by DrMike
Switch the Channel

Today's Scripture

Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles, and the rulings he has given. 1 Chronicles 16:12, NLT

Emotional wounds are a powerful force in our lives and hold the potential to hinder our growth. If you’re always reliving your hurts and watching your bad breaks on the movie screen of your mind—talking about them and telling your friends—that’s just reopening the wound. You may be in pain today, but don’t sit around nursing your wounds. Don’t let bitterness and discouragement set the tone for your life. As long as you’re replaying the negative, you will never fully heal.

You have to change the channel. When you look back over your life, can you remember one time where you know it was the hand of God promoting and protecting you? Make the decision to switch over to that channel. Get your mind going in a new direction. Start remembering your victories, your successes, and the hard times you overcame. Today can be a turning point in your life. Drop any emotional baggage you’re dragging and step toward an abundant life. Trust God and step into the great future He has for you.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You have the power to heal the emotional wounds in my life. Thank You that I can stop reliving the negative things that play and replay in my mind. I declare that I am dropping the baggage and stepping forward into the abundant life You have for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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19 Jul 2024 07:54 #3275 by DrMike
Not Moved

Today's Scripture

Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!” Acts 5:29, NIV

There will be times when you have to decide, as the apostles did: “Am I going to stick with my convictions, am I going to be who God made me to be, or am I going to let the opinions and approval of other people determine what I do or who I become?” If you suffer from approval addiction, if you’re not confident in who you are and you need people to validate you, you’ll shrink back and let them control your future. But it’s going to take boldness to receive what God has for you. He’s going to take you where no one in your family has gone. He’s going to make you a pioneer, a trendsetter. Not everyone will understand why you won’t compromise with them. Not everyone will approve you if you don’t conform to their way of thinking. People who were once for you may become critics and try to discredit you. Now they’re finding fault. That’s when you have to dig your heels in and say, “I’m not moved by who’s not for me. I’m living to please God.”

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You are the true and living God and You reward those who honor and obey You. Thank You for calling me to follow You and to not shrink back when others want me to let go of my convictions. I believe that as I am doing the right thing You will reward me with favor. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878

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22 Jul 2024 07:52 #3276 by DrMike
By the Spirit

Today's Scripture

“This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6, NKJV

You weren’t created to struggle through life, to be restricted by negative thinking, by a bad temper, insecurity, or lack. Those are bondages the enemy uses to try to keep you from your destiny. The good news is that God is the chain breaker, the burden remover, the yoke destroyer. Jesus came to set you free from a spirit of worry, from always seeing the negative, from a hot temper, bitterness, holding grudges. Perhaps you’ve tried to forgive, but you couldn’t let it go. God is about to breathe in your direction. There’s going to be strength to do what you couldn’t do before. You’re going to be free from guilt, free from living in regret, free from not thinking you deserve to be blessed.

You may feel you’re powerless to change it, but it’s going to happen by the Spirit of the Most High God. Ask Him to free you from every bondage and restriction. You’re about to step into a new level of freedom, peace, productivity, and fulfillment. Now, you have to do your part and get an agreement with God’s promise.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit in my life that is so much greater than all of my might and power. Thank You that You are coming to set me free from everything that is trying to hold me back. I believe in the promise of Your Spirit to do it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878

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23 Jul 2024 07:22 #3277 by DrMike
Do It with Excellence

Today's Scripture

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Ecclesiastes 9:10, NIV

Some people never go to church or listen to a sermon or read the Bible. Instead, they’re reading your life. They’re watching how you live. Make sure you look and live the best you possibly can. The Almighty God lives in you, and you represent Him. Make sure you’re representing Him in a way that brings praise to Him, whether it’s through your life, your house, your car, your clothes, your cubicle, or your office.

You may be in a situation today where everybody around you is compromising their integrity or taking the easy way out. Don’t go there. Be the one to have an excellent spirit. Be a cut above and set the highest standard. Give it your all and produce more than is expected. Whether you have much or a little, whether it’s old or new, take pride in what God has given you and take good care of it. Do your job to the best of your ability and live in such a manner that when people see you, they are attracted to your God. Be the best witness you can be.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for calling me to be a person of excellence in everything I do and always be my best. I want that excellence to flow out of my heart of love for You. I believe that as I give it my all, I will see Your goodness and favor in my life in new ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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24 Jul 2024 07:51 #3278 by DrMike
The Lifter of Your Head

Today's Scripture

You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. Psalm 3:3, AMPC

Sometimes circumstances may convince us to keep our head down. But we cannot go through life looking down, thinking about our problems, dwelling on how bad it is, reliving every negative thing that’s happened, and expect to have God’s best. You may feel you have too many problems, but God is the glory and the lifter of your head. He is the source of your help.

The enemy tries to weigh you down with heavy burdens and depression and convince you to stay focused on your difficulties. Before long that discouragement is like a heavy weight you are dragging around. But if you allow God to be the glory and the lifter of your head, and work with Him to shake off that discouragement, the only thing that will weigh on you is the favor of God. You’ll be heavy with joy, with blessings, with victory. When you can’t lift your head on your own strength or when circumstances have overwhelmed you, that’s when God will show up as the glory and the lifter of your head.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for being a shield about me, my glory and the lifter of my head. Thank You that the enemy has no right to weigh me down with discouragement and heaviness. I declare that I am looking to You as the source of my help and victory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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25 Jul 2024 06:27 #3279 by DrMike
Completing Your Incompletions

Today's Scripture

God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and enabled her to conceive. Genesis 30:22, NIV

The Scripture says that God put a dream to have a baby in Rachel’s heart. But year after year went by, and she couldn’t conceive. Rachel remained without a child while her sister, Leah, had one baby after another. Finally, after years of frustration, Rachel grew discouraged and said, in effect, “This is my lot in life. It’s never going to happen.”

One of the things I love about God is this: Just because we give up on a dream doesn’t mean He gives up on it. The Scripture says, “God remembered Rachel.” It doesn’t say that Rachel remembered God. This is how much God wants you to fulfill your destiny. He is so loving, so merciful, that even when you become too discouraged to believe, God does not forget what He promised you. He remembers. You may have already said, “Forget it. It will never happen.” The good news is you don’t have the final say. God has the final say, and He says, “What I started in your life, I will finish.” Get your passion back. He will complete your incompletions.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You will bring to completion the good work You began in me. Thank You that the fulfillment of my dreams is on the way despite the secret frustrations of my heart. I believe that You will complete my incompletions and help me to fulfill my destiny. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878

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26 Jul 2024 07:18 #3280 by DrMike
Switch Over to Praise

Today's Scripture

Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together. Psalm 34:3, NKJV

When you’re up against challenges that seem too big or dreams that look impossible, you’ll be tempted to worry, to live stressed and complaining. In those moments, you have to pay attention to what kind of atmosphere you’re creating. Whatever you’re sending out, you’re going to draw in. If you go around complaining about how a problem is not going to work out, that negative atmosphere draws in discouragement and will stop your victory. You can’t reach your potential.

When you face difficulties, the best thing you can do is give God praise. A situation may be too much for you, but it’s not too much for Him. Don’t magnify your problems. Magnify your God. Thank Him for who He is. “Lord, You are the all-powerful Creator of the universe. You are the great I AM. You are my provider, my healer, my protector, my deliverer, my way maker.” That’s what causes God to show up—not begging Him, not complaining, not worrying. Switch over into praise. That’s what attracts the most powerful force in the universe.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You inhabit my praise and that You are here with me in all the challenges of my life. Praise You for being the Most High God who provides, protects, heals, and makes a way for me. I choose to magnify You and exalt Your name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878

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