Delmar answers, “come on in boys, the waters fine!"

13 Aug 2024 07:00 #3291 by DrMike
Nobodies and Somebodies

Today's Scripture

Isn’t it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose these “nobodies” to expose the hollow pretensions of the “somebodies”? 1 Corinthians 1:27, MSG

You may think you can never accomplish your dream because you feel limited by what you don’t have or by what you didn’t get. But God is not bound by natural laws, by company policies, by people’s prejudices. He controls the universe. The dream He put in your heart is not dependent on you having all the qualifications, the experience, the training, or people being for you. Sometimes God will let the odds be against you on purpose. He’ll let you be over your head, at the back of the line, and the least likely. That’s a setup. That’s a sign that a reversal is coming. “God chooses the nobodies to confound the somebodies.” He loves to take the unqualified and cause them to excel. He loves to take disregarded people and cause them to shine. He can change people’s minds. He can cause them to want to be good to you. They may not even know why. It’s God shining His favor on you, pushing you into your purpose. Get ready for some reversals. Things are about to shift in your favor.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You’re a God who reverses the order, a God who can make the last the first. Thank You for doing what only You can do, for taking me where I can’t go on my own. If others discount me, I know You count me, and You are the only One who really matters. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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16 Aug 2024 08:09 #3292 by DrMike
Keep Being Your Best

Today's Scripture

King Jotham became powerful because he was careful to live in obedience to the LORD his God. 2 Chronicles 27:6, NLT

What God has planned for you is much bigger than anything you’ve ever dreamed. If God were to show you right now where He’s taking you—the favor, the promotion, the influence—it would boggle your mind. You may not be the most qualified or talented. That’s okay. God’s anointing on you is more important than your talent, your education, or your hard work. You may not see how this can happen. It doesn’t seem possible. But you don’t have to go after the right people, good breaks, contracts, ideas, resources, and influence, trying to make something happen in your own strength or talent. You don’t have to figure it out.

If you just keep being your best right where you are, getting to work on time, doing more than you have to, being a person of excellence and integrity, the right people will find you and the right opportunities will track you down. Keep honoring and obeying God, and you will come into favor, wisdom, and promotion bigger than you ever imagined. Seek God, and the blessings will seek after you.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that if I keep being my best and living to honor You in all my ways, You have an abundance of blessings that will track me down. Thank You that I don’t have to live my life trying to make things happen on my own. I declare that I am going to seek You and Your kingdom first. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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19 Aug 2024 09:01 #3293 by DrMike
The Songs of Zion

Today's Scripture

How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land? Psalm 137:4, NIV

When the Israelites were conquered and taken into captivity by the Babylonians, it was a season of suffering and great loss. It was one of those times when the pressure is so great, the loss so heavy, the disappointment so discouraging, we don’t think we can go on. They could not sing the songs of Zion. They were in a season of weeping, which we all go through. God made us to feel things. Something breaks your heart, and it feels too much to carry. Weeping is not a lack of faith. It doesn’t mean you’re not tough enough. It means that your heart is working, that you care deeply.

When you go through a season of weeping, remember that God says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” As He did for the Israelites, eventually freeing them to return to their homes, He’s already set the time to end your heartache, to turn around what’s causing your tears. God is going to bring you out better through the suffering, and your mourning will turn into dancing.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You have the power to change what looks as though it will never change. Thank You that the morning comes, and You turn mourning into dancing and sorrow into joy. I believe that You will always restore me to sing the songs of Zion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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20 Aug 2024 07:24 #3294 by DrMike
Hands Lifted Up

Today's Scripture

And as long as Moses held up the rod in his hands, Israel was winning; but whenever he rested his arms at his sides, the soldiers of Amalek were winning. Exodus 17:11, TLB

Exodus 17 tells the story of Joshua and the people of Israel who were in the midst of a great battle. Moses was on a hill overlooking the battlefield, holding up a staff of God in the air, interceding for them. What Joshua didn’t realize in the midst of the battle was that the only reason he was winning was because Moses was holding up his hands with the help of two others.

Without Moses doing his part, the Israelites would have been defeated. Your challenge is to live in such a way as to cause others to win. With every right decision you make, with every step of faith you take, you are holding up your hands. Every time you resist temptation, you are winning for your children. Every time you are kind and respectful, every time you help someone in need, every time you serve someone and give, every time you pray for someone and encourage them, you are planting seeds of blessing through your faith. Your life of excellence will be rewarded and will help them live a life of victory.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You bring people across my path so I can be a blessing to them and help them win. Thank You that I can speak a kind word, lift them up when they’re hurting, and encourage them to follow You. Help me to be aware of other people’s battles and intercede for them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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21 Aug 2024 06:37 #3295 by DrMike
Lift Up Your Head

Today's Scripture

Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The LORD Almighty—he is the King of glory. Psalm 24:9–10, NIV

David said, “Lift up your head, and the King of glory will come in.” It’s easy to go through life always looking back, focusing on what didn’t work out, on who hurt you, and on the mistakes you’ve made. As long as you’re not looking up and you are discouraged, with no joy, no passion, and no zeal, the King of glory will not come. As long as you’re living in regret, you won’t move ahead to the bright future God has in store.

You can’t change what’s happened to you in the past, but you can do something about right now. Whether it happened twenty minutes ago or twenty years ago, you need to let go of the negative baggage from the past. Instead, start looking up and saying, “Father, I’m excited about this day. I’m moving forward with my life.” When you’re really alive, hopeful, grateful, passionate, and productive, the King of glory, the Most High God, will come in and make a way where there is no way. As long as you have breath, keep your head up.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for being the amazing King of glory, the Lord Almighty, and the keeper of my dreams. Thank You that I can lift my eyes to You and know that You will come in. I declare that I’m letting go of the past and moving forward in faith, knowing that my best days are ahead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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22 Aug 2024 07:34 #3296 by DrMike
God’s Way Is Always the Best

Today's Scripture

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8–9, NIV

When you want something so badly that you convince yourself you can’t live without it, you try to make it happen. You may pray night and day for it, but God is so merciful that He’s not going to answer that prayer if it’s not His best. He loves you too much to open that door. Why don’t you trust Him? He wants you to fulfill your destiny more than you do. He is in complete control.

Let these words sink down into your spirit: God’s way is better than your way. His plan is bigger than your plan. When you come to a closed door, consider it a test of your faith. Will you become bitter, live in self-pity, and give up on your dreams, or will you move forward knowing that God is still in control? If you pass the test, God will release what He has in your future. And many times it will be exactly what you’re praying for. God just wants to see that you trust Him enough to be happy even if it doesn’t happen your way.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You see the big picture for my life and make all things serve me for my good. Thank You for the assurance in my heart that Your ways are always better than my ways. I declare that I am going to stay in peace and trust that You are working out Your plan for my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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23 Aug 2024 07:38 #3297 by DrMike
The Goodness of God

Today's Scripture

What would have become of me had I not] believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living! Psalm 27:13, AMPC

When David was a teenager, he was stuck out in the shepherds’ fields, taking care of his father’s sheep. He had a big dream for his life, but nobody paid attention to him. David could have been discouraged, but today’s Scripture says he believed he would see God’s goodness when all the circumstances were against him. He was confident that he would leave his mark despite how long it had been, despite who didn’t believe in him.

The Scripture says there’s a set time for God to favor you. There are marked moments when God has planned to suddenly promote you, suddenly turn it around, suddenly open the door. For David, that happened when the prophet Samuel showed up at his home and anointed him to be the next king. David was saying, “If I hadn’t believed in God’s favor, I wouldn’t have been anointed by Samuel, wouldn’t have defeated Goliath, outlasted King Saul, and taken the throne.” You can rest knowing that God has already lined up the breaks, the protection, and the promotion to take you into your destiny.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You have set times when You show me Your favor in special ways. Thank You for the absolute confidence I can have that if I keep moving forward in faith, I will see Your goodness. I believe that You will amaze me with what You have planned. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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26 Aug 2024 07:59 #3298 by DrMike
Dead Bones Live

Today's Scripture

He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign LORD, you alone know.” Ezekiel 37:3, NIV

The prophet Ezekiel had a vision of a valley filled with dry bones. In Ezekiel’s case, they represented the return of the people of Israel. But they also represent things in our lives that seem dead, dreams that didn’t work out, closed doors. When God asked Ezekiel if he believed the bones could live, He was saying, “What level of faith are you at?” Ezekiel answered back, “O Sovereign Lord.” He was saying, in effect, “God, You control the universe. You can do the impossible.” That was the faith God was looking for. He told Ezekiel to prophesy to those dead bones, and when he did, the bones came back to life.

You may face situations in your health, finances, or relationships that seem impossible. You can stay stuck there with little faith, but as with Ezekiel, great faith is in you. It’s not in your mind or your emotions; it’s in your spirit, and you need to wake it up. Now do your part and get in agreement with God. Prophesy health, victory, breakthrough, and abundance for every need. Dead things are about to come back to life. Great faith brings great favor.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You have the power to breathe life into the things that seem dead in my life. Thank You that You are taking me from little faith to great faith. I believe that as I speak words of faith, You will make things happen that I could never make happen. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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27 Aug 2024 07:56 #3299 by DrMike
A Victorious Finish

Today's Scripture

There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears. Philippians 1:6, MSG

You may be facing some delays or setbacks, have had some hurts and disappointments, but be encouraged. That’s not how your story ends. That’s one chapter, but you have a whole book. You’re still going to laugh again, love again, dream again. When the thoughts whisper, “It’s too late to ever work out,” recognize that’s the enemy trying to keep you from the awesome future God has in store. Tune that out and get in agreement with your Creator. He’s saying, “It’s still going to happen. I’m going to bring you to a flourishing finish.” It’s not a defeated finish, a bankrupt finish, a lonely finish, or a betrayed finish. God has a victorious finish for you, an abundant finish, a flourishing finish. That means you’re blossoming, blooming, seeing dreams coming to pass, and going further than you’ve imagined. That means you’re healthy, whole, being a bigger blessing than you’ve ever dreamed. New doors are about to open. The right people are about to show up. What God has in mind is much better and more rewarding than what you had in mind.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for the good work You’re doing in my life and for the promise that You will bring it to full completion. Thank You that my story is still being written and it’s better than I could have ever dreamed. I declare that You are bringing me to a flourishing finish. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878


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28 Aug 2024 06:55 #3300 by DrMike
Don’t Put It Off

Today's Scripture

As Paul talked about righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and said, “That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.” Acts 24:25, NIV

Felix was a ruthless, immoral Roman governor over Judea with whom the apostle Paul had the opportunity to share God’s truth. This was a destiny moment for Felix, and he knew he needed to change. God was speaking to his heart. It was vital that he receive the grace of God in order to see what God had in store for his life. He had the opportunity to take a step into his destiny, but he put it off and there’s no way to know if that “convenient” moment ever came.

God is speaking to all of us. It may be about an area where we need to grow, come up higher, and make better decisions. We’ve heard it. We keep ignoring it, but it won’t go away. Now is the time to act. Maybe it’s a whisper in your spirit that says you need to stretch, get out of your comfort zone, take a step of faith. Pay attention to the whispers. You are one whisper away from stepping into greater favor, greater influence, greater resources, something more than you’ve imagined.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for speaking to my heart and opening windows of grace for me to make changes in my life that need to be made. Help me to stop delaying to take the steps of faith that will take me higher. I will not put off dealing with these heart issues for a more convenient time. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

COFA-Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America needs your help. COFA is looking for volunteers to help our growing ministry reach out to the unchurched outdoor enthusiast (locally and nationally). If you're retired or have extra time on your hands and can spare a few hours a week, we need you. Areas we need volunteers: Prayer team, Social media, church outreach, accounting, IT, National women's director, webpage design. If you have an interest in serving the Lord with your talents, we'd love to hear from you. You can email Leslie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call her at 303.909.3707 or Mike at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 303.880.9878

Mike Brooks is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact him anytime for prayer, and with your permission, pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Mike at 303.880.9878 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requests. Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have immediate prayer needs, you can call Mike at 303.880.9878

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