The Dude wrote: Thats great TPP! I Quit a few years ago and can't believe I ever picked one up in the first place. My biggest regret was starting to smoke. Quitting cold turkey when my son was born was ONE of my greatest accomplishments.
Long story, about my quitting...
Let's just say a family was in need one Christmas, and Wiffie & I decided to take all the $$$ we would have spent on eachother, and gave it to them. So, I tried to figure what kind of gift I could give Wiffie, well she was always b*tch'in about the smell, & smoking in the house & all that... I figured WTH, I'll give her & myself a gift and quit smoking talked to Dr. and he gave me valiums for the first 3 days, (after that it's all mental), so woke up on the 26th, fell asleep the 25th, (and missed my last smoke) had 4 in the pack took out 1 smoked it up and threw the pack away, last smoke I've had, of anything. Slept for 3 days, and still get the urge,as a matter of fact if (GOD FORBID) I ever get the Big C, I'll start again why NOT! Shelfish maybe, but after that what's the point? 2 Friends of mine quit 1 month later and the other 2 months later (he was a 4pack a day smoker), and we're still off them, then another friend wanted to quit so we walked eachother though it, and haven't talk in awhile but I beleive she's still smoke free. So, I think I've helped 4 to 6 people stop, it makes me feel good. And BELIEVE ME it's the one of the worse drugs out there, coke, weed, speed, meth, downers, all God knows what else (can't speak to "H" or "crack coke" always to scared to try them, also scared of needles, I could have smoke it but too scared).
My 4day pack friend now, pictures a HUGE pile of cig. Butts, and it disgust him so much he almost gags...
IF anybody, wants a help LMK. First step is easy.