Rush Limbaugh Apologizes For His "Slut" Remarks.

13 Mar 2012 10:58 #391 by JSG
Please show me where Obama thinks Bill Maher is important.

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13 Mar 2012 11:00 #392 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic Rush Limbaugh Apologizes For His "Slut" Remarks.
To me he is a comedian same with Ann Coulter. You think he was serious when he said what he said? Like I said, you guys are taking this too seriously. Watching Glenn Beck cry and Hannity's conspiracy stuff is funny but I can't watch for more than 10 minutes or less, because it is so predictable. At least Bill O'reilly has a couple interesting topics. Maddow is not funny and seems stupid to me I will give you that. Fox and friends is the dumbest show on television and is only funny when they show clips on the Soup. Why do you think they scrapped Beck and Olbermann, they were too crazy and it isn't real in any way. Pat Robertson is a nut and has comedic value as well.

So, to recap. What JMC said to me was funny, it had an SNL reference and I am sure that is something he has always wanted to say to me. And no one was calling for his head. I don't know why. To me it was the same thing. That girl seems fine she is not broken in any way. Rush was being funny. And if he wasn't then he is stupid. Who cares? People can believe what they want. I am not saying it was cool but I am saying this- I want to know what the difference is. You said what you think but I am not convinced by your evidence yet.

PS. I forgot Bill Mahar.

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13 Mar 2012 11:00 #393 by LadyJazzer
I don't care about a 3rd long as he gets a second... If he gets a second, then all of the stuff he no longer needs to worry about as "election issues" go by the wayside, and he'll be free to start accomplishing the agenda he promised.

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13 Mar 2012 11:03 #394 by LadyJazzer
The so-called "comedians" on the Right are only funny in the unintended sense. They aren't trying to be funny--until they get caught at something so outrageous that they have to run for the cover that says, "It was supposed to be a joke." By that time it's already too late.

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13 Mar 2012 11:10 #395 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic Rush Limbaugh Apologizes For His "Slut" Remarks.
LJ, I am not trying to be mean but you need some grey in your life. It is not just Rep against Dems. Don't follow them into the ground. There has got to be one thing on the right that you believe in. I can list some liberal things I believe. And anyone that follows one party blindly is not thinking for themselves. We know why Arianna Huffington is so one sided (jilted by a republican) but what is your story?

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13 Mar 2012 11:46 - 13 Mar 2012 11:55 #396 by LadyJazzer

This sums it up.

I was a Republican--until Reagan's second term. By that time the lies about "trickle-down", the lies about deficit spending, and billions wasted on idiotic defense programs, and climbing in bed with the likes of Jerry Falwell and the so-called "Moral Majority"--(which was neither) soured me on the whole thing.

I used to say I was a "social liberal" and "fiscal conservative", but the hypocrisy of the so-called "fiscal conservatives" to steer tax-breaks 700-to-1 to the top 1% and the income disparities, and the "let-them-eat-cake" garbage really put me off. In short, there are no longer ANY attributes of the GOP and their goals that I support. The few Republicans I used to admire where shouted down as "RINOs" for daring to suggest "compromise," which has somehow become a dirty word. They get primaried out of the way by the teabaggers and their scorched-earth policies.

The revulsion I feel for anything "Republican", "conservative", etc., is roughly akin to what I would feel for mass-murderers or child-molesters. It didn't used to be that way, but the more I see what they are saying, (and the more I see the ditto-heads on this and other forums), the more I think that whatever I admired about the GOP was gone a long time ago.

You asked. I answered....

And now, all the folks with LJ-Derangement-Syndrome can pile-on, but frankly I don't care...I won't debate my beliefs with them...I do that already on a daily basis....and will continue to do so.

"[blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] General Government [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] regressives [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] tyranny [blah] [blah] [blah] [blah] corrupt oligarchy [blah] [blah] [blah] ... bullsh*t"

The GOOD news is that most of the neo-nazis are old white folks....and they are dying off at a pretty good clip. In 15-20 years there will be a huge shift. I can hardly wait to see it. They're obviously having trouble selling their hatred and bigotry to the next generations in any meaningful numbers.

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13 Mar 2012 11:51 - 13 Mar 2012 11:55 #397 by RenegadeCJ

LadyJazzer wrote: I don't care about a 3rd long as he gets a second... If he gets a second, then all of the stuff he no longer needs to worry about as "election issues" go by the wayside, and he'll be free to start accomplishing the agenda he promised.

What would that be...another 10 trillion on the debt? We can't afford 4 more years of Obama. The rep may not be better, but he can't be worse.

And comparing conservatives with Child molesters is absurd. I guess I don't understand how you can say you were once a fiscal conservative, but now you are a "spend the next generations $$" liberal?

Too bad future generations aren't here to see all the great things we are spending their $$ on!!

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13 Mar 2012 11:54 #398 by LadyJazzer
Debt is not our worst problem.... Repeating the mantra over and over doesn't make it so.

YES, Obama is better than anything the four clowns in the clown-car are offering.

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13 Mar 2012 12:01 #399 by FredHayek

JSG wrote: Please show me where Obama thinks Bill Maher is important.

At least Bill Maher's checkbook is important. Barack hasn't asked his Super-PAC to return the money, one million dollars, is about 1.3 days of Obama's campaign burn rate.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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13 Mar 2012 12:28 #400 by JSG
Don't act dumb. You know and I know you know candidates legally have no control over Super PACs.

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