All you gun nuts are stained by this

15 Dec 2012 20:29 #21 by ScienceChic
Please, do point out where I've "made fun of Creationists" or "forced them to believe what I believe" - now you are making generalizations and assumptions. If they want to believe the earth is only 6,000 years old, despite empirical, proven data, there's nothing I can do about that - they are more than allowed to do so. What they are NOT allowed to do, is to wrap it up in the guise of "alternative theories of science" and use it to push their religion in science education when it's not science. I don't get how that's "picking and choosing what can and can't be allowed". Of course Creationism is allowed - it's just not allowed in school per government guidelines. Do we teach English in chemistry class? No. Do we teach underwater basket weaving in Biology 101? No. It's common sense of what belongs where CG. And that's not about stomping on anyone's rights at all.

Let's explore this "values in religion that teach people not to kill". You do not have to be religious, or even spiritual, in order to be a decent human being . Religion is not the be-all, end-all of morality, as evidenced by the fact that not all criminals are atheists and not all atheists are criminals. Islam teaches not to kill, Christianity too - has that stopped them throughout the ages of warring against other groups because of their religion and using it to justifying murder? Nope. My biggest problem with religion is its hypocrisy. Love thy neighbor, except if he's different from you (e.g. gay, Jewish, brown-eyed, whatever) and then its okay to hate them, objectify them, or worse. No, I don't hate Christians, or anyone for that matter, but I do detest using Christianity, or any religion, as a justification for reprehensible behaviors or to push hidden agendas where it's totally inappropriate to do so. And do I think that all Christians are like that? Of course not. But since you are making generalized, broad-brushed assumptions about how I've spoken about Creationists I felt the need to point that out.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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15 Dec 2012 21:31 #22 by LadyJazzer
So glad that someone had their freedoms intact... Here's a list of all of those who had their freedoms taken away:


Just to put a name to it...

And for those that trot out the worn meme that it's because "they took prayer out of school".....What a crock.

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15 Dec 2012 23:36 #23 by jf1acai
I am very saddened by this tragedy, and feel deeply for all those involved.

I wish that those who gave their lives to save innocent children had been allowed to do more, and that the perpetrator had not been encouraged by knowing that this was a gun free zone, so that he would not face significant resistance.

I do not know how to eliminate these situations, or even if there is a way to do so.

I am reasonably certain that snarky posts on a message board do not help. I appreciate posts that bring forward new ideas for consideration, and an open and respectful discussion.

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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16 Dec 2012 00:43 #24 by archer

jf1acai wrote: I am very saddened by this tragedy, and feel deeply for all those involved.

I wish that those who gave their lives to save innocent children had been allowed to do more, and that the perpetrator had not been encouraged by knowing that this was a gun free zone, so that he would not face significant resistance.

I do not know how to eliminate these situations, or even if there is a way to do so.

I am reasonably certain that snarky posts on a message board do not help. I appreciate posts that bring forward new ideas for consideration, and an open and respectful discussion.

If you were hoping to eliminate snarky might start with this one

I wish that those who gave their lives to save innocent children had been allowed to do more, and that the perpetrator had not been encouraged by knowing that this was a gun free zone, so that he would not face significant resistance.

This horrific act is NOT the fault of the school, or the first responders, or our laws, or the victims.....the fault sits squarely on the shoulders of the shooter.

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16 Dec 2012 00:52 #25 by archer
I understand that everyone wants to find someone to blame, especially since the shooter is dead. But to what purpose? This isn't about too many gun laws, or too few, this isn't about God in our schools, or not, this isn't about bad parents, or mental health laws....or any of the scapegoats we are throwing out there to bring reason to the unreasonable. This is about 20 people, many were beautiful young children.....who died because one man was so filled with hate, with evil, with anger and murder in his heart, that he burst into a school and killed as many as he could.

My heart aches for the community and the friends and family of those who died......It also aches as I see more and more people, here....on the conversation....try to use this tragedy to further their own purpose.....We can all spin this our own way and make a good argument for it I'm sure....I guess I just don't want to hear it. This all hurts too much.

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16 Dec 2012 04:33 #26 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic All you gun nuts are stained by this

Science Chic wrote: Please, do point out where I've "made fun of Creationists" or "forced them to believe what I believe" - now you are making generalizations and assumptions. If they want to believe the earth is only 6,000 years old, despite empirical, proven data, there's nothing I can do about that - they are more than allowed to do so. What they are NOT allowed to do, is to wrap it up in the guise of "alternative theories of science" and use it to push their religion in science education when it's not science. I don't get how that's "picking and choosing what can and can't be allowed". Of course Creationism is allowed - it's just not allowed in school per government guidelines. Do we teach English in chemistry class? No. Do we teach underwater basket weaving in Biology 101? No. It's common sense of what belongs where CG. And that's not about stomping on anyone's rights at all.

Let's explore this "values in religion that teach people not to kill". You do not have to be religious, or even spiritual, in order to be a decent human being . Religion is not the be-all, end-all of morality, as evidenced by the fact that not all criminals are atheists and not all atheists are criminals. Islam teaches not to kill, Christianity too - has that stopped them throughout the ages of warring against other groups because of their religion and using it to justifying murder? Nope. My biggest problem with religion is its hypocrisy. Love thy neighbor, except if he's different from you (e.g. gay, Jewish, brown-eyed, whatever) and then its okay to hate them, objectify them, or worse. No, I don't hate Christians, or anyone for that matter, but I do detest using Christianity, or any religion, as a justification for reprehensible behaviors or to push hidden agendas where it's totally inappropriate to do so. And do I think that all Christians are like that? Of course not. But since you are making generalized, broad-brushed assumptions about how I've spoken about Creationists I felt the need to point that out.

First, I was not talking to you directly I was speaking as a group and this is not about specifics. What we all should do to fix the controversy is to teach both as theories or leave them both out. You want your way and you said you think it is based on science. Others don't agree with you but you still want your way on this. That is my point.

[quoteemSC:2wby7ju3]What they are NOT allowed to do, is to wrap it up in the guise of "alternative theories of science" and use it to push their religion in science education when it's not science. I don't get how that's "picking and choosing what can and can't be allowed".[/quoteem:2wby7ju3]

Assuming they are pushing religion is your problem. Assumptions always are the problem.

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16 Dec 2012 07:38 #27 by lionshead2010
I would think that along with outlawing guns we need to also outlaw cars. Cars, like guns, kill people. From now on I want everyone walking.

With the increasing number of cars on the roads of the US each year, car accidents have unfortunately become a very common sight. Many people die as a result of car accidents, with many more receiving serious injuries. Such injuries and death often leave the victims and their families devastated. Here are some car accident statistics, which might be helpful in making people aware about trends in car accidents, and thus hopefully reducing the number of car accidents in the United States.

On an average, there are more than 6 million car accidents on the roads of the US, annually. More than 3 million people get injured due to car accidents, with more than 2 million of these injuries being permanent. There are in excess of 40,000 deaths due to car accidents every year. Although this is a very high number by itself, some heart can be taken in the fact that statistics show that car accident fatalities have been witnessing a downward trend in recent years. ... _in_the_US

MORE THAN 40,000 DEATHS ANNUALLY due to car accidents. You car nuts have to go. Park your cars and start walking. NOW!

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16 Dec 2012 09:16 #28 by akilina
Thanks for getting this thread started Big Doug.

It is time to have armed security or teachers armed, carrying concealed or open as they do in Israel, in the schools in villages of Ecuador, and in a school district in Texas.

As long as there are crazy people, there need to be people who can defend against them. How many more deaths at schools in the U.S.A. and elsewhere have to happen before we get real?

Does the communication officer or whatever his/her title is at Platte Canyon H.S. carry a weapon while on the premises? Does anyone know?


“When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex. Only whit man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.” Indian Chief Two Eagles

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16 Dec 2012 09:36 #29 by plaidvillain

CinnamonGirl wrote: First, I was not talking to you directly I was speaking as a group and this is not about specifics. What we all should do to fix the controversy is to teach both as theories or leave them both out. You want your way and you said you think it is based on science. Others don't agree with you but you still want your way on this. That is my point.

"Intelligent design" is not an equal alternative to science. It is Christian dogma and has no place in public schools. This is not about anyone getting "their way", it is about facts and science. This is significantly off-topic from the conversation. If you'd like to discuss faith vs science, perhaps a new topic would be appropriate.

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16 Dec 2012 09:48 #30 by plaidvillain

akilina wrote: It is time to have armed security or teachers armed, carrying concealed or open as they do in Israel, in the schools in villages of Ecuador, and in a school district in Texas.

It is not by accident that I do not live in Israel, Ecuador, or Texas. I live in the United States. A free country where people live peacefully without the need to be armed just to go out in public.
It absolutely amazes me to hear some conservative opinions that really distrust the government, and believe they are incapable of effective performance (especially teachers), yet then support the idea of arming the members of government who have the most direct contact with the public. If you're afraid of your government taking away your rights, why are you promoting further government militarization within society? Will kids' test scores go up when they're taught at gun point?

akilina wrote: As long as there are crazy people, there need to be people who can defend against them. How many more deaths at schools in the U.S.A. and elsewhere have to happen before we get real?

If we could minimize the number of "crazy people", we would also minimize these incidents. Of course, treating our mentally ill, rather than ignoring them, would cost tax dollars.

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