
20 Feb 2013 20:59 #11 by otisptoadwater
Replied by otisptoadwater on topic Sequestration?

Barry's solution is sequestration, he lied about how it would effect the economy and all of the sudden as the deadline looms he has changed his mind.

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges; When the Republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous. - Publius Cornelius Tacitus

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20 Feb 2013 22:07 #12 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?

The PowerPoint That Proves It’s Not Obama’s Sequester After All
Republicans have taken to calling the deep cuts that could reverse our hard-won economic recovery ‘Obama’s Sequester.’ But a July 2011 PowerPoint obtained by John Avlon shows the opposite may be true.

Congress passed sequestration before the president signed it, and the whole self-defeating exercise was carried out in response to Tea Party Republicans’ insistence that we play chicken with the debt ceiling, which ultimately cost America its AAA credit rating.

[One problem with the attempt to make it "Obama's Sequester"...It] is a PowerPoint presentation that Boehner’s office developed with the Republican Policy Committee and sent out to the Capitol Hill GOP on July 31, 2011 . Intended to explain the outline of the proposed debt deal, the presentation is titled: “Two Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable .”

It’s essentially an internal sales document from the old dealmaker Boehner to his unruly and often unreasonable Tea Party cohort. But it’s clear as day in the presentation that “sequestration” was considered a cudgel to guarantee a reduction in federal spending—the conservatives’ necessary condition for not having America default on its obligations.

Today we see some of the same hyperpartisan fantasies dominating the debate, the idea that waiting just one more election will allow one party to impose its will and avoid any concessions that could anger the base. So Republicans say the problem is only spending—but then in the next breath decry the deep defense cuts that are scheduled to make up half the sequester and pass a bill that would simply exempt their given interests from pain. Liberal Democrats attack the Bowles-Simpson commission, which offered new details on Tuesday as an alternative to sequestration, as a capitulation to Republican priorities and imagine they will retake the House in 2014. Like a junkie begging for just one more fix before they get straight, these politicos keep begging for one more election before they face facts.

The sequester was designed to be so stupid and painful that it would compel the supercommittee—or a lame-duck Congress—to come up with a reasonable alternative. But it was apparently not painful enough to compel the two parties to work together, despite the shared goal of some $4 trillion in debt reduction. And now, faced with the pain that both parties voted for but nobody wants, they’re busy pointing fingers and trying to assign political blame. ... r-all.html

Dang... Don't you just hate it when FACTS get in the way of the usual GO-Teabagger-Party revisionist history....

I think the Republicans are finally figuring out that trying to hang it around the president's neck when 174 of the teabaggers voted for it...(by 2-to-1), and after Boehner is on TV saying, "I got 98% of what I wanted...I'm happy!", the public are figuring out that besides being liars, the Republicans are going to be responsible for every job lost; every employee furloughed, every cut in services; and every long-term unemployed person losing their life-line; and every person whose mortgage goes into default... The public is finally getting wise to how stupid they are. Obama hasn't "changed his mind"--The teabaggers are starting to realize they've been "hoisted on their own petard"... Their crap is coming home to roost.

God, I hope these lunatics jus' keep doin' what they're doin'... :lol: Hopping from one unnecessary, manufactured crisis to the next shows that they are not only not ready to "lead"...they're not ready to pick up the trash.

So, you can regurgitate the teabagger lies and talking-points all you like... But those darn pesky FACTS keep getting in the way, don't they?

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20 Feb 2013 22:20 #13 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Sequestration?


The man is a nutcase and sociopath.

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20 Feb 2013 22:24 #14 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Sequestration?

LadyJazzer wrote: It's okay... They have "9-9-9" Cain; Scott "Loser" Brown; and Kucinich over at FauxNews...They'll know which stories to run... And besides, Boehner is feeding talking-points to Hannity so he doesn't have to mess himself during the commercials trying to figure out the next totally insane thing to say...

All is well in the "Land of the 46% who Distrust FauxNews to tell the truth about ANYTHING"... :lol:

Too bad that Boehner's July, 2011, PowerPoint slide presentation "extolling the virtues of a 'sequester'" has been published all over the place. If it weren't for that, he might still be able to convince a few teabaggers that it was all "Obama's idea"... Oh, wait.... :rofllol

Perhaps that's why Obama just hit a 3-year high in the "performance" polls (55% and climbing)... while the GO-Teabagger-Party continues to slide into the 30's... Dang...It sux to be you...

Did you guys get the memo?... YOU LOST....

Actually....we all lost

You keep dreaming LJ...this house of cards will fall.
He is Liar and Chief.

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20 Feb 2013 22:27 - 23 Feb 2013 15:10 #15 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?
Of course, that was in response to an effort that had been started by the GOTP in November, 2011, to try to pass a bill to eliminate Defense cuts from the sequester, while leaving the other cuts alone...

GOOD... The whole point of the sequester was to create something so odious, horrible and unthinkable, that the teabaggers who were blocking the debt-ceiling increase (and thereby telling the WORLD that United States wouldn't PAY THE DEBTS THAT IT ALREADY HAD ON THE BOOKS...which ended up downgrading our credit-rating) would look as stupid, obstructionist and intransigent as they actually are.

God, I hope these lunatics jus' keep doin' what they're doin'... :lol: Hopping from one unnecessary, manufactured crisis to the next shows that they are not only not ready to "lead"...they're not ready to pick up the trash.

I just LOVE out-of-context videos!... Keep 'em up... (I particularly enjoy ones that show the presidential seal "ESUOH ETIHW EHT" backwards in the video clip... (No alteration or manipulation there... Nope... Uhn-uhn...)

No, actually, the sociopaths and Randroids are all on the neo-wacko side.

As for me, I don't need to "keep dreaming"...I watched the losers on the Right go down to defeat in November...And they're stupid enough to "jus' keep doin' what they're doin'..."

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20 Feb 2013 22:32 #16 by archer
Replied by archer on topic Sequestration?
I don't think the American people will care whose idea the sequester was......what they care about is what Congress will do to stop it. My money is on the American people placing the blame for failure to stop the sequester firmly in the Republican's lap. Which is where it should be.

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20 Feb 2013 22:34 #17 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?

archer wrote: I don't think the American people will care whose idea the sequester was......what they care about is what Congress will do to stop it. My money is on the American people placing the blame for failure to stop the sequester firmly in the Republican's lap. Which is where it should be.

:like: :thumbsup: :yeahthat:

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20 Feb 2013 22:44 #18 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Sequestration? blame for Bush?

You guys are a riot.

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20 Feb 2013 22:48 #19 by archer
Replied by archer on topic Sequestration?

frogger wrote: blame for Bush?

You guys are a riot.

Bush only gets blamed for what Bush did, caused, or is responsible for. Unlike the Republicans who have blamed Obama for everything including their persistant hang nails, Democrats place the blame firmly where it belongs.....and sequestration is no fault of Bush's.

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21 Feb 2013 01:50 #20 by deltamrey
Replied by deltamrey on topic Sequestration?
IMHO when the clerks and pols are threatned (budget cuts) they trot out to the media ( a part of the problem usually) school
kids, teachers, fire people , police people) and threaten to reduce services to which the masses seem to feel a sense of entitlement.
In conjunction with sequestration it is in full swing and the sheep are once again falling for it. Califorina just went through this process once again and have now projected budget surpluses in their near future. BUT the clerks with $150,000 a year retirements and massive perks paid for by the taxpayers really put on a show.

LET it happen.....cut the fed payrolls 1,000,000.....who cares....most are marginally useful and it will be no loss. Fewer police, firepeople, tax collectors and their massive clerical backing is is excellent.And the world will be just fine. Ameicans are terrorized, spoiled, and really irresponsible ......we are Europe but a much bigger mess. The public sector is passing through what the rust belt passed through in the last 10 be it.

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