
21 Feb 2013 12:51 #41 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Sequestration?

frogger wrote: LOL...From's TOS

Don't be a wingnut (right-wing or extreme-fringe).

Democratic Underground is an online community for politically liberal people who understand the importance of working within the system to elect more Democrats and fewer Republicans to all levels of political office. Teabaggers, Neo-cons, Dittoheads, Paulites, Freepers, Birthers, and right-wingers in general are not welcome here.

now i see where she gets it....LOL

I find DU interesting in small doses. The most amazing thing about that forum? It makes LJ look like a moderate. They have some crazy loons over there. Some so nuts I am convinced they are right wingers trolling.

You should really check it out, I think you would be embarassed to have allies like those posters.

Another drawback over there? The website's format is migraine inducing.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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21 Feb 2013 12:53 #42 by chickaree
Replied by chickaree on topic Sequestration?
Lets just furlough Congress.

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21 Feb 2013 12:57 #43 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Sequestration?

archer wrote: Back to the question of who will shoulder the blame for sequestration's hit on the economy.....this might give some Republicans a few sleepless nights before the 2014 election

A Bloomberg National poll released Wednesday found that 55 percent of Americans approve of Obama's performance, his highest rating in the poll since September 2009. The poll also found that 49 percent of respondents believe that the president's proposals to increase government spending in key areas are more likely to spur job creation than GOP-backed efforts to cut both spending and taxes.

Additionally, the Bloomberg poll found Republican popularity at a record low. Just 35 percent of respondents said they have a favorable view of the GOP, marking the lowest ratings for the party since the poll began three years ago. The Republican rating also marked a six point drop over the last six months. ... 29342.html

President Obama is riding a wave of personal popularity into his second term, with his highest favorability ratings since his first year in office, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Fully 60 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of Obama in the new poll, up slightly from October but a clear shift in opinion from an election year in which his ratings hovered in the mid-to-low 50s. ... year-high/

Very valiant of the Tea Party to put the nation's fiscal affairs ahead of their desire for another term! :thumbsup:

Of course the party that promises to hand out the most free candy is going to lead political polling and Barack refuses to discuss any entitlement reform. The Senate hasn't passed a budget in six years because Harry Reid doesn't want "D" senators to have a voting blackmark.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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21 Feb 2013 12:58 #44 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?

FredHayek wrote:

frogger wrote: LOL...From's TOS

Don't be a wingnut (right-wing or extreme-fringe).

Democratic Underground is an online community for politically liberal people who understand the importance of working within the system to elect more Democrats and fewer Republicans to all levels of political office. Teabaggers, Neo-cons, Dittoheads, Paulites, Freepers, Birthers, and right-wingers in general are not welcome here.

now i see where she gets it....LOL

I find DU interesting in small doses. The most amazing thing about that forum? It makes LJ look like a moderate. They have some crazy loons over there. Some so nuts I am convinced they are right wingers trolling.

You should really check it out, I think you would be embarassed to have allies like those posters.

Another drawback over there? The website's format is migraine inducing.

Why would I?...I'm embarrassed to have posters like the right-wing on 285Bound...

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21 Feb 2013 12:59 - 21 Feb 2013 13:10 #45 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?

FredHayek wrote: Very valiant of the Tea Party to put the nation's fiscal affairs ahead of their desire for another term! :thumbsup:

Jus' keep doin' what yer doin'... PLEASE!!! NO...REALLY!!!!

"Entitlement Reform" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the current budget disaster that was created by the Republicans. As much as you want to keep throwing that talking-point out there, it has NOTHING to do with the problem. But you keep it up...

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21 Feb 2013 13:04 #46 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Sequestration?
Simpson & Bowles would disagree with you. I think I will trust them over you. Obama hired them to fix the country's economics, not you. You are still obsessing over wars that the Dems signed onto.

Funny twist, Obama voted against the Iraq war, but continues to fight and expand the drone war.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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21 Feb 2013 13:14 #47 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?

FredHayek wrote: Simpson & Bowles would disagree with you. I think I will trust them over you. Obama hired them to fix the country's economics, not you. You are still obsessing over wars that the Dems signed onto.

Funny twist, Obama voted against the Iraq war, but continues to fight and expand the drone war.

A) If you had watched "Hubris: The Selling of the Iraq War", you would realize the lies and hidden truths that were used to sucker some of the Dems into signing on to the war... (Doesn't change the fact that it was a war based on lies and cooked-intelligence does it?...And it doesn't change the fact that BOTH of the unnecessary wars WEREN'T PAID FOR, does it?

B) What does carrying on a drone war (that keeps our soldiers from being killed on the ground, and to end an unnecessary war that Bush started), have to do with the price-of-tea-in-China?

Deflect much? God, you are tiresome...

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21 Feb 2013 13:32 #48 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Sequestration?
Notice how she ignored Simpson and Bowles, just like Obama did...
Obama & LJ, still blaming the past instead of fixing the present. Whine....

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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21 Feb 2013 13:38 #49 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?
Simpson & Bowles are NOT saying that entitlement reform is part of the current problem... They predict that it WILL be part of future problems, but not current problems. Just once you should actually read the talking-points you regurgitate.

What?!?! You mean I busted up your deflection crap so soon? Yes...I'm still blaming the GOTP for saddling us with THE DEBT (which you only obsess about when you think it's advantageous), for TWO UNNECESSARY, UNPAID-FOR WARS, a $750 Billion unpaid-for drug-benefit, and approximately $1-TRILLION in unpaid-for tax-cuts, (that the top 1% got 93% of the benefit of).... and hundreds of BILLIONS in no-bid contracts for their buddies; and tax-breaks for the oil companies and the wealthy.

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21 Feb 2013 14:20 #50 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Sequestration?
Typical simpleton fault applied. The current budget woes are not due to only Dubya. Clearly Obama signing off on the Social Security tax break affected how much entitlements were spending compared to what they were taking in. Also the current increase of people on permanent disability, also the rate of increase of medical costs, also the continuing high unemployment under Barack has decreased the amount Social Security is receiving, but play in your little echo chamber where it is all the Tea Party's fault.
I suppose you even want to blame the horrible state of Dem strongholds like Detroit on the Republicans too.
Talk about needing new material. Please also check increases in entitlement spending versus the small percentage of spending on defense.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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