
23 Feb 2013 22:53 #71 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Sequestration? predictable

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24 Feb 2013 06:12 #72 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Sequestration?
For people obsessing about the polling 2014 is a long time off.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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24 Feb 2013 07:49 #73 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?
Oh, have we switched to talking about the 2014 elections again?... I thought we were talking about who is going to get blamed for the Sequester when it goes down...

"And when it all comes crashing down around the ears of the entire nation, and 50-55% blame the Republicans for THEIR lies and obstructionism, let's DO have this discussion again sometime...It's still not about "whose fault it is", but rather which side is going to DO something about it...and we already know the answer to that one."

We now return you to the discussion about which Fred & Froggie keep repeating the mantra: "2010", "2010", .... to themselves... predictable

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24 Feb 2013 08:05 #74 by navycpo7
Replied by navycpo7 on topic Sequestration?
Contary to what a lot of liberals think, the sequestration WAS originally Obama's. He is the one that started it. He is the one that pushed for the super committee, and he even attended the meetings. So now that it is close to taking effect, he goes on TV with 1st responders, with the "pity me" thing going on, to attempt to try to turn this around on everyone but himself. He is just or more responsible for this, just like Congress. He even signed the bill into law. Even the Huff Post, Washington Times and even the Washington Post are saying it also. It was more about turning things on the Republicans, cause he wants full control and the only way to get it is to get rid of republicans in both the Senate and House. He wants the "Supermajority" in both sides, and that is not going to happen. The American people are not stupid and they know what is going on. ... amas-plan/ ... udget-plan

So the liberals and the President can blame it on the republicans, he wanted it, he got it, now he is crying foul and using 1st responders and any other high profile group to try to avoid it.

The big question which is a hellva lot more important, is what are they going to do to stop it or even will they stop it. They are all to blame, including Obama. No one up in Congress or the White House is exempt from blame.

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24 Feb 2013 09:05 #75 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?
How's that "blame game" working out for ya? It's a FACT that 50-55% blame the Republicans for THEIR lies and obstructionism, and the GOTP will pay the political price for it. When it hits, let us know how that conversation about who "started it" works. We already have Boehner on video saying, "I got 98% of what I wanted...I'm pretty happy." We'll hang that around his neck...along with the slides from his own presentation...

Yes, the question *IS* what are they going to do?... The GOTP will drive the bus off the cliff... And they will pay the price for it. In that specific regard, I couldn't be happier. And in the end, the closing of fat-cat tax-loopholes, (which is what RMoney ran on as a platform), will take place. And the net result is a continuation of the march-into-extinction for the 'Baggers....

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24 Feb 2013 09:08 #76 by archer
Replied by archer on topic Sequestration?
The sequester was a result of congress being unable to get anything done....Obama gave them an option, the Congress took that option and voted for it.....they now are the ones who have to come up with a solution to replace it. Say what you will, Congress now owns the sequester.

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24 Feb 2013 09:16 #77 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?

We keep talking about how Republicans are rewriting history when they try to falsely pin fault on President Obama for the upcoming sequestration. After all, 174 House Republicans voted for the measure [66 against] that Politico said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was “the chief Republican architect of.” Today’s New York Times editorial has some choice words for this blame game, calling out Republicans for their attempts to bend the truth and rightfully showing the GOP is responsible for the upcoming sequestration:

“Republican lawmakers started a fire last year when they created a debt-ceiling crisis to force cuts in spending. Now that it is beginning to damage their most treasured military programs, they are blaming President Obama for not putting it out.”

“The final deal, negotiated by Republicans and the White House, required more than $2 trillion in cuts, far more than could have been won without extortion.”

“Mr. McCain voted yes, but that has not held him back from denouncing the very deal he supported. He called the defense cuts ‘an emergency situation’ and said he held the president responsible for allowing them to continue.” ... .html?_r=0

So, let's see... The Republicans controlled the House in 2011... They voted 2-to-1 (174 to 66) FOR it...And Boehner is "happy that he got 98% of what he wanted".... (And McCain voted FOR IT, but is still talking out of both sides of his mouth....Imagine my surprise...] but they still want to hang this around Obama's neck? :lol: :rofllol :lol: :rofllol :lol: :rofllol


Isn't this the same kind of argument that somehow the Dems "voted for the [unnecessary, unpaid-for] Iraq War" (after being lied to with cooked-intelligence)?

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24 Feb 2013 09:28 #78 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Sequestration?
i would like your definition of "cooked intelligence"
Who cooked it and why.
We have been hearing this from you for years but I don't recall any real substantiation of your accusation. Maybe I missed it.

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24 Feb 2013 09:48 #79 by LadyJazzer
Replied by LadyJazzer on topic Sequestration?

frogger wrote: i would like your definition of "cooked intelligence"
Who cooked it and why.
We have been hearing this from you for years but I don't recall any real substantiation of your accusation. Maybe I missed it.

If you'd watched the documentary, "Hubris: The Selling of the Iraq War", you would know. If you've seen the movie, "Fair Game", you'd know. If you'd read the FACTS that I've posted at least 5 times, you'd know. It's not up for debate... I'm not going to post them again.

Your inability to look up the facts already posted is not my problem..

Besides, I'm on "Ignore"... Leave me alone.

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24 Feb 2013 09:52 #80 by navycpo7
Replied by navycpo7 on topic Sequestration?

archer wrote: The sequester was a result of congress being unable to get anything done....Obama gave them an option, the Congress took that option and voted for it.....they now are the ones who have to come up with a solution to replace it. Say what you will, Congress now owns the sequester.

Archer, Obama is the one that wanted the sequestration, he is the one the brought it up. Then the worthless Congress voted it and Obama signed it. Congress and the White House own it. I also believe they are not smart enough to come up with a solution. They are to busy worrying about themselves and not worrrying about the American people. Reid and Bone head are two peas in a pod. They are also getting thier pay raises effective with the first payday after March 27 I believe it is. This was done be excutive order. So congress as a whole can not get thier job done, cannot get a budget done, so lets reward them with a pay raise. This is how screwed up the system is up there (JMO)

I also believe the American people are not at all happy with all of Washington. Congress as a whole.

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