Vote no on 4A

26 Oct 2013 20:54 - 26 Oct 2013 20:57 #531 by Venturer
Replied by Venturer on topic Vote no on 4A
HappyCamper if you want to be an idiot we could push this further and let the appropriate organizations that be give their input. Whether jf meant it or not he violated 501c(3) when he responded to any of the political threads not just this one referencing or giving a link to DSV. His nic is all over the DSV website. It is very difficult to construe what is jf's personal opinion vs. what he is using as authority from DSV. I am confused and so well may others. So jf even though you qualify it now you should go back and qualify any DSV link/reference in the political arena and any other thread. I don't intend to do anything about it as I stated before but others may.

HappyCamper wrote:

jf1acai wrote: WOW, is just saw this. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry about the BS being presented.

Yes, I did link to the timeline of the Lime Gulch Fire, which was factually presented as it occurred, on the DSV website.

The rest of that post was clearly my own opinion, and not indicated in any way as an official position of DSV.

There was no violation of IRS rules regarding DSV's status as a 501(C3) organization.

DSV has not, and will not, take any stand on the 4A proposal.

I really think the Windy is trying to yet again throw this off topic jf1acai I do not think you needed to clarify this but thank you.

People can work and volunteer for non-profits and have their own opinion so I think this should just be dropped.

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26 Oct 2013 20:55 #532 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

WindPeak wrote:

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote: Lets have Michael Davis tell you if he was part of ECFD during the time of any malfeasance and what he did about it.

Yes ma'am. As a rookie, fresh out of academy. I was one of the lowest ranking members of the department. I was required to go to membership meetings, but I wasn't allowed to vote. I wore a red shirt with "RECRUIT" on the back.

I guess if I (as the lowest ranking, least informed member) had known what was going on, I'd of used my unlimited power and influence to right all wrongs, but then again, I was awful busy vacuuming the meeting room and carrying out the trash.

Thank you Michael Davis for your response. Now how long ago were you the lowest ranking least informed member? Clearly disappointed that you choose to be so cute in your response. So as a rookie you were stupid and took no responsibility for anything going on with ECFD. If somebody did something wrong you were just a rookie? Is that your excuse. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW?

It's not an issue ma'am as things (leadership, moral, training, team work) are at their highest level that any of the active members can remember. And yes, some of those members are old and gray. We're doing great: Thank you for thinking of us.

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26 Oct 2013 20:57 #533 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote:

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote: Lets have Michael Davis tell you if he was part of ECFD during the time of any malfeasance and what he did about it.

Yes ma'am. As a rookie, fresh out of academy. I was one of the lowest ranking members of the department. I was required to go to membership meetings, but I wasn't allowed to vote. I wore a red shirt with "RECRUIT" on the back.

I guess if I (as the lowest ranking, least informed member) had known what was going on, I'd of used my unlimited power and influence to right all wrongs, but then again, I was awful busy vacuuming the meeting room and carrying out the trash.

Thank you Michael Davis for your response. Now how long ago were you the lowest ranking least informed member? Clearly disappointed that you choose to be so cute in your response. So as a rookie you were stupid and took no responsibility for anything going on with ECFD. If somebody did something wrong you were just a rookie? Is that your excuse. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW?

It's not an issue ma'am as things (leadership, moral, training, team work) are at their highest level that any of the active members can remember. And yes, some of those members are old and gray. We're doing great: Thank you for thinking of us.

PS: WindyPeak: Compared the experience, knowledge and dedication of the men and women I have the privilege to serve with, I think I'll always be a rookie. :fwave:

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26 Oct 2013 21:11 #534 by Venturer
Replied by Venturer on topic Vote no on 4A
That isn't how others view you Michael Davis or ECFD. Please keep talking/writing just the way you are. You keep digging your grave deeper and deeper. I am sure Chief McLaughlin is so proud of your behavior. You were given the opportunity to right the record and you came in cutesy. Is that how you handle anyone who doesn't agree with ECFD policy Mr. Professional Man, Mr. PIO? You could have had me and others seeing you differently. As I said before get rid of the upper echelons so all your firefighters won't quit and ECFD remains nothing but a training ground for all the other districts with f.f. leaving based on continued bad behavior. You continue to prove that you don't belong in ECFD. I think a number of voters will be willing to see that also regardless of how the election goes when it comes to voting for other Board of Directors asking the directors to dump you. You see Mr. PIO man this might be a piddly podunk little website but the communication line amongst neighbors and friends is still very strong in Conifer. You may not remember the days of 8 families to one telephone line when we had to figure out different ways to get the message out. Guess what we still know how to get the message out. And what you have written does not help you as a representative of ECFD one iota.

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote:

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote: Lets have Michael Davis tell you if he was part of ECFD during the time of any malfeasance and what he did about it.

Yes ma'am. As a rookie, fresh out of academy. I was one of the lowest ranking members of the department. I was required to go to membership meetings, but I wasn't allowed to vote. I wore a red shirt with "RECRUIT" on the back.

I guess if I (as the lowest ranking, least informed member) had known what was going on, I'd of used my unlimited power and influence to right all wrongs, but then again, I was awful busy vacuuming the meeting room and carrying out the trash.

Thank you Michael Davis for your response. Now how long ago were you the lowest ranking least informed member? Clearly disappointed that you choose to be so cute in your response. So as a rookie you were stupid and took no responsibility for anything going on with ECFD. If somebody did something wrong you were just a rookie? Is that your excuse. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW?

It's not an issue ma'am as things (leadership, moral, training, team work) are at their highest level that any of the active members can remember. And yes, some of those members are old and gray. We're doing great: Thank you for thinking of us.

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26 Oct 2013 22:01 #535 by Michael_Davis
Replied by Michael_Davis on topic Vote no on 4A

WindPeak wrote: That isn't how others view you Michael Davis or ECFD. Please keep talking/writing just the way you are. You keep digging your grave deeper and deeper. I am sure Chief McLaughlin is so proud of your behavior. You were given the opportunity to right the record and you came in cutesy. Is that how you handle anyone who doesn't agree with ECFD policy Mr. Professional Man, Mr. PIO? You could have had me and others seeing you differently. As I said before get rid of the upper echelons so all your firefighters won't quit and ECFD remains nothing but a training ground for all the other districts with f.f. leaving based on continued bad behavior. You continue to prove that you don't belong in ECFD. I think a number of voters will be willing to see that also regardless of how the election goes when it comes to voting for other Board of Directors asking the directors to dump you. You see Mr. PIO man this might be a piddly podunk little website but the communication line amongst neighbors and friends is still very strong in Conifer. You may not remember the days of 8 families to one telephone line when we had to figure out different ways to get the message out. Guess what we still know how to get the message out. And what you have written does not help you as a representative of ECFD one iota.

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote:

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote: Lets have Michael Davis tell you if he was part of ECFD during the time of any malfeasance and what he did about it.

Yes ma'am. As a rookie, fresh out of academy. I was one of the lowest ranking members of the department. I was required to go to membership meetings, but I wasn't allowed to vote. I wore a red shirt with "RECRUIT" on the back.

I guess if I (as the lowest ranking, least informed member) had known what was going on, I'd of used my unlimited power and influence to right all wrongs, but then again, I was awful busy vacuuming the meeting room and carrying out the trash.

Thank you Michael Davis for your response. Now how long ago were you the lowest ranking least informed member? Clearly disappointed that you choose to be so cute in your response. So as a rookie you were stupid and took no responsibility for anything going on with ECFD. If somebody did something wrong you were just a rookie? Is that your excuse. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW?

It's not an issue ma'am as things (leadership, moral, training, team work) are at their highest level that any of the active members can remember. And yes, some of those members are old and gray. We're doing great: Thank you for thinking of us.

Ma'am, forgive me if I don't read all of your rambling response. I'm not "representing" anyone, but myself. I live here. I pay taxes, and I have a family who will be effected by the outcome of this decision, just like everyone else. So if I share factual information and my personal beliefs..... That's my right. Just as you have the right to hide behind your screen name and harangue any poor soul who might not agree with you. Isn't free speech a wonderful thing?

And for the record: I could care less how you vote; I just hope you, and everyone else in the district does so. It's a right that our forefathers have fought and died for. I think it would be a shame if we didn't all celebrate it.

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26 Oct 2013 22:10 #536 by ForestFellow
Replied by ForestFellow on topic Vote no on 4A

ZenTree wrote: Once upon a time there was a woman.
Her heart was black and cold.
Whenever she did speak, a lie was told.
The mood would darken whenever she passed by,
so one day, the people said, “She is so gruff, we’ve had enough!”
And they banished her to a mountaintop high.
There she sits, shouting out curses,
but the heights spare the people from hearing her verses.
No one remembers the mountains name,
it may have been something “creek,”
but the locals all know it as: WindPeak :rofllol

Sheeesh ol' windie one. Now it all makes sense!

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26 Oct 2013 23:17 - 27 Oct 2013 16:12 #537 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
WindPeak is just doing as she and her ilk or multiple personalies have always done. As I said in another thread....Same Book with a new nic.

She believes that if you disagree with her you should be threatened with a lawsuit, whether it be your 501, or she is trying to intimidate by threatening your is all the same MO. Has been for years. Some of us just catch the connection faster than others.
I am just not gonna be intimidated.
Next.....the race card will get pulled....Want to take bets.
I don't need to do any homework to know exactly who and what you are WP, MT, MH and a host of other nics used in the name of sisters, aunts, uncles, brothers dogs cats and whomever she can think of to throw you off the path. LOL.
Geeeez....your easier to figure out than whyne.
She is not a happy person. Misery loves company and if you disagree.....she will find a legal reason to throw at you to shut you up.
Go play it on 2B but your not fooling anyone here.
Carry on with your misery.
One more thing....I know who you are and where you live so if you screw with my business again you will have a harassment subpoena on your door step before the next sunrise.
Have a nice day or sue me!

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27 Oct 2013 08:08 #538 by Venturer
Replied by Venturer on topic Vote no on 4A
Oh my, thank you frogger. I just barely get to know you and you give all kinds of threats. I have never screwed with your business so I wonder about the 'again'. Until some homework got done I thought you worked nights as you spend quite a bit of time daytime on the board. And I got a real insight in The Ring Defend Your Position. But most of it has come from asking family. Got an earful. No, no race card here as you suggest. I am WASP with a lovely crop of white hair. But thank you for showing what a mental midget you are. Now I understand all the references to mentally imbalanced. You certainly have shown it here.

frogger wrote: WindPeak is just doing as she and her ilk or multiple personalies have always done. As I said in another thread....Same Book with a new nic.

She believes that is you are threatened with a lawsuit, whether it be your 501, or she is trying to intimidate by threatening your is all the same MO. Has been for years. Some of us just catch the connection faster than others.
I am just not gonna be intimidated.
Next.....the race card will get pulled....Want to take bets.
I don't need to do any homework to know exactly who and what you are WP, MT, MH and a host of other nics used in the name of sisters, aunts, uncles, brothers dogs cats and whomever she can think of to throw you off the path. LOL.
Geeeez....your easier to figure out than whyne.
She is not a happy person. Misery loves company and if you disagree.....she will find a legal reason to throw at you to shut you up.
Go play it on 2B but your not fooling anyone here.
Carry on with your misery.
One more thing....I know who you are and where you live so if you screw with my business again you will have a harassment subpoena on your door step before the next sunrise.
Have a nice day or sue me!

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27 Oct 2013 08:13 #539 by Venturer
Replied by Venturer on topic Vote no on 4A
Thank you Michael Davis for your response. Until now I had no idea you only represented yourself. You see when you started you held yourself out as being PIO for ECFD amongst other things. And you addressed questions as if you were. So therefore your claim now that you only represent yourself is rather misleading. But then you have given us much crap to begin with so I don't doubt for a minute that you are a major part of the problem at ECFD. I would like to thank you for letting us get a better insight as to who and what you are and why there are so many issues with ECFD.

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote: That isn't how others view you Michael Davis or ECFD. Please keep talking/writing just the way you are. You keep digging your grave deeper and deeper. I am sure Chief McLaughlin is so proud of your behavior. You were given the opportunity to right the record and you came in cutesy. Is that how you handle anyone who doesn't agree with ECFD policy Mr. Professional Man, Mr. PIO? You could have had me and others seeing you differently. As I said before get rid of the upper echelons so all your firefighters won't quit and ECFD remains nothing but a training ground for all the other districts with f.f. leaving based on continued bad behavior. You continue to prove that you don't belong in ECFD. I think a number of voters will be willing to see that also regardless of how the election goes when it comes to voting for other Board of Directors asking the directors to dump you. You see Mr. PIO man this might be a piddly podunk little website but the communication line amongst neighbors and friends is still very strong in Conifer. You may not remember the days of 8 families to one telephone line when we had to figure out different ways to get the message out. Guess what we still know how to get the message out. And what you have written does not help you as a representative of ECFD one iota.

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote:

Michael_Davis wrote:

WindPeak wrote: Lets have Michael Davis tell you if he was part of ECFD during the time of any malfeasance and what he did about it.

Yes ma'am. As a rookie, fresh out of academy. I was one of the lowest ranking members of the department. I was required to go to membership meetings, but I wasn't allowed to vote. I wore a red shirt with "RECRUIT" on the back.

I guess if I (as the lowest ranking, least informed member) had known what was going on, I'd of used my unlimited power and influence to right all wrongs, but then again, I was awful busy vacuuming the meeting room and carrying out the trash.

Thank you Michael Davis for your response. Now how long ago were you the lowest ranking least informed member? Clearly disappointed that you choose to be so cute in your response. So as a rookie you were stupid and took no responsibility for anything going on with ECFD. If somebody did something wrong you were just a rookie? Is that your excuse. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW?

It's not an issue ma'am as things (leadership, moral, training, team work) are at their highest level that any of the active members can remember. And yes, some of those members are old and gray. We're doing great: Thank you for thinking of us.

Ma'am, forgive me if I don't read all of your rambling response. I'm not "representing" anyone, but myself. I live here. I pay taxes, and I have a family who will be effected by the outcome of this decision, just like everyone else. So if I share factual information and my personal beliefs..... That's my right. Just as you have the right to hide behind your screen name and harangue any poor soul who might not agree with you. Isn't free speech a wonderful thing?

And for the record: I could care less how you vote; I just hope you, and everyone else in the district does so. It's a right that our forefathers have fought and died for. I think it would be a shame if we didn't all celebrate it.

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27 Oct 2013 08:48 #540 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic Vote no on 4A
You.....are a liar.

You, nor your family (? imaginary) have ever done business with me. I have run a VERY successful business up here for over 18 years.
People who have done business with me don't have to many complaints at all in regards to my PROFESSIONAL behavior. As a matter of fact....the opposite is the truth.
You attack everything and everyone who does not walk lock step with you.
Your tactics are morally wrong. You just can't help yourself. You and your ilk have behaved exactly the same way for years on these boards and it has gotten VERY tiring. You and your family (?) are the best argument in the world for banning because you just don't debate fairly.
Stick to the facts without your character, business and non profit assassinations.
You and your ilk are a joke on these boards for those of us who have been around long enough to recognize you.
Would you and your {family?} like me to post some of your history here? It is rich.
Your calling me out on a threat. It was no threat, it was a fact and if you don't believe me......push it.
I don't care if you are green, white, brown, black or purple......what you do is off the charts wrong.

People have a right to their unique opinion and to express it. They have a right to disagree with you and not fear that their employer will get a call or you will trash them publicly using some BS multiple nic.

You........are not a nice person. not debate with integrity and I have come to the conclusion that whatever side your own.....I should be on the opposite side.

The difference between you and I......I can be reasoned with and will admit my faults when I am wrong.
You haven't got a clue.
You do not frighten me. You do not intimidate me with your legal (family?). You are just a bitter angry person typing anonymously on a local discussion forum.
I used my real name for a very long time until asshats like you tried to destroy me professionally and personally. I have the courage of my convictions here.
You may not like me. You may not like what I say or how I say it but you do not have a right to affect my life in any way with your stupidity and lack of integrity.
As to the subject matter.
Elk Creek is a fine fire department. They have had their fair share of issues. They are doing a good job now and they are under funded. This conservative who HATES tax increases believes they are due one.
If I lived in their district.....I would vote Yes.
What is scary to me is that you (family?) own property in more than one district and you may indeed have an opportunity to vote.
I like to vote on REAL FACTS and not based on who pissed me off last week.
My vote potentially effects a lot of other people.
SC....though I know you have way to much integrity to do it......this member wouldn't hold it against you if you hit that ban button just once.
When an individual, without cause, attempts to harm your business based solely on your opinion or use of language.....I might not have enough integrity to not push that button.
enough is enough.

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