Failure is absulutely an option...
Wasting time trying to do the right thing for one's self and others whom one cares about or even sometimes believe the same thing have taken the drive from many a fact I am often accused of tiliting a windmills here, at this point, this concept takes the cake, no matter how much I may agree with the fundimental concept.
Just from the basic stats....all of those absolutely useless polls that were on this board (useless because they were did not predict a damn thing), all the comments, from me, from anyone. This is like an ant climbing mount everest, but starting on Mars.
At this point I am absulutely positively absitively posituly sure that you are wasting your time with this. This in no way means that I do not agree with much sentiment here or would even take many subject 10x higher. I am a conservative that usually makes conservates feel quite liberal. In fact that is park county in a nutshell, on average, not conservative at all. There is a good chance that I want change more than anyone. I simply assume that everyone's ID on this board has already been associated with one's name and address. And any past, future or current actions will do more harm than good.
If the citizens of park county that really want change, I now think the best way to get it is to take one's body and move it to an entirely different place, then start normal life activities, such as work, school, raising kids in the like....all the park county issues will no longer effect you, because you are now 100's or 1000's of miles form here. I believe this is the only way to get what you want. Park county is beautiful, some people in Park county are nice, but overall your neighbors think you are an idoit (look at the numbers) and you really don't fit in at all. Given there are many more beautiful places and many much better locall govts. why stay when you will really make no change even if this movement is as successfull as it could be.
I can gaurantee sucess if you move. I will bet any of you your home that in 5 years, Park county will only look worse and any of you that have stayed will feel that you absulutely wasted the last 5+ years of your life when you could have lived in a place where there was small govt. had mutual respect, and a non police state. Chances are colorado is no longer a practical option for those that want a simple life and some basic rights, those days are over. Please come back and read this in 5 years. If I even really think about Park county in 5 years, I will bump this back up...if 285 has not been shut down by the powers that be.
It is not about cooperation, that only works in sesame street world, it is about there way or the highway. In this case you guys are choosing to uselessly fight our way, when the highway can take you anywere.
None of you know how much it pains me to write this, to actually give up, I rarely if ever do.
I have now. You are absuletly wasting your time, your love, your passion....all the effort you can put into things that could make your life better. This movement will do just the opposite.
My park county experience has taken countless years from my life and a significant part of the wealth I managed to accumulate previously. What a waste. All this so I could move to one of the most liberal places I have ever been, ironically full of people who claim to be conservative. One this is clear, what Park and CO lack is both culture and respect. We are not cowboys, we are for the most part not ranchers, CO if full of suburbanites except a few, who want massive systems, spending, laws and most of all your money so that they (you, them, whatever) don't have to work. We make very little except public buildings, have few resources that can be utilized by the masses except views and very few can many money off the views when the taxes and related values exceed the allowable profits within the system.
My group will be called "Citizens for Moving from the Park" or CMP not to be confused with the CMP. We will be meeting all over the country, even the world, in those last little nooks and cranies where people like rights and could care less what their neighbor does on their own time and on their own land. We are unorganized and do not talk, because we don't need to. So if you want to join, do not contact me, just move. Don't worry, even if you bought your house 4 years ago for $350,000 and sell it next week for $145,000. You got off cheap.
In the time you waste in Park county, even those last nooks and cranies are disappearing and those that make it to those places before the social rev. gets there will have more rights once it does. If you waste your time here fighting this useless battle, you will be the okie in that new world rather than the farm owner.
MARK MY WORDS. (oh I just did).
What a waste.