Thank you for the invitation to come to your spectacular home. It is a wonderful spread. You, your husband and family treated us like First Class. Thank you for the great hospitality!
Everyone that showed up to the 285 picnic appeared to enjoy listening to each other. I sincerely thank you for the courtesy the you extended to me.
My understanding is that the community is of want for an end to corruption of our officials in numerous departments and agency. We all demand an end to the lack of safety in our school district. We demand accountability within our publice offices. We expect our representatives to listen to US, the PEOPLE!
Yesterday's gathering of concerned citizens, as guests of the picnic, took our collective thoughts and voice to the next level. It is not time to escalate to an even higher level. As we clearly have momentum, allow me to challenge each of you to continue with your initiative(s). Let us continue to gather in public meetings to organize our issues and concerns. Let us remember all those that paved the path to allow the opportunity for each of US to accomplish what we have. More importantly, we must move into action.
It has been suggested that we meet to present our knowledge of events to an investigtive agency. Would you contact me in a "PM" or email to arrange a date and time? That is all the information that I will give, in public format, at this time.
AV8OR wrote: Billy, would you kindly take your disagreements elsewhere. We will be using this thread, of which I started, for mission specific objectives.
Out of respect for all involved, please take your issues to a different thread on this FREE press website.
I will respectfully move forward in a positive manner.
Doubt it, it takes two to tango and you only want to single out one party. Oh, I understand you didn't come to my house yesterday.