Bergdahl - The Hypocrisy and Hate Must End

06 Jun 2014 20:14 #71 by otisptoadwater
Bergdahl was first listed as DUSTWUN (Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown, must be an Army thing or I'm so old that I don't have a firm grasp of the lingo anymore) according to this:

[center:1y3fyfrt]STILL IN CAPTIVITY 2014
RELEASED 05/31/2014 [/center:1y3fyfrt]


July 19, 2009

DoD Identifies Operation Enduring Freedom Soldier

The Department of Defense announced today the identity of a soldier listed as Missing-Captured on July 3 while supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.

Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl, 23, of Ketchum, Idaho, was declared Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown (DUSTWUN) on July 1 and his status was changed to "Missing-Captured" on July 3.

Pfc. Bergdahl is a member of 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Fort Richardson, Alaska.

Read more:

DUSTWUN is an acronym I don't recognize so I wonder if a missing individual's status would be DUSTWUN instead of Unauthorized Absence because of the very real chance that he could have been killed or captured because the incident occurred at a forward operating base.

I think that the facts will rise to the surface at least inside the walls of the facilities where he'll be "interviewed" (think interrogated - but not in a sinister way) and a UCMJ article 52 proceeding. If it's proven that Bergdahl left the FOB on his own and against standing orders then an article 15 violation seems to me to be inappropriate because the maximum punishment isn't severe enough.

If it's determined that he collaborated willfully with the Taliban and assisted them with IED placement and US Army operating procedures and vulnerabilities then he should have to answer to those charges in a Court Martial. The public may never know the truth for a variety of reasons both political and to protect our sources and methods.

Where Bergdahl ultimately ends up will be a nod to how the US Army dealt with his situation. If he ends up standing in front of a firing squad then the worst is true, if he get's life or an extended tour at Fort Levenworth then the worst might be mostly true or some parts dismissed, if he separates from the US Army and goes home as a free man then there better be some rock solid evidence that Bergdahl didn't do anything wrong - I don't think that last scenario is possible.

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges; When the Republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous. - Publius Cornelius Tacitus

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06 Jun 2014 21:02 #72 by Blazer Bob
Getting back to the op and more specifically the thread header, the bigger the administrations screw up, the louder the left screams hypocrisy and hatred. ... ith-obama/

"As Politico noted yesterday, a lot of the backlash against the Bergdahl deal this week has been, in the minds of Obama’s ever-faithful aides, a mere “proxy for the hatred toward the president.” Mmm hmm. If that really is the case and all of this noise is just a bunch of whipped-up spiteful nonsense on the part of the president’s opponents, then as George Will put it this evening, “the project of whipping it up is remarkably bipartisan.”"...

ScienceChic wrote: You Must Read This.

Negotiating With Terrorists
Jim Wright, Stonekettle Station
June 2, 2014

We don’t negotiate with terrorists?

Jesus Haploid Christ, we do business with terrorists on a daily basis and have all the way back to WWII when we contracted with the Mafia to run arms into occupied Sicily.

If our people aren’t worth four or five terrorists sitting in a Gitmo prison cell, then you tell me why we’ve spent the last fourteen years in two wars, why we traded the lives of six thousand servicemen and why we killed hundreds of thousands Iraqis and Afghans to avenge three thousand Americans.

Dead or alive, we get our people home, whatever the cost, that’s the one promise that must never be broken. The day we forget that, the day the fear of “what will the terrorists think” becomes more important to us than that sacred obligation, that’s the day America dies. ... rists.html

John McCain was released thanks to an exchange of prisoners. ... p?id=14412

Support Our Troops *some exceptions apply :smackshead:

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06 Jun 2014 21:07 #73 by Cathy_Lee
Being held 5 years, I would think he'd also have some intelligence on the Taliban and how they operate. I'm sure he overheard many things in that time and may have heard or seen things that can aid our forces.

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07 Jun 2014 07:09 #74 by Arlen
Call me a troll, but I am amazed that liberals would defend a deserter and traitor. Whodda thunkit?

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07 Jun 2014 07:23 #75 by FredHayek
Looks like CNN will do a documentary on Bergdahl. Last I heard he still hasn't talked to his parents. I wonder when/if he will talk to America. Maybe he will just take the 5th?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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07 Jun 2014 07:34 #76 by homeagain
"Politics determine who has the power...NOT who has the truth." Paul Krugman.

Can we WAIT until the truth has an opportunity to present itself??? Arlen, your "rush to
judgement" is a paramount problem that this nation has to OVERCOME....this situation is
UNFOLDING and your statement is limited in it's content. (grand generalization is gross) JMO

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07 Jun 2014 07:47 #77 by FredHayek
So Obama can have a big Rose Garden "mission accomplished" event with the parents without the facts but everyone else is supposed to wait to judge? Trying to stifle dissent? Only Obama's talking heads are allowed to lie/discuss Bergdahl's military record on the Sunday shows?

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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07 Jun 2014 08:15 #78 by homeagain ... ents-show/

ADDITIONAL information to shine on the subject.....convoluted and confusing (JMO) "Stockhom

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07 Jun 2014 08:40 #79 by archer

FredHayek wrote: So Obama can have a big Rose Garden "mission accomplished" event with the parents without the facts but everyone else is supposed to wait to judge? Trying to stifle dissent? Only Obama's talking heads are allowed to lie/discuss Bergdahl's military record on the Sunday shows?

The mission was accomplished, Bergdahl was brought home. Bergdahl was not allowed to talk to anyone till the doctors decided he was ready. 5 years as a POW is not exactly a walk in the park.

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07 Jun 2014 09:19 #80 by LadyJazzer

Arlen wrote: Call me a troll, but I am amazed that liberals would defend a deserter and traitor. Whodda thunkit?

You're a troll.

I haven't defended the person. I've defended the decision to "not leave a man behind." Whatever he did will be determined by an investigation of THE FACTS, and appropriate legal action, if warranted.

FACTS: Something you won't hear on conservative news sources or talk-shows. A concept totally foreign to those who have already condemned this guy without knowing them....

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