Should certains Christmas Carols be banned from schools?

21 Nov 2010 20:22 #131 by Wayne Harrison
In your opinion.

If we're going to use the Wayback machine, today's Tea Partier would call Reagan a RINO. They've already called the last Republican presidential nominee a RINO.

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21 Nov 2010 21:09 #132 by major bean

Pineguy wrote: The only thing about O'Hair was atheism. You said it was a mirror of most liberals.

If you weren't referring to her atheism, as you claim, what WERE you referring to when you tried to connect her and most liberals?

If you read anything about her and the early 60s Supreme Court decision you'd already know the answer to your question.

You just want to argue from your talking points and say that a person has said what you want. Get real! It is called a "straw man". Oldest debate trick in the book.

ckm8 wrote: Major Bean- you seem to throw insults around, demean and belittle those who disagree with you then get all up in your butt when people take offense. If you really think you are conducting a just and fair conversation then you really are delusional. You in no way model the behavior of the man whose birth you seek to honor. You should be ashamed, but I know you are not. That is why we pity those in your household with whom you make disagree- if you subject those who love you to this treatment they really deserve our pity.

I cannot believe that you can judge how my personal life is or that of my family. That is amazing. Based on nothing. You are fantasising. But if it makes you think that you have more of an understanding of the world and human behavior, then go right ahead and fantasize all you want.

Major Bean

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21 Nov 2010 21:51 #133 by Residenttroll returns

Pineguy wrote: In your opinion.

If we're going to use the Wayback machine, today's Tea Partier would call Reagan a RINO. They've already called the last Republican presidential nominee a RINO.

Reagan was a RINO on social issues.

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21 Nov 2010 22:08 #134 by Wayne Harrison
Regan entered office as an ideologue who promised a conservative revolution, vowing to slash the size of government, radically scale back entitlements, and deploy the powers of the presidency in pursuit of socially and culturally conservative goals.

Federal government expanded on his watch. Reagan broke with the hardliners in his administration and compromised with the Soviets on arms control. His assault on entitlements never materialized; instead he saved Social Security in 1983. And he repeatedly ignored the fundamental conservative dogma that taxes should never be raised. ... green.html

He was a president I was proud of and enjoyed his speeches and funny quotes.

One of my favorites was: "I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting."

If you're a Reagan fan, I hope you'll view the Christmas address from the White House that I posted earlier in this discussion. From it, I think you can glean his opinion on the subject of Christmas Carols in public schools.

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22 Nov 2010 00:14 #135 by Residenttroll returns

Pineguy wrote: Regan entered office as an ideologue

Donald Regan entered the office of U.S. Treasury and advocated for Reaganomics. He and Nancy Reagan had frequent battles....

oh, I get it, you were posting about RONALD ReAgan?

He was a RINO on many social issues. On homosexuality, he didn't quarantine the original cases of AIDS. Had he quarantine the homosexuals who had the symptoms of AIDS imagine how many humans would have been saved. He was under much pressure by leading homosexual Congressional Democrats not to quarantine despite the recommendations of the CDC.

Then again, he did fire all those creepy PATCO union boys who striked....that made him a conservative.

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22 Nov 2010 00:34 #136 by PrintSmith

Pineguy wrote: In your opinion.

If we're going to use the Wayback machine, today's Tea Partier would call Reagan a RINO. They've already called the last Republican presidential nominee a RINO.

It is far more than my opinion pineguy, it simply is an accurate and true statement of fact.

Reagan was not a RINO, not even on social issues. A pragmatist, perhaps, but not a RINO. The two Bush presidents, certainly, but not Reagan.

McCain himself has said that he drifted away from the principles of the Reagan years, so to say that his actions in the past few years have put him in the RINO camp would not be out of line. McCain said, “I count myself as a conservative Republican, yet I view it to a large degree in the Theodore Roosevelt mold,”. The same Teddy Roosevelt that formed the Progressive Party in the 1912 elections after Taft became too conservative for his liking. A party whose platform included federal social insurance to provide for the elderly, the disabled and the unemployed, a Constitutional amendment to provide for an income tax, an inheritance tax, farm relief, primary elections for state and federal offices, direct election of Senators, judicial recall allowing for the people to override the courts by direct vote on questions of constitutionality, laws enacted by initiative and referendum and a host of other direct democracy ideals. Theodore Roosevelt was little more than a Wilson or an FDR who chose to call himself a Republican. His ideology was certainly not to be confused with the republicanism of a Thomas Jefferson or a James Madison. Since McCain felt his ideology was along the Theodore Roosevelt mold, calling him a RINO is really not all that much out of line, is it?

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22 Nov 2010 00:57 #137 by Wayne Harrison
I'd be interested in seeing you argue that with RT and others who have called Reagan a RINO.

residenttroll CA wrote: Reagan was a RINO on social issues.

According to an article on

Reagan granted amnesty to illegal immigrants .
Ronald Reagan raised taxes
Ronald Reagan spent us into a deficit
Ronald Reagan helped facilitate the Savings and Loan crisis
Ronald Reagan compromised ... n-history/

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22 Nov 2010 06:33 #138 by RenegadeCJ

Pineguy wrote: In your opinion.

If we're going to use the Wayback machine, today's Tea Partier would call Reagan a RINO. They've already called the last Republican presidential nominee a RINO.

Not from what I know about Reagan. McCain WAS a RINO, he didn't believe in conservative principles. He was the "maverick", which means unprincipled.

Too bad future generations aren't here to see all the great things we are spending their $$ on!!

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22 Nov 2010 06:50 #139 by outdoor338

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22 Nov 2010 08:41 #140 by The Boss
Cannot we just send our kids to school to learn academics and keep religion at home? Just seems odd that parents and community members are ok with this investment. People are getting their homes and land taken away to support the schools and public services....over 1000 a year in park...Carols can happen at home, not because they cannot happen at school, but I don't want pay for it...once all kids graduate able to do algebra, let alone multiplication, then we can propose to have a conversation about carols and new 60 million dollar building investments.

Really if the kinds cannot learn math, should we really be taking that precious childhood and brain space up with public singing of religious songs. Was it not tradition to make sacrafices in many early versions of christianity? We did not keep doing that? Perhaps we can let the schools focus on learning usefull things for the future...that is why the community members are forced to share their hard earned wealth with threat of loosing you HOME.

Again, you are debating the wrong issue. If you cannot instill your religion in your kinds because you are too busy, don't push that to the schools too. They cannot afford it or do it right.

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