You're fighting a losing battle outdoor. If you insist on religions place in our tax supported institution you'll eventually be operating under Sharia law as Islam is the worlds fastest growing religion.
only if libs support it, the liberal agenda is on its way out, people had enough of it the last two years. People want Christmas back in the schools, PC will no longer work. I know many law firms that are gearing up for the fight, the ACLU is in a fight it will not want. 3 years tops, things will look so different in this country, and it will not be a liberal slant. JMHO
So much of what has been written is personal attacks. Here's a different tack. I went to school in the 50's. I am Jewish. We had prayer in school. Each morning a child would read a psalm. I enjoyed it - they were beautiful and I loved reading aloud. I enjoyed the Christmas celebrations in school & I loved singing Christmas songs in the choir. I even went caroling about wassailing. We sang the Hallelujah chorus in school. At home we celebrated Hanukkah.
That was then this is now. If one religion is represented in public schools, let all be represented in public schools. Religion has become to most a cultural thing. It would be good for our children to understand that their particular religion is not the only one in the world. We should explore other religions in school and see how their holidays are celebrated. I grew up learning about other religions, my boyfriends were mostly Catholic. Coming to Colorado in 1985, I actually dated a man who thought that Jewish women do not shave their legs! He had never been exposed to us. The more we see that people of other religions are not so different from ourselves, the more we grow closer. We can also respect the differences as not being threatening.
Lighten up everyone. School is the perfect place to learn about other religions - as are the home and places of worship.
serenity wrote: So much of what has been written is personal attacks. Here's a different tack. I went to school in the 50's. I am Jewish. We had prayer in school. Each morning a child would read a psalm. I enjoyed it - they were beautiful and I loved reading aloud. I enjoyed the Christmas celebrations in school & I loved singing Christmas songs in the choir. I even went caroling about wassailing. We sang the Hallelujah chorus in school. At home we celebrated Hanukkah.
That was then this is now. If one religion is represented in public schools, let all be represented in public schools. Religion has become to most a cultural thing. It would be good for our children to understand that their particular religion is not the only one in the world. We should explore other religions in school and see how their holidays are celebrated. I grew up learning about other religions, my boyfriends were mostly Catholic. Coming to Colorado in 1985, I actually dated a man who thought that Jewish women do not shave their legs! He had never been exposed to us. The more we see that people of other religions are not so different from ourselves, the more we grow closer. We can also respect the differences as not being threatening.
Lighten up everyone. School is the perfect place to learn about other religions - as is the home and places of worship.
Very well said Serenity! I couldn't have said it any better. Thank you for your post!
serenity wrote: Religion has become to most a cultural thing. It would be good for our children to understand that their particular religion is not the only one in the world. We should explore other religions in school and see how their holidays are celebrated.
I completely agree with exploring other religions, as I was encouraged to do that when I was growing up. Christians are connected to the Jews through books in the Old Testament and to Muslims through the story of Jesus in the New Testament.
As for studying that in school, it could only happen in a parochial school, which is fine. Any public school system that allowed the Bible or the Torah or the Koran to be read in class would be sued by any number of people. Perhaps it could be an elective course to get around that.
I have no doubt you enjoyed hearing the Psalms every morning since they are part of the Written Torah as the Tehillim. To this day, I still remember being in the second grade in Vacation Bible School and the teacher taking us down the street to the local Synagogue where a Rabbi showed us the Torah scroll. I, like you, had exposure to different religions, being taught by Sisters in Catholic School, attending our Methodist Church on Sunday, and sometimes attending Mormon services with my dad. To me, it was perfectly natural to go from one to the other, because we all worshiped God.
Learning about religion in school? Yes. Forced practicing of select religious rituals? No. Time is given off for an elite group to practice their religion as it is. Enough is enough. It's greedy of the Christians to demand more.