Do you Think Teachers Unions should be disbanded?

18 Feb 2011 19:55 #41 by archer

CriticalBill wrote: So these "rights" are only for certain members of our it.

That's what Republicans are telling us. If you are a firefighter or police you have the right to collective bargaining, if you are a teacher you don't. The teachers made the mistake of supporting the wrong candidate, so now they are being punished.


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18 Feb 2011 20:03 #42 by major bean
Firefighters and police should not be allowed to collective bargain. No government employees should be allowed to unionize.

Major Bean

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18 Feb 2011 20:07 #43 by JMC

major bean wrote: Firefighters and police should not be allowed to collective bargain. No government employees should be allowed to unionize.

I agree MB , they should choose to have a union or be under the civil service laws , not both.

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18 Feb 2011 20:11 #44 by archer

major bean wrote: Firefighters and police should not be allowed to collective bargain. No government employees should be allowed to unionize.

I don't agree....but at least that would be more equitable than singling out the teachers for punishment just because they didn't vote for the Republican. That is not how we do things in this country.....until now. What we have are Republicans heady with power and they don't care if they bring this nation and it's people to their knees as long as they get their way. we will see how well that attitude plays in 2012.....the voters of 2010 are just beginning to realize the HUGE mistake they made by trusting the conservatives to have their best interests at heart. they never have, and they never will.

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18 Feb 2011 20:17 #45 by Pony Soldier
The voters want the government to act responsibly. Doesn't matter what friggin letter comes after their name, just act responsibly. It seems to be too much to ask.

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18 Feb 2011 21:05 #46 by FredHayek

archer wrote: collective bargaining has been a part of unions since day one.....these teachers in Wisconsin voted to be part of a union that has collective bargaining rights, now the state is saying, not so fast, we're going to take that right away from you.....why? because you didn't vote for the governor.....the police and firefighters who DID vote for the governor get to keep their collective bargaining rights. Cool, and this is how the American system of government works when it is run by Republicans......

:lol: And Dems don't use the same tactics? Clinton started a witchhunt against Microsoft because their competition funded Clinton's campaign.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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18 Feb 2011 21:34 #47 by archer
somehow I think microsoft was in a better position to defend itself against Clinton than a teacher is against the Republican government in Wisconsin. Just a VLs post on another may get ugly when people are fighting for their way of life and that of their children

I'm interested SS109, what do you find so amusing about people who would stand up for what they believe in, who would take a chance of actually losing their jobs to protest for what is right? What is so amusing about our nation being in a financial crisis and the only way the Republicans in government see to fix it is by taking money away from the very people who can least afford it?

Arizona has had an interesting example of this conservative mentality.....on one day last week the Republican legislature voted to remove 250,000 people from the state access/medicaid rolls because they didn't have the money to cover them (about 160 million dollars saved).......a couple days later this same legislature voted to spend 507 million dollars on tax breaks to corporations. This is the same legislature that removed organ transplants from covered procedures in the state access health coverage. yep.....gotta love how the Republicans take care of the wealthy, the corporations, then stick it to the middle class and the poor. I do not know how anyone who voted these vultures into office can live with themselves. How can tax breaks for corporations be more important than peoples lives/health?

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18 Feb 2011 21:45 #48 by Pony Soldier
It is amazing how good a job they do of brainwashing, archer. I was in their thrall for a long time, but I've broken the spell. I feel like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. That's how bad the republican machine is.

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18 Feb 2011 22:16 #49 by LadyJazzer
I'm proud of you!!! Welcome back from the Dark Side.... ;-)

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18 Feb 2011 22:35 #50 by archer

towermonkey wrote: It is amazing how good a job they do of brainwashing, archer. I was in their thrall for a long time, but I've broken the spell. I feel like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. That's how bad the republican machine is.

So was my husband TM, GW was the beginning of the end for him and the Republican party, he could not bring himself to believe that intelligent adults could vote the man into office he had to rethink his whole position. The increasing role the religious right played in the party was the final nail in the coffin.....he is still conservative.....but in a practical, not fanatical way. The fanatics pretty much drove him out of the party. Living here in AZ for a while removed any doubt he had about leaving the Republican party......this is one scary state when it comes to politics......I have never, ever seen such disdain by government and elected officials for their constituents as I have witnessed here.

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