Do you Think Teachers Unions should be disbanded?

18 Feb 2011 15:34 #31 by Rick

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote: I get it now......we don't care really if our kids get a good education....only that they get a cheap education. Silly me, it's all about the money, not the did i miss that?

.....oh, and eliminating unions, because we don't like those stinkin unions so no one gets to have one.

Ummmm...... most incoherent staement of the day. No YOU are fighting against the kids having a good education. WE are fighting for the rights of the parents, kids and schools to be able to hire the best teachers out there for the kids instead of being stuck with underperforming ones due to being terured. How are you not getting this?

That question is too hard for the left to answer.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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18 Feb 2011 15:41 #32 by archer

outdoor338 wrote: Let's see archer..obama didn't speak a word when the youth protested in Iran last year, he sat on the sidelines..these were youth who wanted the nutjob of Iran overthrown, they wanted freedom, while the youth in Egypt and muslim brotherhood protested..obama is asking the leader of Egypt to step down....the conservatives were behind the freedom loving young people in Iran, while obama was not!

I'm must be a really important person, you actually know what Obama was, or was not, doing in the background, over diplomatic channels.....gotta hand it to you, If I had known that you had a direct line to the White House and Obama's diplomatic efforts I would have been more understanding of your posts. Now refresh my memory on how the conservatives were behind the freedom loving young people in Iran.......and Obama was not, all I have ever heard from Obama is support for the protestors in Iran. But you......with your direct line to the White know different? Please share.

Hey everyone.....we have here on our little message board someone who has knowledge of what goes on in the White House.....who knows what Obama supports and doesn't.....who gets notes on the secret diplomatic meetings......I mean, he states as truth what he knows, so it must be true.

wow....just wow

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18 Feb 2011 15:43 #33 by The Viking

archer wrote: hmmmmm....back when a small fraction of Egyptians were protesting for democracy, I thought the conservatives were behind never voiced the opinion that it was such a small fraction of the country that we shouldn't back them.

You need to go back and read. I was against that too. No small minority should be able to dictate the will of the majority.

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18 Feb 2011 15:47 #34 by archer

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote: hmmmmm....back when a small fraction of Egyptians were protesting for democracy, I thought the conservatives were behind never voiced the opinion that it was such a small fraction of the country that we shouldn't back them.

You need to go back and read. I was against that too. No small minority should be able to dictate the will of the majority.

It happens all the time....especially here.....we have local elections, where 1000 people out of a population of 20,000 vote, and their vote dictates who is on the school board, or the water board, or whatever. If the rest of Wisconsin is willing to stay home and let this play out, then OK....that is what democracy, or a all about. No one makes you participate, but if you don't participate you don't get to whine about the outcome.

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18 Feb 2011 15:51 #35 by outdoor338
Why Does Obama Support Regime Change in Egypt But Not in Iran? ... t-in-iran/

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18 Feb 2011 15:58 #36 by Nmysys
Why indeed? Look at the fact that these same Egyptians who were touted to be fighting for Democracy, have just authorized Iran's Warships to go through the Suez Canal.

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18 Feb 2011 16:33 #37 by The Viking

archer wrote:

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote: hmmmmm....back when a small fraction of Egyptians were protesting for democracy, I thought the conservatives were behind never voiced the opinion that it was such a small fraction of the country that we shouldn't back them.

You need to go back and read. I was against that too. No small minority should be able to dictate the will of the majority.

It happens all the time....especially here.....we have local elections, where 1000 people out of a population of 20,000 vote, and their vote dictates who is on the school board, or the water board, or whatever. If the rest of Wisconsin is willing to stay home and let this play out, then OK....that is what democracy, or a all about. No one makes you participate, but if you don't participate you don't get to whine about the outcome.

This isn't a vote. In fact it is the opposite. People who are elected to vote, who refuse to! So if they don't want to participate in the vote and participate in this democracy or republic, then they need to stop whining about the outcome right? Let the 19 vote and pass this thing. The voters voted them in as the majority for a reason right?

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18 Feb 2011 18:10 #38 by PrintSmith

archer wrote: Why do Republicans want to take away other's rights? I don't happen to be a big fan of unions, but I certainly believe that any group of employees has the right to form or join a union if they want to......teachers.....police.....firefighters.....emts....etc all vote on whether to be represented by a one political party wants to tell them they no longer have that right? typical I guess for a party that is trying to run everyone elses life according to their beliefs, not the people's involved.

Perhaps I misunderstand archer, but I believe the sticking point is collective bargaining for public employees, not their right to join a union. Collective bargaining for public employees is an inherent conflict of interest. If they wish to join a union, and pay union dues, and have that union lobby for favorable legislation, I don't see a problem there. I do see a problem with the conflict of interest that arises when public employees have collective bargaining rights and I believe that the problem needs to be corrected. If collective bargaining is the problem, it is solved by removing the ability to engage in collective bargaining. The practice should never have been allowed in the first instance because of the inherent conflict of interest that it creates.

Walker should follow the example of Reagan with the air traffic controllers. Tell the union members to show up for work or be terminated.

Also, IIRC, the Constitution requires that someone who unlawfully flees from one state to another is required to be returned to the state from which they fled. If Governor Walker has issued a lawful demand that the legislators return so that the state business can be done, and the legislators refuse that lawful demand by fleeing to another state, that state is obligated to return them to Wisconsin if they know where they are by the Constitution.

Let's see if the Democrats are willing to abide by the rule of law or whether they feel it is appropriate to violate their oath of office and defy the Constitution in the pursuit of their ideology.

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18 Feb 2011 18:26 #39 by archer
collective bargaining has been a part of unions since day one.....these teachers in Wisconsin voted to be part of a union that has collective bargaining rights, now the state is saying, not so fast, we're going to take that right away from you.....why? because you didn't vote for the governor.....the police and firefighters who DID vote for the governor get to keep their collective bargaining rights. Cool, and this is how the American system of government works when it is run by Republicans......

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18 Feb 2011 19:49 #40 by Rick
So these "rights" are only for certain members of our it.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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