Do you Think Teachers Unions should be disbanded?

19 Feb 2011 16:28 #91 by The Viking
And I was wrong. That is waaaaay too low of a number. Look at the real numbers. And this is in Wisconsin. Over 100 teachers applying for every job and the ones who have the job skip out on teaching to go and protest. FIRE ALL OF THEIR ASSES NOW!!! ... gh-demand/

“We’re getting well over 100 applicants for any position we post,” she said. “So far, we have posted for five teaching positions, as well five special-ed teaching positions. That’s a lot of applicants to sift through.”

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19 Feb 2011 16:47 #93 by archer
let me get this right....they get 100 applicants for every job opening, they posted 5 teaching positions.....assuming, just for the sake of argumant, that it isn't the same 100 people applying for all the jobs we have 500 potential teachers. Now if you fire every teacher that is protesting (that is what you called for with the FIRE ALL THEIR ASSES NOW isn't it). Do you think those 500 can cover Wisconsin's teaching needs? Ok, what if there are 5,000 applicants......would that be enough to cover the states need for teachers? Don't forget the enormous cost to train all these teachers, and who will train them, you just fired all the teachers. Why do you assume those 500 will be excellent teachers and the protestors are not? If they were such fine teachers, why are they unemployed? I thought teachers unions kept even the worst of teachers employed.....or are all the applicants fresh out of college....never taught a class in their life?

I just love how you righties take a statistic and bend and twist it into an argument with so many holes in it you could fly the whole US Air Force through them.

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19 Feb 2011 16:59 #94 by The Viking

archer wrote: let me get this right....they get 100 applicants for every job opening, they posted 5 teaching positions.....assuming, just for the sake of argumant, that it isn't the same 100 people applying for all the jobs we have 500 potential teachers. Now if you fire every teacher that is protesting (that is what you called for with the FIRE ALL THEIR ASSES NOW isn't it). Do you think those 500 can cover Wisconsin's teaching needs? Ok, what if there are 5,000 applicants......would that be enough to cover the states need for teachers? Don't forget the enormous cost to train all these teachers, and who will train them, you just fired all the teachers. Why do you assume those 500 will be excellent teachers and the protestors are not? If they were such fine teachers, why are they unemployed? I thought teachers unions kept even the worst of teachers employed.....or are all the applicants fresh out of college....never taught a class in their life?

I just love how you righties take a statistic and bend and twist it into an argument with so many holes in it you could fly the whole US Air Force through them.

You seriously need me to explain this when you obviously didn't read the story. You Libs spin numbers better than anyone. They talked about 10 positions and 100 per position. And in case you didn't READ the article. THIS IS ONLY ONE SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE STATE!!! YES there are more than enough to cover those selfish teachers who prefer protesting over teaching. Not every teacher in the state is out there protesting. Many still care about the kids and should keep their jobs. So don't try and spin this into EVERY teacher in the state being fired. You guys are such drama queens. I never said ALL teachers in the state! Just the ones that are skipping out on their job to protest. SO if there are about 1000 applying for 10 jobs in one district, then how many do you think there are in the entire state!

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19 Feb 2011 17:12 #95 by outdoor338
Viking you got archer on the ropes, and she's trying to pull a "rope a dope", but she's the dope! Spin baby spin! Come on down skippy, cause archer your skipping all over the place!

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19 Feb 2011 17:17 #96 by Grady

towermonkey wrote:

Grady wrote:

towermonkey wrote:

BearMtnHIB wrote: I think you liberals are adding more drama here than is reality. The teachers unions are a massive problem that has needed to be addressed for many years.

It's not about revenge, it's about a union who got away for years, running up the cost of education for our young'uns. Here in Jeffco - did you know that each student costs over $12,000/year for grades 1 through 12? Half of all the property taxes we pay in Jeffco goes straight to the school budget, which is $999,000,000. Yea- a billion dollars a year goes to the school district.

Many good colleges don't charge that much money. Can you see the problem here? If Wisconsin has anywhere near the same problem it MUST be addressed. Removing the collective bargain from the teachers will go a LONG way and help in many ways.

I'm glad anyway that state government is finally doing somthing about the school and teacher mess. With school budgets being the single largest budget item, it MUST be on the agenda for reform. This is not about revenge - it's about finally taking action on the biggest money sucking waste of tax payer dollars in state and local government.

I only hope this starts a trend because we desperately need this kind of action in Colorado.

The average teacher's salary in Colorado is $44,439. You really think that is what's breaking the budget? If so, then you really are a lost cause. Go to the School Board and get a copy of the budget, read it, then tell me where the problem is.

No bad for 9 months work.

Not Bad??????? Are you serious??? For an advanced degree???? Are you really that out of touch with reality. That salary is so low, I can't imagine why we can convince any teachers to work in the profession. It's certainly not to get rich as it would be hard to make a living with a family with that wage.

Teach for 25 years, retire at 75 to 80% of thier highest wages for life, medical paid for for life. I say pay the good ones more and let all teachers contribute to thier medical and retirement like the rest of us.

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19 Feb 2011 17:28 #97 by outdoor338

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19 Feb 2011 17:40 #98 by archer
Waste of time for me to try and counter the hate I read from the conservatives on this the governor of Wisconsin, you see a chance to punish the teachers for being liberals.....for voting democratic....and for having the audacity to join a union, and you are going to do everything you can to make those evil teachers pay....

have at it, 2 years from now we will all see how this scorched earth approach by Republicans works out when Americans go back to the voting booth.

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19 Feb 2011 17:44 #99 by outdoor338
This is a truly WONDERFUL confrontation which MUST occur! The days, the era of union largesse are over. And this same series of events MUST play-out across America, in state after state, California state government and other states have been been held hostage by state unions for far too long now. State union pensions are underfunded by literally hundreds of billions of dollars. The runaway spending machine must be stopped in its tracks. From Albany to Sacramento, real change is coming! And the taxpaying citizens of these states will finally receive THEIR just representation.

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19 Feb 2011 17:50 #100 by outdoor338
scorched earth??? No archer, that will be from your god obama! The lenin president you voted in for office. Not all teachers agree with you from Wisconsin, not all of them are liberals, or did the NEA tell the teachers how to vote?? Power to the people, bye..bye..liberals, good to see you go!

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