All God’s Children
Today's Scripture
“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:18, NIV)
You may have been raised in a dysfunctional environment with addictions, abuse, and neglect. It’s easy to get bitter and think, “God, why was I born into this family? Why didn’t my parents give me what I needed?” It may not have been fair, but God has promised to be your heavenly Father. He’s taken into account what you didn’t get, who wasn’t there, and what didn’t work out. It may seem as though that put you at a disadvantage, but your Father already designed a plan with that in mind to get you to your destiny. He took into consideration the hurt, the pain, the rejection, the loneliness. No matter how wrong it was, it doesn’t have to stop you.
No matter who wasn’t there for you, don’t live with bitterness, give up on a dream, or settle for mediocrity. God is saying, “Get ready. I’m about to make it up to you. I’m going to give you more joy, more peace, more influence, and more resources than you could ever imagine.”
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for Your promise that I am Your child, and You really are my heavenly Father. Thank You that no matter how unfair the past has been, You have a plan to get me to my destiny. I declare that I will not be bitter, and I look forward to the good things You are bringing to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Cherish Lamgo is COFA's prayer coordinator. Please feel free to contact her anytime for prayer and she'll gladly lift your requests up to the Father and with your permission pass it on to COFA's prayer team. You can contact Cherish at 720.569.1316 or email her at
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Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer needs you can call Mike 303.880.9878